The issue of Maimonides’s true position on whether the world was created or preexistent is one of the most complicated problems arising from the study of his Guide of the Perplexed, sparking debates among the work’s readers and commentators from the Middle Ages until present day.Footnote 1 While Maimonides himself presents only three possible positions on the subject (Guide of the Perplexed 2.13), commentators have offered four possibilities as to the philosopher’s true opinion: Some have claimed that Maimonides accepted the notion of creation ex nihilo;Footnote 2 some have argued that Maimonides’s position is similar to that of Plato, i.e., that the world was created from preexistent matter;Footnote 3 3) some have argued that Maimonides adopted Aristotle’s position that the world is eternal;Footnote 4 4) and, finally, some have argued that he maintained a skeptical position.Footnote 5 Scholars of Maimonides have developed various methods to arrive at his true opinion. In this article, I would like to bring evidence in favor of the first position by comparing passages in Maimonides’s halakhic work, the Mishneh Torah, that discuss the biblical Abraham, to those discussing the patriarch appearing in the Guide of the Perplexed.
The relationship between the Mishneh Torah and the Guide of the Perplexed is a puzzle in and of itself. Some regard the Mishneh Torah as an unphilosophical book intended for the masses and therefore not worthy of philosophical analysis. In recent years, however, a growing number of scholars have argued that the work does indeed contain philosophical content. I accept the position that the Mishneh Torah is written for “everyone, the elite as well as the masses” and therefore also contains important philosophical information.Footnote 6 Since, however, the Mishneh Torah was completed almost ten years before the Guide of the Perplexed, at a time when Maimonides expended most of his energy on his halakhic writings, it reflects a less mature position. Only with the writing of the Guide of the Perplexed, when Maimonides was directing all his efforts to engaging directly and deeply with philosophical issues, did he present a more mature philosophical position regarding the origins of the world.
Maimonides opened “almost all of his books” with the verse “in the name of the Lord, the God of the world” (Gen 21:33).Footnote 7 This verse describes the nature of Abraham’s calling, which Maimonides interprets, both in the Mishneh Torah and in the Guide of the Perplexed, as an effort to persuade others to abandon their idolatrous perceptions and affirm the uniqueness of God. Maimonides’s use of this epigraph seems to indicate that he envisioned his books as a continuation of Abraham’s original calling.Footnote 8 There is, however, a difference between the way Maimonides describes Abraham and his calling in the Mishneh Torah and their portrayal in the Guide of the Perplexed. In the former, Abraham is presented as a philosopher; in the latter, as a biblical prophet. In the Mishneh Torah, Maimonides’s description of Abraham revolves around a verse that describes the “God of the world” (’el ‘olam); in the Guide of the Perplexed, Maimonides adds verses in which Abraham mentions “heaven.” In this article, I shall examine these differences and suggest that they represent developments and shifts in Maimonides’s own philosophical position.Footnote 9
Abraham in the Mishneh Torah
Maimonides’s famous account of humanity’s deterioration—from monotheism to idolatry—appears at the beginning of the laws of idolatry. Following this description, Maimonides explains how Abraham realized the errors of his contemporaries and felt compelled to correct their misguided positions. A careful analysis of Maimonides’s words yields a distinction between Abraham’s own comprehension and the teachings he relayed to others. This is how Maimonides describes the course of Abraham’s intellectual development, from his weaning until the age of forty:
After Abraham was weaned, while still an infant, his mind began to reflect. By day and by night he was thinking and wondering: “How is it possible that this [celestial] sphere should continuously be guiding the world and have no one to guide it and cause it to turn round; for it cannot be that it turns round of itself.” He had no teacher, no one to instruct him in aught. He was sub-merged in Ur of the Chaldees, among silly idolaters. His father and mother and the entire population worshiped idols, and he worshiped with them. But his mind was busily working and reflecting until he had achieved the way of truth, apprehended the correct line of thought,
1. and knew that there is One God,
2. that He governs the celestial sphere,
3. and created everything,
4. and that among all that exist, there is no god besides Him.
