In this paper, we establish an infinite series expansion of Leray–Trudinger inequality, which is closely related with Hardy inequality and Moser Trudinger inequality. Our result extends early results obtained by Mallick and Tintarev [A. Mallick and C. Tintarev. An improved Leray-Trudinger inequality. Commun. Contemp. Math. 20 (2018), 17501034. OP 21] to the case with many logs. It should be pointed out that our result is about series expansion of Hardy inequality under the case $p=n$
, which case is not considered by Gkikas and Psaradakis in [K. T. Gkikas and G. Psaradakis. Optimal non-homogeneous improvements for the series expansion of Hardy's inequality. Commun. Contemp. Math. doi:10.1142/S0219199721500310]. However, we can't obtain the optimal form by our method.