Let YT = (Yt)t∈[0,T] be a real ergodic diffusion process which drift depends on an unkown parameter $\theta_{0}\in \mathbb{R}^{p}$
. Our aim is to estimate θ 0 from a discrete observation of the process YT , (Ykδ)k=0,n , for a fixed and small δ, as T = nδ goes to infinity. For that purpose, we adapt the Generalized Method of Moments (see Hansen) to the anticipative and approximate discrete-time trapezoidal scheme, and then to Simpson's.Under some general assumptions, the trapezoidal scheme (respectively Simpson's scheme) provides an estimation of θ 0 with a bias of order δ 2 (resp. δ 4). Moreover, this estimator is asymptotically normal. These results generalize Bergstrom's [1], which were obtained for a Gaussian diffusion process, which drift is linear in θ.