A century and a half ago, the first codification of what became known as ‘Geneva Law’ afforded protection to military medical personnel and objects, as well as wounded and sick combatants.Footnote 1 It is today undisputed that they are all protected against direct attack, under the specific rules protecting medical personnel, units, and transports, and the wounded and sick (hereinafter ‘the special protection’),Footnote 2 as well as under the rules governing the conduct of hostilities.Footnote 3
However, some authors have recently claimed that military medical personnel and objects or wounded and sick combatants would not be protected by the principles of proportionality and precautions because the relevant rules in the First Additional Protocol refer only to incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, and damage to civilian objects. Solis notably states that ‘the presence of noncombatant members of the armed forces at a military objective does not require an attacking enemy to take any special precautionary measures, as would the presence of civilians’,Footnote 4 while HendersonFootnote 5 and BartelsFootnote 6 argue that military medical units, military medical personnel, or persons hors de combat such as wounded soldiers do not benefit from the protection of the principle of proportionality. This reading would mean that, except for the prohibition on indiscriminate attacks, the rules governing the conduct of hostilities would not restrain the incidental killing or injuring of military medical personnel and wounded and sick combatants, nor incidental damage to military medical objects, when attacks are directed against able-bodied combatants or military objectives.
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) holds the opposite view.Footnote 7 To be able to provide with the least possible delay the medical care and attention required by the wounded and sick, medical personnel, units, and transports – especially military ones – often have to operate in proximity to the fighting, especially during urban warfare. It is thus particularly important to uphold their protection against incidental loss of life, injury, or damage.
The issue at stake is limited to military medical personnel and objects, as well as wounded and sick combatants. Indeed, civilian medical personnel and objects, as well as wounded and sick civilians, remain civilian persons and objects and are protected as such under the rules governing the conduct of hostilities. This opinion note will thus consider the question of whether the expected incidental killing or injury of military medical personnel or wounded and sick combatants and damage to military medical objects are relevant under the principles of proportionality and precautions.
After recalling the content of the principles of proportionality and precautions, this note discusses the question of whether military medical objects fall under the definition of military objectives or actually constitute civilian objects. It then turns to persons, and analyses the protection against incidental loss of life or injury under both the specific rules protecting medical personnel and the wounded and sick, and the rules governing the conduct of hostilities. This note argues that it would run counter to these rules to exclude military medical personnel and objects as well as wounded and sick combatants from the evaluation of the relevant incidental harm for the purposes of applying the principles of proportionality and precautions. It finally shows that some support for an inclusive position can be found in state practice and in the preparatory work of the First 1977 Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions (AP I). This note thus concludes that all feasible precautions must be taken to avoid, or at least minimise, incidental harm to military medical personnel and objects as well as wounded and sick combatants. If such incidental harm is expected to be excessive compared to the direct and concrete military advantage, it renders the attack unlawful by virtue of the principle of proportionality.
This note assumes that military medical personnel and objects do not commit (or are not used to commit), outside of their humanitarian function, acts harmful to the enemy, and that wounded and sick combatants refrain from any act of hostility.Footnote 8
The principles of proportionality and precautions
The principles of proportionality and precautions are mainly outlined in Articles 51, 57, and 58 of AP I, which reflect customary international humanitarian law (IHL) in international and non-international armed conflicts on most, if not all of these aspects.
The principles of proportionality and precautions do not forbid all incidental harm to persons and objects protected against direct attack. However, they do impose limits on such harm. The principle of proportionality forbids attacks that may be expected to cause incidental civilian casualties, and damage to civilian objects, which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated.Footnote 9 The principle of precautions requires the parties to the conflict to take constant care in the conduct of military operations to spare the civilian population and civilian objects; a number of specific rules are derived from this principle that are designed to avoid or at least minimise incidental casualties and damage when carrying out an attack.Footnote 10 The parties to the conflict must also take all feasible precautions to protect the civilian population and civilian objects under their control against the effects of attacks.Footnote 11
Among the rules stemming from the principle of precautions, the obligations to take all feasible precautions to verify that the target is a military objective, and to cancel or suspend an attack if it becomes apparent that this is not the case, expressly include the obligation to verify that the objective to be attacked is not subject to special protection. This is a verification that goes beyond the check that the targets are neither civilians nor civilian objects.Footnote 12 Military medical personnel and objects, as well as wounded and sick combatants, are obviously all subject to such special protection.
