1. Introduction
A Grothendieck
is an accessible left exact localization of the presheaf
over some small
(Lurie, Reference Lurie2009, Section 6.1). Hence, it is presented by a model topos
given by a left exact left Bousfield localization of the simplicial category
of simplicially enriched presheaves on an associated small simplicial category
, equipped with either the projective or the injective model structure (Rezk, Reference Rezk2010, Section 6). In the following, we prove a correspondence between
-small fibrations in such model toposes
and relatively
-compact maps in their associated Grothendieck
for regular cardinals
large enough. This is motivated by the interpretation of univalent Tarski universes defined in Martin-Löf-type theory (The Univalent Foundations Program 2013) as univalent fibrations universal for the class of
-small fibrations for suitable cardinals
(Cisinski Reference Cisinski2014; Shulman Reference Shulman2019a) and their intended interpretation as object classifiers in higher topos theory for relatively
-compact maps as developed in Lurie (Reference Lurie2009, Section 6.1.6). Therefore, even though we prove an analogous (but slightly weaker result) result for the projective model structure and arbitrary localizations, the main result of this paper is the following.
Theorem 3.21. Let
be a small simplicial category, T be a set of arrows in the underlying category of
, and
be the left Bousfield localization
equipped with the injective model structure at the set T (in the classic sense of Hirschhorn Reference Hirschhorn2003, Section 3.3). Assume that the localization is left exact, and let
be a sufficiently large regular cardinal. Then a morphism
is relatively
-compact if and only if there is a
-small fibration
such that
$g\simeq f$
Corollary 4.1. Let
be a left exact left Bousfield localization as in Theorem 3.21, and let
be a sufficiently large regular cardinal. Then, a relatively
-compact map
is a classifying map for all relatively
-compact maps in
if and only if there is a univalent
-small fibration
which is weakly universal for all
-small fibrations in
such that
As a prerequisite for the proof we are giving, in Section 2, we show that up to DK-equivalence every simplicial category can be replaced by the localization of a suitable well-founded poset as already observed by Shulman in (Reference Shulman2017). This allows us to replace simplicial presheaf categories over arbitrary small simplicial categories
by localizations of simplicial presheaf categories over such posets I. In Section 3, we will use that such model categories come equipped with a theory of minimal fibrations that will allow us to present relatively
-compact maps in their underlying quasi-category by
-small fibrations. Those can be pushed forward to
-small projective fibrations in our original presheaf category over
making use of Dugger’s ideas about universal homotopy theories in Dugger (Reference Dugger2001b). The move to the injective model structure then follows by Shulman’s recent observation (Shulman, Reference Shulman2019a, Section 8) that the cobar construction on simplicial presheaf categories takes projective fibrations to injective ones. In Section 4, we explain the relevance of this result for the semantics of homotopy type theory in higher topos theory, as Theorem 3.21 is necessary to translate Tarski universes in the syntax to object classifiers in an
-topos (when using the common semantics via type-theoretic model categories given in Shulman Reference Shulman2015, Section 4).
2. Direct Poset Presentations of Simplicial Categories
In the following, simplicial categories – that is simplicially enriched categories - will be denoted by bold faced letters
and ordinary categories will be distinguished by blackboard letters
denotes the (simplicial) category of simplicial sets. By a simplicial presheaf over
, we mean a simplicially enriched presheaf
. Simplicial presheaves and simplicial natural transformations form part of a simplicial category
(via the usual end-construction, denoted
in Kelly Reference Kelly2005, Section 2.2) whose underlying ordinary category will be denoted by sPsh(C).
Mike Shulman noted in Shulman (Reference Shulman2017, Lemma 0.2) that every quasi-category can be presented by the localization of a direct – in other words, well-founded – poset of degree at most
.Footnote 1 Since the note is unpublished, in this section, we present a slightly stronger variation of his observation (with an accordingly slightly different proof) and discuss the resulting presentations of associated presheaf
-categories. Although the following sections only will require the fact that every
-category can be presented by the localization of an Eilenberg–Zilber category (Berger and Moerdijk Reference Berger and Moerdijk2011), proving the stronger condition of posetality only requires about as much work as the Eilenberg–Zilber condition itself.
Recall the following constructions and notation from Barwick and Kan (Reference Barwick and Kan2012b). A relative category is a pair
such that
is a category and V is a subcategory of
. A relative functor
is a functor
of categories such that
$F[V]\subseteq W$
. The relative functor F is a relative inclusion if its underlying functor of categories is an inclusion and
. The category of small relative categories and relative functors is denoted by RelCat.
There are two canonical inclusions of the category Cat of small categories into RelCat; for a category
and its discrete wide subcategory
, we obtain the associated minimal relative category
and the associated maximal relative category
In Barwick and Kan (Reference Barwick and Kan2012b, Section 4), Barwick and Kan introduce a combinatorial subdivision operation
on relative posets (considered as posetal relative categories) and an associated bisimplicial nerve construction
$N_{\xi}\colon\mathrm{RelCat}\rightarrow s\mathbf{S}$
giving rise to the adjoint pair:
The left adjoint
is given by
on representables and left Kan extension along the Yoneda embedding. The authors of Barwick and Kan (Reference Barwick and Kan2012b) have shown that the category RelCat inherits a transferred model structure from the Reedy model structure
which turns the pair
into a Quillen-equivalence. By construction, the set
forms a set of generating cofibrations for the model structure in question, where
denotes the generating set of monomorphisms in
. Left Bousfield localization of both sides of (1) induces a model structure
such that
is a Quillen-equivalence to Rezk’s model structure
for complete Segal spaces.
It follows that the underlying quasi-category of the model category RelCat is equivalent to the quasi-category of small
-categories (Lurie Reference Lurie2017, Definition We will denote the thus associated small
-category to a relative category
whenever it is not necessary to specify a specific model of
-category theory.
A central notion of Barwick and Kan (Reference Barwick and Kan2012b) is that of a “Dwyer map” in RelCat. A relative functor
is a Dwyer inclusion if F is a relative inclusion such that
is a sieve in
and such that the cosieve
generated by
comes equipped with a strong deformation retraction
. The relative functor F is a Dwyer map if it factors as an isomorphism followed by a Dwyer inclusion, see Barwick and Kan (Reference Barwick and Kan2012b, Section 3.5) for more details.
