Books and Articles in the Field of the Prevention and Peaceful Settlement of Disputes
Compiled by Raymond Ridderhof exclusively from materials available in the Peace Palace Library
1. Books
Beckman, R., Bernard, L., Phan, H.D., Hsien-Li, T. and Yusran, R. (eds.), Promoting Compliance: The Role of Dispute Settlement and Monitoring Mechanisms in ASEAN Instruments (2016). ISBN 9781316507827, XIX, 306 pp.
Caron, D.D., Schill, S.W., Cohen Smutny, A. and Triantafilou, E.E. (eds.), Practising Virtue: Inside International Arbitration (2016). ISBN 9780191802775, LIII, 749 pp.
De Baere, G. and Wouters, J. (eds.), The Contribution of International and Supranational Courts to the Rule of Law (2015). ISBN 9781783476619, XXVIII, 283 pp.
Forere, M.A., The Relationship of WTO Law and Regional Trade Agreements in Dispute Settlement: from Fragmentation to Coherence (2015). ISBN 9789041162748, XX, 264 pp.
Gill, T.D. and Fleck, D. (eds.), The Handbook of the International Law of Military Operations (2015). ISBN 9780191062070, XLVI, 743 pp.
Jenne, E.K., Nested Security: Lessons in Conflict Management from the League of Nations and the European Union (2015). ISBN 9780801453908, X, 248 pp.
Souza, A.A.C., Os capacetes azuis e a responsabilidade: a ONU, as missões de paz e os Estados membros: entre a imunidade a responsabilidade (2015). ISBN 9783841720979, 135 pp.
Togo, K. and Naidu, G.V.C. (eds.), Building Confidence in East Asia: Maritime Conflicts, Interdependence and Asian Identity Thinking (2015). ISBN 9781137504647. VIII, 156 pp.
Wang, K.-H., Peaceful Settlement of Disputes in the South China Sea through Fisheries Resources Cooperation and Management (2015). ISBN 9781932330526, 35 pp.
Woodhouse, T., Miall, H., Ramsbotham, O. and Mitchell, C. (eds.), The Contemporary Conflict Resolution Reader (2015). ISBN 9780745686769, XXI, 419 pp.
Wu, Sh., Valencia, M. and Hong, N. (eds.), UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the South China Sea (2015). ISBN 9781472452955, XVI, 347 pp.
2. Chapters in edited volumes and journal articles
Acikgonul, Y.E., ‘Reflections on the Principle of Non-Cut Off: A Growing Concept in Maritime Boundary Delimitation Law’, (2016) 47 Ocean Development and International Law 52–71
Autesserre, S., ‘The Responsibility to Protect in Congo: The Failure of Grassroots Prevention’, (2016) 23 International Peacekeeping 29–51
Bellamy, A.J., ‘Operationalizing the “Atrocity Prevention Lens”: Making Prevention a Living Reality’, in Rosenberg, S.P., Galis, T. and Zucker, A. (eds.), Reconstructing Atrocity Prevention (2016) 61–80
Bliesemann de Guevara, B., ‘Journeys to the Limits of First-Hand Knowledge: Politicians’ on-site Visits in Zones of Conflict and Intervention’, (2016) 10 Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 56–76
Bogdandy von, A. and Venzke, I., ‘Las funciones de los tribunales internacionales: una evaluación a la luz de su creciente autoridad pública’, in Urueña, R. (ed.), Derecho internacional: poder y límites del derecho en la sociedad global (2015) 471–509
Caffio, F., ‘Gli spazi maritimi del Mediterraneo tra unilateralismi e intese di delimitazione’, (2015) 82 Rivista di studi politici internazionali 545–558
Cançado Trindade, A.A.C., ‘An Overview of the Contribution of International Tribunals to the Rule of Law: Prologue’, in De Baere, G. and Wouters, J. (eds.), The Contribution of International and Supranational Courts to the Rule of Law (2015) 3–18
Castellino, J., ‘Refereeing Boundaries: Why the World Needs the World Court’, (2015) 33 Wisconsin International Law Journal 427–469
Charlermpalanupap, T., ‘Review of the ASEAN-China Declaration of the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea and Prospects of a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea: an ASEAN Perspective’, in Thuy, Tran Truong and Trang, Le Thuy (eds.), Power, Law, and Maritime Order in the South China Sea (2015) 37–48.
