The present article is devoted to the study of global solution and large time behaviour of solution for the isentropic compressible Euler system with source terms in $\mathbb {R}^d$
, $d\geq 1$
, which extends and improves the results obtained by Sideris et al. in ‘T.C. Sideris, B. Thomases, D.H. Wang, Long time behavior of solutions to the 3D compressible Euler equations with damping, Comm. Partial Differential Equations 28 (2003) 795–816’. We first establish the existence and uniqueness of global smooth solution provided the initial datum is sufficiently small, which tells us that the damping terms can prevent the development of singularity in small amplitude. Next, under the additional smallness assumption, the large time behaviour of solution is investigated, we only obtain the algebra decay of solution besides the $L^2$
-norm of $\nabla u$
is exponential decay.