A major insight of the authors was that the generating cofibrations:
of the model category
are Dwyer maps of (finite) relative posets (Barwick and Kan Reference Barwick and Kan2012b, Proposition 9.5). It follows that every cofibration in
is a Dwyer map and that every cofibrant object is a relative poset (Barwick and Kan Reference Barwick and Kan2012b, Theorem 6.1).
Proposition 2.1. The underlying category of a cofibrant object in
is a direct (i.e. well-founded) poset of degree at most
(i.e. it comes equipped with a strictly monotone degree function to
Proof. Since the empty relative category
is a relative direct poset, it suffices to show that for every cofibration
is a relative direct poset of degree at most
is a relative direct poset of degree at most
. We show this by induction along the small object argument as follows.
The generating cofibrations (2) are maps between finite relative posets and such are clearly direct. Both Dwyer maps and relative posets are closed under coproducts and under pushouts between relative posets by Barwick and Kan (Reference Barwick and Kan2012b, Proposition 9.2). Since Dwyer inclusions are inclusions of sieves, it is easy to see that both constructions preserve well-foundedness and the existence of a
-valued degree function, too. Suppose we are given a transfinite composition of Dwyer maps
$A_{\alpha}\rightarrow A_{\beta}$
ordinals and
relative inverse posets of degree at most
. Then, as stated in the proof of Barwick and Kan (Reference Barwick and Kan2012b, Proposition 9.6), the colimit
is a relative poset. Suppose
$a=(a_i\mid i<\omega)$
is a descending sequence of arrows in
and let
such that
$a_0\in A_{\alpha}$
. Then the whole sequence a is contained in
, because the inclusion
$A_{\alpha}\hookrightarrow A_{\lambda}$
is a Dwyer map by Barwick and Kan (Reference Barwick and Kan2012b, Proposition 9.3) and so
$A_{\alpha}\subseteq A_{\lambda}$
is a sieve. Therefore, the sequence a is finite. For the same reason, the objects in
still have finite degree.
In particular, every free cofibration
– that is every transfinite composition of pushouts of coproducts of generating cofibrations with domain
– yields a relative direct poset
of degree at most
. But every cofibration
is a retract of such, and hence every cofibrant object in RelCat is a relative direct poset of degree at most
Remark 2.2. The same proof shows that the cofibrant objects in the Thomason model structure on Cat are direct posets, using Thomason’s original observation that the cofibrant objects in the Thomason model structure are posetal in the first place.
be the Bar construction obtained in the standard way by the monad resolution associated with the free category functor F from the category RGraph of reflexive graphs to Cat (Dwyer and Kan Reference Dwyer and Kan1980b, Section 2.5). Let
be the corresponding right adjoint forgetful functor. Recall that
itself is not the left adjoint to the “underlying category” functor
, but instead, as often remarked in the literature, a cofibrant replacement thereof. Furthermore, recall from Dwyer and Kan (Reference Dwyer and Kan1980b, Section 4) the (standard) simplicial localization functor:
which takes a relative category
to the simplicial category given in degree
$n\geq 0$
The functor
is part of an equivalence of associated homotopy theories (Barwick and Kan Reference Barwick and Kan2012a) so that
. Indeed, it is pointwise equivalent to the hammock localization of a relative category (Dwyer and Kan Reference Dwyer and Kan1980a, Section 2) and hence presents the
-categorical localization of
at V (Mazel-Gee Reference Mazel-Gee2019, Remark 3.2, Theorem 3.8). Yet it has the benefit of being a strict enriched construction: it is the localization of the simplicial category
at the subcategory
$F_{\Delta}(V)_0\subseteq F_{\Delta}(\mathbb{C})_0$
in the following sense.
Lemma 2.3. For every relative category
and every (potentially large) simplicial category
, the canonical simplicial functor
$j\colon F_{\Delta}(\mathbb{C})\rightarrow\mathcal{L}_{\Delta}(\mathbb{C},V)$
induces an isomorphism:
of hom-categories.
Here, we consider
as a 2-category given by
-enriched categories,
-enriched functors, and
-enriched natural transformations (Kelly Reference Kelly2005, Section 1.2). The right-hand side of (3) denotes the full subcategory of
spanned by those functors which take the arrows of
to isomorphisms in
. Thus, Lemma 2.3 states that
$F_{\Delta}(V)_0\subseteq F_{\Delta}(\mathbb{C})_0$
is “
-well localizable” in the sense of Wolff (Reference Wolff1973).
Lemma 2.3 and Corollary 2.4 are not strictly necessary for the results of this paper, but may be beneficial to motivate the simplicial localization construction.
Proof of Lemma 2.3. First, each
is generated as a category by the iterated degeneracies of
. Thus, a simplicial functor
takes all arrows in
to isomorphisms in
for all
$n\geq 0$
if and only if
takes the arrows in
to isomorphisms in
. Using the universal property of the ordinary categorical localization
at each degree
$n\geq 0$
, it follows that (3) is bijective on objects.
Second, recall that
is cartesian closed (Kelly Reference Kelly2005, 2.3). Thus, Cordier’s simplicial nerve construction
with left adjoint
(Lurie Reference Lurie2009, Section 1.1.5) yields a simplicial enrichment of
itself. Thus, the fact that
is fully faithful follows from the same objectwise argument but applied to the simplicial category
. Indeed, enriched natural transformations of simplicial functors
stand in 1-1 correspondence to 1-simplices in the nerve
. Such correspond bijectively to simplicial functors
, where
is the simplicial category with two objects 0, 1, and
. The latter functors in turn stand in 1-1 correspondence to simplicial functors
by Kelly (Reference Kelly2005, Section 2.3). Such functors stand in 1-1 correspondence via restriction along j to simplicial functors of type
which take arrows in
to isomorphisms in
by the first part. These are exactly the enriched natural transformations in
Corollary 2.4. For
$j\colon F_{\Delta}(\mathbb{C})\rightarrow\mathcal{L}_{\Delta}(\mathbb{C},V)$
, the associated localization functor of simplicial categories, the induced restriction:
of simplicial presheaf categories is fully faithful.
