Compiled by Ingrid Kost exclusively from materials available in the Peace Palace Library, The Hague []
Alen, A. (ed.), A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (2005). ISBN 9789004141926
Cassese, A. (ed.), Companion to International Criminal Justice (2009). ISBN 9780199238316, 1,008 pp.
Cassese, A, (ed.), The Human Dimension of International Law: Selected Papers (2008). ISBN 9780199232918, 539 pp.
Cassese, A, International Criminal Law (2008). ISBN 9780199203109, 455 pp.
Cassese, A., (ed.), The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary (2002). ISBN 0198298625.
Cassese, A., and Delmas-Marty, M. (eds.), Juridictions nationales et crimes internationaux (2002). ISBN 2130526926, 673 pp.
Damgaard, C., Individual Criminal Responsibility for Core International Crimes: Selected Pertinent Issues (2008). ISBN 9783540787808, 456 pp.
Dörmann, K. (ed.), Elements of War Crimes under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Sources and Commentary (2003). ISBN 9780521818520, 524 pp.
Downes, A. B., Targeting civilians in war (2008). ISBN 9780801446344, 315 pp.
ICRC, Commentary on the Additional Protocols of 8 June 1977 to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 (1987). ISBN 9024734606, 1,625 pp.
Kuper, J., International Law Concerning Child Civilians in Armed Conflicts (1997). ISBN 0198264860, 283 pp.
Lee, R. S. (ed.), The International Criminal Court: Elements of Crimes and Rules of Procedure and Evidence (2001). ISBN 1571052097, 857 pp.
May, R., and Wierda, M., International Criminal Evidence (2002). ISBN 1571051449, 369 pp.
Mettraux, G., International Crimes and the Ad Hoc Tribunals (2005). ISBN 9780199271559, 442 pp.
Mettraux, G., The Law of Command Responsibility (2009). ISBN 9780199559329, 307 pp.
Primoratz, I. (ed.), Civilian Immunity in War (2007). ISBN 9780199290741, 263 pp.
Tharakan, S., Konkretisierung des Komplementaritätsprinzips des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs (2009). ISBN 9783037512036, 286 pp.
Triffterer, O. (ed.), Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Observers’ Notes, Article by Article (2008). ISBN 9783406578410, 1,954 pp.
Werle, G., Principles of International Criminal Law (2009). ISBN 9789067042758, 633 pp.
Chapters in edited volumes and journal articles
Ambos, K., ‘Article 25: Individual Criminal Responsibility’, in Triffterer, O. (ed.), Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (2008), 743–70
Ambos, K., ‘Individual Criminal Responsibility in International Criminal Law: A Jurisprudential Analysis – from Nuremberg to The Hague’, in McDonald, G. Kirk and Swaak-Goldman, O. (eds.), Substantive and Procedural Aspects of International Criminal Law: The Experience of International and National Courts (2000), 5–31
Bassiouni, M. C., ‘Enslavement as an International Crime’,(1991) 23 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 445–517
Behrens, H. J., ‘The Trial Proceedings’, in Lee, R. S. (ed.), The International Criminal Court: The Making of the Rome Statute (1999), 271–304
Benvenisti, E., ‘Human Dignity in Combat: The Duty to Spare Enemy Civilians’, (2006) 39 Israel Law Review 81–109
Birov, V. A., ‘Prize or Plunder? The Pillage of Works of Art and the International Law of War’,(1997) 30 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 201–49
Boot, M., revised by C. K. Hall, ‘Article 7: Crimes against Humanity’, in Triffterer, O. (ed.), Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (2008), 206–16
Bothe, M., in Fleck, D. (ed.), The Handbook of Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflict (2000), 403–22
Bothe, M., ‘Legal Restraints on Targeting: Protection of Civilian Population and the Changing Faces of Modern Conflicts’, (2002) 31 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights 35–49
Bothe, M., ‘Töten und getötet werde: Kombattanten, Kämpfer und Zivilisten im bewaffneten Konflikt’, in Dicke, K. (ed.), Weltinnenrecht: liber amicorum Jost Delbrück (2005), 67–84
Bowden, M., ‘The Protection of Civilians’, in Ramcharan, B. G. (ed.), Human Rights Protection in the Field (2006), 59–69
