This year's archaeological activity ranges from Rome to Sudan, and involves a wide range of collaborative projects. The BSR continues to be a key actor in archaeological research across a wide area, with well over a dozen discrete projects under way, and a range of methods and approaches. We are grateful to all our partners for their support and collaboration.
In addition to this work, the BSR continues to showcase new finds and new analyses from northern Italy down into Sicily through conferences and workshops, and continues to support work on museums and cultural heritage management. The reports presented here contribute to our research themes on Rome: History, Place and Imagination; Landscapes and Urbanscapes; Connectivity in the Mediterranean; and Conservation, Heritage Management and Sustainability. The reports start roughly with the city of Rome, and move outwards (Map 1), and cover a range of periods from the Bronze Age to the late Empire. Some figures from the Archaeological Research Reports are reproduced in the hard copy of this journal as Plates 14–21.
Map 1. Location of the archaeological fieldwork projects in Italy. (Map: Sophie Hay.)