Proof. Given simplicial presheaves
, we want to show that the induced map:
of simplicial sets is a bijection on all degrees
$n\geq 0$
. But for each such integer
$n\geq 0$
, the map
is isomorphic to the restriction:
since simplicial presheaf categories are cotensored over
, and
is cocontinuous. Thus, it is bijective by Lemma 2.3 applied to
Hence, the map
$j\colon F_{\Delta}(\mathbb{C})\rightarrow\mathcal{L}_{\Delta}(\mathbb{C},V)$
induces both a localization:
and a colocalization:
between simplicial presheaf categories. Equipping both sides with either the injective or the projective model structure, the restriction
becomes a left, respectively, right Quillen functor (Lurie Reference Lurie2009, Proposition A.3.3.7). By Dwyer and Kan (Reference Dwyer and Kan1987, Theorem 2.2 applied to the map
of relative simplicial categories (Barwick and Kan Reference Barwick and Kan2012a, Section 2.2), the restriction (4) remains fully faithful on associated homotopy theories. More precisely, equipping both sides with the projective model structure, the pair
becomes a homotopy localization and induces a Quillen-equivalence:
where the right-hand side denotes the according left Bousfield localization. Dually, equipping both sides in (4) with the injective model structure, the pair
becomes a homotopy colocalization.
The simplicial localization functor
has a homotopy-inverse, the “delocalization” or “flattening”
given by the Grothendieck construction of a given simplicial category
considered as a simplicial diagram
. This functor was introduced in Dwyer and Kan (Reference Dwyer and Kan1987, Theorem 2.5) and is analyzed in detail in Barwick and Kan (Reference Barwick and Kan2012a).
Now, given a simplicial category
, consider its delocalization
. Cofibrantly replacing
with some pair
in RelCat yields a direct relative poset
weakly equivalent, that is, Rezk-equivalent in the language of Barwick and Kan (Reference Barwick and Kan2012a) – to
. Hence, by Barwick and Kan (Reference Barwick and Kan2012a, Theorem 1.8), the simplicial localization
is DK-equivalent to the original simplicial category
. That means there is a zig-zag of DK-equivalences of the form:
By Lurie (Reference Lurie2009, Proposition A.3.3.8) or Dwyer and Kan (Reference Dwyer and Kan1987, Theorem 2.1) and the sequence of maps in
, we obtain a zig-zag of simplicial Quillen-equivalences:
Further recall from Dwyer and Kan (Reference Dwyer and Kan1980b, Proposition 2.6) that for every category
, the canonical projection
$\varphi\colon F_{\Delta}\mathbb{C}\rightarrow\mathbb{C}$
is a DK-equivalence of simplicial categories. So, to summarize, we have gathered the following chain of Quillen-equivalences.
Proposition 2.5. Let
be a small simplicial category. Then there is a direct relative poset
of degree at most
together with a zig-zag of DK-equivalences:
which induces a zig-zag of simplicial Quillen-equivalences of the form:
where all simplicial presheaf categories are equipped with the projective model structure.
Proof. The only part left to show is that
$\varphi\colon F_{\Delta}\mathbb{C}\rightarrow\mathbb{C}$
induces a Quillen-equivalence of given left Bousfield localizations, but this follows directly from Dwyer and Kan (Reference Dwyer and Kan1980b, Proposition 2.6) together with Dwyer and Kan (Reference Dwyer and Kan1987, Corollary 3.8).
3. Compactness in Combinatorial Model Categories
We start with some facts about compactness in presheaf categories. Given a small category
, we denote the cardinality of
Given a (set-valued) presheaf
, its cardinality is denoted by:
Given a regular cardinal
, recall that a presheaf
-small if
, that is if all its values X(C) have cardinality smaller than
. A map
$f\colon X\rightarrow Y$
-small if all its pullbacks along maps
$Z\rightarrow Y$
-small domain Z are
-small presheaves. Equivalently,
$f\colon X\rightarrow Y$
-small if and only if for all objects
, the function
$f(C)\colon X(C)\rightarrow Y(C)$
of sets has
-small fibers.
Given a small simplicial category
, we also denote the cardinality of
where the cardinality of the hom-objects
is given by the cardinality of presheaves defined above. Accordingly, given a regular cardinal
, a simplicial presheaf
-small if all its values X(C) are
-small. A simplicial natural transformation
$f\colon X\rightarrow Y$
-small if all its pullbacks along maps
$Z\rightarrow Y$
-small domain Z are
-small simplicial presheaves.
Remark 3.1. Again, a map
$f\colon X\rightarrow Y$
-small if and only if for all
, the map
$f(C)\colon X(C)\rightarrow Y(C)$
is a
-small map of simplicial sets.
The category
is locally finitely presentable (Kelly Reference Kelly1982, Examples 3.4, Proposition 7.5), generated by (finite colimits of) the objects
$n\geq 0$
which we refer to in the following as the generators. When an ordinary category
is considered as a discrete simplicial category, we have an obvious isomorphism between
and the set-valued presheaf category
Notation 3.2. To develop a general theory of accessible categories, Adámek and Rosický introduce for pairs of regular cardinals
the sharply larger relation (Adámek and Rosický Reference Adámek and Rosický1994, Definition 2.12) and a special case “
” in Adámek and Rosický (Reference Adámek and Rosický1994, Example 2.13.(4)) which is used as well in Lurie (Reference Lurie2009, Definition to develop a theory of accessible
-categories. Here,
if for all cardinals
, also
The order “
” is chosen in such a way that whenever
holds, then
-accessibility of a quasi-category
-accessibility of
(Lurie Reference Lurie2009, Proposition As noted in Lurie (Reference Lurie2009), the order is unbounded in the class of regular cardinals as for any regular cardinal
we have
. In particular, we always find a regular cardinal sharply larger than a given regular
. In fact, if
is regular, then
is already sharply larger than
(Adámek and Rosický Reference Adámek and Rosický1994, Examples 2.13.(2)). Whenever
is a regular cardinal and
, then also
. Thus, for any set X of cardinals, there is a regular cardinal
such that
for all
$\kappa\in X$
Recall that an object C in an accessible category
-compact if its associated corepresentable preserves
-directed colimits. A map f in
is relatively
-compact if the pullback of f along any map with
-compact domain in
is itself again
Lemma 3.3. Let
be a small simplicial category and
an infinite regular cardinal. Then
1. An object
$X\in \mathrm{sPsh}(\mathbf{C})$ is
$\kappa$ -compact if and only if it is
$\kappa$ -small.
2. A map
$f\in\mathrm{sPsh}(\mathbf{C})$ is relatively
$\kappa$ -compact if and only if it is
$\kappa$ -small.
