Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Third Edition: A Handbook for Diagnosis and Treatment. By Barkley, R. A.. (Pp. 770; $75.00; ISBN 159385210-X hb.) Guilford Publications: New York. 2005. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Third Edition: A Clinical Workbook. By Barkley, R. A. and Murphy, Kevin R.. (Pp. 165; $33.00; ISBN 1593852274 pb.) Guilford Publications: New York. 2005. A Handbook of Wisdom (Psychological Perspectives). By Sternberg, R. J. and Jordan, J.. (Pp. 387; £19.99/$34.99; ISBN 0521541824 pb, 0521834015 hb.) CUP: Cambridge: UK. 2005. Adult Psychiatry (2nd edition). By Rubin, E. H. and Zorumski, C. F.. (Pp. 512; £75.00; ISBN 1405117699 hb.) Blackwell Publishing: Oxford, UK. 2005. Adolescent Substance Abuse: Research and Clinical Advances. By Liddle, H. A. and Rowe, C. L.. (Pp. 509; £65.00/$120.00; ISBN 0521823587 hb.) CUP: New York. 2006. Treating Alcohol and Drug Problems in Psychotherapy Practice: Doing What Works. By Washton, A. M. and Zweben, J. E.. (Pp. 312; $35.00; ISBN 1-57230-077-9 hb.) Guilford Publications: New York. 2006. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies for Trauma (2nd edition). By Follette, V. M. and Ruzek, J. I.. (Pp. 472.; $48.00; ISBN 1-59385-247-9). Guilford Publications: New York. 2006. Schizophrenia: A Practical Primer. By Reddy, R. and Keshavan, M.. (Pp. 211; £44.99; ISBN 1841845299 pb.) Taylor & Francis (Informa Healthcare): Basingstoke, UK. 2006. Rethinking Substance Abuse: What the Science Shows, and What We Should Do About It. By Miller, W. R. and Carroll, K. M. (Pp. 320; $35.00; ISBN 1572302313.) Guilford Publications: New York. 2006. Adrenaline and the Inner World: An Introduction to Scientific Integrative Medicine. By Goldstein, D. S. (Pp. 309; $25.00; ISBN 0801882893 pb.) Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore, MD. 2006. International Outcome Measures in Mental Health. By Thornicroft, G., Becker, T., Knapp, M., Knudsen, H. C., Schene, A., Tansella, M. and Vazquez-Barquero, J. L.. (Pp. 172; £45.00; ISBN 1 904671 00 4 pb.) Gaskell (RCPsych): London, UK. 2006. The Early Course of Schizophrenia. By Sharma, T. and Harvey, P. D.. (Pp. 263; £29.95; ISBN 0198568959 pb.) OUP: Oxford UK. 2006. Blushing and the Social Emotions: the Self Unmasked. By Crozier, W. R.. (Pp. 241; £50.00; ISBN 1403946752.) Palgrave (Macmillan): Basingstoke, Hants, UK. 2006. Evolving Psychosis. Different Stages, Different Treatments. By Johanssessen, J. O., Martindale, B. V. and Cullberg, J.. (Pp. 298; £19.99; ISBN 1583917233 pb.) Taylor & Francis: Baskingstoke, UK. 2006. Biology of Personality and Individual Differences. By Canli, T.. (Pp. 462; $65.00; ISBN 1593852525 hb.) Guilford Publications: New York. 2006. Dynamics of Romantic Love: Attachment, Caregiving, and Sex. By Mikulincer, M. and Goodman, G. S.. (Pp. 466; $50.00; ISBN 1593852703 hb.) Guilford Publications: New York. 2006. Mental Health Social Work: Evidence-based Practice. By Pritchard, C.. (Pp. 311; £20.99, ISBN 0415319021 pb.) Routledge (Taylor & Francis): Basingstoke, UK. 2006. Genetic Counselling. A Psychological Approach. By Evans, C.. (Pp. 204; £24.99/$45.00; ISBN 0521672309.) CUP: Cambridge, UK. 2006. Healing Psychiatry. Bridging the Science/Humanism Divide. By Brendel, D. H.. (Pp. 178; £16.95; ISBN 0262025949 hb.) MIT Press: London, UK. 2006. The Strengths Model: Case Management with People with Psychiatric Disabilities (2nd edition). By Rapp, C. A. and Goscha, R. J.. (Pp. 289; £32.99; ISBN 0195182855 hb.) OUP: Oxford, UK. 2006. The Complementary Nature. By Kelso, J. A. Scott and Engstrom, D. A.. (Pp. 317; £20.95; ISBN 0262112914.) MIT Press: London, UK. 2006. Tracking the Black Dog: Hairy Tales and Historical Legwork from the Black Dog Institute's Writing Competition. By Eyers, K.. (ISBN 0868408123.) UNSW Press: Sydney, Australia. 