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In vitro digested ingredients as substitute for ileal digesta in assessing protein fermentation potential in growing pigs
- Journal:
- British Journal of Nutrition , First View
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 27 January 2025, pp. 1-8
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The use of cottonseed meal as a protein source for poultry: an updated review
- Journal:
- World's Poultry Science Journal / Volume 72 / Issue 3 / September 2016
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 22 June 2016, pp. 473-484
- Print publication:
- September 2016
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Simultaneous inclusion of sorghum and cottonseed meal or millet in broiler diets: effects on performance and nutrient digestibility
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Inclusion of sorghum, millet and cottonseed meal in broiler diets: a meta-analysis of effects on performance
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Assessment of apparent ileal digestibility of amino acids and nitrogen in cottonseed and soyabean meals fed to pigs determined using ileal dissection under halothane anaesthesia or following carbon dioxide-stunning
- Journal:
- British Journal of Nutrition / Volume 80 / Issue 2 / February 1998
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 09 March 2007, pp. 183-191
- Print publication:
- February 1998
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A comparison of the availability and ileal digestibility of lysine in cottonseed and soya-bean meals for grower/finisher pigs
- Journal:
- British Journal of Nutrition / Volume 64 / Issue 3 / November 1990
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 09 March 2007, pp. 663-677
- Print publication:
- November 1990
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