We study the asymptotic behaviour of the following nonlinear problem: $$\{\begin{array}{ll}-{\rm div}(a( Du_h))+\vert u_h\vert^{p-2}u_h =f \quad\hbox{in }\Omega_h, a( Du_h)\cdot\nu = 0 \quad\hbox{on }\partial\Omega_h, \end{array}.$$
in a domain Ωh of $\mathbb{R}^n$
whose boundary ∂Ωh contains an oscillating part with respect to hwhen h tends to ∞. The oscillating boundary is defined by a set of cylinders with axis 0xn that are h -1-periodically distributed. We prove that the limit problem in the domain corresponding tothe oscillating boundary identifieswith a diffusion operator with respect tox n coupled with an algebraic problemfor the limit fluxes.