He realized that men everywhere were in error, and that what had caused their error was that they worshiped the stars and the images, so that the truth perished from their minds. Abraham was forty years old when he recognized his Creator. (Mishneh Torah, Hilkot ‘abodat kokaḇim 1.3)Footnote 10
According to Maimonides’s account, it seems that Abraham’s apprehension went through several stages. In his youth, he is described as an Aristotelian philosopher who questioned the pagan worldview, relying on the Aristotelian demonstration of God’s existence from the perpetual rotation of the spheres. Underlying this proof is the assumption that the world is eternal.Footnote 11 However, it seems that the sentence that concludes this passage (“Abraham was forty years old when he recognized his Creator”) refers to another, deeper form of attainment achieved later in Abraham’s life. Between the first and final stage are four perceptions of God and one conclusion regarding the reason for the errors of Abraham’s contemporaries. The third perception (“and created everything”) goes beyond the Aristotelian perception and presupposes the creation of the world ex nihilo, or, at the very least, creation from preexistent matter.Footnote 12 Maimonides dubs this recognition “the way of truth” and “the correct line of thought.”
Abraham’s attempts to reform the views of his contemporaries are also described as unfolding in two stages. In the first stage, Maimonides describes Abraham’s quarrel with the inhabitants of Ur of the Chaldees, and in the second stage his teachings during his journey from Haran to the land of Canaan. In Ur of the Chaldees, Abraham is presented as a Jewish Socrates, undermining a king’s sovereignty by raising philosophical arguments and calling for the destruction of pagan icons:Footnote 13
Having attained this knowledge, he began to refute the inhabitants of Ur of the Chaldees, arguing with them and saying to them, “The course you are following is not the way of truth.” He broke the images, and commenced preaching to instruct the people
1. that it is not right to serve any one but the God of the world, to whom alone it was proper to bow down, offer up sacrifices, and make libations, so that all human creatures might, in the future know Him;
2. and that it was proper to destroy and shatter all the images, so that the whole people might not err like these who thought that there was no god but these images.
3. When he had prevailed over them with his arguments, the king (of the country) sought to slay him. He was miraculously saved and emigrated to Haran. (Mishneh Torah, Hilkot ‘abodat kokabim 1.3).Footnote 14
Abraham recognized the connection between human practice and beliefs.Footnote 15 Therefore, he did not limit himself to a purely philosophical discourse, but rather called upon his contemporaries to modify their customs as well—to direct their sacrificial rites to the “God of the world.” This would instill recognition of God among the people. At the same time, Abraham called for the destruction of idols lest they lead the people astray.
The second stage described is Abraham’s journey from Haran to Canaan. This culminates with the creation of “the house of Abraham”:
He then began to proclaim to the whole world with great power and instruct the people
1. that the entire universe [world] had but One God
2. and Him it was right to worship.
He went from city to city and from kingdom to kingdom, calling and gathering together the inhabitants till he arrived in the land of Canaan. There, too, he proclaimed his message, as it is said: “And he called there on the name of the Lord, God of the world” (Gen 21:33). When the people flocked to him and questioned him regarding his assertions, he would instruct each one according to his capacity till he had brought him to the way of truth, and thus thousands and tens of thousands joined him. These were the persons referred to in the phrase, “men of the house of Abraham.” Abraham implanted in their hearts this great doctrine, composed books on it, and taught it to Isaac, his son. (Mishneh Torah, Hilkot ‘abodat kokabim 1.3)Footnote 16
“The house of Abraham” is comprised of those who “hold his doctrine and religion.”Footnote 17 These were individuals who were persuaded by his arguments and accepted his call “in the name of the Lord, the God of the world,” which included the “great principle” that “there is one God for the whole world” and the corollary that “unto Him it is proper to render service.” It is possible that during this second stage, Abraham took a more moderate approach; no longer demanding that idols be destroyed, he instead offered a positive message to worship the “God of the Universe.” The expression ’el ‘olam according to this paragraph refers only to the fact that the world has a single transcendent deity. So it seems that Maimonides interprets the word ‘olam here as world, not as it is used in the Bible to connote time (“eternity”).Footnote 18
It is striking that in his description of both stages of Abraham’s mission, Maimonides never claims that Abraham taught others that the world was created or that God is the governor (manhig) of the sphere. Abraham deemed it adequate to call for the recognition of a single God who should be treated as the exclusive object of one’s worship. According to this, Maimonides’s Abraham taught others the correct relationship between God and the world, but not the biblical or Aristotelian conceptions of the deity.
