1. The Claims
This article investigates the measure theoretic consistency of what we call the “Abstract Principal Principle.” The consistency expresses that the Abstract Principal Principle is in harmony with the basic structure of measure theoretic probability theory. This type of consistency is tacitly assumed in the literature on the Principal Principle, although we will see that the consistency in question is not trivial. The main philosophical significance of proving such a consistency is that without making sure that such a consistency obtains, the Abstract Principal Principle would be inconsistent as a general norm that guides forming subjective degrees of belief (credences): without such consistency a Bayesian agent would not always be able to adjust his degrees of belief to objective probabilities (e.g., chances) in a Bayesian manner, via Bayesian conditionalization.
After stating the Abstract Principal Principle informally in section 2, we define formally the weak and strong consistency of theAbstract Principal Principle (definitions 1 and 2) in section 3 and state weak and strong consistency of the Abstract Principal Principle (propositions 1 and 2). We then argue that it is very natural to strengthen the Abstract Principal Principle by requiring it to satisfy a stability property, which expresses that conditional degrees of belief in events already equal (in the spirit of the Abstract Principal Principle) to the objective probabilities of the events do not change as a result of conditionalizing them further on knowing the objective probabilities of other events (in particular, of events that are independent with respect to their objective probabilities). We call this amended principle the Stable Abstract Principal Principle (if stability is required only with respect to further conditionalizing on values of probabilities of independent events: Independence-Stable Principal Principle). This stability requirement leads to suitably modified versions of both the weak and strong consistency of the (Independence-)Stable Abstract Principal Principle (definitions 3 and 4). We will prove that the Stable Abstract Principal Principle is weakly consistent (proposition 3). This entails weak consistency of the Independence-Stable Abstract Principal Principle (proposition 4). The strong consistency of both the stable and the Independence-Stable Abstract Principal Principle remain open problems, however; we conjecture that both consistencies hold.Footnote 1
Until section 6, few references are given. Section 6 puts the results into context: here we discuss the relevance of strong consistency of the Stable Abstract Principal Principle from the perspective of Lewis’s Principal Principle and its “debugged” versions. The details of all the proofs are in the appendix.
2. The Abstract Principal Principle Informally
The Abstract Principal Principle regulates probabilities representing the subjective degrees of belief of an abstract Bayesian agent by stipulating that
are related to the objective probabilities
where denotes the proposition “the objective probability,
, of A is equal to r.”
The formulation (1) of the Abstract Principal Principle presupposes that both and
are probability measures: additive maps defined on a σ-algebra taking values in
. Probability
is supposed to be defined on a σ-algebra
of random events, and
is supposed to be a map with a domain of definition being a σ-algebra
It is crucial to realize that the σ-algebras and
cannot be unrelated: for the conditional probability
in equation (1) to be well defined via Bayes’s rule, the σ-algebra
must contain both the σ-algebra
of random events and with every random event A also the proposition
—otherwise the formula
cannot be interpreted as an expression of conditional probability specified by Bayes’s rule.
It is far from obvious, however, that, given any σ-algebra of random events with any probability measure
, there exists a σ-algebra
meeting these algebraic requirements in such a way that a probability measure
satisfying the condition (1) also exists on
. If there exists a σ-algebra
of random events with a probability measure
giving the objective probabilities of events for which there exists no σ-algebra
on which a probability function
satisfying (1) can be defined, then the Abstract Principal Principle would be inconsistent as a general norm: in this case the agent, being in the epistemic situation of facing the objective facts represented by
, cannot have degrees of belief satisfying the Abstract Principal Principle for fundamental structural reasons inherent in the basic structure of classical probability theory. We say that the Abstract Principal Principle is weakly consistent if it is not inconsistent in the sense described. (The adjective “weakly” will be explained shortly.)
