To announce your conference on these pages please contact the Editorial Assistant (
Agriculture and Food 2014: 2nd International Conference
Elenite Holiday Village, Bulgaria
5–9 June 2014
1st International online Conference of Environmental Pollution and Protection
Online, UAE
7 June 2014
20th World Congress of Soil Science
Jeju International Convention Center, Jeju Island, South Korea
8–13 June 2014
The 13th International Conference on Plant Pathogenic Bacteria
Shanghai, China
8–13 June 2014
Biology of Host-Parasite Interactions: Molecular Mechanisms of Pathogenesis and Treatment of Parasitic Diseases
Salve Regina University, Newport, RI
8–13 June 2014
4th International Conference on Asia Agriculture and Animal (ICAAA 2014)
Bangkok, Thailand
9–11 June 2014
International Conference on Agriculture and Forestry 2014 (ICOAF 2014)
Colombo, Sri Lanka
10–11 June 2014
2014 APS North Central Division Meeting
The UWEX Conference Center (Pyle Center) in Madison, Wisconsin
11–14 June 2014
Sustainable Irrigation 2014. 5th International Conference on Sustainable Irrigation and Drainage: Management, Technologies and Policies.
Poznan, Poland
17–19 June 2014
World Congress on Conservation Agriculture
Winnipeg Convention Centre, Winnipeg, Canada
22–27 June 2014
Sixth Annual Conference on Climate Change
Reykjavik, Iceland
27–28 June 2014
EUCARPIA Cereals Section – I T M I Joint Conference
Cereals for Food, Feed and Fuel Challenge for Global Improvement
Wernigerode, Germany
June 29–July 4 2014
International Conference on Agricultural, Ecological and Medical Sciences (AEMS-2014)
London, UK
3–4 July 2014
Sustainable Development Conference 2014: Green Technology, Renewable Energy and Environmental Protection
Bangkok, Thailand
5–7 July 2014
XVI International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (IS-MPMI)
Rhodos Island, Greece
6–10 July 2014
6th International Food Legumes Research Conference (IFLRC VI) and 7th International Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics (ICLGG VII)
TCU Place, Saskatoon, SK, Canada
7–11 July 2014
7th ISTA Seed Health Committee Seed Health Symposium
Edinburgh, Scotland
12–14 July 2014
VIII International Symposium on Chemical and Non-chemical Soil and Substrate Disinfestation (SD 2014)
Torino, Italy
13–18 July 2014
7th Annual International Symposium on Agriculture
Athens, Greece
14–17 July 2014
34th New Phytologist Symposium ‘Systems Biology and Ecology of CAM plants’
Granlibakken Resort and Conference Center, Lake Tahoe, CA, USA
15–18 July 2014
Workshop on Data Mining in Agriculture
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
18 July 2014
2014 Joint Annual Meeting (JAM) of the American Dairy Science Association® (ADSA®), the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS), and the Canadian Society of Animal Science (CSAS)
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
20–24 July 2014
2014 AAEA Annual Meeting
Minneapolis, USA
27–29 July 2014
International Union of Microbiological Societies 2014 Congresses
Montreal, Canada
27 July–1 August 2014
New Phytologist ‘Next Generation Scientists’
John Innes Conference Centre, Norwich, UK
29–30 July 2014
Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Soybean: 15th Biennial Conference
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
3–6 August 2014
10th European Congress of Entomology
York, UK
3–8 August 2014
Salt & Water Stress in Plants: From Molecules to the Field
Sunday River Resort, Newry, ME, USA
3–8 August 2014
North American Late Blight Symposium
Minneapolis, USA
8–9 August 2014
APS Annual Meeting
Minneapolis, USA
9–14 August 2014
Contact Betty Ford, email:
13th IUPAC International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry
San Francisco, CA, USA
10–14 August 2014
29th International Horticultural Congress
Including amongst others: 4th International Symposium on Plant Genetic Resources: Genetic Resources for Climate Change
Postharvest Knowledge for the Future
Brisbane, Australia
17–22 August 2014
International Conference on Agriculture, Biotechnology, Science and Engineering 2014
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
29–30 August 2014
11th European Nitrogen Fixation Congress
Tenerife, Spain
7–10 September 2014
Joint ISNH/ISRP International Conference 2014: Harnessing the Ecology and Physiology of Herbivores
Canberra, Australia
8–12 September 2014
18th World Congress of CIGR: International Commission of Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering
Beijing, China
16–19 September 2014
Contact: Prof. Lanfang Zhang, email:
The Fertilizer Institute 2014 World Fertilizer Conference
San Francisco, CA, USA
21–23 September 2014
2nd International Conference on Sustainable Development
Rome, Italy
26–27 September 2014
9th Conference of the Asian Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture - 2014
Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia
29 September – 1 October 2014
9th International Soil Science Congress on “The Soul of Soil and Civilization”
Side, Antalya, Turkey
14–16 October 2014
1st International Symposium on Grapevine Roots
Rauscedo (PN), Italy
16–17 October 2014
4th International Rice Congress
Bangkok, Thailand
27–31 October 2014
3rd International Conference on Agricultural & Horticultural Sciences
Hyderabad, India
27–29 October 2014
2014 International Annual Meetings of the ASA, CSSA & SSSA: “Grand Challenges – Great Solutions”
Long Beach, California, USA
2–4 November 2014
7th International Poultry Conference
Ain Soukhna, Red Sea, Egypt
3–6 November 2014
2nd International Symposium on Magnesium in Crop Production, Food Quality and human Health
Sao Paulo, Brazil
4–6 November 2014
8th Australasian Soilborne Diseases Symposium
The Hobart Conference & Function Centre, Tasmania
10–13 November 2014
Soil Science Australia. National Soil Science Conference
MCG, Melbourne, Australia
23–27 November 2014
Fifth International Conference on Plants & Environmental Pollution (ICPEP-5)
Lucknow, India
3–6 December 2014
8th International Integrated Pest Management Symposium ‘IPM: Solutions for a Changing World’
Salt lake City, Utah, USA
23–26 March 2015
APS Annual Meeting
Pasadena, CA, USA
1–5 August 2015
18th International Plant Protection Congress
Berlin, Germany
24–27 August 2015
25th International Congress of Entomology
Orlando. Florida, USA
25–30 September 2015
23rd Biennial Conference on Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition - Australia
Armidale, New South Wales, Australia
October 2015