We study a certain class of arithmetic functions that appeared in Klurman’s classification of
$\pm 1$ multiplicative functions with bounded partial sums; c.f., Comp. Math. 153(2017), 2017, no. 8, 1622–1657. These functions are periodic and
$1$-pretentious. We prove that if
$f_1$ and
$f_2$ belong to this class, then
$\sum _{n\leq x}(f_1\ast f_2)(n)=\Omega (x^{1/4})$. This confirms a conjecture by the first author. As a byproduct of our proof, we studied the correlation between
$\Delta (x)$ and
$\Delta (\theta x)$, where
$\theta $ is a fixed real number. We prove that there is a nontrivial correlation when
$\theta $ is rational, and a decorrelation when
$\theta $ is irrational. Moreover, if
$\theta $ has a finite irrationality measure, then we can make it quantitative this decorrelation in terms of this measure.