Proof. Let
be a small simplicial category. For Part 1, recall that a presheaf X is
-compact if and only if it is a retract of a
-small directed colimit of finite colimits of the generators
via Adámek and Rosický (Reference Adámek and Rosický1994, Remark 2.15). But
being infinite and regular implies that all generators
-small, and hence so are all their finite colimits. Hence, every
-compact presheaf X is a subobject of a
-small colimit of
-small presheaves and hence
-small. Vice versa, every simplicial presheaf X is the colimit of its canonical diagram of generators
; whenever X is
-small, so is the associated canonical diagram by the Yoneda Lemma. Thus, X is a
-small colimit of the generators
. Closing the generators under finite colimits gives a description of X as a
-small directed colimit of
-compact objects, so X is
-compact again by Adámek and Rosický (Reference Adámek and Rosický1994, Remark 2.15). Part 2 follows directly from Part 1 by definition.
Lemma 3.4. Let
be locally presentable categories and let
be an adjoint pair. Let
be a regular cardinal such that
1. both F and G preserve
$\kappa$ -compact objects,
$\kappa$ -compact objects in
$\mathbb{C}$ are closed under fiber products.
Then G preserves relatively
-compact maps.
Proof. Straight-forward.
Remark 3.5. Although the class of
-compact objects in a locally
-presentable category is not necessarily closed under fiber products for all
, the class of such
is unbounded in the class of regular cardinals sharply larger than
(Shulman 2019a, Proposition 4.5). It nevertheless is a trivial property in the case of (simplicial) presheaf categories whenever
is infinite by Lemma 3.3, since
-smallness of sets is closed under finite limits.
Corollary 3.6. Let
be small simplicial categories and let
be an adjoint pair. Let
be regular and suppose both F and G preserve
-small objects. Then G preserves
-small maps.
Proof. Follows directly from Lemmas 3.3.2, 3.4 and Remark 3.5.
The aim of this section is to compare this ordinary notion of compactness in a combinatorial model category
with the notion of compactness in its underlying
(Lurie Reference Lurie2009, Definitions, The validity of this comparison was addressed in a question posted in Lurie (Reference Lurie2012) by Shulman; for objects it is given in Proposition 3.11 in a special case, and in Corollary 3.16 in general. For maps it is given in Theorem 3.15 in case
is (the left Bousfield localization of) a simplicial presheaf category equipped with the projective model structure, and in Theorem 3.21 in case it is such equipped with the injective model structure. An argument for the objectwise statement was outlined by Lurie in the same post, which in one direction coincides with our proof given in Proposition 3.11. Before we state the theorems, we make the following ad hoc construction, give one auxiliary folkore lemma, and define a simple axiomatic framework of minimal fibrations in a general model category that will provide a convenient setup to state intermediate results in.
Given a
-accessible quasi-category
with generating set A and a regular cardinal
, define the full subcategory
recursively as follows. Let
be the full subcategory of
generated by
. Whenever
is a limit ordinal, let
the full subcategory generated by
. On successors, given
, let
(so we choose a set of representatives
-small simplicial sets) and
be the corresponding full subcategory. Eventually, we define the full subcategory
to have the set of objects:
The following lemma is noted in Lurie (Reference Lurie2009, Section 5.4.2) and is a generalization of the corresponding 1-categorical statement for accessible categories (Adámek and Rosický Reference Adámek and Rosický1994, Remark 2.15).
Lemma 3.7. Let
be presentable quasi-categories.
(1) Suppose
$\mathcal{C}$ is
$\lambda$ -presentable. Then, for every regular
$\mu\gg\lambda$ , the
$\mu$ -compact objects in
$\mathcal{C}$ are, up to equivalence, exactly the retracts of objects in
$J^{\mu}$ .
(2) Let
$F\colon\mathcal{C}\rightarrow\mathcal{D}$ be an accessible functor. Then there is a cardinal
$\mu$ such that F preserves
$\kappa$ -compact objects for all regular
$\kappa\gg\mu$ .
Proof. See Stenzel (Reference Stenzel2019, Lemma 8.3.4).
Notation 3.8. The following group of statements will in each case claim that a certain comparison holds for all
“sufficiently large” or “large enough.” That means in each case there is a cardinal
such that for all
the given statement holds true. As we are not interested in a precise formula for the lower bound
, we generally will not make the cardinal
explicit. Instead, we note that we will have to impose the condition on
to be “large enough” only finitely often and eventually take the corresponding supremum.
Definition 3.9. Let
be a model category. Say
has a theory of minimal fibrations if there is a pullback stable class
of fibrations in
– the class of minimal fibrations – such that the following hold.
(1) Let
$p\colon X\twoheadrightarrow Y$ and
$q\colon X^{\prime}\twoheadrightarrow Y$ be minimal fibrations. Then every weak equivalence between X and
$X^{\prime}$ over Y is an isomorphism.
(2) For every fibration
$p\colon X\twoheadrightarrow Y$ in
$\mathbb{M}$ , there is an acyclic cofibration
$M\overset{\sim}{\hookrightarrow}X$ such that the restriction
$M\rightarrow Y$ is a minimal fibration.
Lemma 3.10. Let
be a model category with a theory of minimal fibrations. Let T be a class of maps in
such that the left Bousfield localization
$\mathcal{L}_T \mathbb{M}$
exists. Then the model category
has a theory of minimal fibrations.
Proof. Given a model category
and a class T of maps in
as stated, simply define the class
of minimal fibrations in
to be the class of fibrations in
which are minimal fibrations in
. Pullback stability of
is immediate. Property 1 follows readily, as T-local weak equivalences between T-local fibrations are weak equivalences in
itself. For Property 2, let
$p\colon X\twoheadrightarrow Y$
be a fibration in
. By the assumption that
has a theory of minimal fibrations, there is an acyclic cofibration
$M\overset{\sim}{\hookrightarrow} X$
such that the restriction
$M\twoheadrightarrow Y$
is a minimal fibration in
. But
$M\rightarrow X$
is a weak equivalence from the fibration
$M\twoheadrightarrow Y$
to the fibration
$p\colon X\twoheadrightarrow Y$
over Y. The latter is a fibration in
, and it hence follows by Hirschhorn (Reference Hirschhorn2003, Proposition 3.4.6) that
$M\twoheadrightarrow Y$
is a fibration in
, too.
Proposition 3.11. Let
be a combinatorial model category.