Conversely, all other rules stemming from the principle of precautions,Footnote 13 as well as the principle of proportionality,Footnote 14 mention only the expected incidental civilian casualties and damage to civilian objects. On that basis, one could claim that these rules do not cover protected persons and objects other than civilians and civilian objects. It will be shown that a closer reading of the law does not support this conclusion.
Military medical objects are civilian objects under the rules governing the conduct of hostilities
Military hospitals and other places for collecting sick and wounded combatants were already protected under the early expression of the principle of precautions found in the 1907 Hague Regulations – which have been considered to reflect customary IHLFootnote 15 – as it covered them without distinction based on their military or civilian character: ‘In sieges and bombardments all necessary steps must be taken to spare, as far as possible, … hospitals, and places where the sick and wounded are collected, provided they are not being used at the time for military purposes.’Footnote 16
Under contemporary IHL, the matter can be put to rest easily for military medical transports and units, and more generally for all military medical objects (including blood bank reserves, medicines, or other purely medical supplies or equipment even outside of a medical unit). Insofar as objects are concerned, treaty and customary IHL defines military objectives as follows:
military objectives are limited to those objects which by their nature, location, purpose or use make an effective contribution to military action and whose total or partial destruction, capture or neutralization, in the circumstances ruling at the time, offers a definite military advantage.Footnote 17
By requiring that the object makes an effective contribution to military action, and that the military advantage be definite, this definition excludes notably objects that only make an indirect contribution or advantages that are only hypothetical or speculative.Footnote 18 It was carefully crafted to avoid an overly broad understanding of the notion of military objective that would undermine the principle of distinction. Despite the fact that they form part of the military, at least as long as they are not used outside of their humanitarian function to commit acts harmful to the enemy,Footnote 19 military medical objects do not make an effective contribution to military action and their destruction cannot be considered to offer a definite military advantage. As they do not fulfil either of the two cumulative conditions set by the definition of military objective, they do not constitute military objectives. Henderson's assertion that military medical units prima facie would meet the test for a military objective is thus not supported by a closer reading of the definition of military objective under IHL.Footnote 20
Civilian objects are defined in Article 52(1) of AP I and customary IHLFootnote 21 as all objects which are not military objectives as defined in Article 52(2) of AP I. Whatever the usual or colloquial meaning of the terms, military medical transports, units, and other military medical objects are therefore ‘civilian objects’ under the law governing the conduct of hostilities.Footnote 22 This conclusion is reinforced by the ICRC Commentary on the 1973 Draft Additional Protocols.Footnote 23 As long as they do not fulfil the definition of military objectives, military medical objects are thus covered by all the protections afforded to civilian objects under the rules governing the conduct of hostilities. This includes the obligation to take into consideration the expected incidental damage to military medical transports, units, or other military medical objects in proportionality assessments, and the obligation to take all feasible precautions to avoid or at least minimise incidental damage to such objects. It has to be noted that this conclusion also stems from the provisions affording special protection to medical objects, as will be developed below for persons.
Military medical personnel and wounded and sick combatants must be included in the notion of ‘incidental casualties’
Article 50(1) of AP I defines civilians as follows:
A civilian is any person who does not belong to one of the categories of persons referred to in Article 4 A (1), (2), (3) and (6) of the Third Convention and in Article 43.
Article 43 of AP I defines the armed force of a party to a conflict. Thus, put otherwise, civilians are persons who are not members of state armed forces,Footnote 24 or (for non-international armed conflicts) of an organised armed group of a non-state party to a conflict.Footnote 25 Henderson's and Bartels' positions excluding medical personnel and wounded and sick combatants from the relevant ‘incidental casualties’ evaluation under the principle of proportionality is based on the definition of civilians as expressed in Article 50 of AP I.Footnote 26
The argument developed above for objects cannot simply be mirrored for persons. It is nevertheless submitted that military medical personnel and wounded and sick combatants must be included in the notion of ‘incidental casualties’ for the purposes of applying the principles of proportionality and precautions. This stems from the interpretation of the specific rules protecting medical personnel and the wounded and sick, as well as of the rules governing the conduct of hostilities.
