Books and Articles in the Field of the Prevention and Peaceful Settlements of International Disputes (Autumn 2014)
Compiled by Ingrid Kost exclusively from materials available in the Peace Palace Library, The Hague
1. Books
Alger, C. F., Peace Research and Peacebuilding (2014). ISBN 9783319005027, xi, 151 pp.
Elman, M. F., Haklai, O., and Spruyt, H. (eds.), Democracy and Conflict Resolution: The Dilemmas of Israel's Peacemaking (2014). ISBN 9780815633372, xiii, 288 pp.
Erk-Kubat, N., Parallel Proceedings in International Arbitration: A Comparative European Perspective (2014). ISBN 9789041152640, xxvi, 312 pp.
Klein, N. (ed.), Litigating International Law Disputes (2014). ISBN 9781107017061, xli, 490 pp.
Pattison, J. (ed.), Humanitarian Intervention (2014). ISBN 9781446273449, 4 Vols.
Rubino-Sammartino, M., International Arbitration: Law and Practice: (Commercial, Investment, Online, State–individual, Interstate, Commodities, US–Iran, UNITRAL and Sports Arbitration) (2014). ISBN 9781937518158, xlii, 2025 pp.
Salles, L. E., Forum Shopping in International Adjudication: The Role of Preliminary Objections (2014). ISBN 9781107035966, 320 pp.
Simões, F. D., Commercial Arbitration between China and the Portuguese-Speaking World (2014). ISBN 9789041154163, vii, 228 pp.
Stahn, C., and Melber, H. (eds.), Peace Diplomacy, Global Justice and International Agency: Rethinking Human Security and Ethics in the Spirit of Dag Hammarskjöld (2014). ISBN 9781107037205, xix, 617 pp.
Yoo, J., Point of Attack: Preventive War, International Law, and Global Welfare (2014). ISBN 9780199347735, xii, 259 pp.
2. Chapters in edited volumes and journal articles
Agbiboa, D. E., ‘Peace at Daggers Drawn?: Boko Haram and the State of Emergency in Nigeria’, (2014) 37 Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 41–67
Almutawa, A. M., and Maniruzzaman, A. F. M., ‘The UAE's Pilgrimage to International Arbitration Stardom: A Critical Appraisal of Dubai as a Centre of Dispute Resolution Aspiring to be a Middle East Business Hub’, (2014) 15 The Journal of World Investment and Trade 193–244
Aronoff, Y. S., ‘Predicting Peace: The Contingent Nature of Leadership and Domestic Politics in Israel’, in Elman, M. F., Haklai, O., and Spruyt, H. (eds.), Democracy and Conflict Resolution: the Dilemmas of Israel's Peacemaking (2014), 179–208
Babbitt, E. F., ‘Mediation and the Prevention of Mass Atrocities’, in Serrano, M. and Weiss, T. G. (eds.), The International Politics of Human Rights: Rallying to the R2P Cause? (2014), 29–47
Belton, K., ‘Challenges to Counsel in International Arbitration: Can We Shut the Stable Door?’, in Schwenzer, I., Atamer, Y. M., and Butler, P. (Eds.), Current Issues in the CISG and Arbitration (2014), 87–108
Blockmans, S., ‘EU Global Peace Diplomacy: Institutional Framework’, in Stahn, C. and Melber, H (eds.), Peace Diplomacy, Global Justice and International Agency: Rethinking Human Security and Ethics in the Spirit of Dag Hammarskjöld (2014), 404–35
Bonacker, T., ‘Völkerstrafrechtspolitik und Transitional Justice: Warum UN-Administrationen sich Schwertun Kriegsverbrechen Anzuklagen’, in Safferling, C. and Kirsch, S. (Hrsg.), Völkerstrafrechtspolitik: Praxis des Völkerstrafrechts (2014), 85–111
Brilmayer, L., and Faure, A., ‘Initiating Territorial Adjudication: The Who, How, When, and Why of Litigating Contested Sovereignty’, in Klein, N. (ed.), Litigating International Law Disputes: Weighing the Balance (2014), 193–229
Brosig, M., ‘EU Peacekeeping in Africa: From Functional Niches to Interlocking Security’, (2014) 21 International Peacekeeping 74–90
Brown, C., ‘Resolving International Investment Disputes’, in Klein, N. (ed.), Litigating International Law Disputes: Weighing the Balance (2014), 401–35
