The XXI International Conference on Applied Crystallography was held in September 20-24 2009, in Zakopane, Poland. Following tradition, this conference was also organised by the Institute of Material Science of the University of Silesia in Katowice. The Honorary Chairman and the Chairman of the Conference were Henryk Morawiec (University of Silesia, Poland) and Danuta Stróż (University of Silesia, Poland), respectively.
The conference was followed by the PDF4+ Users Workshop (September 24-25, 2009) which was directed by Matteo Leoni (Regional Co-chairman for Europe (Italy)), Paolo Scardi (ICDD Director-at-Large (Italy)), and Cyrus Crowder (ICDD Principal Scientist (USA)). Other satellite events included the Summer School on Polycrystalline Structure Determination under the direction of Carmelo Giacovazzo (Italy), and the Summer School on Diffraction-based structure analysis in TEM under the direction of János Lábár (Hungary) (September 25–27, 2006).
The Committee of Crystallography and the Committee of Material Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences were the co-organisers of the above events. The conference was co-sponsored by the Polish Academy of Sciences. The International Union of Crystallography awarded scholarships to enable young scientists to attend the conference and the schools.

PDF4 workshop Lecturers (From right (standing): M. Leoni (Italy), C. Cowder (USA), and P. Scardi (Italy)).

Excursion to Chochołów village and highlander's cheese tasting party (From left: J. Drahokoupil (Slovakia), E.K. Polychroniadis (Greece), D. Oleszak (Poland), H. Morawiec (Poland), J. Latuch (Poland)).
The Conference topics included development of methods and techniques in X-ray studies, crystal structure determination methods, crystallography of phase transformations, texture analysis, and material structures—metals and alloys, ceramics, polymers, thin films, quasicrystals, amorphous materials, nanomaterials, and molecular crystals. The conference proceedings will be published in Solid State Phenomena, Trans Tech Publications in Switzerland.
A total of 120 delegates from 12 countries gathered at the conference and engaged in lively discussions throughout the plenary, oral and posters sessions. A total of 12 plenary and 27 oral lectures were presented, and 67 posters were displayed. The plenary lectures were given by prominent scientists in the field of crystallography and structural sciences. The partial list of these speakers included Andrew Fitch (France), Carmelo Giacovazzo (Italy), Bogdan Kotur (Ukraina), János Lábár, (Hangary), Jean-Paul Mornirolli (France), Reinhard Neder (Germany), Vaclaw Petriček (Czech Republic), Paolo Scardi (Italy), Lubomir Smrčok (Slovakia), and Marek Wołcyrz (Poland).
The organisers also arranged a number of successful social events for the conference, including an excursion to Chochołów—the village in The Tatra Mountains. The attendees were delighted to find that the village comprised almost exclusively of the original Polish “Góral” highlander wooden houses.
One can obtain more detailed information about the conference by visiting the conference website: where the Gallery of Photos will bring back the fond memories of previous conferences. The next conference, XXII CAC, will take place in September 2012.
In summary, the meeting was a great success. In the future, the attendees are invited to attend meetings including the 6th International Ceramic Interconnect and Ceramic Microsystems Technologies (April 18–21, 2010), and the MS&T Conference and Exhibit (combined with the ACerS 112th Annual Meeting) which will take place in Houston, TX, from Oct 17–21, 2010.