Abraham in the Guide of the Perplexed
As mentioned, a different depiction of Abraham is offered in the Guide of the Perplexed. Throughout this book, Maimonides claims that Abraham apprehended the idea that God created the world, and even relayed this knowledge to his contemporaries:
He who received a great overflow, as for instance Abraham, assembled the people and called them by the way of teaching and instruction to adhere to the truth that he had grasped. Thus Abraham taught the people and explained to them by means of speculative proofs
1. that the world has but one deity,
2. that He has created all the things that are other than Himself,
3. and that none of the forms and no created thing in general ought to be worshipped.
This is what he instructed the people in, attracting them by means of eloquent speeches and by means of the benefits he conferred upon them. (Guide of the Perplexed 2.39)Footnote 19
In the Guide of the Perplexed 3.29, Maimonides presents an account of Abraham’s mission that parallels the one appearing at the beginning of Hilkot ‘abodat kokabim in the Mishneh Torah. The story of Abraham’s debate with his contemporaries is described twice, first as presented in the Sabian book The Nabatean Agriculture and then according to his own understanding:
and they say literally what follows: When Ibrahim, who was brought up in Kutha, disagreed with the community and asserted that there was an actor other than the sun, various arguments were brought forward against him. In these arguments they set forth the clear and manifest activities of the sun in what exists. Thereupon he, they mean Abraham, told them: You are right; it is like an axe in the hands of carpenter. Then they mention a part of his argumentation, peace be on him, against them. At the conclusion of the story they mention that the king put Abraham our father, may peace be upon him, into prison, and while in prison, he persevered for days and days in arguing against them. Thereupon the king became afraid that he would ruin his polity and turn the people away from their religions and banished him toward Syria after having confiscated all his property. This is what they relate. You will find this story set forth in this manner in “The Nabatean Agriculture.” (Guide of the Perplexed 3.29)
This account describes only one of Abraham’s arguments against his contemporaries—that the sun is not a god, but rather a vessel in God’s hands, “like an ax in the hand of the carpenter.” As in the Mishneh Torah, Abraham is described here as a Socrates of sorts, persecuted by the king for his treasonous claims. However, unlike the account in the Mishneh Torah, here Abraham’s departure for Canaan features no miracles.
In Maimonides’s second description, however, Abraham is not described as a philosopher. As in the Mishneh Torah, Maimonides draws a distinction here between the content of Abraham’s own attainment and the ideas which he preached to others:
However, when the pillar of the world grew up and it became clear to him
1. that there is an incorporeal deity
2. that is neither a body nor a force in a body
3. and that all the stars and the spheres were made by Him [maṣnūʿātihi],
and he understood that the fables upon which he was brought up were absurd, he began to refute their doctrine and to show up their opinion as false; he publicly manifested his disagreement with them and called in the name of the Lord, God of the world [Gen 21:33]—both
1. the existence of the deity
2. and the creation of the world after nonexistence by that deity being comprised in that call. (Guide of the Perplexed 3.29)
In this account, Abraham comprehends God’s transcendence and incorporeality. God is not, however, described as the governor (manhig) of the spheres, but rather as creator of stars and the spheres themselves. I believe that by mentioning the stars, Maimonides is indicating that the basis for Abraham’s comprehension was not the Aristotelian proof, but rather the very evidence offered by Maimonides to demonstrate that God is the creator of the world.