Bühler, K. G., ‘Aktuelle Völkerrechtliche Fragen zu Frieden und Sicherheit in der Praxis - der Fall Syrien’, in Benedek, W., Folz, H.-P., Isak, H., Kettemann, M. C., and Kicker, R. (Hrsg.), Bestand und Wandel des Völkerrechts: Beiträge zum 38. Österreichischen Völkerrechtstag 2013 in Stadtschlaining (2014), 3–26
Bundy, R. R., ‘Asian Perspectives on Inter-State Litigation’, in Klein, N. (ed.), Litigating International Law Disputes: Weighing the Balance (2014), 149–65
Burmester, H., ‘Australia's Experience in International Litigation’, in Klein, N. (ed.), Litigating International Law Disputes: Weighing the Balance (2014), 61–78
Chesterman, S., ‘Humanitarian Intervention and R2P’, in Weiss, T. G. and Wilkinson, R. (eds.), International Organization and Global Governance (2014), 488–99
Chesterman, S., ‘Just War or Just Peace?: Humanitarian Intervention, Inhumanitarian Non-intervention, and Other Peace Strategies’, in Pattison, J. (ed.), Humanitarian Intervention, vol. 2, (2014), 57–75
Conze, E., ‘Frieden durch Recht’, in Safferling, C. and Kirsch, S. (Hrsg.), Völkerstrafrechtspolitik: Praxis des Völkerstrafrechts (2014), 9–26
Corell, H., ‘Dag Hammarskjöld, the United Nations and the Rule of Law in Today's World’, in Stahn, C. and Melber, H. (eds.), Peace Diplomacy, Global Justice and International Agency: Rethinking Human Security and Ethics in the Spirit of Dag Hammarskjöld (2014), 56–74
Cottey, A., ‘Beyond Humanitarian Intervention: The New Politics of Peacekeeping and Intervention’, in Pattison, J. (ed.), Humanitarian Intervention, vol. 1 (2014), 271–94
Dan, Z., ‘China, the International Criminal Court and International Adjudication’, (2014) 61 Netherlands International Law Review 43–67
Daniel, J., ‘The Truth and Reconciliation Commission Process: A Retrospective’, in Jenkins, C., and Du Plessis, M. (eds.), Law, Nation-Building and Transformation: The South African Experience in Perspective (2014), 65–89
Davenport, T., ‘The China–Japan Dispute over Entitlement in the East China Sea: Legal Issues and Prospects for Resolution’, in Schofield, C., Lee, S., and Kwon, M.-S. (eds.), The Limits of Maritime Jurisdiction (2014), 297–324
Elman, M. F., Haklai, O., and Spruyt, H., ‘Democracy and Peacemaking in Protracted Conflicts: the Israeli Case: Introduction’, in Elman, M. F., Haklai, O., and Spruyt, H. (eds.), Democracy and Conflict Resolution: The Dilemmas of Israel's Peacemaking (2014), 1–26
Feldman, M., ‘The United States as an International Litigant’, in Klein, N. (ed.), Litigating International Law Disputes: Weighing the Balance (2014), 106–29
Fleck, D., ‘The Law Applicable to Peace Operations’, in Clapham, A. and Gaeta, P. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Law in Armed Conflict (2014), 206–47
Franke, V., ‘Security by Contractor: Outsourcing in Peace and Stability Operations’, in Franke, V., Guttieri, K., and Civic, M. A. (eds.), Understanding Complex Military Operations: A Case Study Approach (2014), 89–114
Fröhlich, M., ‘The “Suez Story”: Dag Hammarskjöld, the United Nations and the Creation of UN Peacekeeping’, in Stahn, C. and Melber, H. (eds.), Peace Diplomacy, Global Justice and International Agency: Rethinking Human Security and Ethics in the Spirit of Dag Hammarskjöld (2014), 305–40
Fuentes, X., ‘Latin American States and the International Court of Justice’, in Klein, N. (ed.), Litigating International Law Disputes: Weighing the Balance (2014), 79–105
Gleditsch, N. P., Nordkvelle, J., and Strand, H., ‘Peace Research – Just the Study of War?’, (2014) 51 Journal of Peace Research 145–58
Gray, C., ‘Why States Resort to Litigation in Cases Concerning the Use of Force’, in Klein, N. (ed.), Litigating International Law Disputes: Weighing the Balance (2014), 305–29
