Agbiboa, Daniel E., Mobility, Mobilization, and Counter/Insurgency: The Routes of Terror in an African Context, 1065
Andersen, Morten Skumsrud, Alexander Cooley, and Daniel H. Nexon, Undermining American Hegemony: Goods Substitution in World Politics, 1156
Bain, William, Political Theology of International Order, 1149
Bale, Tim and Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser, Riding the Populist Wave: Europe’s Mainstream Right in Crisis, 1119
Basnett, Caleb J., Adorno, Politics, and the Aesthetic Animal, 1095
Basta, Karlo, The Symbolic State: Minority Recognition, Majority Backlash, and Secession in Multinational Countries, 1124
Bertrand, Jacques, Democracy and Nationalism in Southeast Asia: From Secessionist Mobilization to Conflict Resolution, 1128
Bird, Colin, Human Dignity and Political Criticism, 1091
Bolton, Alexander and Sharece Thrower, Checks in the Balance: Legislative Capacity and the Dynamics of Executive Power, 1117
Brown, Nathan J., Shimaa Hatab, and Amr Adly, Lumbering State, Restless Society: Egypt in the Modern Era, 1126
Chan, Steve, Huiyun Feng, Kai He, and Weixing Hu, Contesting Revisionism: China, the United States, and the Transformation of International Order, 1153
Copelovitch, Mark and David A. Singer, Banks on the Brink: Global Capital, Securities Markets, and the Political Roots of Financial Crises, 1081
Dietrich, Simone, States, Markets, and Foreign Aid, 1145
Disch, Lisa Jane, Making Constituencies: Representation as Mobilization in Mass Democracy, 1071
El-Ghobashy, Mona, Bread and Freedom: Egypt’s Revolutionary Situation, 1126
Ellis, Richard J., Old Tip vs. the Sly Fox: The 1840 Election and the Making of a Partisan Nation, 1105
Falkner, Robert, Environmentalism and Global International Security, 1048
Fortunato, David, The Cycle of Coalition: How Parties and Voters Interact under Coalition Governance, 1134
Gartner, Scott Sigmund and Gary M. Segura, Costly Calculations: A Theory of War, Casualties, and Politics, 1140
Gastil, John and Katherine R. Knobloch, Hope for Democracy: How Citizens Can Bring Reason Back into Politics, 1090
Gelvin, James L., The Contemporary Middle East in an Age of Upheaval, 1136
Gray, Kevin and Jong-Woon Lee, North Korea and the Geopolitics of Development, 1143
Hacker, Jacob S., Alexander Hertel-Fernandez, Paul Pierson, and Kathleen Thelen, The American Political Economy: Politics, Markets, and Power, 1099
Hansen-Magnusson, Hannes and Antje Vetterlein, The Rise of Responsibility in World Politics, 1152
Helleiner, Eric, The Neomercantilists: A Global Intellectual History, 1155
Herbst, Susan, A Troubled Birth: The 1930s and American Public Opinion, 1102
Hiruta, Kei, Hannah Arendt and Isaiah Berlin: Freedom, Politics and Humanity, 1094
Ish-Shalom, Piki, Markus Kornprobst, and Vincent Pouliot, Theorizing World Orders: Cognitive Evolution and Beyond, 1142
Jacoby, Sanford M., Labor in the Age of Finance: Pensions, Politics, and Corporations from Deindustrialization to Dodd–Frank, 1107
Johnson, Jennifer L., Grandmothers on Guard: Gender, Aging, and the Minutemen at the US-Mexico Border, 1109
Kapila, Shruti, Violent Fraternity: Indian Political Thought in the Global Age, 1086
Kauffman, Craig M. and Pamela L. Martin, The Politics of Rights of Nature: Strategies for Building a More Sustainable Future, 1048
Kisangani, Emizet F. and Jeffrey Pickering, African Interventions: State Militaries, Foreign Powers, and Rebel Forces, 1150
Landemore, Hélène, Open Democracy: Reinventing Popular Rule for the Twenty-First Century, 1059
LaPira, Timothy M., Lee Drutman, and Kevin R. Kosar, Congress Overwhelmed: The Decline in Congressional Capacity and Prospects for Reform, 1106
Lieberman, Robert C., Suzanne Mettler, and Kenneth M. Roberts, Democratic Resilience: Can the United States Withstand Rising Polarization?, 1110