Maimonides’s Evidence for the Creation of the World
Maimonides presents his evidence against the notion of a preexistent world in two places in the Guide of the Perplexed: 2.19 and 2.22. In the first passage, his purpose is to explain “by means of arguments that come close to being demonstration, that what exists indicates to us of necessity that it exists in virtue of the purpose of One who purposed” (Guide of the Perplexed 2.19). This evidence negates Aristotle’s position, but not that of Plato.Footnote 20 In 2.22, he begins to offer “my proofs and my preference in favor of the world’s having been produced in time,” that is, proofs that negate Plato’s conception as well.Footnote 21
In 2.19, Maimonides adduces as evidence the irregular quality of the heavens. Some spheres move from east to west and some from west to east. Some spheres are fast and some slow. There are fast spheres that are under the slow sphere and vice versa. Each planet has its own sphere and its own unique motion, while all the fixed stars are in the same sphere and move in unison. The conception of a created world, which attributes intention to God, offers a more plausible explanation for these irregular elements than the Aristotelian worldview. After noting the irregularity that characterizes the direction and speed of the various spheres, Maimonides adds that the existence of the stars is a “fact that makes even more clear than what has been said” (Guide of the Perplexed 2.19).Footnote 22
Maimonides attributes to Aristotle the claim that the matter that composes the heavens is different from that which composes the earth,Footnote 23 establishing this distinction on the basis of the different types of motion that exist in each. The fact that the motions in the heavens are circular while those in the sublunar world are linear indicates the existence of two different types of matter.Footnote 24 Later in the same chapter, Maimonides concludes that according to this principle, the matter of the spheres must be distinguished from that of stars as well. While the spheres rotate, the stars are immobile, embedded within the spheres. It follows that the stars are composed of a “very different” type of matter (2.19).Footnote 25 Maimonides argues that the conjunction of the star with its sphere, despite the great divergence between the types of matter of which they are composed, supports the claim that they were connected by the One’s intention and not by necessity.
Maimonides points to two further irregular characteristics of stars which are difficult to ascribe to sheer necessity. The distribution of stars in the heavens is uneven; while some celestial regions are devoid of stars, others are dense with them. Furthermore, it is difficult for an approach predicated on the idea of necessity to explain why the star is connected to a sphere at a specific location, despite the fact that there is no difference between one point in a sphere and another. It seems that the issue is not just one of irregularity but also of randomness or, at the very least, arbitrariness. The notion that God purposely designated places for the stars within their spheres is thus the more coherent explanation for these celestial phenomena; only with great difficulty can they be ascribed to necessity.
This irregularity in the heavens indicates that there were other options for organizing them differently. Hence, God “particularized” precisely the possibility we see in front of our eyes, so it must be explained as an expression of intention. This is not just a decision between possibility and reality, but a decision between different unique possibilities of reality. Although there is some reason for the uniqueness chosen, it does not appear to be a necessary reason, but a “sufficient condition” that does not negate other logical possibilities of existence.
The Kalam used the “particularization” way to prove that God had a will. They argued that the randomness found in the world proves that God “particularized” by his will some possibilities out of several options. For example, the fact that there are flowers of different colors proves that he particularized for each flower its unique color, although it could have a different color.Footnote 26 Maimonides rejected the claims of the Mutakallimun for “particularization” from the randomness revealed on earth, because he understood it as an expression of the matter of the earth that does not allow the full realization of the forms. In contrast, it is impossible to explain the irregularity of the heavens because of their matter, since the heavenly matter does not prevent the form from being fully expressed. Therefore the most obvious explanation for the irregular aspects of the heavens is through intention and not through necessity.Footnote 27
As mentioned, in the Guide of the Perplexed 2.22, Maimonides brings evidence to support not only the claim that creation was a purposeful act of God, but also that it was performed ex nihilo, i.e., without any preexistent matter. His evidence is based on the weaknesses of the emanation scheme proposed by some philosophers. Because all agree “that anything but a single simple thing should proceed from a simple thing” and “that what first proceeded from God was constituted by a single simple intellect only,” the theory of emanation was required to explain how a multifaceted reality could emerge from an undifferentiated God (Guide of the Perplexed 2.22). The main argument was that the first intellect that emanated from God is composite because it intellectualizes both God and itself. That is why two things emanate from it; its intellectualization of God leads to the emanation of another intellect, and its intellectualization of itself, a sphere.Footnote 28
The main fault that Maimonides finds in this conception is the argument that matter can be created by an intellect through an emanatory process: “How can the intellects be a cause for the procession of the spheres from them? And what relation can there be between matter and that which being separate has no matter at all?” (Guide of the Perplexed 2.22). Since the spheres are material beings, it is not clear how they could emerge from an intellect separated from matter. Moreover, because a sphere contains two types of matter—that of the sphere itself and that of the fixed stars—their formation is difficult to account for: “Now if this comes about in virtue of a procession, we cannot but require for this compound a composite cause, the procession of the body of the sphere being occasioned by one of its parts and that of the body of the star by the other” (Guide of the Perplexed 2.22). According to Maimonides, it is also possible to distinguish between the matter of the illuminating stars and the matter of the dim stars —a distinction which contrasts with Aristotle’s method. Since according to Plato, God is the cause of matter’s existence (Guide of the Perplexed 2.13), all these questions apply to him as well.