Persons cannot be less protected than objects
It would make no sense that military medical objects would be protected by the principles of proportionality and precautions while military medical personnel would not. Beyond setting little store on the value of human life compared to objects, this would go against the fundamental rationale of the special protection, which is the same for both military medical personnel and objects – namely, to grant them this protection on account of their function of ensuring medical care and attention to the wounded and sick.
The special protection is more stringent than the rules protecting the civilian population
The specific rules protecting medical personnel, transports, and units are in some aspects more stringent than the rules protecting the civilian population.Footnote 27 Protective emblems have been established to display this special protection, precisely to ensure that these personnel, transports, and units are protected against the danger of hostilities. Besides being counterintuitive, it is thus contrary to the system of the special protection to claim that specially protected persons are less protected than those afforded general protection for being civilians.
The obligation to ‘respect and protect’ medical personnel and the wounded and sick encompasses the obligation to avoid their incidental killing or injury
Fundamentally, the obligation to avoid or at least minimise the incidental killing or injury of medical personnel and the wounded and sick, as well as the prohibition of causing excessive incidental harm to them, stems directly from the obligation to ‘respect and protect’ them.
Contrary to the prohibition on direct attacks against medical units or combatants hors de combat,Footnote 28 the prohibition on direct attacks against military medical personnel is nowhere expressly stated. It is however undisputed and stems directly from the broader obligation to respect and protect medical personnel. There is no apparent reason why the obligation stemming from this broader protection would be limited to the prohibition on direct attacks and not extend to all the rules on the conduct of hostilities. In that regard, it is telling that the very same words, to ‘respect and protect’, are used in the basic rule protecting civilians against the danger of hostilitiesFootnote 29 and in the rules protecting the wounded and sick and medical personnel, civilian and military alike.Footnote 30 With regard to wounded and sick soldiers, the ICRC Commentary on the First Geneva Convention, which came out 20 years before the adoption of AP I, already clarified that:
The word ‘respect’ … means … ‘to spare, not to attack’ … whereas ‘protect’ … means ‘to come to someone's defence, to lend help and support’ …. The introduction of these words made it unlawful for an enemy to attack, kill, illtreat or in any way harm a fallen and unarmed soldier, while it at the same time imposed upon the enemy an obligation to come to his aid and give him such care as his condition required.Footnote 31
This understanding was equally valid for the obligation to respect and protect military medical personnelFootnote 32 and was confirmed after the adoption of AP I.Footnote 33 Bugnion explains that ‘protection is a duty to act. It requires the belligerents to take all precautions in attack and defense so as to avoid exposing wounded and sick military personnel gratuitously to danger.’Footnote 34
In the context of civilian hospitals, the ICRC Commentary on the 1949 First Geneva Convention already emphasised that the special protection was meant to extend to incidental damages:
The prohibition must therefore be regarded as wider in its significance [than the prohibition of attacks deliberately directed against hospitals]; … the belligerents are under a general obligation to do everything possible to spare hospitals. … When attacking such [military] objectives, the attacking force is bound … to take special precautions to spare hospitals as far as is humanly possible. … The general obligation to spare hospitals requires … that the two belligerents should take precautions to ensure that hospitals should suffer as little as possible from the attacks and from hostilities in general.Footnote 35
According to Parks, ‘[t]he provisions [Article 19 GC I and 18 GC IV] are important in their recognition of the shared responsibility for limiting collateral damage or, put another way, for not placing the responsibility for limiting collateral damage or injury exclusively on an attacker’.Footnote 36 This implies that an attacker also has the responsibility to limit incidental damage to military hospitals. Though the Commentary and Parks discuss the protection of hospitals, they are relevant here because they shed light on the meaning of the obligation ‘to respect and protect’ in provisions dealing with the special protection of the delivery of medical care and attention.Footnote 37
Similarly, when analysing the scope of the special protection granted to medical units under Article 12 of AP I, the two leading commentaries on the Additional Protocols not only assert that medical units must be included in the relevant incidental damages under the principles of proportionality and precautions; they also express the understanding that this protection extends to persons enjoying the special protection. The ICRC Commentary on AP I confirms that even in the face of violations by the enemy, ‘[a]lthough not explicitly mentioned, these precautions [the precautionary measures provided for in Article 57 (Precautions in attack)] should also be taken with regard to the wounded and sick, and consequently the medical units where they are being cared for.’Footnote 38 The commentary by Bothe, Partsch and Solf states that:
The first sentence of para. 4 [of Art. 12] is a corollary of Art. 51, para. 7. Protected objects and persons may not be used to “shield” military targets. … Article 12, para. 4 and Art. 19 of the First Convention show that, with respect to collateral damage, the rules which protect the civilian population against such damage constitute also, at least in principle, an adequate solution concerning the same problem as it arises in relation to medical units. Thus, the principle of proportionality applies in this case as well.Footnote 39
Again, this sheds light on the extent of the special protection.