Haklai, O., ‘Spoiling the Peace: State Structure and the Capacity of Hard-Liners to Foil Peacemaking Efforts’, in Elman, M. F., Haklai, O., and Spruyt, H. (eds.), Democracy and Conflict Resolution: The Dilemmas of Israel's Peacemaking (2014), 67–97
Islam, M. R., ‘The WTO Dispute Settlement System and Underlying Motivating Factors for Adjudication’, in Klein, N. (ed.), Litigating International Law Disputes: Weighing the Balance (2014), 375–400
Jenkins, R., ‘Post-Conflict Peacebuilding’, in Weiss, T. G. and Wilkinson, R. (eds.), International Organization and Global Governance (2014), 512–23
Jones, N. A., Parmentier, S., and Weitekamp, E. G. M., ‘Transitional Justice in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Understanding Accountability, Reparations and Justice for Victims’, in Wemmers, J. M. (ed.), Reparation for Victims of Crimes against Humanity: The Healing Role of Reparation (2014), 143–54
Karim, M. S., ‘Litigating Law of the Sea Disputes Using the UNCLOS Dispute Settlement System’, in Klein, N. (ed.), Litigating International Law Disputes: Weighing the Balance (2014), 260–83
Kröll, S., ‘Arbitration and the CISG’, in Schwenzer, I., Atamer, Y. M., and Butler, P. (eds.), Current Issues in the CISG and Arbitration (2014), 59–86
Lafontaine, F., Tachou-Sipowo, A.-G., ‘Le débat Paix/Justice après 10 ans de Cour Pénale Internationale: Une Réévaluation à la Lumière de la Stratégie de Poursuite Limitée aux plus Hauts Responsables’, in Bernard, D. et Scalia, D. (eds.), Vingt ans de Justice Internationale Pénale (2014), 219–35
Lathrop, C. G, ‘Why Litigate a Maritime Boundary?: Some Contributing Factors’, in Klein, N. (ed.), Litigating International Law Disputes: Weighing the Balance (2014), 230–59
Levy, N., ‘International Peacebuilding and the Politics of Identity: Lessons from Social Psychology using the Bosnian Case’, (2014) 8 Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 68–90
Mastro, O. S., ‘The Problems of the Liberal Peace in Asia’, (2014) 56 Survival: Global Politics and Strategy 129–58
Mbengue, M. M., ‘African Perspectives on Inter-State Litigation’, in Klein, N. (ed.), Litigating International Law Disputes: Weighing the Balance (2014), 166–89
Merrills, J., ‘The Place of International Litigation in International Law’, in Klein, N. (ed.), Litigating International Law Disputes: Weighing the Balance (2014), 3–23
Nelson, P. R., ‘Dag Hammarskjöld's Spirituality and the Quest for Negotiated Peace, Reconciliation and Meaning’, in Stahn, C. and Melber, H. (eds.), Peace Diplomacy, Global Justice and International Agency: Rethinking Human Security and Ethics in the Spirit of Dag Hammarskjöld (2014), 106–18
Nelson, T. G., ‘Navigating the “Gateway” to International Arbitration in the US Courts: A Decade of Adventures, Post-Howsam’, (2014) 8 World Arbitration and Mediation Review 49–79
Olson, L., ‘Incentivizing Access to the WTO's Dispute System for the Least-Developed Countries: Legal Flaws in Brazil's Upland Cotton Decision’, (2014) 23 Minnesota Journal of International Law 101–33
Osiemo, O., ‘Lost in Translation: The Role of African Regional Courts in Regional Integration in Africa’, (2014) 41 Legal Issues of Economic Integration 87–121
Philipsen, L., ‘When Liberal Peacebuilding Fails: Paradoxes of Implementing Ownership and Accountability in the Integrated Approach, (2014) 8 Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 42–67
Powell, E. J., and Wiegand, K. E., ‘Strategic Selection: Political and Legal Mechanisms of Territorial Dispute Resolution, (2014) 15 Journal of Peace Research 361–74
Rauber, M., ‘The Impact of Ethical Rules for Counsel in International Commercial Arbitration: Is there a Need for Developing International Ethical Rules?’, (2014) 17 International Arbitration Law Review 17–36