It follows that the irregularity that inheres in the heavens demonstrates the “purpose of One who purposed”—negating Aristotle’s view—while the fact that spheres and stars are comprised of different kinds of matter negates Plato’s view. If so, of the three conceptions that Maimonides cites, only the creation of the world ex nihilo remains tenable. Thus, it seems that wherever Maimonides uses verses that describe God’s relationship not just with the world, but specifically with the heavens, this alludes to the notion of creation ex nihilo. Having found philosophical evidence for this idea in the unique relationship between God and the spheres, Maimonides saw such verses as scriptural support for his conclusions.Footnote 29
God of the Heavens
Maimonides attributes this understanding to the prophets of Israel and to Abraham before them:
For this reason you will find that all the prophets used the stars and the spheres as proofs for the deity’s existing necessarily. Thus in the traditional story of Abraham, there occurs the tale, which is generally known, about his contemplation of the stars. Again Isaiah, calling attention to the conclusions to be drawn from the stars, says: Lift up your eyes on high, and see: who has created these? and so on [Isa 40:26]. Jeremiah says similarly: He made the heavens. Abraham says: The Lord, the God of the heavens [Gen 24:7]. And the chief of the prophets says: Who rides upon the heaven [Deut 33:26], an expression we have explained. (Guide of the Perplexed 2.19)
Although Maimonides ascribes his description of Abraham to “tradition,” he nevertheless adduces as evidence a verse from the Pentateuch uttered by Abraham— not his call “in the name of the Lord, God of the world” as in the Mishneh Torah, but rather the words, “the God of the heavens.”Footnote 30 This latter verse is not mentioned at all in the Mishneh Torah, and it is clear that it was selected because it evokes the unique association between God and the heavens, as opposed to the relationship between God and the world as a whole.Footnote 31 In doing so, Maimonides transforms the image of Abraham from a philosopher who relies on the concept of eternity to a biblical prophet who preaches creation ex nihilo. Per Maimonides’s approach, every prophet is also a philosopher, and therefore, Abraham also relies on evidence. However, instead of relying on the proof of the spheres’ constant rotation, Abraham relies on Maimonides’s proof of the irregularity in the heavens.
Therefore, in the Guide of the Perplexed, as opposed to the Mishneh Torah, Maimonides uses another verse spoken by Abraham to establish the claim of a created world. He mentions the verse “Maker [qoneh] of heaven and earth” (Gen 14:22), and through it establishes his claim that Abraham believed the world to be created. After stating that the idea of creation is one of the foundations of the “Law of Moses our master,” he remains faithful to the position expressed elsewhere in the Guide of the Perplexed that Abraham adopted this view and made it public:
It was Abraham our father, peace be on him, who began to proclaim in public this opinion to which speculation had led him. For this reason, he made his proclamation in the name of the Lord, God of the world [Gen 21:23]; he has also explicitly stated this opinion in saying: Maker of heaven and earth [Gen 14:22]. (Guide of the Perplexed 2.13)
According to Maimonides, the language of some verses is clearer than others when it comes to this issue. The verse “in the name of the Lord, God of the world” reflects the general fact that Abraham disseminated the idea of creation. The verse, “Maker of heaven and earth,” however, points “explicitly” to creation. It seems that the basis for this distinction is whether or not a verse uses the word “heaven.” “Heaven” alludes to the evidence from the irregular nature of the cosmos that indicates the “purpose of One who purposed.” Maimonides apparently believed that the phrase “in the name of the Lord, God of the world” includes a reference to the idea of creation, because the verse “Maker of heaven and earth” preceded it. Having realized that the character of the heavens indicated that they had been formed through deliberate intention, Abraham “called in the name of the Lord, God of the world [Gen 21:23]—both the existence of the deity and the creation of the world in time by that deity being comprised in that call” (Guide of the Perplexed 3.29).