(1) For all sufficiently large regular cardinals
$\kappa$ , an object C in
$\mathrm{Ho}_{\infty}(\mathbb{M})$ is
$\kappa$ -compact if there is a
$\kappa$ -compact object
$D\in\mathbb{M}$ such that
$C\simeq D$ in
$\mathrm{Ho}_{\infty}(\mathbb{M})$ .
(2) Suppose
$\mathbb{M}$ has a theory of minimal fibrations. Then the converse of Part 1 holds.
Proof. For Part 1 and
large enough,
-filtered colimits in
are homotopy colimits and the
-compact objects in
are exactly the
-compact objects in the quasi-category
. So the localization
-filtered colimits and hence is
-accessible. The statement now follows from Lemma 3.7.
For Part 2, we note that by our assumption and by Dugger’s presentation theorem for combinatorial model categories (Dugger Reference Dugger2001a, Theorem 1.1), it suffices to show the statement for objects
$C\in J^{\kappa}$
on the one hand and left Bousfield localizations of simplicial presheaf categories
on the other. Indeed, given a combinatorial model category
together with a category
, a set
$T\subset \mathrm{sPsh}(\mathbb{C})$
of arrows and a Quillen-equivalence of the form:
suppose we have shown the statement for all
$C\in J^{\kappa}$
and all
large enough in the case of
. Then, as both categories
are presentable, we find
large enough such that the right adjoint R preserves
-compact objects. Certainly, the derived functors
-compactness in
, so whenever an object
is contained in
, we may choose a
-compact presheaf
$D\in \mathrm{sPsh}(\mathbb{C})$
weakly equivalent to
. Without loss of generality D is cofibrant by Dugger (Reference Dugger2001a, Proposition 2.3.(iii)) and so L(D) is
-compact in
and presents C in
Now, every
-compact object
is the retract of an object
$C\in J^{\kappa}$
by Lemma 3.7.1. We thus may present A by a bifibrant object
, and C by a
-compact bifibrant object
again via Dugger (Reference Dugger2001a, Proposition 2.3.(iii)) and by the above. This yields a map
$j\colon B\rightarrow D$
with homotopy retract
$r\colon D\rightarrow B$
. Pick a minimal fibrant object
$\iota\colon M\hookrightarrow B$
. Since every acyclic cofibration between fibrant objects allows a retract
itself, we see that M is a homotopy retract of D. Hence, the composition
$(\rho r)(j\iota)$
is homotopic to the identity
and thus a homotopy equivalence (Hovey Reference Hovey1999, Theorem 1.2.10.(iv)). It follows that it is an isomorphism in virtue of minimality of M. Thus, M is a retract of D and as such
-compact in
Therefore, assume
, and suppose
is contained in
. The representatives for the colimits in the construction of
can be chosen to be homotopy colimits of strict diagrams
$F\colon I\rightarrow\mathbb{M}$
-small categories I by Lurie (Reference Lurie2009, Proposition and Lurie (Reference Lurie2017, Proposition Hence, they can be computed according to the Bousfield–Kan formula:
is a simplicial model category (Hirschhorn Reference Hirschhorn2003, Example 18.3.6). But this representative of the homotopy colimit is
-compact whenever I is
-small and furthermore each F(i) for
$i\in I$
-compact. Hence, by induction, every object
$C\in J^{\kappa}$
is presented by a
-compact object D in
In the following, we generalize Proposition 3.11 to relatively
-compact maps.
Proposition 3.12. Let
be a combinatorial model category.
(1) Suppose the converse of Proposition 3.11.1 holds in
$\mathbb{M}$ . Then for all sufficiently large regular cardinals
$\kappa$ , a morphism
$f\colon C\rightarrow D$ in
$\mathrm{Ho}_{\infty}(\mathbb{M})$ is relatively
$\kappa$ -compact if there is a relatively
$\kappa$ -compact fibration
$p\in\mathbb{M}$ between fibrant objects such that
$p\simeq f$ in
$\mathrm{Ho}_{\infty}(\mathbb{M})$ .
(2) Suppose
$\mathbb{M}$ has a theory of minimal fibrations and
$\kappa$ -compact objects in
$\mathbb{M}$ are closed under fiber products. Then the converse of Part 1. holds.
Proof. For Part 1, let
$p\colon X\twoheadrightarrow Y$
be a relatively
-compact fibration between fibrant objects in
. Let
$g\colon A\rightarrow Y$
be a map in
-compact domain. In order to show that the pullback of X along g is
-compact in
, by assumption we can present A by a
-compact object
. Without loss of generality
is bifibrant by Dugger (Reference Dugger2001a, Proposition 2.3.(iii)), so we obtain a map
$g^{\prime}\colon A^{\prime}\rightarrow Y$
presenting g. Also the pullback
is a homotopy pullback and it is
-compact in
by assumption. Hence, it is
-compact in
again by Proposition 3.11. This shows that p is relatively
-compact in
For Part 2, assume that
$f\colon C\rightarrow D$
is relatively
-compact in
$p\colon X\twoheadrightarrow Y$
is a fibration in
such that Y is fibrant in
$p\simeq f$
. By assumption, there is an acyclic cofibration
$M\overset{\sim}{\hookrightarrow} X$
such that the restriction
$m\colon M\twoheadrightarrow Y$
of p is a minimal fibration. As m and p are homotopy equivalent over Y, the fibration m is relatively
-compact in
, too. We want to show that m is a relatively
-compact fibration in
. Therefore, let
$g\colon Z\rightarrow Y$
be a map for some
-compact object
; we have to show that the pullback:
is a
-compact object in
as well. By Dugger (Reference Dugger2001a, Proposition 2.3.(iii)) there is a
-compact fibrant replacement RZ of Z. Since the object Y itself is fibrant, we obtain an extension
$g^{\prime}\colon RZ\rightarrow Y$
of g along the acylic cofibration
and hence a factorization of the following form.
All three faces of the diagram are pullback squares, and by assumption
-compact objects in
are closed under fiber products. Hence, in order to show that the object
-compact, it suffices to show that the object
As RZ is
-compact in
, it also is
-compact in the underlying quasi-category
by Proposition 3.11, and hence so is the (homotopy-)pullback
by our assumption on the morphism f that we started with.
