This study investigates the combustion characteristics (lean blowoff (LBO), flashback, and combustion instability) of sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs) using a two-staged combustor arranged in tandem. The combustor consists of a first (main) burner with an axial swirler and a second burner (afterburner) with a V-gutter bluff-body. The main burner utilises a constant flow rate of CH4/Air as reactants, while the afterburner operates on the combustion product from the first burner, additional dilution air, and one of the six liquid test fuels (Jet-A, A-2, C-1, C-5, C-9, and JP-8/HRJ) as reactants. When test fuels with higher derived cetane number (DCN) are used in the afterburner, it is observed that LBO occurs at lower afterburner global equivalence ratios (
${\phi _{af}}$). This is due to the smaller chemical time scale of those test fuels, which enables the flame to be sustained under higher flow speeds. This is consistent with the results of previous studies. Additionally, this study shows that flashback also occurs at lower equivalence ratio for test fuels with higher DCN. This is a new finding and can be explained in a similar way to LBO. As the operating conditions approach the LBO or exceed flashback limits, the reactivity of shear layer also decreases, creating favourable conditions for them to occur. Moreover, for test fuels with low DCN (C-1 and C-5), blowoff occurs instead of flashback as
${\phi _{af}}$ increases. This can be attributed to the stronger pressure perturbation resulting from combustion instability in these flames compared to others. It demonstrates a stronger correlation between the pressure perturbation and the heat release rate fluctuation for C-1 and C-5 than that of other test fuels at the same equivalence ratio. In conclusion, it was found that test fuels with higher DCN have advantages in terms of LBO and stability, however, they are more prone to flashback.