Colson, D.A. and Vohrer, B.J., ‘In Re Chagos Marine Protected Area (Mauritius v. United Kingdom)’, (2015) 109 American Journal of International Law 845–851
Couvreur, Ph., ‘The International Court of Justice’, in De Baere, G. and Wouters, J. (eds.), The Contribution of International and Supranational Courts to the Rule of Law (2015) 85–126
Creamer, C.D. and Godzimirska, Z., ‘(De)Legitimation at the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism’, (2016) 49 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 275–321
Creamer, C.D. and Godzimirska, Z., ‘Deliberative Engagement within the World Trade Organization: A Functional Substitute for Authorative Interpretations’, (2016) 48 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 413–461
Cunningham, D.E., ‘Preventing Civil War: How the Potential for International Intervention Can Deter Conflict Onset’, (2016) 68 World Politics: A Quarterly Journal of International Relations 307–340
Dannenbaum, T., ‘Dual Attribution in the Context of Military Operations’, (2015) 12 International Organizations Law Review 401–426
Doucet, M.G., ‘Global Assemblages of Security Governance and Contemporary International Intervention’, (2016) 10 Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 116–132
Etzioni, A., ‘Defining Down Sovereignty: The Rights and Responsibilities of Nations’, (2016) 30 Ethics & International Affairs 5–20.
Garwood-Gowers, A., ‘China's “Responsible Protection” Concept: Reinterpreting the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) and Military Intervention for Humanitarian Purposes’, (2016) 6 The Asian Journal of International Law 89–118.
Gautier, P., ‘The Contribution of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea to the Rule of Law’, in De Baere, G. and Wouters, J. (eds.), The Contribution of International and Supranational Courts to the Rule of Law (2015) 203–222
Genevaz, J., ‘La Chine et les opérations de maintien de la paix de l'ONU: défendre la souveraineté’, (2015) Politique étrangère 131–143.
Ginty, R.M. and Richmond, O., ‘The Fallacy of Constructing Hybrid Political Orders: A Reappraisal of the Hybrid Turn in Peacebuilding’, (2016) 23 International Peacekeeping 219–239
Hewitt, S., ‘Overcoming the Gender Gap: The Possibilities of Alignment between the Responsibility to Protect and the Women, Peace and Security Agenda’, (2016) 8 Global Responsibility to Protect 3–28
Iwamoto, S. and Togo, K., ‘Three Complementary, Simultaneous Approaches to Maritime Security in the East China Sea: International Law, Crisis Management, and Dialogue’, in Togo, K. and Naidu, G. (eds.), Building Confidence in East Asia: Maritime Conflicts, Interdependence and Asian Identity Thinking (2015) 87–102
Jennings, K.M., ‘Blue Helmet Havens: Peacekeeping as Bypassing in Liberia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo’, (2016) 23 International Peacekeeping 302–325
Jesus, J.L., ‘The Contribution of the Compulsory Jurisdiction Mechanism to the Effective Application of Dispute Settlement System of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: The Case of ITLOS’, in Wu, S., Valencia, M. and Hong, N. (eds.), UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the South China Sea (2015) 7–13
Karim, S. and Gorman, R., ‘Building a More Competent Security Sector: The Case of UNMIL and the Liberian National Police’, (2016) 23 International Peacekeeping 158–191
Kyle, J., ‘The “New Legal Reality?” Peace, Punishment, and Security Council Referrals to the ICC’, (2016) 25 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 109–152
Levin, J., Mackay, J. and Nasirzadeh, A., ‘Selectorate Theory and the Democratic Peacekeeping Hypothesis: Evidence from Fiji and Bangladesh’, (2016) 23 International Peacekeeping 107–132
