Books and Articles in the Field of the Prevention and Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes (Spring 2011)
Compiled by Ingrid Kost exclusively from materials available in the Peace Palace Library, The Hague
1. Books
Akram, S. M., et al. (eds.), International Law and the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict: A Rights-Based Approach to Middle East Peace (2011). ISBN 9780415573221, 342 pp.
Alden, C., Thakur, M., and Arnold, M., Militias and the Challenges of Post-Conflict Peace: Silencing the Guns (2011). ISBN 9781848135260, 191 pp.
Amit, Z., and Levit, D., Israeli Rejectionism: A Hidden Agenda in the Middle East Peace Process (2011). ISBN 9780745330297, 208 pp.
Balamir Coskun, B., Analysing Desecuritisation: The Case of the Israeli–Palestinian Peace Education and Water Management (2011). ISBN 9781443827317, 195 pp.
Bercovitch, J., and DeRouen, K. (eds.), Unraveling Internal Conflicts in East Asia and the Pacific: Incidence, Consequences, and Resolutions (2011). ISBN 9780739148518, 326 pp.
Bröning, M., The Politics of Change in Palestine: State-Building and Non-Violent Resistance (2011). ISBN 9780745330945, 247 pp.
Dietrich, W., and Echavarría Alvarez, J. (eds.), The Palgrave International Handbook of Peace Studies: A Cultural Perspective (2011). ISBN 9780230237865, 625 pp.
Du Toit, P., and Kotzé, H., Liberal Democracy and Peace in South Africa: The Pursuit of Freedom as Dignity (2011). ISBN 9780230108882, 247 pp.
Elford, J. (ed.), Just Reconciliation: The Practice and Morality of Making Peace (2011). ISBN 9783034301657, 222 pp.
Fort, T. (ed.), Peace through Commerce: A Multisectoral Approach (2011). ISBN 9789400702363, 268 pp.
Goodhand, J., Spencer, J., and Korf, B. (eds.), Conflict and Peacebuilding in Sri Lanka: Caught in the Peace Trap? (2011). ISBN 9780415466042, 240 pp.
Gross, E., and Juncos, A. E. (eds.), EU Conflict Prevention and Crisis Management: Roles, Institutions and Policies (2011). ISBN 9780415572354, 178 pp.
Handelman, S., Conflict and Peacemaking in Israel–Palestine: Theory and Application (2011). ISBN 9780415492157, 144 pp.
Heintze, H., Heutige bewaffnete Konflikte als Herausforderungen an das humanitäre Völkerrecht: 20 Jahre Institut für Friedenssicherungsrecht und Humanitäres Völkerrecht – 60 Jahre Genfer Abkommen (2011). ISBN 9783642146763, 211 pp.
MacQueen, N., Humanitarian Intervention and the United Nations (2011). ISBN 9780748636969, 256 pp.
Mays, J., Historical Dictionary of Multinational Peacekeeping (2011). ISBN 9780810868083, 466 pp.
Merrills, J. G., International Dispute Settlement (2011), ISBN 9780521199094, 359 pp.
Morales, I. (ed.), National Solutions to Trans-Border Problems? The Governance of Security and Risk in a Post-NAFTA North America (2011). ISBN 9781409409182, 257 pp.
Ndura-Ouédraogo, E., Meyer, M., and Atiri, J. (eds.), Seeds Bearing Fruit: Pan-African Peace Action for the Twenty-First Century (2011). ISBN 9781592217823, 475 pp.
Plesch, D., America, Hitler and the UN: How the Allies Won World War II and Forged a Peace (2011). ISBN 9781848853089, 256 pp.
Ponzio, R. J., Democratic Peacebuilding: Aiding Afghanistan and Other Fragile States (2011). ISBN 9780199594955, 298 pp.
Ramsbotham, O., Contemporary Conflict Resolution: The Prevention, Management and Transformation of Deadly Conflicts (2011). ISBN 9780745649733, 507 pp.
Slantchev, B. L., Military Threats: The Costs of Coercion and the Price of Peace (2011). ISBN 9780521763189, 313 pp.
Wanis-St. John, A., Back Channel Negotiation: Secrecy in the Middle East Peace Process (2011). ISBN 9780815632757, 352 pp.
