For convenience and consistency, all weights and measurements have been translated into an English terminology. The values given below are only approximate and varied greatly across space and time.
li 里 = ⅓ mile = 560 metres
zhang 丈 = decafoot (not cubit) = 3 m
chi 尺 = foot = 30 cm
cun 寸 = inch = 3 cm
zhu 銖 = 1/10 inch = 0.3 cm
1 zhang = 10 chi = 100 cun = 1000 zhu
Lengths of textiles
pi 匹 = bolt (of silk)
duan 端 = bolt (of hemp or cotton)
duan 段 = piece
shi 石 = picul = 120 jin, or 72 kg
jin 斤 = pound = 600 grams
tun 屯 = hank of silk floss or thread (= 6 liang)
liang 两 = ounce = 1/16th of a pound = 37.5 grams
qian 錢 = 1/10th of an ounce = 0.38 gram
zhu 銖 = 1/24th of an ounce = 1.6 grams
lei 累 = 1/240th of an ounce
(1 liang = 4 fen = 24 zhu = 240 lei)
shi 石 = picul = 10 pecks = 60 litres
dou 斗 = peck = 6 litres
sheng 升 = pint = 0.6 litre
he 合 = 1/10th of a pint = 0.06 litre
guan 貫 = string of 1,000 coins (qian) – this was the standard but many strings contained far fewer, often between 700 and 800
qian 錢 1 coin (also known in English as ‘cash coin’)