The following provides full details of the ownership and copyright of the figures published in the following articles:
‘Agurumyela's art of connection: Christopher Azaare's project of curating Gurensi history and culture’ by Anatoli Ignatov in Africa 90 (4): 649–66 (see ‘Supplementary materials’: ‘Christopher Azaare's full-length manuscript Tindaanaship and Tindaanas in Traditional Gurensi (Frafra) Communities’, available via DOI <>).
‘Tindaanaship and tindaanas in traditional Gurensi (Frafra) communities: land use and practices’ by Azaare Christopher Anabila in Africa 90 (4): 667–82.
Figures in Anatoli Ignatov in Africa 90 (4): 649–66 (Supplementary materials)
Figures on book cover: Tindaan Banga, Dapore-Tindongo (left). Reproduced from Akupelgo Ageero Tendana's house. Photo taken by Rashid Bawa; Zoko Kadare Tindaana (right). Photo taken by Anatoli Ignatov.
Figure 1: Gowrie Tindaana (left). Photo taken by author in 1986; Paramount chief of Bongo at Azambene festival (right). Photo taken by Anatoli Ignatov.
Figure 2: A traditional diviner/soothsayer. Photo taken by author.
Figure 3: Process of divining to select a new Tindaana at the house of the deceased Tindaana. Collage created by author from photos taken by him and Domenico Cristofaro.
Figure 4A: Miisi-Zuvɔka or Tindaan-Zuvoka. Photo taken by author.
Figure 4B: Calabash/Bagere Wula. Photo of Vea Tindaana taken by Anatoli Ignatov.
Figure 4C: Sua (knife). Photo taken by Sahadu Al-Hassan.
Figure 5: Samane. Oxford, Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Afr. s. 1958, vol. 1, fol. 9 recto [‘The D.C.'s herd’]. Permission courtesy of the Bodleian Library.
Figure 6: Land within the back of the house. Photo taken by Domenico Cristofaro and reproduced from Azaare's photo archive.
Figure 7: Land in the bush. Oxford, Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Afr. s. 1958, vol. 1, fol. 4 recto [‘(Zebu) Moshi cattle on their way south. 1922’]. Permission courtesy of the Bodleian Library.
Figure 8: Farmlands created by a family in the bush near Pwalugu. Photo taken by author.
Figure 9: A tindaana. Photo of Balungu tindaana taken by Anatoli Ignatov.
Figure 10: A tindaana pouring libation for a new harvest of the year. Photo taken by author.
Figure 11: Gurensi (Frafra) warrior. Photo taken by author in 1980 in Gowrie.
Figure 12: It was the cutting of poles from the Apusariga Earthgod that led to the war between Bongo and Dua in 1906. Photo of Apusariga Earthgod taken by Anatoli Ignatov.
Figure 13: The harvesting of the dawadawa tree was the cause of the war between Biung and Winduri in 1913. Photo taken by Domenico Cristofaro.
Figure 14: The beginning of the fight between Atobire and Abagɔ-ɔse families in Lungu. Photo used as an illustration of the fight and taken by author during a festival in Lungu.
Figure 15: Constable Nazoa being shot with an arrow. Reproduced from n.a., Ninkãrsɩ pĩ’iluŋo kibarɛ n sẽŋɛ se'em (Traces de l'histoire des Ninkarse), 2006, Ouagadougou: Société Internationale de Linguistique.
Figure 16: Lungu attacker. Reproduced from n.a., Ninkãrsɩ pĩ’iluŋo kibarɛ n sẽŋɛ se'em (Traces de l'histoire des Ninkarse), 2006, Ouagadougou: Société Internationale de Linguistique.
Figure 17: Louis Castellain (in the middle) in 1922, then DC of Zuarungu-Navrongo. Oxford, Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Afr. s. 1958, vol. 1, fol. 10 recto [‘Boxing day in the Tong Hills, 1922’]. Permission courtesy of the Bodleian Library.
Figure 18: Constabulary Force that was mobilized to quell the fight in Bongo in 1916. Oxford, Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Afr. s. 1958, vol. 1, fol. 2 recto [‘The N.T.C. detachment’]. Permission courtesy of the Bodleian Library.