2006. Overcoming Paranoid and Suspicious Thoughts. A Self-Help Guide Using Cognitive Behavioral Techniques. By Freeman, D., Freeman, J. and Garety, P.. (Pp. 192; £9.99; ISBN 1845292197.) Robinson (Constable & Robinson): London, UK. 2006. Treating Survivors of Childhood Abuse: Psychotherapy for the Interrupted Life. By Cloitre, M., Cohen, L. R. and Koenen, K. C.. (Pp. 336; $38.00; ISBN 1-59385312-2 pb.) Guilford Publications: New York. 2006. Overcoming Problem Drinking. A Self-Help Guide Using Cognitive Behavioural Techniques. By Spada, Marcantonio (series editor P. Cooper). (Pp. 240; £9.99; ISBN 1845291123 pb.) Robinson Press (Constable & Robinson): London, UK. 2006. Critical Lessons: What Our Schools Should Teach. By Noddings, N.. (Pp. 319; £0.00; ISBN 0521851882 hb.) CUP: Cambridge, UK. 2006. Psychological Testing: An Introduction (2nd edn). By Domino, G. and Domino, M. L.. (Pp. 640; £45.00/$80.00; ISBN 0521861810 hb.) CUP: Cambridge, UK. 2006. CAMDEX-DS (The Cambridge Examination for Mental Disorders of Older People with Down's Syndrome and Others with Intellectual Disabilities. By Ball, S., Holland, T., Huppert, F., Treppner, P. and Dodd, K.. (Pp. 114; £110.00/$190.00; ISBN 0521547946 pb.) CUP: Cambridge, UK. 2006. An Introduction to the Psychotherapies (4th edn). By Bloch, S.. (Pp. 443; £24.95; ISBN 0198520921 pb.) OUP: Oxford, UK. 2006. Fundamentals of Clinical Psychopharmacology (3rd edn). By Anderson, I. M. and Reid, I. C.. (Pp. 191; £44.99; ISBN 0415395658 pb.) Taylor & Francis: Basingstoke, UK. 2006. Working Minds: A Practitioner's Guide to Cognitive Task Analysis. By Crandall, B., Klein, G. and Hoffman, R. R.. (Pp. 332; £16.95; ISBN 0262532816 pb; 0262033518 hb.) MIT Press: London, UK. 2006. Psychotherapy as Religion: The Civil Divine in America. By Epstein, W. M.. (Pp. 271; $24.95; ISBN 0874176786.) University of Nevada Press: Reno & Las Vegas. 2006. Socioemotional Development and Health from Adolescence to Adulthood (Cambridge studies on child and adolescent health). By Pulkkinen, L., Kaprio, J. and Rose, R. J.. (Pp. 422; £48.00/$85.00; ISBN 0521846315 hb.) CUP: Cambridge, UK. 2006. The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance. By Ericsson, K. A., Charness, N., Feltovich, P. J. and Hoffman, R. R.. (Pp. 902; £35.00/$65.00; ISBN 0521600812 pb.) CUP: Cambridge, UK. 2006. Creativity and Reason in Cognitive Development. By Kaufman, J. C. and Baer, J.. (Pp. 370; £18.99/$31.99; ISBN 0521605040 pb; 0521843855 hb.) CUP: Cambridge, UK. 2006. Norms in Human Development. By Smith, L. and Voneche, J.. (Pp. 294; £45.00; ISBN 0521857945 hb.) CUP: Cambridge, UK. 2006. Lifespan Development and the Brain. The Perspective of Biocultural Co-Constructivism. By Baltes, P. B., Reuter-Lorenz, P. A. and Rosler, F.. (Pp. 428; £50.00/$90.00; ISBN 0521844940 hb.) CUP: Cambridge, UK. 2006. Mortality amongst Illicit Drug Users. Epidemiology, Causes and Intervention. By Darke, S., Degenhardt, L. and Mattick, R.. (Pp. 191; £55.00/$99.00; ISBN 0521855063.) CUP: Cambridge, UK. 2006. Depression and Physical Illness. By Steptoe, A.. (Pp. 422; £45.00/$75.00; ISBN 0521603609.) CUP: Cambridge, UK. 2006. Science Education and Student Diversity: Synthesis and Research Agenda. By Lee, O. and Luykx, A.. (Pp. 198; £12.99/$22.99; ISBN 0521676878 pb; 0521859611 hb.) CUP: Cambridge, UK. 2006. Integrating Educational Systems for Successful Reform in Diverse Contexts. By Datnow, A., Lasky, S., Stringfield, S. and Teddlie, C.. (Pp. 254; £15.99/$25.99; ISBN 0521674344 pb; 0521857562 hb.) CUP: Cambridge, UK. 2006. Understanding Anger Disorders. By Giuseppe, R. Di and Tafrate, R. C.. (Pp. 