Weintraub, R. J., International Litigation and Arbitration: Practice and Planning (2011). ISBN 9781594609107, 693 pp.
2. Chapters in edited volumes and journal articles
Ahmed, M. E., ‘The Comprehensive Peace Agreement Does Not Guarantee Sustainable Peace in Sudan’, in Spaulding, J. et al. (eds.), Sudan's Wars and Peace Agreements (2010), 117–30
Almedom, A. M., ‘Thiong'o: Listening for Peace and Resilience in Africa from Makerere 1962 to Asmara 2000’, in Dietrich, W. (ed.), The Palgrave International Handbook of Peace Studies: A Cultural Perspective (2011), 548–69
Baldwin, C., and Morel, C., ‘Using the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Litigation’, in S. Allen and Xanthaki, A. (eds.), Reflections on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2011), 121–43
Basrur, R. M., ‘India–Pakistan Relations: Between War and Peace’, in Ganguly, S. (ed.), India's Foreign Policy: Retrospect and Prospect (2011), 11–31
Bayley, D. H., ‘The Morphing of Peacekeeping: Competing Approaches to Public Safety’, (2011) 18 International Peacekeeping 52–63
Bercovitch, J., ‘Conflict, Peace, and Security in the Asia-Pacific Region’, in Bercovitch, J. and DeRouen, J. K. (eds.), Unraveling Internal Conflicts in East Asia and the Pacific: Incidence, Consequences, and Resolutions (2011), 3–28
Bisharat, G., ‘Maximizing Rights: The One-State Solution to the Palestinian–Israeli Conflict’, in Akram, S. M. et al. (eds.), International Law and the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict: A Rights-Based Approach to Middle East Peace (2011), 297–329
Brink, G., ‘South Africa's Experience with International Trade Dispute Settlement’, in Shaffer, G. C. and Meléndez-Ortiz, R. (eds.), Dispute Settlement at the WTO: The Developing Country Experience (2010), 251–74
Brown, C., ‘International, Mixed, and Private Disputes Arising under the Kyoto Protocol’, (2010) 1 Journal of International Dispute Settlement 447–73
Bruch, C., and Fishman, A., ‘Institutionalizing Peacebuilding: The UNCC, Conflict Resources, and the Future of Natural Resources in Transitional Justice’, in Payne, C. R. and Sand, P. H. (eds.), Gulf War Reparations and the UN Compensation Commission: Environmental Liability (2011), 221–41
Buxton, J., ‘South America, Peace Operations and MINUSTAH: The View from Venezuela’, (2010) 17 International Peacekeeping 678–93
Byrne, S., et al. , ‘The Role of the International Fund for Ireland and the European Union Peace II Fund in Reducing Violence and Sectarianism in Northern Ireland’, (2010) 47 International Politics 229–50
Chitty, N., ‘Public Diplomacy: Courting Publics for Short-Term Advantage or Partnering Publics for Lasting Peace and Sustainable Prosperity’, in Fisher, A. and Lucas, S. (eds.), Trials of Engagement: The Future of US Public Diplomacy (2011), 251–69
Chopra, T., ‘Peace versus Justice in Northern Kenya: Dialectics of State and Community Laws’, in Ghai, Y. and Cottrell, J. (eds.), Marginalized Communities and Access to Justice (2010), 185–204
Crane, D. M., ‘Dancing in the Dark: Politics, Law and Peace in Sierra Leone: A Case Study’, in Brown, B. S. (ed.), Research Handbook on International Criminal Law (2011), 391–408
Crocker, C. A., Hampson, F. O., and Aall, P., ‘Collective Conflict Management: A New Formula for Global Peace and Security Cooperation?’, (2011) 87 International Affairs 39–58
Danvivathana, P., ‘Thailand's Experience in the WTO Dispute Settlement System: Challenging the EC Sugar Regime’, in Shaffer, G. C. and Meléndez-Ortiz, R. (eds.), Dispute Settlement at the WTO: The Developing Country Experience (2010), 210–29
Davies, T. R., ‘Researching Transnational History: The Example of Peace Activism’, in Reinalda, B. (ed.), The Ashgate Research Companion to Non-State Actors (2011), 35–46
