Author Index
Adams, Wayna, see Simek, Jan F.
Arter, Susan, see Sasson, Aharon
Baisan, Christopher H., see Guiterman, Christopher H.
Barbour, Terry E., see Sassaman, Kenneth E.
Belt, Tom, see Simek, Jan F.
Blakeslee, Donald, see Casana, Jesse
Blessing, Meggan E., see Sassaman, Kenneth E.
Blinman, Eric, see Moore, James L.
Bocinsky, Kyle, see Strawhacker, Colleen
Boucher, Anthony, see Sassaman, Kenneth E.
Braje, Todd J., Jon M. Erlandson, Torben C. Rick, Loren Davis, Tom Dillehay, Daryl W. Fedje, Duane Froese, Amy Gusick, Quentin Mackie, Duncan Mclaren, Bonnie Pitblado, Jennifer Raff, Leslie Reeder-Myers, and Michael R. Waters: Fladmark + 40: What Have We Learned about a Potential Pacific Coast Peopling of the Americas?, 1
Braun, David R., see Magnani, Matthew
Buchanan, Briggs, Mark Collard, and Michael J. O'Brien: Geometric Morphometric Analyses Support Incorporating the Goshen Point Type into Plainview, 171
Butterfield, Brad, see Strawhacker, Colleen
Byrd Finley, Judson, Erick Robinson, R. Justin Derose, and Elizabeth Hora: Multidecadal Climate Variability and the Florescence of Fremont Societies in Eastern Utah, 93
Cannon, Molly Boeka, see Simms, Steven R.
Carroll, Beau Duke, see Simek, Jan F.
Casana, Jesse, Elise Jakoby Laugier, Austin Chad Hill, and Donald Blakeslee: A Council Circle at Etzanoa? Multi-sensor Drone Survey at an Ancestral Wichita Settlement in Southeastern Kansas, 761
Catenacci, Senna D., see Doering, Briana N.
Cerezo-Román, Jessica I., and James T. Watson: Transformation by Fire: Changes in Funerary Customs from the Early Agricultural to Early Preclassic Period among Prehispanic Populations of Southern Arizona, 132
Collard, Mark, see Buchanan, Briggs
Colucci, Amanda N., see Seeman, Mark F.
Compton, J. Matthew, see Whyte, Thomas R.
Cressler, Alan, see Simek, Jan F.
Davis, Loren, see Braje, Todd J.
Dean, Jeffrey S., see Guiterman, Christopher H.
Derose, R. Justin, see Byrd Finley, Judson
Dillehay, Tom, see Braje, Todd J.
Doering, Briana N., Julie A. Esdale, Joshua D. Reuther, and Senna D. Catenacci: A Multiscalar Consideration of the Athabascan Migration, 470
Donop, Mark C., see Sassaman, Kenneth E.
Douglass, Matthew, see Magnani, Matthew
Eiselt, B. Sunday: Mass Harvesting, Ichthyofaunal Assemblages, and Ancestral Paiute Fishing in the North American Great Basin, 715
Emerson, Thomas E., Kristin M. Hedman, Mary L. Simon, Mathew A. Fort, and Kelsey E. Witt: Isotopic Confirmation of the Timing and Intensity of Maize Consumption in Greater Cahokia, 241
English, Nathan B., see Guiterman, Christopher H.
Erlandson, Jon M., see Braje, Todd J.
Esdale, Julie A., see Doering, Briana N.
Everhart, Timothy D., and Bret J. Ruby: Ritual Economy and the Organization of Scioto Hopewell Craft Production: Insights from the Outskirts of the Mound City Group, 279
Fedje, Daryl W., see Braje, Todd J.
Fort, Mathew A., see Emerson, Thomas E.
Franklin, Maria, and Samuel M. Wilson: A Bioarchaeological Study of African American Health and Mortality in the Post-Emancipation U.S. South, 652
Freeman, Jacob, see Strawhacker, Colleen
Friesen, T. Max: Radiocarbon Evidence for Fourteenth-Century Dorset Occupation in the Eastern North American Arctic, 222
Frison, George C., see Mackie, Madeline E.
Froese, Duane, see Braje, Todd J.
Fulk, Charles, see Seeman, Mark F.
Goodwin, Joshua M., see Sassaman, Kenneth E.
Guiterman, Christopher H., Christopher H. Baisan, Nathan B. English, Jay Quade, Jeffrey S. Dean, and Thomas W. Swetnam: Convergence of Evidence Supports a Chuska Mountains Origin for the Plaza Tree of Pueblo Bonito, Chaco Canyon, 331
Gusick, Amy, see Braje, Todd J.
