The longitudinal fields of a tightly focused Laguerre–Gaussian (LG) laser can be used to accelerate electron pulse trains when it is reflected from a solid plasma. However, the normal transverse mode of laser beams in high-power laser systems is approximately Gaussian. A routine and reliable way to obtain high-intensity LG lasers in experiments remains a major challenge. One approach involves utilizing a solid plasma with a ‘light fan’ structure to reflect the Gaussian laser and obtain a relativistic intense LG laser. In this work, we propose a way to combine the mode transformation of a relativistic laser and the process of electron injection and acceleration. It demonstrates that by integrating a nanowire structure at the center of the ‘light fan’, electrons can be efficiently injected and accelerated during the twisted laser generation process. Using three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations, it is shown that a circularly polarized Gaussian beam with
${a}_0=20$ can efficiently inject electrons into the laser beam in interaction with the solid plasma. The electrons injected close to the laser axis are driven by a longitudinal electric field to gain longitudinal momentum, forming bunches with a low energy spread and a small divergence angle. The most energetic bunch exhibits an energy of 310 MeV, with a spread of 6%. The bunch charge is 57 pC, the duration is 400 as and the divergence angle is less than 50 mrad. By employing Gaussian beams, our proposed approach has the potential to reduce experimental complexity in the demonstrations of twisted laser-driven electron acceleration.