Books and Articles in the Field of the Prevention and Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes (Summer 2013)
Compiled by Ingrid Kost exclusively from materials available in the Peace Palace Library, The Hague
1. Books
Amoroso, E. G., Cyber Attacks: Protecting National Infrastructure (2013). ISBN 9780123918550, xv, 319 pp.
Conrad, N., Münch, P. and Black-Branch, J.Standard and Model Clauses: Handbook of International Commercial Arbitration (2013). ISBN 9783406648588, 1050 pp.
Foltea, M., International Organizations in WTO Dispute Settlement: How Much Institutional Sensitivity? (2012). ISBN 9781107028241, xxi, 333 pp.
Geisinger, E., and Voser, N. (eds.), International Arbitration in Switzerland: A Handbook for Practitioners (2013). ISBN 9789041138484, xlii, 446 pp.
Greig, J. M., International Mediation (2012). ISBN 9780745653303, 224 pp.
Guo, R., Territorial Disputes and Conflict Management: The Art of Avoiding War (2012). ISBN 9780415682091, xiv, 206 pp.
Kaya, T. Ö., The Middle East Peace Process and the EU: Foreign Policy and Security Strategy in International Politics (2013). ISBN 9781848859821, xiii, 266 pp.
Martin, M., WTO Dispute Settlement: Understanding and Development (2013). ISBN 9789004227804, xviii, 343 pp.
Tams, C. J., and Tzanakopoulos, A. (comp.), The Settlement of International Disputes: Basic Documents (2012). ISBN 9781849463034, xx, 838 pp.
2. Chapters in edited volumes and articles
Alexander, N., ‘Harmonisation and Diversity in the Private International Law of Mediation: The Rhythms of Regulatory Reform’, in Hopt, K. J. and Steffek, F. (eds.), Mediation: Principles and Regulation in Comparative Perspective (2013), 131–204
Amer, R., ‘Sino-Vietnamese Border Dispute’, in Elleman, B. A., Kotkin, S., and Schofield, C. (eds.), Beijing's Power and China's Borders: Twenty Neighbors in Asia (2013), 294–309
Aroussi, S., and Vandeginste, S., ‘When Interests Meet Norms: The Relevance of Human Rights for Peace and Power-Sharing’, (2013) 17 International Journal of Human Rights 183–203
Bae, J., ‘Review of the Dispute Settlement Mechanism under the International Civil Aviation Organization: Contradiction of Political Body Adjudication’, (2013) 4 Journal of International Dispute Resolution 65–81
Chazan, N., ‘Israeli Peace Movements’, in Peters, J. and Newman, D. (eds.), The Routledge Handbook on the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict (2013), 267–77
Chen, T., ‘The Standard of Review and the Roles of ICSID Arbitral Tribunals in Investor–State Dispute Settlement’, (2012) 5 Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal 23–44
Clark, J. N., ‘Reconciliation through Remembrance? War Memorials and the Victims of Vukovar’, (2013) 7 International Journal of Transitional Justice 116–35
Companjen, F., ‘Complexities of the Peace Process in Nagorno-Karabakh’, in Mahapatra, D. A. (ed.), Conflict and Peace in Eurasia (2013), 73–87
Cubitt, C., ‘Responsible Reconstruction after War: Meeting Local Needs for Building Peace’, (2013) 39 Review of International Studies 91–112
D'Agostino, J., ‘Rescuing International Investment Arbitration: Introducing Derivative Actions, Class Actions, and Compulsory Joinder’, (2012) 98 Virginia Law Review 177–230
Dalgaard-Nielsen, A., ‘Promoting Exit from Violent Extremism: Themes and Approaches’, (2013) 36 Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 99–115
de Jong, S., Wouters, J., and Sterkx, S., ‘The EU in Multilateral Security Governance: The Case of the 2009 Russian–Ukrainian Gas Dispute’, in Lucarelli, S., Van Langenhove, L., and Wouters, J. (eds.), The EU and Multilateral Security Governance (2013), 140–64
De Pooter, H., ‘The Obligation to Prevent Genocide: A Large Shell Yet to Be Filled’, (2009) 17 African Yearbook of International Law 287–320
Dobbins, J., Miller, L., ‘Overcoming Obstacles to Peace’, (2013) 55 Survival: Global Politics and Strategy 103–20
Eisenberg, L. Z., ‘The Israeli–Palestinian Peace Process, 1967–1993’, in Peters, J. and Newman, D. (eds.), The Routledge Handbook on the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict (2013), 81–91
El-Battahani, A. and Woodward, P., ‘The Political Economy of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in Sudan’, in Berdal, M. and Zaum, D. (eds.), Political Economy of Statebuilding: Power after Peace (2013), 277–92
Galtung, J., ‘A Perspective on Conflict and Peace’, in Mahapatra, D. A. (ed.), Conflict and Peace in Eurasia (2013), 23–35
Golan, G., ‘Peace Plans, 1993–2010’, in Peters, J. and Newman, D. (eds.), The Routledge Handbook on the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict (2013), 92–106
Goldmann, M., ‘Sovereign Debt Crisis as Threats to the Peace: Restructuring under Chapter VII of the UN Charter?’, (2012) 4 Goettingen Journal of International Law 153–76
Gouran, H. and Khosla, A., ‘The Choice of Law in ICSID Arbitration in Relation to Investment Disputes’, (2012) 16 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration 35–42