Hayden, Brian: Communal versus Competitive Feasting: Comment on Kassabaum, 795
Haynes, C. Vance, Jr., see Mackie, Madeline E.
Heath-Stout, Laura E.: Who Writes about Archaeology? An Intersectional Study of Authorship in Archaeological Journals, 407
Hedman, Kristin M., see Emerson, Thomas E.
Hill, Austin Chad, see Casana, Jesse
Holland-Lulewicz, Jacob, Victor D. Thompson, James Wettstaed, and Mark Williams: Enduring Traditions and the (Im)materiality of Early Colonial Encounters in the Southeastern United States, 694
Hora, Elizabeth, see Byrd Finley, Judson
Howey, Meghan C. L.: Other-Than-Human Persons, Mishipishu, and Danger in the Late Woodland Inland Waterway Landscape of Northern Michigan, 347
Hutchinson, Ian: Spatiotemporal Variation in ΔR on the West Coast of North America in the Late Holocene: Implications for Dating the Shells of Marine Mollusks, 676
Jakoby Laugier, Elise, see Casana, Jesse
Jazwa, Christopher S., Terry L. Joslin, and Douglas J. Kennett: Fishing, Subsistence Change, and Foraging Strategies on Western Santa Rosa Island, California, 591
Jenkins, Jessica A., see Sassaman, Kenneth E.
Johnson, Matthew P., see Lubinski, Patrick M.
Jones, Eric E., Maya B. Krause, Caroline R. Watson, and Grayson N. O'Saile: Economic and Social Interactions in the Piedmont Village Tradition-Mississippian Boundarylands of Southeastern North America, AD 1200–1600, 72
Joslin, Terry L., see Jazwa, Christopher S.
Kassabaum, Megan C.: The Nature of Feasting at Feltus (and Beyond): A Response to Hayden, 799
Kelly, Robert L., see Mackie, Madeline E.
Kennett, Douglas J., see Jazwa, Christopher S.
Kintigh, Keith W., see Strawhacker, Colleen
Kinzig, Ann P., see Strawhacker, Colleen
Kohler, Timothy A., and Marcy Rockman: The IPCC: A Primer for Archaeologists, 627
Krause, Maya B., see Jones, Eric E.
Kuehn, Chimalis, see Simms, Steven R.
Levine, Mary Ann: The Fabric of Empire in a Native World: An Analysis of Trade Cloth Recovered from Eighteenth-Century Otstonwakin, 51
Lubinski, Patrick M., R. Lee Lyman, and Matthew P. Johnson: Blind Testing of Faunal Identification Protocols: A Case Study with North American Artiodactyl Stylohyoids, 781
Lyman, R. Lee, see Lubinski, Patrick M.
Mackie, Madeline E., Todd A. Surovell, Matthew O'Brien, Robert L. Kelly, Spencer Pelton, C. Vance Haynes Jr., George C. Frison, Robert M. Yohe, Steve Teteak, Heather M. Rockwell, and Shannon Mahanz: Confirming a Cultural Association at the La Prele Mammoth Site (48CO1401), Converse County, Wyoming, 554
Mackie, Quentin, see Braje, Todd J.
Magnani, Matthew, Matthew Douglass, Whittaker Schroder, Jonathan Reeves, and David R. Braun: The Digital Revolution to Come: Photogrammetry in Archaeological Practice, 737
Mahanz, Shannon, see Mackie, Madeline E.
Mahar, Ginessa J., see Sassaman, Kenneth E.
Mclaren, Duncan, see Braje, Todd J.
Moore, James L., Eric Blinman, and M. Steven Shackley: Temporal Variation in Obsidian Procurement in the Northern Rio Grande and Its Implications for Obsidian Movement into the San Juan Area, 152
Morin, Eugène: Revisiting Bone Grease Rendering in Highly Fragmented Assemblages, 535
Moss, Madonna L.: Did Tlingit Ancestors Eat Sea Otters? Addressing Intellectual Property and Cultural Heritage through Zooarchaeology, 202
Munoz, Samuel E., see White, A.J.
Nelson, Margaret C., see Strawhacker, Colleen
Oas, Sarah, see Strawhacker, Colleen
O'Brien, Matthew, see Mackie, Madeline E.
O'Brien, Michael J., see Buchanan, Briggs
O'Donnell, Lexi, Jana Valesca Meyer, and Corey S. Ragsdale: Trade Relationships and Gene Flow at Pottery Mound Pueblo, New Mexico, 492
O'Saile, Grayson N., see Jones, Eric E.