Burchard, C., ‘Torture in the Jurisprudence of the Ad Hoc Tribunals: A Critical Assessment’, (2008) 6 Journal of International Criminal Justice 159–82
Cameron, I., ‘Individual Responsibility under National and International Law for the Conduct of Armed Conflict’, in Engdahl, O. and Wrange, P. (eds.), Law at War: The Law as It Was and the Law as It Should Be: Liber Amicorum (2008), 39–60
Derby, D. H., ‘The International Prohibition of Torture’, in Bassiouni, M. Cherif (ed.), International Criminal Law (2008), 621–57
Eser, A., ‘Individual Criminal Responsibility’, in Cassese, A. (ed.), The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (2002), 767–822
Fleck, D., ‘Individual and State Responsibility for Violations of the Ius in Bello: An Imperfect Balance’, in von Heinegg, W. Heintschel and Epping, V. (eds.), International Humanitarian Law Facing New Challenges: Symposium in Honour of Knut Ipsen (2007), 171–206
Franck, D., ‘Article 8(2)(b)(ii) – Attacking Civilians’, in Lee, R. S. (ed.), The International Criminal Court: Elements of the Crimes and Rules of Procedure and Evidence (2001), 140–3
Franck, T., ‘Individual Criminal Liability and Collective Civil Responsibility: Do They Reinforce or Contradict One Another?’, (2007) 6 Washington University Global Studies Law Review 567–73
Gasser, H.-P., ‘Protection of the Civilian Population’, in Fleck, D. (ed.), The Handbook of Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflict (2000), 237–323
Greppi, E., ‘The Evolution of Individual Criminal Responsibility under International Law’, in Sanajaoba, N. (ed.), A Manual of International Humanitarian Laws (2004), 410–33
Hosang, H. B., ‘Article 8 (2)(b)(xiii) – Destroying or Seizing the Enemy's Property’, in Lee, R. S. (ed.), The International Criminal Court: Elements of the Crimes and Rules of Procedure and Evidence (2001), 170–2
Kravetz, D., ‘The Protection of Civilians in War: The ICTY's Galić Case’, (2004) 17 LJIL 521–36
Militello, V., ‘The Personal Nature of Individual Criminal Responsibility and the ICC Statute’, (2007) 5 Journal of International Criminal Justice 941–52
Moir, L., ‘Displacement of Civilians as a War Crime Other than a Violation of Common Article 3 in Internal Armed Conflicts’, in Doria, J.Gasser, H., and Bassiouni, M. Cherif (eds.), The Legal Regime of the International Criminal Court: Essays in Honour of Professor Igor Blishchenko: In Memoriam Professor Igor Pavlovich Blishchenko (1930–2000) (2009), 639–41
Oosterveld, V., ‘Prosecutor v. Alex Tamba Brima, Brima Bazzy Kamara & Santigie Borbor Kanu; Prosecutor v. Moinina Fofana & Allieu Kondewa: Appeals Chamber of the Special Court for Sierra Leone Decision on Criminal Responsibility for Forced Marriage and Sexual Slavery and for Enlistment of Child Soldiers, (2009) 103 AJIL 103–10
Oosterveld, V., ‘Sexual Slavery and the International Criminal Court: Advancing International Law’, (2004) 25 Michigan Journal of International Law 605–51
Parry, J. T., ‘Torture Warrants and the Rule of War’,(2008) 71 Albany Law Review 885–000
Pejic, J., ‘The Responsibility of Combatants towards Detainees and Civilians’, in Netherlands Red Cross (Boswijk, Sanne, ed.), Protecting Human Dignity in Armed Conflict: Speeches and Proceedings of the Conference on Occasion of the 140th Anniversary of the Netherlands Red Cross of 19 October 2007 at the Peace Palace in The Hague (2008), 48–54
Roth, B. R., ‘Just Short of Torture: Abusive Treatment and the Limits of International Criminal Justice’, (2008) 6 Journal of International Criminal Justice 215–39
Vogel, J., ‘Individuelle Verantwortlichkeit im Völkerstrafrecht. Zugleich ein Beitrag zu den Regelungsmodellen der Beteiligung’, (2002) 114 Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft 403–36
Werle, G., ‘Individual Criminal Responsibility in Article 25 ICC Statute’,(2007) 5 Journal of International Criminal Justice 953–75
Wuerzner, C., ‘Mission Impossible? Bringing Charges for the Crime of Attacking Civilians or Civilian Objects before International Criminal Tribunals’, (2008) 90 International Review of the Red Cross 907–30
Yihdego, Z., ‘Darfur and Humanitarian Law: The Protection of Civilians and Civilian Objects’, (2009) 14 Journal of Conflict and Security Law 37–69