Liu, Amy H., The Language of Political Incorporation: Chinese Migrants in Europe, 1076
McDonald, Matt, Ecological Security: Climate Change and the Construction of Security, 1048
McNally, Katrina F., Representing the Disadvantaged: Group Interests and Legislator Reputation in US Congress, 1097
Micinski, Nicholas R., Delegating Responsibility: International Cooperation on Migration in the European Union, 1158
Miller, Michael K., Shock to the System: Coups, Elections, and War on the Road to Democratization, 1122
Monforti, Jessica Lavariega and Adam McGlynn, Proving Patriotismo: Latino Military Recruitment, Service, and Belonging in the US, 1104
Nahm, Jonas, Collaborative Advantage: Forging Green Industries in the New Global Economy, 1048
Nanes, Matthew, Policing for Peace: Institutions, Expectations, and Security in Divided Societies, 1132
Novkov, Julie and Carol Nackenoff, Stating the Family: New Directions in the Study of American Politics, 1101
Oliveros, Virginia, Patronage at Work: Public Jobs and Political Services in Argentina, 1139
Pamuk, Zeynep, Politics and Expertise: How to Use Science in a Democratic Society, 1087
Panagopoulos, Costas, Congressional Challengers: Candidate Quality in U.S. Elections to Congress, 1097
Paterson, Matthew, Where Is the Key? Unlocking Ecological-Political Transformations, 1048
Popkin, Samuel L., Crackup: The Republican Implosion and the Future of American Politics, 1053
Prior, Markus, Hooked: How Politics Captures People’s Interest, 1112
Regilme Jr, Salvador Santino F., Aid Imperium: United States Foreign Policy and Human Rights in Post-Cold War Southeast Asia, 1159
RePass, David E., Listening to the American Voter: What Was on Voters’ Minds in Presidential Elections, 1960 to 2016, 1113
Ringe, Nils, The Language(s) of Politics: Multilingual Policy-Making in the European Union, 1078
Rosenbluth, Frances McCall and Margaret Weir, Who Gets What? The New Politics of Insecurity, 1125
Schouten, Peer, Roadblock Politics: The Origins of Violence in Central Africa, 1067
Schwarze, Michelle, Recognizing Resentment: Sympathy, Injustice, and Liberal Political Thought, 1088
Shitrit, Lihi Ben, Women and the Holy City: The Struggle over Jerusalem’s Sacred Space, 1130
Shoikhedbrod, Igor, Revisiting Marx’s Critique of Liberalism: Rethinking Justice, Legality and Rights, 1092
Sinclair, Timothy J., To the Brink of Destruction: America’s Rating Agencies and Financial Crisis, 1083
Talisse, Robert B., Sustaining Democracy: What We Owe to the Other Side, 1073
Tarrow, Sidney, Movements and Parties: Critical Connections in American Political Development, 1055
Thompson, Nicolas, Imagining the Fed: The Struggle for the Heart of the Federal Reserve, 1913–1970, 1115
Tillman, Erik R., Authoritarianism and the Evolution of West European Electoral Politics, 1119
Tsai, Lily L., When People Want Punishment: Retributive Justice and the Puzzle of Authoritarian Popularity, 1137
Vaughan-Williams, Nick, Vernacular Border Security: Citizens’ Narratives of Europe’s ‘Migration Crisis,’ 1146
Vergara, Camila, Systemic Corruption: Constitutional Ideas for an Anti-Oligarchic Republic, 1062
Whitlark, Rachel Elizabeth, All Options on the Table: Leaders, Preventive War, and Nuclear Proliferation, 1148
Wiedemann, Andreas, Indebted Societies: Credit and Welfare in Rich Democracies, 1121
Wilfahrt, Martha, Precolonial Legacies in Postcolonial Politics: Representation and Redistribution in Decentralized West Africa, 1133
Witko, Christopher, Jana Morgan, Nathan J. Kelly, and Peter K. Enns, Hijacking the Agenda: Economic Power and Political Influence, 1116
Young, Benjamin R., Guns, Guerillas, and the Great Leader: North Korea and the Third World, 1143