$\mathbf{x}\,=\,\left( {{x}_{0}},\,{{x}_{1}},.\,.\,. \right)$ be a
$N$-periodic sequence of integers
$\left( N\,\ge \,1 \right)$, and
$\mathbf{s}$ a sturmian sequence with the same barycenter (and also
$N$-periodic, consequently). It is shown that, for affine functions
$\alpha :\,\mathbb{R}_{(N)}^{\mathbb{N}}\,\to \,\mathbb{R}$ which are increasing relatively to some order
${{\le }_{2}}$ on
$\mathbb{R}_{(N)}^{\mathbb{R}}$ (the space of all
$N$-periodic sequences), the average of
$\left| \alpha \right|$ on the orbit of
$\mathbf{x}$ is greater than its average on the orbit of