The special protection is granted without distinction with regard to the military or civilian status of the persons entitled to it
The fundamental purpose of the law governing the protection of medical personnel and the wounded and sick codified in the First Additional Protocol is to afford protection without distinction with regard to the civilian or military status of these protected persons. The ICRC Commentary on AP I emphasises this point in relation to the wounded and sick: ‘the Protocol covers all wounded, sick and shipwrecked persons, with no distinction between military and civilian persons.’Footnote 40 As civilian medical personnel and wounded and sick civilians are undoubtedly protected by the principles of proportionality and precautions, it would be contrary to this fundamental purpose to exclude military medical personnel or wounded and sick combatants from the protection afforded by these principles.
In view of their object and purpose, the rules governing the conduct of hostilities must take into account incidental harm to persons protected against direct attack without distinction with regard to their military or civilian status
The obligation to afford the same protection to all medical personnel and wounded and sick, whether civilian or military, stems also directly from the rules governing the conduct of hostilities when interpreted in the light of their object and purpose. The rules governing the conduct of hostilities, and in particular the principle of proportionality, aim at finding an appropriate balance between the principles of military necessity and humanity.Footnote 41 Civilian and military wounded and sick are entitled to the same care. Both the law and medical ethics impose upon civilian and military medical personnel the same obligation to treat civilian and military wounded and sick, friend or foe, alike. None of them are among the targets considered lawful to weaken the military forces of the enemy, and military medical personnel do not have the right to participate directly in hostilities.Footnote 42 They can therefore be said to have the same ‘value’ – or lack thereof – in terms of the principles of military necessity and humanity. To exclude military medical personnel, or wounded and sick combatants, from the protection afforded by the principles of proportionality and precautions would thus introduce in the rules governing the conduct of hostilities a distinction that would be arbitrary in view of their object and purpose – namely, to find an appropriate balance between military necessity and humanity.Footnote 43
When discussing the protection of persons hors de combat, which appears in Part III of AP I on means and methods of warfare, Bothe, Partsch and Solf consider that the principle of proportionality also covers these individuals as they assert that ‘any anticipated collateral casualties of hors de combat persons should not be excessive in relation to the military advantage anticipated.’Footnote 44
Finally – and quite to the contrary of Henderson – Bothe, Partsch and Solf use the principle of proportionality to assert the legality of attacks causing collateral damage to medical units: ‘An obvious example that medical units cannot be exempted by law from suffering collateral damage is the existence of sickbays on men of war. If it were inadmissible to subject medical units to collateral damage, no attempt to sink a warship with a sickbay aboard would be permissible.’Footnote 45 While this concerns medical units, it is relevant here because it sheds light on the interaction between the rules governing the conduct of hostilities and the special protection.
Using any protected persons as human shields is a war crime
Finally, the Rome Statute provision on the war crime of using human shields supports the conclusion that all persons protected against direct attack are also protected under the principle of proportionality. Article 8(2)(b)(xxiii) of the Rome Statute lists civilians or other protected persons as those whose presence it is forbidden to use to render certain points, areas, or military forces immune from military operations. It has been recalled in that framework that ‘the presence of protected persons would in the vast majority of cases only influence the proportionality test as defined in Articles 51(5)(b) and 57(2)(a)(iii).’Footnote 46 Protected persons other than civilians influence the proportionality test – and thus shield – only insofar as they are included in the relevant expected incidental casualties under that rule. The unqualified inclusion of ‘other protected persons’ in Article 8(2)(b)(xxiii) of the Rome Statute thus confirms that military medical persons and wounded and sick combatants are to be included for the purpose of applying the principle of proportionality.
All these elements demonstrate that, when interpreted in their context and in light of their object and purpose, the specific rules protecting medical personnel and the wounded and sick, as well as the rules governing the conduct of hostilities, must be understood as protecting military medical personnel and wounded and sick combatants against incidental loss of life and injury for the purposes of applying the principles of proportionality and precautions.
