44 results
Conservation crisis? Status of jaguars Panthera onca in Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica
- Journal:
- Oryx , First View
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 23 January 2025, pp. 1-12
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Translocation as a tool for the conservation of the jaguar Panthera onca: a case study in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
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Going over the wall: insights into the illegal production of jaguar products in a Bolivian prison
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Habitat destruction threatens jaguars in a mixed land-use region of eastern Bolivia
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18 - Bringing Jaguars and Their Prey Base Back to the Iberá Wetlands, Argentina
- from Part IV - Case Studies
- Book:
- Conservation Translocations
- Published online:
- 07 December 2022
- Print publication:
- 22 December 2022, pp 443-448
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Recent jaguar records confirm the conservation value of the Baritú–Tariquía corridor between Argentina and Bolivia
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Present but not detected: new records increase the jaguar's area of occupancy in the coastal Atlantic Forest
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Jaguars in the matrix: population, prey abundance and land-cover change in a fragmented landscape in western Mexico
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Do social factors influence perceptions of the jaguar Panthera onca in Ecuador?
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Is reintroduction a tool for the conservation of the jaguar Panthera onca? A case study in the Brazilian Pantanal
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A systematic review of potential habitat suitability for the jaguar Panthera onca in central Arizona and New Mexico, USA
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People and jaguars: new insights into the role of social factors in an old conflict
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Jaguar hunting in Amazonian extractive reserves: acceptance and prevalence
- Journal:
- Environmental Conservation / Volume 46 / Issue 4 / December 2019
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 22 August 2019, pp. 334-339
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Priority areas for jaguar Panthera onca conservation in the Cerrado
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