The present bibliography is a continuation of and a complement to those published in the Urban History Yearbook 1974–91 and Urban History from 1992. The arrangement and format closely follows that of previous years. The list of abbreviations identifies only those periodicals from which articles cited this year have been taken, though many other journals are also checked. There is an index of towns on p. 775.
I General
Research methods, aids and materials
Printed documentary sources
Maps and plans
Guides to the literature and printed documentary
Urban history, definitions and aims
Theory of urbanization
Empirical studies of urbanization
History, growth and fortunes of individual towns
Portraits of towns – literary, photographic and
Literary portrayals and personal reminiscences
Graphic and photographic portrayals
II Population
General features of urban populations
Natality and mortality
Migration to, from and between towns
Family and household structure
III Physical structure
Research methods, aids and materials
Physical and structural characteristics of towns
Physical and structural characteristics of areas
within towns
Land ownership
Open space
IV Social structure
Research methods, aids and materials
Social structure and characteristics of towns
Social structure and characteristics of areas
within towns
Social organization, clubs and societies
Class structure
Social life, customs and traditions
Social problems and deviance
Social reform and improvement
Minority groups
Family life
V Economic activity
Research methods, aids and materials
Printed documentary sources
Urban economic activity
External trade
Food supply
Finance, banking and industry
Standard of living
Working conditions
Labour organization
VI Communications
Inter-urban communications
Intra-urban communications
VII Politics and administration
Research methods, aids and materials
Urban politics and administration
Urban politics at national level
Aspects of urban administration
VIII Shaping the urban environment
Town planning (and environmental control)
Utopian planning and experiments
Housing improvement
Urban renewal
IX Urban culture
Research methods, aids and materials
Urban culture and entertainment
Forms of entertainment
Exchange of information
X Attitudes towards cities
Attitudes towards cities
Views of the city in literature, graphic and
dramatic art
Journals abbreviations used
- A
Annals of the Association of American Geographers
- AC
Archaeologia Cantiana
- AccHR
Accounting History Review
Anglican and Episcopal History
Archivum Franciscanum Historicum
- Afr
- AgHR
Agricultural History Review
- AH
Architectural Heritage
Australian Historical Studies
- AnJ
Antiquaries Journal
- AnQ
Anthropological Quarterly
- AnS
Annals of Science
- ArchH
Architectural History
- ArtH
Art History
- AtlSt
Atlantic Studies
- B & L
Buildings and Landscapes
Britain and the World
Book of the Old Edinburgh Club
- BQ
Baptist Quarterly
- Brit
- Bry
- BuH
Business History
- CathHR
Catholic Historical Review
Contemporary British History
- Cer
- CHeS
Crime, Histoire et Sociétés
- ChH
Church History
- CitC
City and Community
- ContC
Continuity and Change
Comparative Studies in Society and History
- CtH
Court Historian
- CulSH
Cultural and Social History
Cahiers Victoriens et Eduardiens
Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society
Transactions of the Denbighshire Historical Society
- EAmS
Early American Studies
- EC
Eighteenth Century
- EcHR
Economic History Review
Eighteenth Century Life
Eighteenth Century Studies
- EE
Études Ecossaises
English Historical Review
- EI
English Literary Renaissance
Early Medieval Europe
- EnH
Environmental History
- EnvH
Environment and History
- EP
Environment and Planning
Early Popular Visual Culture
- ES
Enterprise and Society
- EurRH
European Review of History
Family and Community History
- FH
French History
Financial History Review
- FmE
Feminist Economics
- FS
Fruhmittelalterliche Studien
- G & H
Gender and History
Georgian Group Journal
Guerres Mondiales et Conflits Contemporians
- H
- H & H
Health and History
- H & T
History and Technology
- HC
History Compass
- HE
History of Education
History of the Human Sciences
- HIre
History Ireland
- HJ
Historical Journal
Huntington Library Quarterly
- HPsy
History of Psychiatry
- HR
Historical Research
Proceedings of the Huguenot Society of Great Britain
Historical Studies in Industrial Relations
- HT
History Today
- HUniv
History of Universities
History Workshop Journal
Industrial Archaeology Review
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
Irish Economic and Social History
Indian Economic and Social History Review
- IG
Irish Geography
Irish Historical Studies
International Journal of the History of Sport
International Journal of Maritime History
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
- IR
Irish Review
Irish Studies Review
Journal of the British Archaeological Association
Journal of British Cinema and Television
