Books and Articles in the Field of the Prevention and Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes (Summer 2011)
Compiled by Ingrid Kost exclusively from materials available in the Peace Palace Library, The Hague
1. Books
Amer, R. (ed.), Conflict Management and Dispute Settlement in East Asia (2011). ISBN 9781409419976, 228 pp.
Amerasinghe, C. F., International Arbitral Jurisdiction (2011). ISBN 9789004181335, 284 pp.
Benham, J., Peacemaking in the Middle Ages: Principles and Practice (2011). ISBN 9780719084447, 250 pp.
Benner, T., The New World of UN Peace Operations: Learning to Build Peace? (2011). ISBN 9780199594887, 247 pp.
Blavoukos, S., and Bourantonis, D., Chairing Multilateral Negotiations: The Case of the United Nations (2011). ISBN 9780415490825, 200 pp.
Cockayne, J. (ed.), Peace Operations and Organised Crime: Enemies or Allies? (2011). ISBN 9780415601702, 230 pp.
Faget, J. (ed.), Mediation in Political Conflicts: Soft Power or Counter Culture? (2011). ISBN 9781849460781, 224 pp.
Frowe, H., The Ethics of War and Peace: An Introduction (2011). ISBN 9780415492393, 244 pp.
Greenberg, S., Kee, C., and Weeramantry, J. R., International Commercial Arbitration: An Asia–Pacific Perspective (2011). ISBN 9780521695701, 543 pp.
Gusy, M. F., Hosking, J. M., and Schwarz, F. T., A Guide to the ICDR International Arbitration Rules (2011). ISBN 9780199596843, 399 pp.
Hehir, A., Kuhrt, N., and Mumford, A. (eds.), International Law, Security and Ethics: Policy Challenges in the Post-9/11 World (2011). ISBN 9780415607421, 207 pp.
MacGinty, R., International Peacebuilding and Local Resistance: Hybrid Forms of Peace (2011). ISBN 9780230273764, 256 pp.
Mays, T. M., Historical Dictionary of Multinational Peacekeeping (2011). ISBN 9780810868083, 466 pp.
Messmer, H., and Otto, H. U. (eds.), Restorative Justice on Trial: Pitfalls and Potentials of Victim–Offender Mediation – International Research Perspectives (2011), ISBN 9789048141289, 608 pp.
Noll, D. E., Elusive Peace: How Modern Diplomatic Strategies Could Better Resolve World Conflicts (2011). ISBN 9781616144173, 304 pp.
Oberg, M., and Hoglund, K., Understanding Peace Research: Methods and Challenges (2011). ISBN 9780415571975, 224 pp.
Reiter, Y., War, Peace and International Relations in Islam: Muslim Scholars on Peace Accords with Israel (2011). ISBN 9781845194710, 236 pp.
Sheehan, N., The Economics of UN Peacekeeping (2011). ISBN 9780415567466, 344 pp.
Smith, S. S., Afghanistan's Troubled Transition: Politics, Peacekeeping, and the 2004 Presidential Election (2011), ISBN 9781935049364, 310 pp.
Spector, B. I., Negotiating Peace and Confronting Corruption: Challenges for Post-Conflict Societies (2011). ISBN 9781601270719, 150 pp.
2. Chapters in edited volumes and journal articles
Åkebo, M., ‘The Role of External Actors in Managing Peace Processes in Asia: An Overview of Attempts in Aceh, Mindanao and Sri Lanka’, in Amer, R. and Zou, K. (eds.), Conflict Management and Dispute Settlement in East Asia (2011), 83–106
Amer, R., ‘The, Conflict Management Framework of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)’, in Amer, R. and Zou, K. (eds.), Conflict Management and Dispute Settlement in East Asia (2011), 39–62
Andersen, S. K., ‘Mediation and the North American Free Trade Agreement’, in Handbook on International Arbitration and ADR (2010), 247–67
Andreas, P., ‘Symbiosis between Peace Operations and Illicit Business in Bosnia’, in Cockayne, J. and Lupel, A. (eds.), Peace Operations and Organised Crime: Enemies or Allies? (2011), 33–46
Bastagli, F., ‘Can Law Make a Difference? Lessons Learned from a UN Experience’, (2010) 43 Revue belge de droit international 131–8
Beytenbrod, S., ‘Defining Aggression: An Opportunity to Curtail the Criminal Activities of Non-State Actors’, (2011) 36 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 647–91
Bockel, A., ‘Gaza: Le processus de paix en question’, (2009) 55 Annuaire français de droit international 173–87
Burke, R., ‘Status of Forces Deployed on UN Peacekeeping Operations: Jurisdictional Immunity’, (2011) 16 Journal of Conflict & Security Law 63–104
Ceenaeme, B., ‘ICSID Arbitration as an Option for International Construction Disputes’, (2011) 28 International Construction Law Review 220–56
Checiu, A., ‘Divided Partners: The Challenges of NATO–NGO Cooperation in Peacebuilding Operations, NATO and the Challenge of Sustainable Peacebuilding’, (2011) 17 Global Governance 95–114
Ciríc, A., ‘The Dispute Settlement Procedure before the World Trade Organization’, (2010) 1 Yearbook on International Arbitration 57–74