Figure 19: Harvesting the fruits of the dawadawa tree (locust bean) was the cause of the Kadare-Goo war in 1920. Photo taken by Domenico Cristofaro and reproduced from Azaare's photo archive.
Figure 20: The beans of the dawadawa tree. Photo taken by Domenico Cristofaro.
Figure 21: This type of arrows was used as a means to solve their controversies. Photo taken by Domenico Cristofaro.
Figure 22: The early genealogy of Abolga's descendants. Reproduced from Azaare's notes and drawn by Sahadu Al-Hassan.
Figure 23: Tindonmoligo Tindaana Ayeta Ayinbire Atuuna (enskinned on 17th November 2015). Photo taken by Domenico Cristofaro.
Figure 24: The Ayia-Tanga, the sacred earth-god of the Dapore-Tindaama. Photo taken by Domenico Cristofaro.
Figure 25: Tindaan-Banga Ageero. Reproduced from Akupelgo Ageero Tendana's house. Photo taken by Rashid Bawa.
Figure 26: Genealogical family tree of Asa'amsɔɔ descendants and Tindaanas in their order of succession. Reproduced from Azaare's notes and drawn by Sahadu Al-Hassan.
Figure 27: Family tree of Bolga-Soe Tindaanduuma. Drawn by Sahadu Al-Hassan.
Figure 28: Tindaana Nyaaba Anafo. Photo taken by author.
Figure 29: Tindaana Akurugu. Photo taken by Jacqueline Ignatova.
Figure 30: Current priest to the sky god of the ancestor Adongo (i.e. Adongo-yine). Reproduced from Azaare's handwritten notes and drawn by Anatoli Ignatov.
Figure 31: Lands which fall under Tongo-Beo-Rana.
Figure 32: Genealogy of Asuwa's descendants. Reproduced from Azaare's handwritten notes and drawn by Anatoli Ignatov.
Figure 33: A sketch map of Sumbrungu. Photo taken by author.
Figure 34: Tindaana Apiiya. Photo taken by Anatoli Ignatov.
Figure 35: Genealogy of Vea Tindaanduuma. Drawn by Sahadu Al-Hassan.
Figure 36: Genealogy of Bɔɔ in Gowrie Tindaanduuma. Reproduced from Azaare's handwritten notes and drawn by Anatoli Ignatov.
Figure 37: Akubire Azaare, the Tindaana of Zaare at the time of publication of this book. Photo taken by Anatoli Ignatov.
Figure 38: Tindaan Waafo (1973 to present). Photo taken by Anatoli Ignatov.
Figure 39: Genealogical family tree of Tindaanaship of Balungo. Drawn by Sahadu Al-Hassan.
Figure 40: Acting Tindaana Apana. Photo taken by Jacqueline Ignatova.
Figure 41: Two arrowheads sent for testing. Photo taken by Domenico Cristofaro.
Figures in Azaare Christopher Anabila, Africa 90 (4): 667–82
Figure 1A: Tindaan Banga, Dapore-Tindongo. Reproduced from Akupelgo Ageero Tendana's house. Photo taken by Rashid Bawa.
Figure 1B: Zoko Kadare Tindaana. Photo taken by Anatoli Ignatov.
Figures 2A and 2B: Azaare's fieldnotes on the early genealogy of Abolga's descendants. Photo taken by Sahadu Al-Hassan.
Figure 3: Tindonmoligo Tindaana Ayeta Ayinbire Atuuna (enskinned on 17 November 2015). Photo taken by Domenico Cristofaro.
Figures 4A–D: Maps of the genealogical family trees of Asa'amsɔɔ descendants. The maps were generated by Tindaana Akupelgo's family in collaboration with Azaare, utilizing his family tree method. Reproduced from Akupelgo Ageero Tindaana's house and photographed by Domenico Cristofaro.
Figure 5: Genealogical family tree of Asa'amsɔɔ descendants and tindaanas in their order of succession. Drawn by Sahadu Al-Hassan.