Journal of British Studies
Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History
Journal of Contemporary History
Journal of Curatorial Studies
Journal of Design History
Journal of Early American History
Journal of Eastern African Studies
- JEcH
Journal of Economic History
Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies
Journal of Early Modern History
Journal of Family History
Journal of Historical Geography
Journal of Historical Sociology
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History
Journal of Interdisciplinary History
- JLeH
Journal of Legal History
Journal of Medieval History
- JModH
Journal of Modern History
Journal of Planning History
Journal of Roman Archaeology
Journal of Religious History
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester
Journal of South African Studies
- JSocH
Journal of Social History
- JStud
Journalism Studies
Journal of Tourism History
Journal of Urban History
Journal of Victorian Culture
- L & H
Literature and History
- L & HR
Law and History Review
- L & IH
Library and Information History
Law, Crime and History
Labour History Review
- Lib
The Library
- LJ
London Journal
- Ll
- LocH
Local Historian
Local Population Studies
- MAsS
Modern Asian Studies
- MassHR
Massachusetts Historical Review
- MedArch
Medieval Archaeology
- MH
Medical History
- MidH
Midland History
- MM
Mariners Mirror
Nineteenth-Century Contexts
Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies
New England Quarterly
- NH
Northern History
Notes and Records of the Royal Society
- NSc
Northern Scotland
New Theatre Quarterly
- NQ
Notes and Queries
Oxford Art Journal
Oxford Economic Papers
- P & P
Past & Present
- Pare
- ParlH
Parliamentary History
- PlP
Planning Perspectives
Post-Medieval Archaeology
Patterns of Prejudice
- Qua
- RB
Records of Buckinghamshire
Regional Environmental Change
- RethH
Rethinking History
- Rhet
Radical History Review
Somerset Archaeology and Natural History
- SC
Seventeenth Century
- SCelt
Studia Celtica
Records of the Scottish Church History Society
- SH
Social History
Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes
- SHistR
Scottish Historical Review
- SHMed
Social History of Medicine
- SocH
Socialist History
- SocS
Social Semiotics
- SoH
Southern History
- SpiH
Sport in History
- SpiSoc
Sport in Society
- SuffIAH
Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History
Transactions of the Birmingham and Warwickshire Archaeological Society
Twentieth Century British History
- TexH
Textile History
- TH
The Historian
Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society
- UH
Urban History
Urban History Review
- US
Urban Studies
- V
Visual Culture in Britain
Victorian Periodicals Review
- WA
World Archaeology
Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine
Welsh History Review
- WomHR
Womens History Review
I General
Research methods, aids and materials
1. BEHRENDT SD, BLACKMUN CW, GRAY LR & HURLEY RA, Designing a multi-source relational database: ‘Liverpool as a trading port 1700–1850’. IJMH 24 1 (2012) 265–300.
2. GULDI J, The history of walking and the digital turn: stride and lounge in London, 1808–1851. JModH 84 1 (2012) 116–44.
3. JOHNSON P & MILLETT M, Archaeological survey and the city. Oxford: Oxbow Books 2012. pp 288.
4. LOMAS C, Identifying the early medieval towns of Somerset. SANH 155 1 (2012) 39–54.
5. LUNEN A & TRAVIS C, History and GIS: epistemologies, considerations and reflections. New York: Springer 2012. pp 250.
Printed documentary sources
6. FREEMAN JI ed, The epicure's almanack: eating and drinking in Regency London: the original 1815 guidebook. London: British Library 2012. pp liii + 313.
Maps and plans
7. BALON H, The greatest grid: the master plan of New York. New York: Columbia University Press 2012. pp 200.
8. DOBRASZCZYK P, City reading: the design and use of nineteenth-century London guidebooks. JDH 25 2 (2012) 123–44.
9. HISTORIC TOWNS TRUST, Map of York, c. 1850. Botley: Old House 2012. pp 1.
10. KENSEY MF, London's new river in maps (3 vols.). London: MF Kensey 2012. pp 1080.
11. O CIONNAITH F, Mapping, measurement and metropolis: how land surveyors shaped eighteenth-century Dublin. Dublin: Four Courts Press 2012. pp 224.
12. OLMSTED, FL, GILBERT C, PLATTUS A & SCULLY V, Plan for New Haven. San Antonio: Trinity University Press 2012. pp 141.
13. PERKINS C & DODGE M, Mapping the imagined future: the roles of visual representation in the 1945 City of Manchester Plan. JRULM 89 1 (2012) 247–76.
14. SEARY J, Thomas Roberts and the Leicester map dated 1741. TLAHS 86 1 (2012) 165–82.
15. SIMMS A, ANDREWS JR, GEARTY S, ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY, ORDNANCE SURVEY (IRELAND) & NORTHERN IRELAND LAND & PROPERTY SERVICES, Irish historic towns atlas, vol. III: Derry – Londonderry, Dundalk, Armagh, Tuam, Limerick. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy 2012. Various vols./resources.