By Proposition 3.11 and Dugger (Reference Dugger2001a, Proposition 2.3.(iii)), we find a cofibrant
-compact object X together with a weak equivalence
$e\colon X\rightarrow (g^{\prime})^{\ast}M$
. The composition
$(g^{\prime})^{\ast}m\circ e\colon X\rightarrow RZ$
is a map between
-compact objects in
, and so we find a factorization
$X\overset{\sim}{\hookrightarrow} RX\twoheadrightarrow RZ$
such that RX is
-compact as well again by Dugger (Reference Dugger2001a, Proposition 2.3.(iii)). We obtain a weak equivalence
$RX\rightarrow (g^{\prime})^{\ast}M$
between the respective fibrations over RZ as a lift to the resulting square.
has a theory of minimal fibrations, there is an acyclic cofibration
$j\colon N\overset{\sim}{\hookrightarrow}RX$
such that the restriction
$n\colon N\twoheadrightarrow RZ$
$RX\twoheadrightarrow RZ$
is a minimal fibration. Since j is an acyclic cofibration between fibrations, it has a retraction, and so N is still
-compact in
. But the composition of weak equivalences
$N\simeq (g^{\prime})^{\ast}M$
over RZ is a weak equivalence between minimal fibrations and hence is an isomorphism. Thus,
-compact in
Corollary 3.13. Let
be an Eilenberg–Zilber category in the sense of Cisinski (2014, Section 2.1) and
be the category of simplicial presheaves on
equipped with the injective model structure. Then for all sufficiently large regular cardinals
, a morphism
is relatively
-compact if and only if there is a
-small fibration
between fibrant objects such that
$p\simeq f$
Proof. The model category
supports a theory of minimal fibrations as shown in [Cisinski Reference Cisinski2014, 2.13–2.16], and
-small objects in (simplicial) presheaf categories are closed under fiber products for infinite
. Thus, the statement follows from Proposition 3.12 for
3.1 The projective case
We now make use of the observations in Section 2 to generalize Corollary 3.13 to the category of simplicial presheaves over arbitrary small simplicial categories.
Therefore, we want to make use of Dugger (Reference Dugger2001b, Proposition 5.10, Corollary 6.5) which shows that any zig-zag
of Quillen-equivalences between combinatorial model categories can be reduced to a single Quillen-equivalence whenever either
is a “standard presentation” of the form
for some small category
and some set of maps
. In our case however, we we wish to start with model categories of the form
for general small simplicial categories
instead. Therefore, we show a simplicially enriched version of Dugger (2001b, Proposition 5.10) first.
Proposition 3.14. Let
be a small simplicial category, and
be simplicial model categories together with a simplicial Quillen-equivalence
. Let T be a class of arrows in
such that its left Bousfield localization exists, and let
be a simplicial Quillen pair. Then there is a simplicial Quillen pair
such that the functors
$L\circ F^{\prime}$
and F are Quillen-homotopic in the sense of Dugger (Reference Dugger2001b, Definition 5.9). In other words, simplicial Quillen pairs with domain
can be lifted up to homotopy along Quillen-equivalences.
Proof. Let
denote cofibrant and fibrant replacements, respectively, and
denote their associated left and right derivations of functors. Let the composition
be denoted by p. Note that the left and right derivation
of simplicial functors may be chosen to be simplicial again by Riehl (2014, Corollary 13.2.4); thus, p is a simplicial functor and we can consider the simplicially enriched left Kan extension:
We claim that
is the left Quillen functor we are looking for. First, let us construct the Quillen homotopies connecting
$L\circ F^{\prime}$
and F.
Recall that, as explained for instance in Kelly (Reference Kelly2005, 4.31), for every presheaf
the object
is the colimit of p weighted by X, that is,
The left Quillen functor
is a left adjoint and hence preserves weighted colimits; thus, we have that
$$L^\circ {F^\prime } \cong \_ \star Lp$$
. Furthermore, by Gambino (Reference Gambino2010, Theorem 3.3), the weighted colimit functor
is a left Quillen bifunctor. In particular, for cofibrant presheaves
the X-weighted colimit
is a left Quillen functor. But both Fy and
$Lp\cong \mathbb{L}(L)\mathbb{R}(R)Fy$
are cofibrant objects in
: the former because representables are projectively cofibrant and F preserves cofibrant objects, and the latter because L preserves cofibrant objects. Thus, if
$\rho_{Fy}\colon Fy\rightarrow r(Fy)$
denotes an injective fibrant replacement of Fy, the counit
$\varepsilon_{r(Fy)}\colon Lp\Rightarrow r(Fy)$
of the Quillen-equivalence (L,R) induces a span of natural weak equivalences between the cofibrant objects Lp, r(Fy), and Fy. Thus, for cofibrant presheaves
, we obtain a zig-zag of natural weak equivalences between
$X\star Lp$
$X\star Fy$
. But
$\_\star Fy$
is just F (by Kelly Reference Kelly2005, 4.51), so we have constructed a span of Quillen homotopies between
$L\circ F^{\prime}$
and F.
Second, the fact that
$F^{\prime}\colon \mathbf{sPsh}(\mathbf{C})_{\mathrm{proj}}\rightarrow\mathbb{N}$
is a left Quillen functor with right adjoint
was basically already shown above (following for instance, as it were, from Gambino Reference Gambino2010, Theorem 3.3.).
We are left to show that, third, the Quillen pair
descends to the localization at T whenever F does so. That is, we have to show that every arrow
$f\in T$
is mapped to a weak equivalence by
assuming every such arrow is mapped to a weak equivalence by F in
. Without the loss of generality, all arrows
$f\in T$
have cofibrant domain and codomain. Then, given
$f\in T$
, the arrow F(f) is a weak equivalence in
, and so is
since F and
are Quillen-homotopic. Thus,
is a weak equivalence in
, but this arrow is weakly equivalent to
since (L,R) is a Quillen-equivalence. It follows that
is a weak equivalence in
Theorem 3.15. Let
be a small simplicial category,
be a set of maps and
. Then for all sufficiently large regular cardinals
, a morphism
is relatively
-compact if and only if there is a
-small fibration
between fibrant objects such that
$p\simeq f$
Proof. Let
be a small simplicial category and
be a set of maps. By Proposition 2.5, we obtain a relative poset
of degree at most
and a zig-zag of Quillen-equivalences of the form:
This yields a zig-zag of Quillen-equivalences:
is obtained from
by transferring T along the finitely many Quillen-equivalences successively. We denote the union
short-handedly by U.