Military manuals
Military manuals, which constitute verbal state practice,Footnote 47 support the inclusion of protected persons and objects other than civilians and civilian objects among the relevant incidental casualties and damage under the principles of proportionality and precautions. While unsurprisingly many military manuals simply reproduce the wording of the relevant AP I articles, a number of military manuals give definitions that include protected persons and objects other than civilians or civilian objects in the notion of ‘incidental casualties and damages’,Footnote 48 or expressly refer to non-combatants or to protected persons and objects when discussing the principles of proportionality,Footnote 49 precautions in attack in general,Footnote 50 precautions in the choice of means and methods of warfare,Footnote 51 the obligation to issue effective advance warnings,Footnote 52 or precautions against the effects of attacks.Footnote 53
The preparatory work of the First Additional Protocol
During the 1974–1977 Diplomatic Conference that adopted AP I, most of the draft articles and declarations on the principles of proportionality and precautions mentioned only civilians and civilian objects. However, while Articles 46(3)(b) and 50 of the 1973 Draft Additional Protocol submitted to the Diplomatic Conference (which became Articles 51(5)(b) and 57 of AP I respectively) only referred to civilians and civilians objects, the ICRC Commentary on the 1973 Draft Additional Protocols uses the terms ‘civilians’ and ‘protected persons’ almost interchangeably with regard to these articles. The 1973 Commentary indeed explains that ‘[t]he first sentence [of draft Article 50] lays down the general rule governing the behaviour of combatants with regard to the risks which military operations, and especially attacks, involve for protected persons and objects.’ It later states that ‘[p]roportionality covers the accidental effects of attacks on protected persons and objects, as the word “incidental” indicates.’ And finally: ‘Within the scope of this Chapter [what became AP I Chapter IV on Precautionary measures containing Articles 57 and 58 of AP I], precautionary measures are meant to strengthen the protection of all persons and objects protected.’Footnote 54
The ICRC Commentary on the 1973 Draft Additional Protocols therefore shows that the rules under discussion on proportionality and precautions were understood as covering all protected persons through the word ‘civilians’. This understanding also appears in the ICRC representative's statements when introducing draft Articles 46 and 50 to the Diplomatic Conference Third Committee.Footnote 55 Insofar as this understanding might have to some extent informed the Diplomatic Conference debates with regard to the principles of proportionality and precautions, it could arguably be considered as the intended meaning of the term ‘civilians’ in these provisions.Footnote 56
In view of this broad understanding of the scope of application of the principles of proportionality and precautions at the time of their drafting – despite the fact that the draft articles expressly mentioned only civilians and civilian objects – one should not overemphasise the importance of the fact that Articles 51 and 57 of AP I, like the draft articles, expressly mention only civilians and civilian objects in the principle of proportionality and some rules on precautions.Footnote 57
To consider expected incidental casualties of protected persons other than civilians as being included among the persons whose incidental loss of life or injury is relevant for the purpose of applying the principles of proportionality and precautions could be seen as broader than a literal reading of Articles 51 and 57 of AP I would suggest. It is however submitted that any other conclusion would be unreasonable in view of the context and in light of the object and purpose of the Protocol.Footnote 58 As shown above, this conclusion stems from the interpretation of the specific rules protecting medical personnel and objects and the wounded and sick, and of the rules governing the conduct of hostilities. In particular, it stems from the interpretation of the obligation ‘to respect and protect’ as the overarching obligation of the special protection afforded to all medical personnel and the wounded and sick. It finds some support in the preparatory work of AP I and in the leading Commentaries to AP I. Beyond AP I, it is submitted that the interpretation of customary law leads to the same conclusion.Footnote 59 Finally, support for this conclusion can be found in a number of states' military manuals.
In light of the above, the protection against incidental harm granted to civilians and civilian objects by the principles of proportionality and precautions must actually be understood as extending to other persons and objects protected against direct attack.
Beyond civilians and civilian objects (which include notably military medical transports, units, and other military medical objects as long as they do not fall under the definition of military objective), all feasible precautions must be taken to avoid, or at least minimise, incidental casualties of other protected persons such as military medical personnel or wounded or sick combatants. If such incidental casualties are expected to be excessive compared to the direct and concrete military advantage – alone, or in combination with the expected civilian casualties and damage to civilian objects, if any – they render the attack unlawful by virtue of the principle of proportionality.