A subset X of a Polish group G is Haar null if there exists a Borel probability measure μ and a Borel set B containing X such that μ(gBh) = 0 for every g, h ∈ G. A set X is Haar meager if there exists a compact metric space K, a continuous function f : K → G and a Borel set B containing X such that f−1(gBh) is meager in K for every g, h ∈ G. We calculate (in ZFC) the four cardinal invariants (add, cov, non, cof) of these two σ-ideals for the simplest non-locally compact Polish group, namely in the case
$G = \mathbb {Z}^\omega$. In fact, most results work for separable Banach spaces as well, and many results work for Polish groups admitting a two-sided invariant metric. This answers a question of the first named author and Vidnyánszky.