De Brabandere, E., ‘Non-State Actors and the Proliferation and Individualization of International Dispute Settlement’, in Reinalda, B. (ed.), The Ashgate Research Companion to Non-State Actors (2011), 347–59
Diamint, R., ‘Security Communities, Defence Policy Integration and Peace Operations in the Southern Cone: An Argentine Perspective’, (2010) 17 International Peacekeeping 662–77
Dixon, P., ‘“Rosy Catholics” and “Dour Prods”: President Clinton and the Northern Ireland Peace Process’, (2010) 47 International Politics 210–28
Dumper, M., ‘Constructive Ambiguities? Jerusalem, International Law, and the Peace Process’, in Akram, S. M. et al. (eds.), International Law and the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict: A Rights-Based Approach to Middle East Peace (2011), 113–43
Duramy, B. F., ‘What Have Women Got to Do with Peace? A Gender Analysis of the Laws of War and Peacemaking’, in Murphy, C. C. and Green, P. (eds.), Law and Outsiders: Norms, Processes and ‘Othering’ in the Twenty-First Century (2011), 209–32
Elford, J., ‘Just War Theory: Reconciliation and Reconstruction in the Christian Tradition’, in Elford, J. (ed.), Just Reconciliation: The Practice and Morality of Making Peace (2011), 43–63
Esteves, P., ‘Peace Operations and the Government of Humanitarian Spaces’,(2010) 17 International Peacekeeping 613–28
Forlati, S., ‘Coercion as a Ground Affecting the Validity of Peace Treaties’, in Cannizzaro, E. (ed.), The Law of Treaties beyond the Vienna Convention (2011), 320–32
Gandhi, A., ‘Mahatma Gandhi's Concept of Peace: A Grandson's Perspective’, in Dietrich, W. (ed.), The Palgrave International Handbook of Peace Studies: A Cultural Perspective (2011), 465–74
Goodman, J., ‘The Grease in the Gears: Impunity in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Opportunity for Peace’, (2010) 32 Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review 209–37
Gordon, S., ‘Evaluating Success of Peacekeeping Missions: Lessons from East Timor and Solomon Islands’, in Bercovitch, J. and DeRouen, J. K. (eds.), Unraveling Internal Conflicts in East Asia and the Pacific: Incidence, Consequences, and Resolutions (2011), 241–67
Gutiérrez, O., ‘Conflict Scenarios, Defence Policy and Participation in Peace Operations: The Chilean Viewpoint’, (2010) 17 International Peacekeeping 694–710
Han, X., ‘China's First Ten Years in WTO Dispute Settlement’, (2011) 12 Journal of World Investment and Trade 49–64
Healy, S., ‘Seeking Peace and Security in the Horn of Africa: The Contribution of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development’, (2011) 87 International Affairs 105–20
Herrberg, A., ‘The Politics of Unrecognized States and the Business of International Peace Mediation: Enablers or Hindrance for Conflict Resolution?’, in Caspersen, N. and Stansfield, G. (eds.), Unrecognized States in the International System (2011), 165–82
Juvan, J., and Vuga, J., ‘What motivates Slovenian “Peacekeepers”?’, 18 International Peacekeeping (2011), 96–109
Kaller-Dietrich, M., ‘Peaces, a Gift of Grace, Turned into Modern Horror: Ivan Illich Visionary of the Twentieth Century’, in Dietrich, W. (ed.), The Palgrave International Handbook of Peace Studies: A Cultural Perspective (2011), 511–24
Keethaponcalan, S. I., ‘The Indian Factor in the Peace Process and Conflict Resolution in Sri Lanka’, in Goodhand, J., Spencer, J., and Korf, B. (eds.), Conflict and Peacebuilding in Sri Lanka: Caught in the Peace Trap? (2011), 39–53
Kemper, B., ‘The Aceh Case: Track Two Mediation Activities toward Peace’, in Bercovitch, J. and DeRouen, J. K. (eds.), Unraveling Internal Conflicts in East Asia and the Pacific: Incidence, Consequences, and Resolutions (2011), 213–39
Kenkel, K. M., ‘South America's Emerging Power: Brazil as Peacekeeper’, (2010) 17 International Peacekeeping 644–61