Peeples, Matthew A., see Strawhacker, Colleen
Pelton, Spencer, see Mackie, Madeline E.
Pitblado, Bonnie, see Braje, Todd J.
Quade, Jay, see Guiterman, Christopher H.
Raff, Jennifer, see Braje, Todd J.
Ragsdale, Corey S., see O'Donnell, Lexi
Reed, Julie, see Simek, Jan F.
Reeder-Myers, Leslie, see Braje, Todd J.
Reeves, Jonathan, see Magnani, Matthew
Reuther, Joshua D., see Doering, Briana N.
Rick, Torben C., see Braje, Todd J.
Rittenour, Tammy M., see Simms, Steven R.
Robinson, Erick, see Byrd Finley, Judson
Rockman, Marcy, see Kohler, Timothy A.
Rockwell, Heather M., see Mackie, Madeline E.
Ruby, Bret J., see Everhart, Timothy D.
Sandor, Jonathan A., see Strawhacker, Colleen
Sassaman, Kenneth E., Meggan E. Blessing, Joshua M. Goodwin, Jessica A. Jenkins, Ginessa J. Mahar, Anthony Boucher, Terry E. Barbour, and Mark C. Donop: Maritime Ritual Economies of Cosmic Synchronicity: Summer Solstice Events at a Civic-Ceremonial Center on the Northern Gulf Coast of Florida, 22
Sasson, Aharon, and Susan Arter: Earliest Utilization of Chicken in Upper California: The Zooarchaeology of Avian Remains from the San Diego Royal Presidio, 516
Schroder, Whittaker, see Magnani, Matthew
Schroeder, Sissel, see White, A.J.
Seeman, Mark F., Amanda N. Colucci, and Charles Fulk: Hunter-Gatherer Mobility and Versatility: A Consideration of Long-Term Lithic Supply in the Midwest, 113
Shackley, M. Steven, see Moore, James L.
Simek, Jan F., Beau Duke Carroll, Julie Reed, Alan Cressler, Tom Belt, Wayna Adams, and Mary White: There Is No Cherokee Syllabary at Red Bird River Shelter (15CY52): Reply to Tankersley and Weeks, 388
Simms, Steven R., Tammy M. Rittenour, Chimalis Kuehn, and Molly Boeka Cannon: Prehistoric Irrigation in Central Utah: Chronology, Agricultural Economics, and Implications, 452
Simon, Mary L., see Emerson, Thomas E.
Snitker, Grant, see Strawhacker, Colleen
Spielmann, Katherine A., see Strawhacker, Colleen
Stevens, Lora R., see White, A.J.
Strawhacker, Colleen, Grant Snitker, Matthew A. Peeples, Ann P. Kinzig, Keith W. Kintigh, Kyle Bocinsky, Brad Butterfield, Jacob Freeman, Sarah Oas, Margaret C. Nelson, Jonathan A. Sandor, and Katherine A. Spielmann: A Landscape Perspective on Climate-Driven Risks to Food Security: Exploring the Relationship between Climate and Social Transformation in the Prehispanic U.S. Southwest, 427
Sturm, Jennie O., and W. H. Wills: Evaluating the Gridded Agricultural Field Model in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, Using Geophysical Remote Sensing, 367
Surovell, Todd A., see Mackie, Madeline E.
Swetnam, Thomas W., see Guiterman, Christopher H.
Tankersley, Kenneth Barnett, and William Rex Weeks Jr.: Red Bird and Sequoyah: A Reply to Simek et al., 383
Teteak, Steve, see Mackie, Madeline E.
Thompson, Victor D., see Holland-Lulewicz, Jacob
Tune, Jesse W.: Hunter-Gatherer Occupation of the Central Colorado Plateau during the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition, 573
Valesca Meyer, Jana, see O'Donnell, Lexi
Waters, Michael R., see Braje, Todd J.
Watson, Caroline R., see Jones, Eric E.
Watson, James T., see Cerezo-Román, Jessica I.
Weeks, William Rex, Jr., see Tankersley, Kenneth Barnett
Wettstaed, James, see Holland-Lulewicz, Jacob
White, A.J., Samuel E. Munoz, Sissel Schroeder, and Lora R. Stevens: After Cahokia: Indigenous Repopulation and Depopulation of the Horseshoe Lake Watershed AD 1400–1900, 263
White, Mary, see Simek, Jan F.