By Proposition 3.14, this chain of Quillen-equivalences induces a single Quillen-equivalence:
The left Bousfield localization
has a theory of minimal fibrations by Lemma 3.10 and Corollary 3.13. Thus, let
be regular and, first, large enough such that Corollary 3.13 applies to
, second, large enough such that Proposition 3.12 applies to
, and third, large enough such that both F and G preserves
-compact objects (via Lemma 3.7 or its ordinary categorical analogon as right adjoints between locally presentable categories are accessible again).
Now, let
be relatively
-compact. Since the pair (7) is a Quillen-equivalence, the quasi-category
is equivalent to the underlying quasi-category of
. Then, by Proposition 3.12, there is a
-small fibration
$p\colon X\twoheadrightarrow Y$
between fibrant objects in
presenting f in
. By assumption, both adjoints preserve
-compact objects, so by Corollary 3.6 the right Quillen functor G preserves
-small maps. Thus,
$Gp\colon GX\twoheadrightarrow GY$
is a
-small fibration between fibrant objects presenting f in
In particular, the converse of Proposition 3.11.1 holds in
for every such
, and so the other direction follows directly from Proposition 3.12.1.
Corollary 3.16. Let
be a combinatorial model category.
(1) For all sufficiently large regular cardinals
$\kappa$ , an object C in
$\mathrm{Ho}_{\infty}(\mathbb{M})$ is
$\kappa$ -compact if and only if there is a
$\kappa$ -compact object
$D\in\mathbb{M}$ such that
$C\simeq D$ in
$\mathrm{Ho}_{\infty}(\mathbb{M})$ .
(2) Let
$\mathcal{L}_T(\mathrm{sPsh}(\mathbb{C}))_{\mathrm{proj}}$ be the presentation of
$\mathbb{M}$ from Dugger’s representation theorem for combinatorial model categories in Dugger (Reference Dugger2001a). Then for all sufficiently large regular cardinals
$\kappa$ , a morphism
$f\in\mathrm{Ho}_{\infty}(\mathbb{M})$ is relatively
$\kappa$ -compact if and only if there is a
$\kappa$ -small fibration
$p\in\mathcal{L}_T(\mathrm{sPsh}(\mathbb{C}))_{\mathrm{proj}}$ between fibrant objects such that
$p\simeq f$ in
$\mathrm{Ho}_{\infty}(\mathbb{M})$ .
Proof. For Part 1, one direction is exactly Proposition 3.11.1. For the other direction, let
be the Quillen-equivalence from Dugger’s representation theorem. Then for
large enough and every
-compact object
, we obtain a
-compact object
from Theorem 3.15 which presents C. As the left adjoint L preserves
-compact objects, we find a
-compact fibrant replacement of L(D) in
which presents C.
Part 2 is just a special case of Theorem 3.15.
Remark 3.17. The reason why in Corollary 3.16.2 we do not obtain the comparison result for
itself is that there is no obvious reason why the Quillen-equivalence:
given by Dugger’s presentation theorem should preserve relatively
-compact maps. While the right adjoint certainly does preserve such maps, the left adjoint does not seem to exhibit any properties with that respect.
3.2 The injective case
In this section, we prove an analogous result for the injective model structure and get rid of the condition on fibrancy of the bases whenever the localization is left exact. We will make use of Shulman’s results (Shulman, Reference Shulman2019a) in two ways. Therefore, applied to the special case relevant for this paper, recall the forgetful functor:
with right adjoint:
The functor G takes objects
to the presheaf evaluating an object
The adjoint pair (U,G) gives rise to a comonad on
with standard resolution:
The associated cobar construction
is then defined as the pointwise totalization:
A crucial observation of Shulman is that the cobar construction takes (acyclic) projective fibrations to pointwise weakly equivalent (acyclic) injective fibrations. More precisely, the natural coaugmentation
is a pointwise weak equivalence, and the arrow
$\mathsf{C}(G,UG,U p)$
is an (acyclic) injective fibration whenever p is an (acyclic) projective fibration. All this is covered in Shulman (Reference Shulman2019a, Section 8) in much greater generality. It is not hard to see that the cobar construction preserves
-smallness (for
large enough).
Lemma 3.18. Let
be a small simplicial category and
$f\colon X\rightarrow Y$
be a
-small map in
large enough. Then
$\mathsf{C}(G,UG,U f)$
-small, too.
Proof. The forgetful functor (8) preserves
-smallness of both objects and maps by Remark 3.1. Hence, by Lemma 3.4, the right adjoint G preserves
-smallness of maps, too. It follows that for every
-small map
$f\colon X\rightarrow Y$
, the map
of cosimplicial objects is levelwise
-small. Thus, we are only left to show that totalization preserves
-smallness of cosimplicial objects. But, being a subobject of a countable product of
-small simplicial sets, the statement follows.
Therefore, we directly obtain an analogue of Theorem 3.15 for the injective model structure as follows.
Proposition 3.19. Let
be a small simplicial category,
be a set of maps and
. Then for all sufficiently large regular cardinals
, a morphism
is relatively
-compact if and only if there is a
-small fibration
between fibrant objects such that
$p\simeq f$
Proof. Let f be relatively
-compact in
. By Theorem 3.15, there is a
-small fibration
$p\colon X\twoheadrightarrow Y$
between fibrant objects in
such that
$p\simeq f$
in the underlying quasi-category. Hence, by Lemma 3.18 and Shulman (Reference Shulman2019a, Section 8), the map
is a
-small injective fibration between injectively fibrant objects. But the coaugmentations
are pointwise weak equivalences in
, and so the objects
$\mathsf{C}(G,UG,U X)$
$\mathsf{C}(G,UG,U Y)$
are T-local and thus fibrant in
. Hence, the map
$\mathsf{C}(G,UG,U p)$
is a fibration between fibrant objects in
The other direction follows immediately from Theorem 3.15, since every injective fibration is a projective fibration.
Remark 3.20. Whenever
satisfies the fibration extension property for relatively
-compact maps (Stenzel 2019, Definition 2.2.1), we can get rid of the fibrancy condition on the bases of maps in Proposition 3.19. That is, because in that case every relatively
-compact fibration is weakly equivalent to a relatively
-compact fibration with fibrant base. For example, every left exact left Bousfield localization of
is a type-theoretic model topos by Shulman (2019a, Corollary 8.31, Theorem 10.5) and hence has univalent universes (with fibrant base) for
-small fibrations for every regular
large enough (Shulman 2019a, Theorem 5.22). It follows that the class
-small maps does satisfy the fibration extension property in every left exact left Bousfield localization of
(Stenzel 2019, Lemma 2.2.2).