Remark. One can construe the Principal Principle differently: taking it as a norm that regulates internal consistency of the agent.Footnote 2 Under this construal, the subjective degrees of belief should satisfy
Here is the proposition that the agent believes that the objective probability of A is equal to r, and (2) requires that the agent’s subjective degrees of belief conditional on this belief should be equal to r—otherwise the agent is inconsistent in his thinking. The difference between (1) and (2) is that r on the right-hand side of (2) need not be equal to the real objective probability
. The difference between these two interpretations plays no role, however, from the perspective of the consistency problem we investigate here: because of the universal quantification over
in the consistency definitions and because of the universal quantification over r in (2), the two construals lead to the same consistency problem.
3. Weak and Strong Consistency of the Abstract Principal Principle
A classical probability measure space is denoted , where
is a σ-algebra of (some) subsets of X, and p is a probability measure on
. Given two σ-algebras
, the injective map
is a σ-algebra embedding if it preserves all Boolean σ-operations. The probability space
is called an extension of
with respect to h if h is a σ-algebra embedding of
that preserves the probability measure p:
Definition 1. The Abstract Principal Principle is called weakly consistent if the following conditions hold: given any probability space , there exists a probability space
and a σ-algebra embedding h of
such that
(i) For every
there exists an
with the property
(4)(ii) If
, then
Definition 1 says: given the “objective” probability space , the σ-algebra
contains the “copies”
of all the random events
and also an element
to be interpreted as representing the proposition “the objective probability,
, of A is equal to r” (this proposition we denoted by
). If
, then
must hold because
are different propositions—this is expressed by ii in the definition. The main content of the Abstract Principal Principle is then expressed by condition (4), which states that the conditional degrees of beliefs
of an agent about random events
are equal to the objective probabilities
, where the condition
is that the agent knows the values of the objective probabilities.
Proposition 1. The Abstract Principal Principle is weakly consistent.
The above proposition follows from proposition 3 stating the weak consistency of the Stable Abstract Principal Principle, which we state later.
Definition 2. The Abstract Principal Principle is defined to be strongly consistent if, in addition to conditions i–ii in definition 1, the following condition holds:
(iii) The probability space
is an extension of the probability space
with respect to h; that is, we have
The content of this additional requirement is that the agent’s prior probability function restricted to the random events can be equal to probability measure
that can differ from the objective probabilities of the random events given by
Proposition 2. The Abstract Principal Principle is strongly consistent if is absolutely continuous with respect to the agent’s prior degrees of beliefs
4. The Stable Abstract Principal Principle
Once the agent has adjusted his subjective degree of belief by conditionalizing, , he may then learn the value of another objective probability,
, in which case he must conditionalize again. What should be the result of this second conditionalization? Since the agent’s conditional degrees of belief
in A are already correct (equal to the objective probabilities), it would be irrational to change his already correct degree of belief about A upon learning an additional truth, namely, the value of the objective probability
. So a rational agent’s conditional subjective degrees of belief should be stable in the sense of satisfying the following condition:
If A and B are independent with respect to their objective probabilities , then, if the conditional subjective degrees of belief are stable in the sense of (6), then (assuming the Abstract Principal Principle) one has
Equation (7) means that if the conditional subjective degrees of belief are stable, then, if A and B are objectively independent, they (their isomorphic images ) are also subjectively independent—independent also with respect to the probability measure that represents conditional subjective degrees of belief, where the condition is that the agent knows the objective probabilities of all of A, B, and
. In this case, the conditional subjective degrees of belief properly reflect the objective independence relations of random events—they are independence faithful. Note that for the subjective degrees of belief to satisfy the independence-faithfulness condition expressed by equation (7), it is sufficient that stability (6) only holds for the restricted set of elements B in the σ-subalgebra
generated by the elements in
that are independent of A with respect to
This motivates us to amend the Abstract Principal Principle by requiring stability of the subjective probabilities, resulting in the “Stable Abstract Principal Principle”:
Stable Abstract Principal Principle. The subjective probabilities are related to the objective probabilities
as required by equation (1); furthermore, the subjective probability function is stable in the sense that the following condition holds:
If the subjective probability function is only independence stable in the sense that (8) above holds for all , then the corresponding Stable Abstract Principal Principle is called the Independence-Stable Abstract Principal Principle.
