Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are millisecond dispersed radio pulses of predominately extra-galactic origin. Although originally discovered at GHz frequencies, most FRBs have been detected between 400 and 800 MHz. Nevertheless, only a handful of FRBs were detected at radio frequencies
$\le$400 MHz. Searching for FRBs at low frequencies is computationally challenging due to increased dispersive delay that must be accounted for. Nevertheless, the wide field of view (FoV) of low-frequency telescopes – such as the the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA), and prototype stations of the low-frequency Square Kilometre Array (SKA-Low) – makes them promising instruments to open a low-frequency window on FRB event rates, and constrain FRB emission models. The standard approach, inherited from high-frequencies, is to form multiple tied-array beams to tessellate the entire FoV and perform the search on the resulting time series. This approach, however, may not be optimal for low-frequency interferometers due to their large FoVs and high spatial resolutions leading to a large number of beams. Consequently, there are regions of parameter space in terms of number of antennas and resolution elements (pixels) where interferometric imaging is computationally more efficient. Here we present a new high-time resolution imager BLINK implemented on modern graphical processing units (GPUs) and intended for radio astronomy data. The main goal for this imager is to become part of a fully GPU-accelerated FRB search pipeline. We describe the imager and present its verification on real and simulated data processed to form all-sky and widefield images from the MWA and prototype SKA-Low stations. We also present and compare benchmarks of the GPU and CPU code executed on laptops, desktop computers, and Australian supercomputers. The code is publicly available at and can be applied to data from any radio telescope.