The ghost shrimp Audacallichirus mirim had been previously recorded along the Brazilian coast. However, this study marks its first report in southern Espírito Santo and northern Rio de Janeiro, in southeastern Brazil. Two male specimens were collected at Piúma Beach (Espírito Santo) and Guaxindiba Beach (Rio de Janeiro) in March 2023, using a steel suction pump in the intertidal zone. The individuals were identified in a laboratory based on taxonomic characteristics. Abiotic factors such as salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen were measured at the collection sites, revealing distinct environmental conditions between the two beaches. Granulometric analysis showed significant differences in sediment composition, with Piúma characterized by finer sands and Guaxindiba by a more poorly sorted sediment, with a higher contribution of coarser grains. This record contributes to understanding the biogeographical distribution of A. mirim, emphasizes its ecological role, and highlights the need for further research on its population dynamics and habitat preferences in southeastern Brazil.