Theorem 3.21. Let
be a small simplicial category, and let
be a set of maps such that the localization
is left exact. Then for all sufficiently large regular cardinals
, a morphism
is relatively
-compact if and only if there is a
-small fibration
such that
$p\simeq f$
Proof. Immediate by Proposition 3.19 and Remark 3.20.
4. Object Classifiers and Weak Tarski Universes
We conclude with a comment on the relevance of these results for the
-categorical semantics of homotopy type theory. Let
be an
-topos and let
be a small simplicial category with a set T of arrows in
such that the localization
is left exact and presents
. Then,
is a type-theoretic model category as shown in Gepner and Kock (Reference Gepner and Kock2012, Section 7). Shulman recently has shown in Shulman (Reference Shulman2019a) (among other results) that this presentation
in fact can be enhanced to a type-theoretic model topos and hence exhibits an infinite sequence of categorical models of univalent strict Tarski universes. Furthermore, as for example stated in the Introduction of Gepner and Kock (Reference Gepner and Kock2012), it is somewhat folklore to assume that these categorical models of universes are object classifiers in
, and that more generally the object classifiers in
correspond to categorical models for univalent weak Tarski universes in
. Here, by a categorical model of a weak Tarski universe, we understand a regular (or potentially more specific) cardinal
together with a fibration that is weakly universal for the class of
-small fibrations. Weak universality of a fibration
$p\colon E\twoheadrightarrow B$
for a class S of fibrations in turn means that p is contained in S, that it is univalent, and that for all fibrations
$q\colon X\twoheadrightarrow Y$
in S there is a map
$w\colon X\rightarrow B$
such that q is the homotopy pullback of p along w. Clearly, every univalent strictly universal fibration is a weakly universal fibration for the same class of maps whenever the model category
is right proper.
Since all fibrant objects in
are cofibrant and
is right proper indeed, it is easy to see that a univalent weakly universal fibration for a pullback stable class S of fibrations in
yields a classifying object for the class
of morphisms in
and that, vice versa, every classifying object for a pullback stable class T of morphisms in
yields a univalent weakly universal fibration for the class:
of maps in
. Here, the higher categorical notion of univalence that characterizes object classifiers corresponds to the model categorical – and hence to the syntactical – notion of univalence by Gepner and Kock (Reference Gepner and Kock2012, Proposition 7.12).
There is one such pair of classes (S,T) of maps in each case which is relevant for the construction of strict Tarski universes in the internal language of
on the one hand, and the definition of object classifiers in
on the other. That is, given a sufficiently large regular cardinal
, the class
-small fibrations in
and the class
of relatively
-compact maps in
. In the former case, the common constructions of univalent universal fibrations
$\pi_{\kappa}\colon\tilde{U}_{\kappa}\twoheadrightarrow U_{\kappa}$
use various functorial closure properties of
and the fact that an infinite sequence of inaccessible cardinals yields a cumulative hierarchy of universal fibrations which are closed under all standard-type formers in this way. In the latter case, Lurie (Reference Lurie2009, Theorem characterizes
-toposes in terms of classifying objects
$p_{\kappa}\colon\tilde{V}_{\kappa}\rightarrow V_{\kappa}$
for all sufficiently large regular cardinals
While the classifying map
$p_{\kappa}\colon\tilde{V}_{\kappa}\rightarrow V_{\kappa}$
lifts to a fibration in
which is weakly universal for
, and
descends to a classifying object for the class
, it is a priori unclear whether
hold. In other words, without a comparison of relative compactness notions as considered in Section 3, it is not clear whether the categorical construction of (either weak or strict) universal
-small fibrations in
– which models Tarski universes in the associated type theory – also models universes in the underlying quasi-category. Theorem 3.21 however does show
. In other words, we obtain the following corollary.
Corollary 4.1. Let
be a model topos, and let
be a sufficiently large regular cardinal. Then a relatively
-compact map
is a classifying map for all relatively
-compact maps in
if and only if there is a univalent
-small fibration
which is weakly universal for all
-small fibrations in
such that
Remark 4.2. Let us finish with a note on the closure under standard-type formers of a given Tarski universe, with regard to the existence of “sufficiently large” regular cardinals that has been a standing assumption along the way (Notation 3.8). Given a model topos of the form
, for a regular cardinal
to be sufficiently large means to be contained in the class
of regular cardinals sharply larger than a specified cardinal
associated with the small simplicial category
– or to the
that is.Footnote 2 For a universal fibration
as in Corollary 4.1 to be closed under the standard-type formers in an appropriate sense (Shulman 2019a, Section 6), the cardinal
has to be assumed to be strongly inaccessible. Thus, if we start with an
and wish to show that its type-theoretic presentation
exhibits a universal fibration for
-small fibrations that is closed under all standard-type formers, we need an object classifier
classifying relatively
-compact maps for a strongly inaccessible
. The same holds if we want to show that a given cumulative hierarchy of universal fibrations associated to strong inaccessibles
yields a corresponding hierarchy of object classifiers in
. Thus, the translation of the categorical structure together with a universe (or even a cumulative infinite hierarchy of such) between homotopy type theory and higher topos theory requires the existence of inaccessibles within any such given class of sharply larger cardinals. Fortunately, for strongly inaccessible cardinals
, we have
if and only if
. We hence do not need to make any large cardinal assumptions beyond the existence of the inaccessibles themselves.
The author would like to thank his advisor Nicola Gambino at the University of Leeds for the frequent discussions and references, as well as his feedback on all stages of the writing process. The author is also grateful to Karol Szumiło and Mike Shulman for helpful discussions and, especially, to Mike Shulman for sharing his note on the presentation of small
-categories as localizations of inverse posets, which provided a crucial step to the proof of Theorem 3.21. The author would also like to thank Jarl Taxerås Flaten who realized that the assumption of a Mahlo cardinal in an earlier version of this paper is unnecessary (see Remark 4.2). Most of the work for this paper was carried out as part of the author’s PhD thesis, supported by a Faculty Award of the University of Leeds 110 Anniversary Research Scholarship. It was finished with support of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic under the grant 22-02964S.