418; £29.99; ISBN 0195170792 hb.) OUP: Oxford, UK. 2006. The New Unconscious. By Hassin, R. R., Uleman, J. S. and Bargh, J. A.. (Pp. 592; £23.00; ISBN 0195307690 pb.) OUP: Oxford, UK. 2006. Stress and Coping in Autism. By Baron, M. G., Groden, J., Groden, G. and Lipsitt, L. P. (the Groden Center). (Pp. 458; ISBN 019518226X hb.) OUP: Oxford, UK. 2006. Foundations of Health Psychology. By Friedman, H. S. and Silver, R. Cohen. (Pp. 402; ISBN 0195139593 hb.) OUP: Oxford, UK. 2006. Treating Somatization: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach. By Woolfolk, R. L. and Allen, L. A.. (Pp. 226; $32.00; ISBN 1593853505 hb.) Guilford Press: New York. 2006. Enabling Recovery. The Principles and Practice of Rehabilitation Psychiatry. By Roberts, G., Davenport, S., Holloway, F. and Tattan, T.. (Pp. 432; £25.00; ISBN 1904671306 pb.) Royal College of Psychiatrists (Gaskell): London, UK. 2006. Medical Statistics from A to Z. A Guide for Clinicians And Medical students (2nd edn). By Everitt, B.. (Pp. 250; £0.00; ISBN 0521687187 pb; 0521867630 hb.) CUP: Cambridge, UK. 2006. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for PTSD: A Case Formulation Approach. By Zayfert, C. and Becker, C. Black. (Pp. 251; $32.00; ISBN 1593853696 hb.) Guilford Publications: New York. 2006. Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia: Helping Your Loved One to Get the Most out of Life. By Mueser, K. T. and Gingerich, S.. (Pp. 481; $17.95; ISBN 1593851804.) Guilford Publications: New York. 2006. Feeling Good About the Way You Look: A Program for Overcoming Body Image Problems. By Wilhelm, S.. (Pp. 212; $14.95; ISBN 1572307307.) Guilford Publications: New York. 2006. Breaking Murphy's Law: How Optimists Get What They Want From Life – And Pessimists Can Too. By Segerstrom, S. C.. (Pp. 232; ISBN 1593852096.) Guilford Publications: New York. 2006. Therapist's Guide to Psychopharmacology. By Patterson, J., Albala, A. A., McCahill, M. E. and Edwards, T. M.. (Pp. 310; ISBN 1593853289 hb.) Guilford Publications: New York. 2006. Behavioral Couples Therapy for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse. By O'Farrell, T. J. and Fals-Stewart, W.. (Pp. 436; ISBN 1593853246 pb.) Guilford Publications: New York. 2006. Managing Suicidal Risk: A Collaborative Approach. By Jobes, D. A.. (Pp. 222; $30.00; ISBN 1593853270.) Guilford Publications: New York. 2006. Diagnosis Made Easier: Princples and Techniques for Mental Health Clinicians. By Morrison, J.. (Pp. 316; $38.00; ISBN 1593853319 hb.) Guilford Publications: New York. 2006. Clinician's Guide to PTSD: A Cognitive-Behavioral approach. By Taylor, S.. (Pp. 322; $35.00; ISBN 1593853262 hb.) Guilford Publications: New York. 2006. Handbook of Psychotherapy Case Formulation. By Eells, T. D.. (Pp. 448; $400.00; ISBN 1593853513.) Guilford Publications: New York. 2006. The Human Frontal Lobes: Functions and Disorders. By Miller, B. L. and Cummings, J. L.. (Pp. 666; $95.00; ISBN 1593853297 hb.) Guilford Publications: New York. 2006. Dialectical Behaviour Therapy with Suicidal Adolescents. By Miller, A. L., Rathus, J. H. and Linehart, M. M.. (Pp. 346; $40.00; ISBN 1593853831.) Guilford Publications: New York. 2006. Principles and Practice of Sex Therapy (4th edn). By Leiblum, S. R.. (Pp. 556; $65.00; ISBN 1593853491.) Guilford Publications: New York. 2006. Overcoming Your Child's Fears and Worries: A Self-Help Guide Using Cognitive Behavioural Techniques. By Creswell, C. and Willetts, L.. (Pp. 238; £9.99; ISBN 9781845290863.) Robinson: London, UK. 2007. Manage Your Mind. The Mental Fitness Guide (new edition). By Butler, G. and Hope, T.. (Pp. 500; £14.99; ISBN 9780198527725 pb.) OUP: Oxford, UK. 2007.
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