Whyte, Thomas R., and J. Matthew Compton: Explaining Toad Bones in Southern Appalachian Archaeological Deposits, 305
Williams, Mark, see Holland-Lulewicz, Jacob
Wills, W. H., see Sturm, Jennie O.
Wilson, Samuel M., see Franklin, Maria
Witt, Kelsey E., see Emerson, Thomas E.
Yohe, Robert M., see Mackie, Madeline E.
Review Index
Allen, Rebecca, and Ben Ford (editors): New Life for Archaeological Collections, reviewed by Robert L. Schuyler, 403
Baires, Sarah E.: Land of Water, City of the Dead: Religion and Cahokia's Emergence, reviewed by Charles R. Cobb, 806
Bale Monteleone, Kelly Rose: Uncovering Submerged Landscapes: Towards a GIS Method for Locating Submerged Archaeology in Southeast Alaska, reviewed by Jessi Halligan, 620
Baxter, Jane Eva: The Archaeology of American Childhood and Adolescence, reviewed by Deborah L. Rotman, 403
Bender, Susan J., and Phyllis Mauch Messenger (editors): Pedagogy and Practice in Heritage Studies, reviewed by Krysta Ryzewski, 802
Birch, Jennifer, and Victor D. Thompson (editors): The Archaeology of Villages in Eastern North America, reviewed by Alison E. Rautman, 395
Blanton, Dennis B.: Conquistador's Wake: Tracking the Legacy of Hernando de Soto in the Indigenous Southeast, reviewed by Marvin T. Smith, 612
Blanton, Dennis B.: Mississippian Smoking Ritual in the Southern Appalachian Region, reviewed by Stephen B. Carmody, 186
Blanton, Dennis B. (editor): Archaeological Adaptation: Case Studies of Cultural Transformation from the Southeast and Caribbean, reviewed by C. Clifford Boyd Jr., 811
Chapdelaine, Claude (editor): Droulers-Tsiionhiakwatha: Chef-lieu iroquoien de Saint-Anicet à la fin du XVe siècle, reviewed by Gary Warrick, 613
Chappell Hodge, Shannon, and Kristrina A. Shuler (editors): Bioarchaeology of the American Southeast: Approaches to Bridging Health and Identity in the Past, reviewed by Dale L. Hutchinson, 810
Clark, Andrew J., and Douglas B. Bamforth (editors): Archaeological Perspectives on Warfare on the Great Plains, reviewed by Kacy L. Hollenback, 188
Cochrane, Ethan E., and Terry L. Hunt (editors): The Oxford Handbook of Prehistoric Oceania, reviewed by Christopher M. Stevenson, 196
Cowie, Sarah E., Diane L. Teeman, and Christopher C. Leblanc (editors): Collaborative Archaeology at Stewart Indian School, reviewed by Lindsay M. Montgomery, 402
Earle, Timothy: An Essay on Political Economies in Prehistory, reviewed by Patrick V. Kirch, 394
Galloway, Patricia, and Evan Peacock (editors): Exploring Southeastern Archaeology, reviewed by Mark A. Rees, 184
George, Diane F., and Bernice Kurchin (editors): Archaeology of Identity and Dissonance: Contexts for a Brave New World, reviewed by Christopher N. Matthews, 192
Gill, Kristina M., Mikael Fauvelle, and Jon M. Erlandson (editors): An Archaeology of Abundance: Reevaluating the Marginality of California's Islands, reviewed by William R. Hildebrandt, 400
Gould, D. Rae, Holly Herbster, Heather Law Pezzarossi, and Stephen A. Mrozowski: Historical Archaeology and Indigenous Collaboration: Discovering Histories That Have Futures, reviewed by Michael S. Nassaney, 804
Halperin, Christina T., and Lauren E. Schwartz (editors): Vernacular Architecture in the Pre-Columbian Americas, reviewed by David M. Carballo, 818
Hantman, Jeffrey L.: Monacan Millennium: A Collaborative Archaeology and History of a Virginia Indian People, reviewed by Patricia E. Rubertone, 611
Harry, Karen G., and Barbara J. Roth (editors): Interaction and Connectivity in the Greater Southwest, reviewed by Phil R. Geib, 812
Hayden, Brian: The Power of Ritual in Prehistory: Secret Societies and the Origins of Social Complexity, reviewed by Gordon F. M. Rakita, 816
Hein, Anke: The Burial Record of Prehistoric Liangshan in Southwest China: Graves as Composite Objects, reviewed by Andrew MacIver, 815
Hull, Kathleen L., and John G. Douglass (editors): Forging Communities in Colonial Alta California, reviewed by David Hurst Thomas, 614
