In this paper, Valanis' steady creep theory with four creep parameters
was derived from a liaison of the theory of deformation kinetics with internal isotropy and the theory of irreversible thermodynamics of continuous media with only one internal state variable.
According to the theory, steady creep rates under simple shear and simple tensile conditions are related and allow one to construct creep-parameters maps of high lead Pb/Sn solders (from 90% to 100% Pb). When testing temperatures are higher than solder's solvus temperature, microstructural transformation from lamellae α + β phase to solid solution α phase in the bulk specimens are considered in the construction of maps. Applications of maps in the 97.5Pb/2.5Sn solder joints creep tests need minor modifications due to dispersive precipitation of tin particles in lead matrix. As a result, the maps may provide estimated steady creep rates for the usage of finite elements analysis in the microsystem or electronic packaging analysis.