A novel robust scheme for Transfer Alignment (TA) is proposed for improving the accuracy of the navigation of a Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle (HCV). The main goal is to instil robustness in the safety and accuracy of the attitude determination, despite mode uncertainties. This article focuses on Robust Sparse-Grid Quadrature Filtering (R-SGQF) using two given robust factors for norm-bounded model uncertainties in non-linear systems. Missile dynamic and measurement model uncertainties are established to validate TA technologies. The nominal stability of the R-SGQF is defined by estimating error dynamics. The technique gives sufficient conditions for the R-SGQF in terms of two parameterised Riccati equations. Robust stability is analysed using Lyapunov theory and the accuracy level of the Sparse-Grid Quadrature (SGQ) algorithm. Embedding the SGQ technique into the robust filter structure, R-SGQF is not only of robust stability against uncertainty but also of higher accuracy. The simulation results of the TA algorithm demonstrate that attitude determinations validate the effectiveness of the R-SGQF algorithm.