Maimonides refers to these verses once again in the Guide of the Perplexed 2:30, in his discussion of the four expressions—bara’ (to create), ‘aśah (to make), qanah (to acquire, possess), and ’el (God)—all of which are used when the Pentateuch associates the heavens with God. The first two expressions are taken from the prophecy of Moses, the last two from Abraham:
Among the things you ought to reflect upon are the four words that occur with reference to the relation between the heaven and God. These words are baro’ [to create] and ‘aśoh [to make] and qanoh [to acquire, possess] and ’el [God]. It says: God [’elohim] created [bara’] the heaven and the earth [Gen. 1:1]. And it says: In the day that the Lord God made [‘aśot] earth and heaven [Gen. 2:4]. It says also: Possessor [qoneh] of heaven and earth [Gen. 14:19; 22]. And it says: God [’el] of the world [Gen. 21:33]. And: The God [’elohey] of the heaven, and the God [’elohey] of the earth [Gen 24:3]. (Guide of the Perplexed 2.30)
It seems that here also Maimonides is alluding to the idea that the proofs for creation referred to in the Pentateuch relate to the unique character of the heavens. Although the first three expressions are demonstrated by the citation of one verse, in his illustration of the expression ’el, he cites two, both spoken by Abraham: “God [’el] of the world [Gen 21:33] and The God [’elohey] of the heaven, and the God [’elohey] of the earth [Gen 24:3].” It seems that his purpose is to emphasize that the word “world” in this verse reflects the special relationship between God and the heavens. The expression “God of the world” should be understood as an abridged form of the more explicit expression, “the God of heaven and the God of the earth,” and therefore also points to the divine intention evinced by the heavens.
Later in the same chapter, discussing the exact meaning of each expression, Maimonides mentions the two verses again. This time, however, he only quotes part of the second verse—that part which relates to the heavens:
As for the expressions, the God [’elohey] of the heaven and also God of the World [’el ‘olam], they are used with respect to His perfection, may He be exalted, and theirs. He is ’elohim—that is, He who governs—and they are those governed by Him [ḥākim wahiya maḥkūmah], not in the sense of domination—for that is the meaning of qoneh [possessor]—but with respect to His rank, may He be exalted, in being and in relation to theirs. For He is the deity and not they—I mean heaven. Know this. (Guide of the Perplexed 2.30)
The term “God” (’el) points to a divine attribute that can be gleaned from observation of the world. Maimonides calls this the “relationship between governor and governed,” but immediately qualifies this statement by explaining that this relationship should not be understood in its ordinary sense, “but with respect to His rank, may He be exalted, in being and in relation to theirs.” In other words, the expression indicates the absolute dependence of the contingent existence of the world on the necessary existence of God. However, at the same time, this expression also precludes a direct relationship between God and the world because of the unbridgeable gap that divides them. God’s attribute of existence is not “an accident attaching to what exists” (Guide of the Perplexed 1.57), but rather “something” identical to his essence.Footnote 32 Maimonides rejects the use of attributes that indicate a direct relationship between God and the world; even existence itself cannot be used as a common denominator to define such a relationship. The expression ’el ‘olam therefore reflects the continued and perpetual “relationship” between God and the world even after creation. It expresses the absolute transcendence of God from the world on the one hand, and the absolute dependence of the world on God on the other.Footnote 33
If so, this divine name (’el) is completely neutral regarding the question of whether the world was created or preexistent. Nevertheless, this does not negate the conception of creation that Maimonides reads into these verses; even after creation, God is transcendent and the world dependent upon him. Maimonides explicitly states in the Guide of the Perplexed 2.25 that the verses of the Pentateuch allow for different interpretations and the interpretative decisions regarding their meaning are not solely predicated on Scripture itself. Nevertheless, the combination of the verse “the God of heaven” with Maimonides’s view that God has not only wisdom but also will, leads to the conception of creation as the basis of Abraham’s approach.
In my opinion, we can use a similar approach to explain Maimonides’s understanding of another biblical term that describes God’s relationship to the world—“possessor” (qoneh):
With reference to them, it says qanoh [acquire, possess], because He, may he be exalted, has dominion over them just as a master has over his slaves. For this reason He is also called the Lord [’adon] of all the earth [Josh 3:11, 13] and the Lord [ha’adon]. However, as there is no Lord [’adon] without there being something possessed [qinyan] by Him, and this tends toward the road of belief in the eternity of a certain matter, the term baro’ [create] and ‘aśoh [make] are used with reference to them. (Guide of the Perplexed 2:30)
Here, too, the expression qoneh points to a certain characteristic of the world that demonstrates its relationship with God. This relationship is neutral regarding the question of creation or eternity; it refers to God’s enduring relationship to the world even after its creation. This expression seems to reflect the idea that God is the governor (manhig) of the world, i.e., the first efficient cause for the motion of the spheres. The term qoneh in its primary sense “tends toward the road of belief in the eternity of a certain matter,” since it presumes the existence of the heavens, describing God as their governor but not their creator.