Kenkel, K. M., ‘Stepping Out of the Shadow: South America and Peace Operations’, (2010) 17 International Peacekeeping 584–97
Keohane, D., ‘Lessons from EU Peace Operations’, (2011) 15 Journal of International Peacekeeping 200–17
Kernic, F., and Karlborg, L., ‘Dynamics of Globalization and Regional Integration: South America and Peace Operations’, in (2010) 17 International Peacekeeping 723–36
Konstantinidis, I., ‘Dispute Settlement in the Law of the Sea, the Extended Continental Shelf in the Bay of Bengal and the CLCS: Some Preliminary Observations on the Basis of the Case Bangladesh/Myanmar before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea’, (2010) 1 Aegean Review of the Law of the Sea and Maritime Law 1–19
Koops, J. A., ‘Das Ende der multinaltionalen UN-Eingreiftruppe (SHIRBRIG): Hintergründe, Lehren und Konsequenzen’, (2011) 59 Vereinte Nationen 15–21
Koppensteiner, N., ‘Pagans and Nomads: The Post-Modern Peaces of Jean-François Lyotard and Gilles Deleuze’, in Dietrich, W. (ed.), The Palgrave International Handbook of Peace Studies: A Cultural Perspective (2011), 526–47
Kreykes, B. D., ‘Toward a Model of Humanitarian Intervention: The Legality of Armed Intervention to Address Zimbabwe's Operation Murambatsvina’, (2010) 32 Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review 335–60
Lo, C., ‘Good Faith Use of Dictionary in the Search of Ordinary Meaning under the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding’, (2010) 1 Journal of International Dispute Settlement 431–45
Lobban, R. A., ‘Reflections on Sudanese Languages of War and Peace’, in Spaulding, J. et al. (eds.), Sudan's Wars and Peace Agreements (2010), 7–15
McClean, E., ‘The Dilemma of Intervention: Human Rights and the UN Security Council’, in Odello, M. and Cavandoli, S. (eds.), Emerging Areas of Human Rights in the 21st Century: The Role of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (2011), 24–44
McIntosh, A., ‘A Nonviolent Challenge to Conflict’, in Whetham, D. (ed.), Ethics, Law and Military Operations (2011), 44–64
Milne, D., ‘The 1968 Paris Peace Negotiations: A Two Level Game?’, (2011) 37 Review of International Studies 577–99
Möller, F., et al. , ‘The Limits of Peace: Third Parties in Civil Wars in Southeast Asia, 1993–2004’, in Bercovitch, J. and DeRouen, J. K. (eds.), Unraveling Internal Conflicts in East Asia and the Pacific: Incidence, Consequences, and Resolutions (2011), 47–65
Naert, F., ‘Legal Aspects of EU Military Operations’, (2011) 17 Journal of International Peacekeeping 218–42
Ochieng, D. O., and Majanja, D. S., ‘Sub-Saharan Africa and WTO Dispute Settlement: The Case of Kenya’, in Shaffer, G. C. and Meléndez-Ortiz, R. (eds.), Dispute Settlement at the WTO: The Developing Country Experience (2010), 301–41
Ogom, R., ‘The African Union and Management of Border Conflict in Africa: Lost, Guarded or Grounded Optimism?’, in Bassey, C. Oyom and Oshita, O. O. (eds.), Governance and Border Security in Africa (2010), 236–55
Oswald, B. O., ‘Detention by United Nations Peacekeepers: Searching for Definition and Categorisation’, (2011) 15 Journal of International Peacekeeping 119–51
Parmentier, S., and Weitekamp, E., ‘The Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa’, in Natarajan, M. (ed.), International Crime and Justice (2011), 393–9
Parmentier, S., Valiñas, M., and Weitekamp, E., ‘How to Restore Justice in Serbia? A Closer Look at Peoples’ Opinions about Postwar Reconciliation’, in Rothe, D. L. and Mullins, C. W. (eds.), State Crime: Current Perspectives (2011), 262–74
Peschke, K., ‘The ICC Investigation into the Conflict in Northern Uganda: Beyond the Dichotomy of Peace versus Justice’, in Brown, B. S. (ed.), Research Handbook on International Criminal Law (2011), 178–205