Jameson, John H., and Sergiu Musteaţă (editors): Transforming Heritage Practice in the 21st Century: Contributions from Community Archaeology, reviewed by Peter G. Gould, 617
Jones, Terry L., and Brian F. Codding: Foragers on America's Western Edge: The Archaeology of California's Pecho Coast, reviewed by Mark W. Allen, 813
Kelly, Robert L.: The Fifth Beginning: What Six Million Years of Human History Can Tell Us about Our Future, reviewed by Mark Aldenderfer, 183
Kim, Nam C., and Marc Kissel: Emergent Warfare in Our Evolutionary Past, reviewed by George R. Milner, 819
Labrador, Angela M., and Neil Asher Silberman (editors): The Oxford Handbook of Public Heritage Theory and Practice, reviewed by Siobhan M. Hart, 182
Lekson, Stephen H.: A Study of Southwestern Archaeology, reviewed by John Ware, 396
Lozny, Ludomir R., and Thomas H. McGovern (editors): Global Perspectives on Long Term Community Resource Management, reviewed by Lucas C. Kellett, 814
Matthews, Christopher N., and Allison Manfra McGovern (editors): The Archaeology of Race in the Northeast, reviewed by Lu Ann De Cunzo, 194
Mauch Messenger, Phyllis, and Susan J. Bender (editors): History and Approaches to Heritage Studies, reviewed by Krysta Ryzewski, 802
Peres, Tanya M., and Aaron Deter-Wolf (editors): The Cumberland River Archaic of Middle Tennessee, reviewed by Richard W. Jefferies, 807
Perreault, Charles: The Quality of the Archaeological Record, reviewed by Anna Marie Prentiss, 392
Perttula, Timothy K.: Caddo Landscapes in the East Texas Forests, reviewed by Scott W. Hammerstedt, 398
Prentiss, Anna Marie (editor): Handbook of Evolutionary Research in Archaeology, reviewed by Christopher Morgan, 820
Redmond, Brian G., Bret J. Ruby, and Jarrod Burks (editors): Encountering Hopewell in the Twenty-first Century, Ohio and Beyond, 2 volumes, reviewed by Timothy D. Everhart, 609
Rocek, Thomas R., and Nancy A. Kenmotsu (editors): Late Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers and Farmers of the Jornada Mogollon, reviewed by Patricia A. Gilman, 190
Sayre, Matthew P., and Maria C. Bruno (editors): Social Perspectives on Ancient Lives from Paleoethnobotanical Data, reviewed by Heather Trigg, 619
Sgarlata, Cosimo A., David G. Orr, and Bethany A. Morrison (editors): Historical Archaeology of the Revolutionary War Encampments of Washington's Army, reviewed by Steven D. Smith, 805
Steere, Benjamin A.: The Archaeology of Houses and Households in the Native Southeast, reviewed by Edmond A. Boudreaux III, 187
Sunseri, Jun U.: Situational Identities along the Raiding Frontier of Colonial New Mexico, reviewed by Minette C. Church, 191
Temple, Daniel H., and Christopher M. Stojanowski (editors): Hunter-Gatherer Adaptation and Resilience: A Bioarchaeological Perspective, reviewed by Douglas K. Charles, 618
Trubitt, Mary Beth (editor): Research, Preservation, Communication: Honoring Thomas J. Green on His Retirement from the Arkansas Archeological Survey, reviewed by Amanda L. Regnier, 398
Vierra, Bradley J. (editor): The Archaic Southwest: Foragers in an Arid Land, reviewed by Matthew E. Hill Jr., 189
Weik, Terrance (editor): The Archaeology of Removal in North America, reviewed by April M. Beisaw, 616
Wheeler, Ryan, and Joanna Ostapkowicz (editors): Iconography and Wetsite Archaeology of Florida's Watery Realms, reviewed by Thomas J. Pluckhahn, 809
White, Paul J.: The Archaeology of American Mining, reviewed by Stephen L. Whittington, 195
Wonderley, Anthony, and Martha L. Sempowski: Origins of the Iroquois League: Narratives, Symbols, and Archaeology, reviewed by John P. Hart, 399
Wright, Alice P., and Edward R. Henry (editors): Early and Middle Woodland Landscapes of the Southeast, reviewed by Matthew C. Sanger, 185
Yoffee, Norman (editor): The Evolution of Fragility: Setting the Terms, reviewed by David Alan Freidel, 393