5. Is the Stable Abstract Principal Principle Strongly Consistent?
Definition 3. The Stable Abstract Principal Principle is defined to be weakly consistent if it is weakly consistent in the sense of definition 1 and the subjective probability function is stable: it satisfies condition (8). The Independence-Stable Abstract Principal Principle is defined to be weakly consistent if it is weakly consistent in the sense of definition 1 and the subjective probability function
is independence stable: it satisfies (8) for all
Proposition 3. The Stable Abstract Principal Principle is weakly consistent.
The above proposition entails
Proposition 4. The Independence-Stable Abstract Principal Principle is weakly consistent.
Definition 4. The Stable Abstract Principal Principle is defined to be strongly consistent if it is strongly consistent in the sense of definition 2 and the subjective probability function is stable. The Independence-Stable Abstract Principal Principle is strongly consistent if it is strongly consistent in the sense of definition 2 and the subjective probability function
satisfies (8) for all
Problem. Is the (Independence-)Stable Abstract Principal Principle strongly consistent?
The problem of strong consistency of both the stable and the Independence-Stable Abstract Principal Principle remains open (see Bana Reference Bana2016).
6. Relation to Other Works
Lewis (Reference Lewis1986) introduced the term “Principal Principle” to refer to the principle linking subjective beliefs to chances. In the context of the Principal Principle, is called the “credence,”
, of the agent in event A at time t;
is the chance,
, of the event A at time t; and the Principal Principle is the stipulation that credences and chances are related as
where E is any admissible evidence the agent has at time t in addition to knowing the value of the chance of A.
Proposition is clearly admissible evidence for (9), and, substituting
into equation (9), we obtain
which, at any given time t, is an instance of the Abstract Principal Principle if we make the identifications ,
. By proposition 2 we know that, for any time parameter t, relation (10) is consistent with probability as measure.
If, however, admissibility of evidence E is defined in such a way that propositions stating the values of chances of other events B at time t (i.e., propositions of the form ) are admitted as E, then (9) together with (10) entails that we also should have
The relation (11) together with equation (10) is, at any given time t, an instance of the Stable Abstract Principal Principle if we make the identifications ,
, and
. Thus, whether relations (11) and (10) can hold at all is exactly the question whether the Stable Abstract Principal Principle is strongly consistent. If one allows as evidence E in (11) only propositions stating the value of objective chances of events B that are objectively independent of A, then the question whether relations (11) and (10) can hold in general is exactly the question whether the Independence-Stable Abstract Principal Principle is strongly consistent. Since Lewis regarded admissible all propositions containing information that is “irrelevant” for the chance of A (Reference Lewis1986, 91), for him, admissible evidence should include propositions about values of chances of events that are independent of A with respect to the probability measure describing their chances. Under this interpretation of “irrelevant” information, the consistency of Lewis’s Principal Principle as a general norm needs proven consistency of the Independence-Stable Abstract Principal Principle. It should be emphasized that this kind of consistency has nothing to do with any metaphysics about chances or with the concept of natural law that one may have in the background of the Principal Principle; in particular, this inconsistency is different from the one related to “undermining” (see below). This consistency expresses a simple but fundamental compatibility of the Principal Principle with the basic structure of probability theory.