Henckels, C., ‘Balancing Investment Protection and the Public Interest: The Role of the Standard of Review and the Importance of Deference in Investor–State Arbitration’, (2013) 4 Journal of International Dispute Settlement 197–215
Hobér, K., ‘Russian Shareholders’ Agreements and International Arbitration’, (2012) 23 American Review of International Arbitration 493–505
Krause, J., ‘The United Nations’ Role in Preserving Peace’, in Jørgensen, K. E. and Laatikainen, K. V. (eds.), Routledge Handbook on the European Union and International Institutions: Performance, Policy, Power (2013), 141–56
Le'vesque, C., ‘Increasing the Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution in IIAs’, in De Mestral, A. and L'vesque, C. (eds.), Improving International Investment Agreements (2013), 135–57
Lowe, V., ‘The Function of Litigation in International Society’, (2012) 61 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 209–22
McGregor, L., ‘Transitional Justice and the Prevention of Torture’, (2013) 7 International Journal of Transitional Justice 29–51
Mahapatra, D. A., ‘Prospects of Inclusive Peace, Perception of Players and Stakes Involved in Post-9/11 Afghanistan’, in Mahapatra, D. A. (ed.), Conflict and Peace in Eurasia (2013),159–75
Mavroidis, P. C., ‘Arbitrating Trade Disputes (Who Is the Boss?)’, (2012) 23 American Review of International Arbitration 481–92
Meernik, J., ‘Justice Power and Peace: Conflicting Interests and the Apprehension of ICC Suspects’, (2013) 13 International Criminal Law Review 169–90
Nasu, H., ‘Revisiting the Principle of Non-Intervention: A Structural Principle of International Law or a Political Obstacle to Regional Security in Asia?’, (2013) 3 Asian Journal of International Law 25–50
Oliveira, T. B. J., ‘The Authority of Domestic Courts in Adjudicating International Investment Disputes: Beyond the Distinction between Treaty and Contract Claims’, (2013) 4 Journal of International Dispute Settlement 175–95
Papa, M., ‘Emerging Powers in International Dispute Settlement: From Legal Capacity Building to a Level Playing Field?’, (2013) 4 Journal of International Dispute Settlement 83–109
Petsche, M., ‘Punitive Damages in International Commercial Arbitration: A Conflict of Laws Lesson’, (2013) 30 Journal of International Arbitration 31–48
Peyrouse, S. and Laruelle, M., ‘Kyrgyzstan: Conflict and Prospects of Peace, in Mahapatra, D. A. (ed.), Conflict and Peace in Eurasia (2013), 119–33
Ramsey, V., ‘The Conflict between Local Courts and International Arbitration: A Talk Given to the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London Branch, April 25, 2012’, (2012) 78 Arbitration 366–74
Reismann, W. M., ‘The Diversity of Contemporary International Dispute Resolution: Functions and Politics’, (2013) 4 Journal of International Dispute Resolution 29–46
Rodman, K. A., ‘Justice Is Interventionist: The Political Sources of the Judicial Reach of the Special Court for Sierra Leone’, (2013) 13 International Criminal Law Review 63–91
Ryngaert, C., ‘The Accountability of International Organizations for Human Rights Violations: The Cases of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and the UN “Terrorism Blacklists”’, in Fitzmaurice, M. and Merkouris, P. (eds.), The Interpretation and Application of the European Convention of Human Rights: Legal and Practical Implications (2013), 73–91
Sandrock, O., ‘The Case for More Arbitration When Sovereign Debt Is to Be Restructured: Greece as an Example’, (2012) 23 American Review of International Arbitration 507–43
Shekhawat, S., ‘Linking Peace and Development: An Imperative for Conflict Transformation in Kashmir’, in Mahapatra, D. A. (ed.), Conflict and Peace in Eurasia (2013), 194–209
Shukla, R., ‘Foreign State Immunity in International Commercial Arbitration’, (2012) 16 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration 113–22
Singh, S. and Sharma, S., ‘Investor–State Dispute Settlement Mechanism: The Quest for a Workable Roadmap’, 29 (2013) 76 Merkourios 88–101
Sumramanian, S. R., ‘BITs and Pieces in International Investment Law: Enforcement of Investment Treaty Arbitration Awards in the Non-ICSID States: The Case of India’, (2013) 14 Journal of World Investment and Trade 198–239
Timmer, L. J. E., ‘The Quality, Independence and Impartiality of the Arbitrator in International Commercial Arbitration’, (2012) 78 Arbitration 348–58
Vines, A., ‘A Decade of African Peace and Security Architecture’, (2013) 89 International Affairs 89–109
Waldorf, L., ‘Just Peace? Integrating DDR and Transitional Justice’, in Sriram, C. al. (eds.), Transitional Justice and Peacebuilding on the Ground: Victims and Ex-Combatants (2013), 62–80
Woods, A. K., ‘Toward a Situational Model for Regulating International Crimes’, (2012) 13 Chicago Journal of International Law 179–237
Ylikantola, T., ‘Document Discovery in International Arbitration Practice: Are There Differences between Common Law and Civil Law Traditions?’, (2012) 16 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration 123–44