Because it is possible to err and ascribe to the verb qanoh the connotation of an eternal world, the Torah added the terms “create” and “make” in reference to the heavens to emphasize that the world was indeed created ex nihilo. Here, too, the use of the verbs “create” and “make” does not contradict the verb “possess” but rather serve to illuminate its meaning. Indeed, the verse in its entirety, “Possessor [qoneh] of heaven and earth” (Gen 14:19, 22), also alludes to the unique character of the heavens—their materiality and their display of intention. Both of these indicate a created world. This interpretive assertion is already made earlier in the Guide of the Perplexed 2.13 and it does not contradict the statement made in 2.30. At most, it can be seen as a contradiction of the fifth cause enumerated in the introduction to the Guide, that one must first offer a general statement and only after a more detailed explanation.
The Thirteen Principles of Faith
Thus the differences between the Mishneh Torah and the Guide of the Perplexed reflect Maimonides own intellectual process vis-à-vis the proofs for God’s existence. When he wrote the Mishneh Torah, Maimonides did not find the philosophical proof for the creation of the world convincing. The Aristotelian proof was a solid evidentiary foundation for God’s unity and incorporeality, but it was predicated on the notion of a preexistent world. Therefore, Maimonides described Abraham as a philosopher who taught others to recognize the One God, but who did not demand that they recognize the creation of the world. Apparently, because the creation of the world was a philosophically problematic position, Maimonides did not include it within the principles of the Torah as described in the Mishneh Torah.Footnote 34
About ten years later, having completed his imposing halakhic compendium and thus able to invest more time and energy on philosophical issues, Maimonides would reach important conclusions regarding the issue of creation versus eternity. When he wrote the Guide of the Perplexed, Maimonides formulated a philosophical proof predicated on the irregular character of the heavens, thus strengthening the claim that the world was indeed created by God. Having found this evidence, he offered a new portrayal of Abraham: now he is a prophet who has discovered the concept of creation and has taught it to humanity. Maimonides found a basis for this in those verses where Abraham explicitly mentions the relationship between God and heaven. Therefore, in the Guide of the Perplexed, Maimonides added that the creation of the world is one of the main principles of the Pentateuch. Furthermore, after writing the Guide of the Perplexed, he returned to his Commentary on the Mishnah and added the principle of creation ex nihilo in the form of a marginal note appended to the fourth principle.Footnote 35
Of course, one could argue that this move indicates Maimonides’s exoteric position. But it seems to me that Maimonides’s over-dedication to a seemingly marginal detail, as a change in the center of gravity of the verses on which Abraham relies, reinforces the argument that this should be seen as an expression of his true position.
Appendix: The Verbs Bara’ (to Create) and ‘Aśah (to Make)
Sara Klein-Braslavy has analyzed Maimonides’s interpretations of the verbs “create” and “make” and concluded that they are ambiguous. In her opinion, Maimonides believed that the verb bara’ (to create) could imply any one of the three approaches presented in the Guide of the Perplexed 3.13 (creation of the world from nothing, the eternity of matter as maintained by Plato, and the eternity of the world as maintained by Aristotle). This does not mean that the use of the verb bara’ in the specific context of the creation account of Genesis 1 is ambiguous. Nevertheless, in her opinion Maimonides hints at this ambiguousness in his commentary to the first verse of the creation account, and therefore did not reach a final decision on this issue.Footnote 36
In the Guide of the Perplexed 2.13, Maimonides is careful to define the opinion of “the Law of Moses our Master” of creation as bringing into existence “after having been [the] purely and absolutely nonexistent” (ba‘da al-‘adam al-maḥḍ al-muṭlaq). In contrast, in the Guide of the Perplexed 2.30, which refers to the verse of creation in Genesis, he defines the verb as “bringing into existence out of nonexistence” (ijād min ‘adam) (not “after” but “out of,” not “the nonexistent” but “nonexistent,” and without the adverbs “purely and absolutely”). These changes indicate, in her opinion, that Maimonides intentionally chose a polysemous expression in order to imply that the verb “created” in this verse is ambiguous and to indicate that he is uncertain whether the world is created or preexistent.Footnote 37