Lewis himself saw a consistency problem in his Principal Principle (he called it the “big bad bug”): if A is an event in the future of t that has a nonzero chance of happening at that later time but we have knowledge E about the future that entails that A will in fact not happen,
, then substituting this E into (9) leads to contradiction if
. Such an A is called an “unactualized future that undermines present chances”—hence, the phrase “undermining” to refer to this situation. Since certain metaphysical arguments led Lewis to think that one is forced to admit such an evidence E, he tried to “debug” the Principal Principle (Lewis Reference Lewis1994); the same sort of debugging was proposed simultaneously by Hall (Reference Hall1994) and Thau (Reference Thau1994). Other debugging attempts have followed (Black Reference Black1998; Roberts Reference Roberts2001; Hall Reference Hall2004; Loewer Reference Loewer2004; Hoefer Reference Hoefer2007; Ismael Reference Ismael2008; Glynn Reference Glynn2010; Meacham Reference Meacham2010; Nissan-Rozen Reference Nissan-Rozen2013; Pettigrew Reference Pettigrew2013; Frigg and Hoefer Reference Frigg and Hoefer2015), and to date no consensus has emerged as to which of the debugged versions of the Principal Principle is tenable: Vranas (Reference Vranas2004) claims that there was no need for a debugging in the first place; Briggs (Reference Briggs2009) argues that none of the modified principles work; Pettigrew (Reference Pettigrew2012) provides a framework that allows one to choose the correct Principal Principle depending on one’s metaphysical concept of chance.
Papers aiming at “debugging” Lewis’s Principal Principle typically combine the following three moves a, b, or c:
a) Restricting the admissible evidence in (9) to a particular class
of propositions in order to avoid “undermining” (Hoefer Reference Hoefer2007).
b) Modifying the Principal Pinciple by replacing
on the right-hand side of (9) with a value
given by a function F different from the objective chance function (new principle by Hall [Reference Hall1994]; general Principal Principle by Lewis [Reference Lewis1980] and by Roberts [Reference Roberts2001]).
c) Modifying the Principal Principle by replacing the conditioning proposition
on the left-hand side of (9) by a different conditioning proposition
, which is a conjunction of some propositions from
, and propositions of the form
(conditional principle and general principle by Vranas [Reference Vranas2004]; general recipe by Ismael [Reference Ismael2008]).
To establish a theory of chance along a debugging strategy characterized by a combination of a, b, and c, it is not enough to show that undermining is avoided: one has to prove that the debugged Principal Principle is consistent in the sense of definition 5 below, which is in the spirit of the notion of consistency investigated in this article:
Definition 5. We say that the “-debugged” Principal Principle is strongly consistent if the following conditions hold: given any probability space
and another probability measure
, there exists a probability space
and a σ-algebra embedding h of
such that
i) For every
, the set
is in
, and for every
, there exists a
with the property
(12)ii) If
, then
iii) The probability space
is an extension of the probability space
with respect to h; that is, we have
(13)iv) For all
and for all
, we have
We say that the “-debugged” Principal Principle is weakly consistent if i, ii, and iv hold.
Taking specific and F, one obtains particular definitions expressing the consistency of specific debugged Principal Principles. For instance, stipulations
yield Vranas’s conditional principle (Reference Vranas2004, 370), whereas Hall’s new principle (Reference Hall1994, 511) can be obtained by
where is “the proposition that completely characterizes w’s history up to time t” and
is the “proposition that completely characterizes the laws at w” (w being a possible world; 506).
Proving consistency of the -debugged Principal Principles is necessary for the respective debugged Principal Principles to be compatible with measure theoretic probability theory. To our best knowledge such consistency proofs have not been given: it seems that this type of consistency is tacitly assumed in the works analyzing the modified Principal Principles, although, as the propositions and their proofs presented in this article show, the truth of these types of consistency claims is far from obvious.
The problem of strong consistency of the Stable Abstract Principal Principle is also relevant from the perspective of existence of particular models of the axioms of higher-order probability theory (HOP) suggested by Gaifman (Reference Gaifman1988). If one regards HOP as an axiomatic theory, then the question arises whether models of the theory exist. Gaifman provides a few specific examples that are models of the axioms (208–10), but he does not raise the general issue of what kinds of models exist. What one would like to know is whether any objective probability theory can be made part of a HOP in such a way that the objective probabilities are related to the subjective ones in the manner required by the HOP axioms. Proving the existence of such HOPs entails that the Stable Abstract Principal Principle is strongly consistent.