Guides to the literature and printed documentary sources
16. BARRY J ed, The diary of William Dyer: Bristol in 1762. Bristol: Bristol Record Society 2012. pp 246.
17. LÜTKENHAUS W, Observations on Zosimus’ British ‘cities’. Brit 43 1 (2012) 268–70.
18. MYHILL O, Bibliography of the published works of Derek Keene. In DAVIES M & GALLOWAY JA eds, London and beyond: essays in honour of Derek Keene. London: Institute of Historical Research 2012. 338–49.
19. ROGERS A, People and property in medieval Stamford: a catalogue of title deeds from Stamford, Lincolnshire, from the twelfth century to 1547. Bury St Edmunds: Abramis Academic Publishing 2012. pp 453.
20. TODD M ed, The Perth kirk session books, 1577–1590. Woodbridge: Scottish History Society in association with the Boydell Press 2012. pp ix + 574.
Urban history, definitions and aims
21. FARIAS I & STEMMLER S, Deconstructing metropolis: critical reflections on a European concept. In BRANTZ D & DISKO S eds, Thick space: approaches to metropolitanism. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag 2012. 49–66.
22. QUIGLEY D ed, A companion to American urban history. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell 2012. pp 600.
23. BENDER T, History, theory and the metropolis. In BRANTZ D & DISKO S eds, Thick space: approaches to metropolitanism. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag 2012. 125–40.
24. BERGER S, A city and its pasts: popular histories in Kalingrad between regionalization and nationalization. In BERGER S, LORENZ C & MELMAN B eds, Popularizing national pasts: 1800 to the present. London: Routledge 2012. 288–307.
25. BOONE M, Cities in late medieval Europe: the promise and the curse of modernity. UH 39 2 (2012) 329–49.
26. GLEESON B, Critical commentary: the urban age – paradox and prospect. US 49 5 (2012) 931–43.
27. REIF H, Metropolises: history, concepts, methodologies. In BRANTZ D & DISKO S eds, Thick space: approaches to metropolitanism. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag 2012. 31–48.
Theory of urbanization
28. BLOCKMANS W, Urbanisation in the European Middle Ages: phases of openness and occlusion. In LUCASSEN L & WILLEMS W eds, Living in the city: urban institutions in the Low Countries, 1200–2010. New York: Routledge 2012. 16–31.
29. BOELENS L & TAVERNE E, Why cities prosper as deltas: the urbanisation of the Eurodelta. In LUCASSEN L and WILLEMS W eds, Living in the city: urban institutions in the Low Countries, 1200–2010. New York: Routledge 2012. 192–215.
30. BROWN J, City versus countryside in Mao's China: negotiating the divide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012. pp 268.
31. CROW J, The fiction of the digital in the mediated city. In EMMONS P, LOMHOLT J and HENDRIX J eds, The cultural role of architecture: contemporary and historical perspectives. London: Routledge 2012. 185–92.
32. DENNIS R, Urbanising experiences. In HEWITT M ed, The Victorian world. London: Routledge 2012. 241–58.
33. DYER C, Did peasants need markets and towns in late medieval England? In DAVIES M & GALLOWAY JA eds, London and beyond: essays in honour of Derek Keene. London: Institute of Historical Research 2012. 23–46.
34. FAIRFIELD JD, The public and its possibilities: triumphs and tragedies in the American City. Urban Life, Landscape, and Politics Series. Philadelphia: Temple University Press 2012. pp 368.
35. FULTON H, The impact of urbanization in medieval Wales. In FULTON H ed, Urban culture in medieval Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press 2012. 1–8.
36. GARNER B, Bushmen of the bulletin: re-examining Lawson's ‘bush credibility’ in Graeme Davison's ‘Sydney and the bush’. AHS 43 3 (2012) 452–65.
37. GLOVER WJ, The troubled passage from ‘village communities’ to planned new town developments in mid-twentieth-century South Asia. UH 39 1 (2012) 108–27.
38. GODDARD J, Being American on the edge: penurbia and the metropolitan mind, 1945–2010. New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2012. pp 284.
39. HARRIS R, Review article: the city resurgent. US 49 14 (2012) 3233–42.
40. ISENDAHL C, Agro-urban landscapes: the example of Maya lowland cities. A 86 334 (2012) 1112–25.
41. LUCASSEN L & WILLEMS W, Why people want to live in the city: looking back. In LUCASSEN L & WILLEMS W eds, Living in the city: urban institutions in the Low Countries, 1200–2010. New York: Routledge 2012. 216–28.