Clark, J. N., ‘The Impact Question: The ICTY and the Restoration and Maintenance of Peace’, in Swart, B., Zahar, A., and Sluiter, G. (eds.), The Legacy of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (2011), 55–80
Clark, J. N., ‘Transitional Justice, Truth and Reconciliation: An Under-Explored Relationship’, (2011) 11 International Criminal Law Review 241–61
Cockayne, J., ‘Winning Haiti's Protection Competition: Organised Crime and Peace Operations, Past, Present and Future’, in Cockayne, J. and Lupel, A. (eds.), Peace Operations and Organised Crime: Enemies or Allies? (2011), 115–35
Collar Fernandez, C., and Spolter, J., ‘International Intellectual Property Dispute Resolution: Is Mediation a Sleeping Giant?’, in Handbook on International Arbitration and ADR (2010), 271–88
Cortes, P., ‘Developing Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers in the EU: A Proposal for the Regulation of Accredited Providers’, (2011) 19 International Journal of Law & Information Technology 1–28
Dorn, J. W., ‘Settlements in the United States Court of International Trade: Practices and Policies [Part of the Symposium on United States Court of International Trade]’, (2011) 19 Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law 433–54
Eckhard, F., ‘Whose Responsibility to Protect?’, (2011) 3 Global Responsibility to Protect 89–101
Epstein, A., ‘A New Approach to an Old Problem: Managing Fish Resources in the Beaufort Sea’, (2010–11) 11 Chicago Journal of International Law 755–88
Gaillard, E., and de Lapasse, P., ‘Le nouveau droit français de l'arbitrage interne et international’, (2010) 55 La revue libanaise de l'arbitrage arabe et international 3–21
Gheciu, A., and Paris, R., ‘NATO and the Challenge of Sustainable Peacebuilding’, (2011) 17 Global Governance 75–80
Greciano, P., ‘Aufarbeitung und Versöhnung: Die Verpflichtungen der internationalen Justiz’, (2011) 44 Verfassung und Recht in Übersee 115–29
Greener, B. K., ‘The Rise of Policing in Peace Operations’, (2011) 18 International Peacekeeping 183–95
Grizo, M., ‘The Versailles System of Peace Treaties and the Minority Protection in Southeast Europe: The Bulgarian–Greek Convention for the Exchange of Population of 1919’, (2010) Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade Belgrade Law Review 67–81
Guglya, L., ‘The Interplay of International Dispute Resolution Mechanisms: The Softwood Lumber Controversy’, (2011) 2 Journal of International Dispute Settlement 175–207
Höglund, K., ‘Obstacles to Monitoring: Perceptions of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission and the Dual Role of Norway’, (2011) 18 International Peacekeeping 210–25
Johnstone, I., ‘Managing Consent in Contemporary Peacekeeping Operations’, (2011) 18 International Peacekeeping 168–82
Jonsson, G., ‘Challenges and Conflict Management on the Korean Peninsula: The 1968 Pueblo Incident’, in Amer, R. and Zou, K. (eds.), Conflict Management and Dispute Settlement in East Asia (2011), 107–25
Jubilut, L. L., ‘Towards a New Jus Post Bellum: The United Nations Peacebuilding Commission and the Improvement of Post-Conflict Efforts and Accountability’, (2011) 20 Minnesota Journal of International Law 26–64
Kirval, L., ‘International Security through Further Modernity: A Theoretical Approach to Inland and Maritime Security’, (2011) 42 Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce 101–13
Koh, T., ‘International Law and the Peaceful Resolution of Disputes: Asian Perspectives, Contributions, and Challenges’, (2011) 1 The Asian Journal of International Law 57–70
Kraska, J., ‘Broken Taillight at Sea: The Peacetime International Law of Visit, Board, Search, and Seizure’, (2011) 16 Ocean and Coastal Law Journal 1–46
Kurt, N., ‘The, Human Security Agenda after 9/11: From Humanitarian Intervention to Peacebuilding’, in Hehir, A., Kuhrt, N., and Mumford, A., (eds.), International Law, Security and Ethics: Policy Challenges in the Post-9/11 World (2011), 95–107
Leitner, K. et al. , ‘WTO Dispute Settlement 1995–2010: A Statistical Analysis’, (2011) 14 Journal of International Economic Law 191–201
Lindberg, J., and Orjuela, C., ‘Corruption and Conflict: Connections and Consequences in War-Torn Sri Lanka’, (2011) 11 Conflict, Security & Development 205–33
Liviatan, O., ‘Faith in the Law: The Role of Legal Arrangements in Religion-Based Conflicts Involving Minorities’, (2011) 34 Boston College International and Comparative Law Review 53–89
Manjoo, R., and McRaith, C., ‘Gender-Based Violence and Justice in Conflict and Post-Conflict Areas’, (2011) 44 Cornell International Law Journal 11–31