Recanati, M., ‘Diplomatic Intervention and State-to-State Arbitration as Alternative Means for the Protection of Foreign Investments and Host States’ General Interests: The Italian Experience’, in Sacerdoti, G. (ed.), General Interests of Host States in International Investment Law (2014), 422–44
Romano, C. P. R., ‘Litigating International Law Disputes: Where to?’, in Klein, N. (ed.), Litigating International Law Disputes: Weighing the Balance (2014), 460–71
Schneider, G., ‘Peace through Globalization and Capitalism? Prospects of Two Liberal Propositions, (2014) 51 Journal of Peace Research 173–83
Schomburg, W., ‘Der Friedensbeitrag des UN-Tribunals für Ruanda: Strafgerichtsbarkeit kann auch Transnational Erfolgreich Sein’, (2014) 62 Vereinte Nationen 59–64
Scott, S. V., ‘Litigation Versus Dispute Resolution through Political Processes’, in Klein, N. (ed.), Litigating International Law Disputes: Weighing the Balance (2014), 24–41
Sesay, A., ‘To Compete or to Complement?: Assessing the Relationship between the Sierra Leone Special Court and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’, in Jalloh, C. C. (ed.), The Sierra Leone Special Court and its Legacy: The Impact for Africa and International Criminal Law (2014), 481–501
Spruyt, H., ‘Territorial Concessions, Domestic Politics, and the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict’, in Elman, M. F., Haklai, O., and Spruyt, H. (eds.), Democracy and Conflict Resolution: The Dilemmas of Israel's Peacemaking (2014), 29–66
Stephens, T., ‘International Environmental Disputes: To Sue or Not to Sue?’, in Klein, N. (ed.), Litigating International Law Disputes: Weighing the Balance (2014), 284–304
Tercinet, J., ‘Îles Divisées et Opérations de Paix Onusiennes dans des Contextes d’Autodétermination Externe: Nouvelle-Guinée Occidentale, Chypre, Timor Oriental’, in Bacot, P. and Geslin, A. (eds.), Insularité et Sécurité: l’île Entre Sécurité et Conflictualité (2014), 83–98
Tolksdorf, D., ‘Incoherent Peacebuilding: The European Union's Support for the Police Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2002–8’, in (2014) 21 International Peacekeeping 56–73
Wallensteen, P., and Svensson, I., ‘Talking Peace: International Mediation in Armed Conflicts’, (2014) 51 Journal of Peace Research 315–27
Ward, C., ‘National and International Litigation: Partners or Competitors?’, in Klein, N. (ed.), Litigating International Law Disputes: Weighing the Balance (2014), 42–57
Waxman, D., ‘Identity Matters: The Oslo Peace Process and Israeli National Identity’, in Elman, M. F., Haklai, O., and Spruyt, H. (eds.), Democracy and Conflict Resolution: The Dilemmas of Israel's Peacemaking (2014), 133–56
Wilhelmsen, L. H., ‘European Perspectives on International Commercial Arbitration’, (2014) 10 Journal of Private International Law 113–128
Williams, P. D., and Bellamy, A. J., ‘UN Security Council and Peace Operations’, in Weiss, T. G. and Wilkinson, R. (eds.), International Organization and Global Governance (2014), 415–28
Wood, M., ‘European Perspectives on Inter–State Litigation’, in Klein, N. (ed.), Litigating International Law Disputes: Weighing the Balance (2014), 130–47
Yee, S., ‘En Route to the Final Shape of UNCLOS Dispute Settlement System: Some Pivotal Negotiating Procedural Steps Worthy of Consideration by Future Treaty-makers and Leaders in Treaty-making’, (2014) 13 Chinese Journal of international Law 185–202
Zekos, G. I., ‘Constitutionality of Commercial/Maritime Arbitration’, (2014) 45 Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, 35–62
Zoppo, L., ‘Considerazioni sul Concorso tra le Giurisdizioni Internazionali: I Modelli di Conflitto e le Modalità di Coordinamento, (2014) 97 Rivista di Diritto Internazionale 83–131