Klein-Braslavy, however, does not account for the fact that Maimonides concludes 2.13 by clarifying the opinion of “the Law of Moses and Abraham our Father,” using the exact same words:
For the purpose of every follower of the Law of Moses and Abraham our Father or those who go the way of these two is to believe that there is nothing eternal in any way at all existing simultaneously with God; to believe also that the bringing into existence of a being out of nonexistence (ijād al-mawjūd min ‘adam) is for the deity not an impossibility (min qabīla al-mumtana‘).Footnote 38
It is clear from context that the expression “out of nonexistence” (without “after,” “the,” or “purely and absolutely”) does not refer to preexistent matter but rather to creation ex nihilo because “there is nothing eternal in any way at all existing simultaneously with God” and because he needed to determine that it is not “an impossibility.” Therefore, it seems that Maimonides did not distinguish between the phrase “after having been [the] purely and absolutely nonexistent” and its shortened variations “after nonexistence,” “out of the nonexistence” and “out of nonexistence.” All express the same idea: creation ex nihilo.Footnote 39
Klein-Braslavy offers a similar argument to explain Maimonides’s understanding of the verb ‘aśah (to make).Footnote 40 Maimonides explained that the verb refers to “the specific forms that were given to them [to heaven and earth]—I mean their natures” (Guide of the Perplexed 2.30). In Klein-Braslavy’s opinion, Maimonides understands that the verb ‘aśah does indeed indicate the giving of natural forms, but because all of creation was performed through a single action, all verbs in the creation account must be interpreted as belonging to this one action. Therefore, just as ’amar (to say) and ‘aśah (to make) denote a single action (Guide of the Perplexed 1.12) of giving matter its form, so too bara’ and ‘aśah represent the same action. In her opinion, this identification reinforces the claim that bara’ does not denote creation from nothing but merely the act of giving forms to matter.Footnote 41
I believe that this argument is begging the question; it denies in advance the attribution of more than one outcome to God’s single act. Maimonides’s approach to creation acknowledges different expressions of wisdom and will in the world, although both are clearly identical with God’s unity. Therefore, the argument that the entire world is created in one action does not negate the possibility of divergent effects. In the Guide of the Perplexed 1.52–53, Maimonides explains that divine actions should be understood not as descriptions of God himself but rather as descriptions of his effects upon the world. His words indicate that despite the multitude of divine actions that are evident from the world, all of them must be understood as results of the same cause, since the essence of God is one and has no multifariousness.Footnote 42 That which is manifest in the world as various actions is hidden in the simple unity of God. Therefore, the verbs “create” and “make,” while based on the same “relationship” between God and the world, express different aspects of this relationship. Bara’ refers to creation ex nihilo; ‘aśah, to the giving of forms.
Moreover, Maimonides maintains that ’amar and ‘aśah in the creation account are also to be understood as identical. At the same time, he interprets the words “saying” (’amirah) in the creation account as a way to denote “will or volition” (Guide of the Perplexed 1.65, 67). If “said” and “made” are the same, then it follows that “made” denotes divine will just as much as “saying.” The more precise identification between the verse “By the word of the Lord were the heavens made” (Ps 33:6) and “the work of your fingers” (Ps 8:4) made in Guide of the Perplexed 2.66 with respect to the heaven and the stars leads to the chapter discussed above that pertains to this verse:
Regarding the dicta: [When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars] which you have established [konantah] [Ps 8:4]; have spread out [ṭippeḥah] the heavens [Isa 48:13]; who stretches out the heavens [Ps 104:2], the terms used therein are included in the verb to make [‘aśoh]. (Guide of the Perplexed 2.30)
The formation of the moon and the stars, which is more compelling evidence of divine intention, is therefore alluded to in the description of the making of the heavens, and is an expression of God’s will as expressed in the verse “By the word of the Lord were the heavens made” (Ps 33:6). Therefore, bara’ indicates the creation of the world ex nihilo, ‘aśah indicates the giving of forms both in heaven and in earth, and ’amar indicates the dimension of the willful aspect which is particularly evident in the giving of forms in heaven.