Proof of Strong Consistency of the Abstract Principal Principle (Proposition 2)
The statement follows from proposition A1 below if we make the following identifications:
Proposition A1. Let be a probability space and let
be another probability measure on
such that
is absolutely continuous with respect to p. Then there exists an extension
with respect to the embedding
having the following properties:
i) For all
there is
such that
Proof. We distinguish two cases: the σ-algebra is (i) finite and (ii) nonfinite.
When is finite, the proof consist of two steps. In the first step we choose an arbitrary element
and construct an extension
with respect to an embedding
in such a manner that in this extension this particular event A has a pair
with the required properties. In step 2 we repeat this step
times, choosing each time another element from
until we exhaust
and obtain the extension
Step 1. Take any . We wish to construct a space
and a function
such that
is a measure-preserving, injective Boolean algebra homomorphism.
There is
such that
Let and
be two disjoint copies of
, and fix the algebra isomorphisms
. Put
and define
It is a routine task to verify that is a Boolean algebra of subsets of
with respect to the usual set-theoretical operations ∪, ∩, \ (below we also use the notation
to refer to the set-theoretical complement of an element
with respect to a set that is fixed by the context).
Define the map by
where h * is a homomorphism between and
. Let
be any number, and define
For each we have then
Consequently, is a measure-preserving, injective Boolean algebra homomorphism.
For any fixed , define
Our aim now is to choose α in such a way that the following condition is true:
Some basic algebra shows that
Thus, in order to satisfy (A6) we have to choose α to guarantee
By assumption, if then
, and thus any
makes (A8) true. Similarly, if
, then
, which means that any
will do. Also, if
, then
will do. Therefore, we may assume
. By reordering equation (A8) and using the notation p = p(A),
, we obtain
To guarantee (A8) we only have to show that α in equation (A9) is between 0 and 1. Since and
, we have
. This means that both the numerator and the denominator of the fraction in (A9) are negative, when α is positive. But, we have
Thus, can always be chosen so that equation (A6) holds.
Step 2. We obtain by iterating step 1. Let
be an enumeration of
. Applying step 1 with
in place of A, one finds a space
, an event
, and an embedding
such that
Continuing in this way, we get elements and a chain of extensions
such that
holds for all . Therefore, we can complete the proof by letting
One has to verify that the extension in step j does not destroy the result of the previous one. But this is a consequence of being an embedding that preserves the probability.
When the σ-algebra is not finite, we take the extension
to be the product space
where is the standard Lebesgue space over the unit interval and where
denotes the special product of two probability spaces introduced in Gyenis and Rédei (Reference Gyenis and Rédei2011). The elements of
are certain
functions, the embedding
is via the constant function
The extension of p is
Fix a real number and take any Lebesgue-measurable subset
with measure
. Write
for the function
Then , and one can verify easily that
It follows that if we choose α such that
then we get
That we can choose α to satisfy (A12) is contained in the proof of the finite case.
Proof of Weak Consistency of the Stable Abstract Principal Principle (Proposition 3)
The statement of weak consistency of the Stable Abstract Principal Principle follows from proposition A2 below if we make the following identifications:
Proposition A2. Let be a probability space. Then there exists an extension
with respect to a σ-algebra homomorphism
such that
i) For all
, there is
such that
Proof. Let be a probability space and
be a set disjoint from
and having the same cardinality as the cardinality of
. We can think of
as having elements
labeled by elements
. Consider the set
where y is an auxiliary element different from every . Take the power set
, and let q be any probability measure on
such that
. Then
is a probability space, and we can form the product space
with being the product measure on
. The map
defined by h(A) ≐ A × Y is an injective, measure-preserving σ-algebra embedding. For each
, put
It is clear that ii in the proposition holds for so defined. Utilizing that
is a product measure, one can verify by explicit calculation that both i and iii hold. QED