The silicon vertical MOSFET RF power amplifier described in this paper is the industry’s first to utilize high-voltage vertical technology. Operating under pulse conditions of 200 µs pulse width and 10% duty cycle, it delivers more than 100 W of peak power. Operating in Class AB with only 50 mA of bias current the device achieves more than 20 dB of gain and 47% power added efficiency at P1dB compression across 200 MHz of bandwidth at L-band from 1.2 to 1.4 GHz. The DC characteristics include a BVdss of 95 V enabling high-voltage operation with a 48 V power supply. The device is inherently rugged and withstands mismatch tolerances of 20:1 voltage standing wave ratio over all phase angles at full rated power and with 3 dB of input power over-drive and 10% greater than nominal voltage.