Resonant THz radiation generation is proposed by beating of two spatial-triangular laser pulses of different frequencies (ω1, ω2) and wave numbers
$\lpar \vec k_1 \comma \; \vec k_2 \rpar $ in plasma having external static magnetic field. Laser pulses co-propagating perpendicular to a dc magnetic field exert a nonlinear ponderomotive force on plasma electrons, imparting them an oscillatory velocity with finite transverse and longitudinal components. Oscillatory plasma electrons couple with periodic density ripples n′ = nq0eiqz to produce a nonlinear current, i.e., responsible for resonantly driving terahertz radiation at
$\lpar {\rm \omega} = {\rm \omega} _1 - {\rm \omega} _2 \comma \; \vec k = \vec k_1 - \vec k_2 + \vec q\rpar $. Effects of THz wave frequency, laser beam width, density ripples, and applied magnetic field are studied for the efficient THz radiation generation. The frequency and amplitude of THz radiation were observed to be better tuned by varying dc magnetic field strength and parameters of density ripples (amplitude and periodicity). An efficiency about 0.02 is achieved for laser intensity of 2 × 1015 W/cm2 in a plasma having density ripples about 30%, plasma frequency about 1 THz and magnetic field about 100 kG.