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Index to Volume 1.
Ackelsberg, Martha. Introduction: Contributions of Women Political Scientists to a More Just World, 320
Adams, Julia, and Ann Shola Orloff. Defending Modernity? High Politics, Feminist Anti-Modernism, and the Place of Gender, 166
Adams, Julia, and Ann Shola Orloff. Once More into the Breach with Modernity: Rejoinder to Inglehart and Norris, and Young, 500
Banwart, Mary Christine, see Bystrom, Dianne G., 657
Barakso, Maryann. Governing NOW: Grassroots Activism in the National Organization for Women. Review by Christina Wolbrecht, 189
Barker, Drucilla K., and Susan F. Feiner. Liberating Economics: Feminist Perspectives on Families, Work, and Globalization. Review by Marion Smiley, 518
Beckwith, Karen. A Common Language of Gender?, 128
Beckwith, Karen, and Lisa Baldez. From the Editors, 1
Bennett, Vivienne, Sonia Dávila-Poblete, and María Nieves Rico, eds. Opposing Currents: The Politics of Water and Gender in Latin America. Review by Liesl Haas, 369
Bratton, Kathleen A. Critical Mass Theory Revisited: The Behavior and Success of Token Women in State Legislatures, 97
Burns, Nancy. Finding Gender, 137
Bystrom, Dianne G., Mary Christine Banwart, Lynda Lee Kaid, and Terra A. Robertson. VideoStyle, WebStyle, NewsStyle: Gender and Candidate Communication. Review by Kim L. Fridkin, 657
Caraway, Teri L. The Political Economy of Feminization: From “Cheap Labor” to Gendered Discourses of Work, 399
Carroll, Susan J. Reflections on Activism and Social Change for Scholars of Women and Politics, 326
Cocca, Carolyn E. Jailbait: The Politics of Statutory Rape Laws in the United States. Review by Jyl Josephson, 653
Cohen, Jean L. Regulating Intimacy: A New Legal Paradigm. Review by Claire Rasmussen, 363
Cruikshank, Barbara. Too, and Too Little, 336
Dávila-Poblete, Sonia, ed., see Bennett, Vivienne, ed., 369
Dobrowolsky, Alexandra, and Vivien Hart, eds. Women Making Constitutions: New Politics and Comparative Perspectives. Review by Rosie Campbell, 366
Drogus, Carol, and Hannah Stewart-Gambino. Activist Faith: Grassroots Women in Democratic Brazil and Chile. Review by Elisabeth Jay Friedman, 660
Feiner, Susan F., see Barker, Drucilla K., 518
Ferguson, Michaele L. “W” Stands for Women: Feminism and Security Rhetoric in the Post-9/11 Bush Administration, 9
Fernandes, Sujatha. Transnationalism and Feminist Activism in Cuba: The Case of Magín, 431
Fox, Richard L., and Zoe M. Oxley. Does Running with a Woman Help? Evidence from U.S. Gubernatorial Elections, 525
Harris-Lacewell, Melissa. Contributions of Black Women in Political Science to a More Just World, 341
Hart, Vivien, ed., see Dobrowolsky, Alexandra, ed., 366
Haussman, Melissa. Abortion Politics in North America. Review by Laura R. Woliver, 515
Hawkesworth, Mary. Engendering Political Science: An Immodest Proposal, 141
Hill Collins, Patricia. Black Sexual Politics: African-Americans, Gender and the New Racism. Review by Yvette M. Alex-Assensoh, 361
Hobson, Barbara, ed. Recognition Struggles and Social Movements: Contested Identities, Agency and Power. Review by Barbara Cruikshank, 187
Howell, Jude, and Diane Mulligan, eds. Gender and Civil Society: Transcending Boundaries. Review by Amy G. Mazur, 509
Htun, Mala. What It Means to Study Gender and the State, 157
Inglehart, Ronald, and Pippa Norris. Modernization and Gender Equality: A Response to Adams and Orloff, 482
Jelen, Ted G., and Clyde Wilcox. Continuity and Change in Attitudes Toward Abortion: Poland and the United States, 297
Jeydel, Alana S. Political Women: The Women's Movement, Political Institutions, the Battle for Women's Suffrage and the ERA. Review by Janet K. Boles, 655
Jones, Mark P. The Desirability of Gender Quotas: Considering Context and Design, 645
Kaid, Lynda Lee, see Bystrom, Dianne G., 657
Kampwirth, Karen. Feminism and the Legacy of Revolution: Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chiapas. Review by Ilja A. Luciak, 183
Kaufman-Osborn, Timothy. Gender Trouble at Abu Ghraib?, 597
Kevane, Michael. Women and Development in Africa: How Gender Works. Review by Aili Mari Tripp, 196
Kittilson, Miki Caul. In Support of Gender Quotas: Setting New Standards, Bringing Visible Gains, 638
Levine, Phillip B. Sex and Consequences: Abortion, Public Policy and the Economics of Fertility. Review by Dorothy E. McBride, 513
Levy, Traci M. At the Intersection of Intimacy and Care: Redefining “Family” through the Lens of a Public Ethic of Care, 65
Ling, Peter J., and Sharon Montieth, eds. Gender and the Civil Rights Movement. Review by Evelyn M. Simien, 192
Luciak, Ilja A. Party and State in Cuba: Gender Equality in Political Decision Making, 241
Mansbridge, Jane. Quota Problems: Combating the Dangers of Essentialism , 622
Mathews-Gardner, A. Lanethea. The Political Development of Female Civic Engagement in Postwar America, 547
Menon, Nivedita. Recovering Subversion: Feminist Politics Beyond the Law. Review by Meghana V. Nayak, 198
Montieth, Sharon, ed., see Ling, Peter J., ed., 192
Moore, Robert G. Religion, Race, and Gender Differences in Political Ambition , 577
Mulligan, Diane, ed., see Howell, Jude, ed., 509
Nieves Rico, María, ed., see Bennett, Vivienne, ed., 369
Norris, Pippa, see Inglehart, Ronald, 482
Orloff, Ann Shola, see Adams, Julia, 166
Orloff, Ann Shola, see Adams, Julia, 500
Oxley, Zoe M., see Fox, Richard L., 525
Palmer, Barbara, and Dennis M. Simon. When Women Run Against Women: The Hidden Influence of Female Incumbents in Elections to the U.S. House of Representatives, 1956–2002., 39
Peterson, V. Spike. Power, Privilege, and Feminist Theory/Practice, 351
Robertson, Terra A., see Bystrom, Dianne G., 657
Schotten, C. Heike. Men, Masculinity, and Male Domination: Reframing Feminist Analyses of Sex Work, 211
Shayne, Julie D. The Revolution Question: Feminisms in El Salvador, Chile, and Cuba. Review by Ilja A. Luciak, 183
Simon, Dennis M., see Palmer, Barbara, 39
Stevens, Jacqueline. Pregnancy Envy and the Politics of Compensatory Masculinities, 265
Stewart-Gambino, Hannah, see Drogus, Carol, 660
Wilcox, Clyde, see Jelen, Ted G., 297
Winter, Nicholas J. G. Framing Gender: Political Rhetoric, Gender Schemas, and Public Opinion on U.S. Health Care Reform, 453
Young, Iris Marion. Modernity, Emancipatory Values, and Power: A Rejoinder to Adams and Orloff, 492
Zivi, Karen. Feminism and the Politics of Rights: A Qualified Defense of Identity-Based Rights Claiming, 377