Matari, S. S., ‘Mediation to Resolve the Bedouin–Israeli Government Dispute for the Negev Desert’, (2011) 34 Fordham International Law Journal 1089–130
Millett, R., ‘Cross-Border Insolvency and Arbitration: A Collision of Spheres?’, (2011) 5 Dispute Resolution International 113–20
Mitten, M. J., and Hayden, O., ‘Sports Law: Implications for the Development of International, Comparative, and National Law and Global Dispute Resolution’, (2010) 85 Tulane Law Review 269–322
Montag, H., ‘Friedensmissionen als potenziell legitime militärische Ziele: Beitrag zur Einordnung des Personals von friedenserhaltenden Missionen nach dem humanitären Völkerrecht’, (2011) 24 Humanitäres Völkerrecht 21–9
Muggah, R., and Krause, K., ‘Closing the Gap between Peace Operations and Post-Conflict Insecurity: Towards a Violence-Reduduction Agenda’, in Cockayne, J. and Lupel, A. (eds.), Peace Operations and Organised Crime: Enemies or Allies? (2011), 174–89
Nyana, S., ‘The ICC at a Crossroads: Between Prosecution and Peace in Africa’, (2011) 4 Journal of African and International Law 1–74
Omorogbe, E. Y., ‘Can the African Union Deliver Peace and Security?’, (2011) 16 Journal of Conflict & Security Law 35–62
Palomino, J., ‘Diplomacy as a Means to Successfully Disarm North Korea’, (2011) 32 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 937–59
Pertev, R., ‘Misgovernance as an Impediment to Peace: The Political Misuse of Property in Cyprus’, (2010) 3 Ankara Bar Review 83–92
Pic, P., and Léger, I., ‘Le nouveau règlement d'arbitrage de la CNUDCI’, (2011) Revue de l'arbitrage 99–118
Reinisch, A., ‘How Narrow Are Narrow Dispute Settlement Clauses in Investment Treaties?’, (2011) 2 Journal of International Dispute Settlement 115–74
Roth, M., ‘The Revision of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules’, (2010) 1 Yearbook on International Arbitration 19–28
Ryngaert, C., and Buchanan, H., ‘Member State Responsibility for the Acts of International Organizations’, (2011) 7 Utrecht Law Review 131–46
Sachar, H. M., ‘Enforcing the Peace: How the Great Powers Can Resolve the Israeli–Palestinian Impasse’, (2011) 90 Foreign Affairs 14–18
Saravanamuttu, J., ‘Conflict Management in the Southern Philippines and Its Implications for Regionalism’, in Amer, R. and Zou, K. (eds.), Conflict Management and Dispute Settlement in East Asia (2011), 65–82
Schofield, C. H., and Townsend-Gault, I., ‘Choppy Waters Ahead in a “Sea of Peace Cooperation and Friendship”? Slow Progress towards the Application of Maritime Joint Development to the East China Sea’, (2011) 35 Marine Policy 25–33
Sebenius, J. K., ‘Developing Superior Negotiation Case Studies’, (2011) 27 Negotiation Journal 69–85
Sheehan, S. P., ‘The International Legal Status of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement of the Sudan’, (2011) 60 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 423–58
Singh, H., ‘Conflict Management in East Asia’, in Amer, R. and Zou, K. (eds.), Conflict Management and Dispute Settlement in East Asia (2011), 17–37
Smith, G., ‘No Justice, No Peace: Kandahar, 2005–09’, in Mason, W. (ed.), The Rule of Law in Afghanistan: Missing in Inaction (2011), 301–7
Spearin, C., ‘UN Peacekeeping and the International Private Military and Security Industry’, (2011) 18 International Peacekeeping 196–209
Su, J., ‘The Peaceful Purposes Principle in Antarctica and the Stability of Its Peaceful Status’, (2010) 24 Australian and New Zealand Maritime Law Journal 152–65
Surke, A., ‘Virtues of a Narrow Mission: The UN Peace Operation in Nepal’, (2011) 17 Global Governance 37–56
Tardi, T., ‘A Critique of Robust Peacekeeping in Contemporary Peace Operations’, (2011) 18 International Peacekeeping 152–67
Van Engeland, A., ‘Human Rights Strategies to Avoid Fragmentation of International Law as a Threat to Peace’, (2010–11) 5 Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Rights Law 25–48
Von Schmaedel, J., ‘Kelsen's Peace through Law and Its Reception by His Contemporaries’, (2011) 39 Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and Politics 71–83
Weiner, J. R., Sharon, A., and Morrison, M., ‘Peacekeepers: Will They Advance Any Prospective Arab–Israeli Peace Agreement?’, (2010) 34 Fordham International Law Journal 1–45
Williams, M. J., ‘(Un)Sustainable Peacebuilding: NATO's Suitability for Postconflict Reconstruction in Multiactor Environments’, (2011) 17 Global Governance 115–34
Yoo, J., ‘Fixing Failed States’, (2011) 99 California Law Review 95–150