We analyze the limit of stable solutions to the Ginzburg-Landau (GL) equations when
${\varepsilon }$, the inverse of the GL parameter, goes to zero and in a regime where the applied magnetic field is of order
$|\log {\varepsilon } |$ whereas the total energy is of order
$|\log {\varepsilon }|^2$. In order to do that, we pass to the limit in the second inner variation of the GL energy. The main difficulty is to understand the convergence of quadratic terms involving derivatives of functions converging only weakly in
$H^1$. We use an assumption of convergence of energies, the limiting criticality conditions obtained by Sandier-Serfaty by passing to the limit in the first inner variation, and properties of limiting vorticities to find the limit of all the desired quadratic terms. At last, we investigate the limiting stability condition we have obtained. In the case with magnetic field, we study an example of an admissible limiting vorticity supported on a line in a square
${{\Omega }}=(-L,L)^2$ and show that if L is small enough, this vorticiy satisfies the limiting stability condition, whereas when L is large enough, it stops verifying that condition. In the case without magnetic field, we use a result of Iwaniec-Onninen to prove that every measure in
$H^{-1}({{\Omega }})$ satisfying the first-order limiting criticality condition also verifies the second-order limiting stability condition.