Petrov, P., ‘Introducing Governance Arrangements for EU Conflict Prevention and Crisis Management Operations: A Historical Institutionalist Perspective’, in Gross, E. and Juncos, A. E. (eds.), EU Conflict Prevention and Crisis Management: Roles, Institutions and Policies (2011), 49–65
Resnik, J., and Curtis, D., ‘Multi-Jurisdictional Premises: From Peace to Crimes’, in Resnik, J. and Curtis, D. E. (eds.), Representing Justice: Invention, Controversy, and Rights in City-States and Democratic Courtrooms (2011), 247–87
Roessler, F., and Gappah, P., ‘A Re-Appraisal of Non-Violation Complaints under the WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures’, in Qureshi, A. H. and Gao, X. (eds.), International Economic Law: Critical Concepts in Law, Vol. 3 (2011), 253–73
Roussel, S., ‘A North American Peace? Canada–United States Security Relations since 1867’, in Behiels, M. D. and Stuart, R. C. (eds.), Transnationalism: Canada–United States History into the Twenty-First Century (2010), 183–202
Rynhold, J., ‘The German Question in Central and Eastern Europe and the Long Peace in Europe after 1945: An Integrated Theoretical Explanation’, (2011) 37 Review of International Studies 249–75
Sebarenzi, J., ‘Building Peace after Genocide in Rwanda: Religion, Spirituality, and Postconflict Reconciliation’, in Ndura-Ouédraogo, E., Meyer, M., and Atiri, J. (eds.), Seeds Bearing Fruit: Pan-African Peace Action for the Twenty-First Century (2011), 51–64
Shahin, M., ‘WTO Dispute Settlement for a Middle-Income Developing Country: The Situation of Egypt’, in G. C. Shaffer and R. Meléndez-Ortiz (eds.), Dispute Settlement at the WTO: The Developing Country Experience (2010), 275–300
Shapiro, D., and Kinon, A., ‘The Prevention Principle: A Pragmatic Framework to Prevent Destructive Conflict’, (2010) 1 Journal of International Dispute Settlement 301–12
Sotomayor Velázquez, A. C., ‘Peacekeeping Effects in South America: Common Experiences and Divergent Effects on Civil–Military Relations’, (2010) 17 International Peacekeeping 629–43
Spencer, J., ‘Reflections on an Illiberal Peace: Stories from the East’, in Goodhand, J., Spencer, J., and Korf, B. (eds.), Conflict and Peacebuilding in Sri Lanka: Caught in the Peace Trap? (2011), 201–12
Thirlway, H., ‘The International Court of Justice 1989–2009: At the Heart of the Dispute Settlement System?’, (2010) 57 Netherlands International Law Review 347–95
Walton, O., ‘In the Balance? Civil Society and the Peace Process, 2002–2008’, in Goodhand, J., Spencer, J., and Korf, B. (eds.), Conflict and Peacebuilding in Sri Lanka: Caught in the Peace Trap? (2011), 183–200
Webb, D. C., et al. , ‘What Do We Mean by Reconciliation?’, in Elford, J. (ed.), Just Reconciliation: The Practice and Morality of Making Peace (2011), 21–42
Welby, J., ‘Reconciliation in Nigeria’, in Elford, J. (ed.), Just Reconciliation: The Practice and Morality of Making Peace (2011), 65–84
Wilske, S., and Ewers, J. G., ‘Why South Africa Should Update Its International Arbitration Legislation: An Appeal from the International Arbitration Community for Legal Reform in South Africa’, (2011) 28 Journal of International Arbitration 1–13
Wilson, P., ‘Gilbert Murray and International Relations: Hellenism, Liberalism, and International Intellectual Cooperation as a Path to Peace’, (2011) 37 Review of International Studies 881–909
Wolff, S., ‘The Limits of International Conflict Management in the Case of Abkhazia and South Ossetia’, in Caspersen, N. and Stansfield, G. (eds.), Unrecognized States in the International System (2011), 147–64
Zhao, S., ‘Conflict Prevention across the Taiwan Strait and the Making of China's Anti-Secession Law’, in Swanström, N., Ledberg, S., and Forss, A. (eds.), Conflict Prevention and Management in Northeast Asia: The Korean Peninsula and Taiwan Strait in Comparison (2010), 153–63