This is a topical publication. For long, livestock have been associated with degradation of natural grazing land under extensive management, which is noted but is not the subject of this book. Nowadays intensively managed pastures and grasslands have increasingly negative environmental effects in the form of greenhouse gas emissions, land pollution and water pollution. The book has two sections: the first discusses environmental quality; the second describes the impact of different pastoral sectors on the environment. Environmental issues are dealt with under four headings: grazing livestock and greenhouse gases; impact of grazing management on soil quality; grazing and the aquatic environment; and socio-economic issues. The six groups of systems discussed mainly involve dairy and beef cattle, with one involving sheep; other species of grazing livestock are mentioned in passing. The systems discussed are all large-scale and commercial. Many single disciplines study environmental subjects. The book stresses the importance of interactions between the factors in grazed ecosystems and its 16 authors have brought the various disciplines together in a concise and readable form. Chapters have detailed bibliographies. The stated readership is researchers, students and policy makers interested in the environmental aspects of agriculture; it is of interest to all who are involved in large-scale livestock-based farming and the management of grazing lands. Some parts, especially those concerned with dung and manure, are applicable to monogastric production systems. This book should be in the library of all research and teaching institutions interested in rural planning and farming as well as farmers and graziers.
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Kozicka, Katarzyna
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Spatial distribution of CH
emissions from livestock farming in Poland: a comparison of 2010 and 2020
Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography,
Vol. 123,
Issue. 2,