Mahrenbach, L.C., ‘Emerging Powers, Domestic Politics, and WTO Dispute Settlement Reform’, (2016) 21 International Negotiation: A Journal of Theory and Practice 233–266
Ming, L., ‘The Paradox of Economic Integration and Territorial Rivalry in the South China Sea’, in Togo, K. and Naidu, G. (eds.), Building Confidence in East Asia: Maritime Conflicts, Interdependence and Asian Identity Thinking (2015) 27–43
Nahlawi, Y., ‘The Responsibility to Protect and Obama's Red Line on Syria’, (2016) 8 Global Responsibility to Protect 76–101
Newby, V.F., ‘The Pieces that Make the Peace: the Micro-Processes of International Security’, (2016) 23 International Peacekeeping 133–157
Pham Lan, Dung and Nguyen Ngoc, Lan, ‘Some Legal Aspects of the Philippines-China Arbitration under Annex VII of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea’, in Tran Truong, Thuy and Le Thuy, Trang (eds.), Power, Law, and Maritime Order in the South China Sea (2015) 331–348
Poling, G., ‘US Interests in the South China Sea: International Law and Peaceful Dispute Resolution’, in Tran Truong, Thuy and Le Thuy, Trang (eds.), Power, Law, and Maritime Order in the South China Sea (2015) 61–75
Shesterinina, A. and Job, B.L., ‘Particularized Protection: UNSC Mandates and the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict’ (2016) 23 International Peacekeeping 240–273
Storey, I.J., ‘Beyond Territorial and Maritime Disputes: The South China Sea as a Center of Global Rivalry or Platform for Prosperity?’ in Tran Truong, Thuy and Le Thuy, Trang (eds.), Power, Law, and Maritime Order in the South China Sea (2015) 349–361
Thayer, C.A., ‘South China Sea Tensions: China, the Claimant States, ASEAN and the Major Powers’, in Tran Truong, Thuy and Le Thuy, Trang (eds.), Power, Law, and Maritime Order in the South China Sea (2015) 3–35.
Tibori-Szabó, K., ‘The “Unwilling or Unable” Test and the Law of Self-Defense’, in Paulussen, C. and Takács, T. (eds.), Fundamental Rights in International and European Law: Public and Private Law Perspectives (2016) 73–97
Tocci, N., ‘On Power and Norms: Libya, Syria and the Responsibility to Protect’, (2016) 8 Global Responsibility to Protect 51–75
Tran Truong, Thuy, ‘Code of Conduct and the Prevention and Management of Incidents in the South China Sea’, in Tran Truong, Thuy and Le Thuy, Trang (eds.), Power, Law, and Maritime Order in the South China Sea, (2015) 317–330
Tran Viet, Thai and Naidu, G.V.C., ‘The Maritime Security Environment in East Asia: The Need for Strengthening Maritime Regimes, Greater Cooperation, and Dialogues’, in Togo, K. and Naidu, G. (eds.), Building Confidence in East Asia: Maritime Conflicts, Interdependence and Asian Identity Thinking (2015) 74–86
Tuerk, H., ‘UNCLOS and the Contributions of ITLOS’, in Wu, S., Valencia, M. and Hong, N. (eds.), UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the South China Sea (2015) pp 15–30
Van den Bossche, P., ‘The Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization’, in De Baere, G. and Wouters, J. (eds.), The Contribution of International and Supranational Courts to the Rule of Law (2015) 176–202
Van Houtte, H. and Concolino, B., ‘The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal and its Contribution to International Law’, in De Baere, G. and Wouters, J. (eds.), The Contribution of International and Supranational Courts to the Rule of Law (2015) 303–325
Yanovich, A., ‘La Organización Mundial del Comercio: marco general, normativa y desafíos’, in Urueña, R. (ed.), Derecho internacional: poder y límites del derecho en la sociedad global (2015) 343–380