42. MORINIERE L, Environmentally influenced urbanisation: footprints bound for town?. US 49 2 (2012) 435–50.
43. OPITZ T, The global, imperial metropolis: ideas from 1873 Berlin. In BRANTZ D & DISKO S eds, Thick space: approaches to metropolitanism. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag 2012. 357–78.
44. TAYLOR PJ, Extraordinary cities: early ‘city-ness’ and the origins of agriculture and states. IJURR 36 3 (2012) 415–47.
45. VAN NEDERVEEN MEERKERK E, Employment, education and social assistance: the economic attraction of early modern cities. In LUCASSEN L & WILLEMS W eds, Living in the city: urban institutions in the Low Countries, 1200–2010. New York: Routledge 2012. 84–102.
46. YEOH BSA & LIN W, Cosmopolitanism in cities and beyond. In DELANTY G ed, Routledge handbook of cosmopolitanism studies. Abingdon: Routledge 2012. 208–19.
Empirical studies of urbanization
47. BAIRD JA, Dura deserta: the death and afterlife of Dura-Europos. In CHRISTIE N & AUGENTI A eds, Vrbes Extinctae. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 307–30.
48. BRACKEN G ed, Aspects of urbanization in China: Shanghai, Hong Kong, Guangzhou. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press 2012. pp 212.
49. CAU MA, Urban change on the Balearics in late Antiquity. In CHRISTIE N & AUGENTI A eds, Vrbes Extinctae. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 115–44.
50. CIRELLI E & FENTRESS E, After the rats: Cosa in the late empire and early Middle Ages. In CHRISTIE N & AUGENTI A eds, Vrbes Extinctae. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 97–114.
51. GANDINI C & FAVORY F, Settlement patterns, production and trades from neolithic to Middle Ages. Oxford: Archaeopress 2012. pp 80.
52. GAUNT P, A Cromwellian landscape? Oliver Cromwell and the urban and rural environment of Britain. In MILLS JA ed, Cromwell's legacy. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2012. 57–90.
53. HAMMER CI, Town and country in early-medieval Bavaria: two studies in urban and comital structure. Oxford: Archaeopress 2012. pp 65.
54. HART M & VAN DER HEIJDEN M, ‘City air sets you free’: autonomy and rivalry in the early modern northern Netherlands. In LUCASSEN L & WILLEMS W eds, Living in the city: urban institutions in the Low Countries, 1200–2010. New York: Routledge 2012. 63–83.
55. LENGER F, European cities in the modern era, 1850–1914. Leiden: Brill 2012. pp 312.
56. LOPEZ RR, Urbanismo y derecho en el Imperio de Justiniano. 527–565 d.C. Madrid: Dykinson SL 2012. pp 352.
57. McGEE T, LIN GCS WANG M, MARTON A & WU J, China's urban space: development under market socialism. Abingdon: Routledge 2012. pp 288.
58. MILLER J, ‘Due to disagreements, great, mighty and opulent cities fell into misery and destitution’: a city in premodern (east) central Europe and the collapse of traditional community?. Pare 29 1 (2012) 165–87.
59. RERAT P, The new demographic growth of cities: the case of reurbanisation in Switzerland. US 49 5 (2012) 1107–25.
60. SCOTT T, The city-state in Europe, 1000–1600: hinterland, territory, region. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012. pp 400.
61. SENGUPTA T, Between country and city: fluid spaces of provincial administrative towns in nineteenth-century Bengal. UH 39 1 (2012) 56–82.
62. WARD SW, Excavations at Chester: the western and southern Roman extramural settlements: a Roman community on the edge of the world: excavations 1964–1989 and other investigations. Oxford: Archaeopress 2012. pp xvi + 446.
63. WU W & GAUBATZ P, The Chinese city. London: Routledge 2012. pp 312.
64. YAO A ZHILONG J, Rediscovering the settlement system of the ‘Dian’ kingdom, in bronze age southern China. A 86 332 (2012) 353–67.
History, growth and fortunes of individual towns
This section is arranged alphabetically by the name of the town
65. MENON S, Ahmedabad: colonial imagery and urban mindscapes. Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing 2012. pp 264.
66. MANSEL P, The rise and fall of Alexandria: from Mohammed Ali to Farouk. CtH 17 2 (2012) 228–41.
67. MOORE JR, Between cosmopolitanism and nationalism: the strange death of liberal Alexandria. JUH 38 5 (2012) 879–900.
68. VOGLER B, Geschichte des Elsass. Verlag: Kohlhammer W. 2012. pp 226.
69. JACKSON R, Ariconium, Herefordshire: an iron age settlement and Romano-British ‘small town’. Oxford: Oxbow Books 2012. pp xvi + 258.
70. DODSON MS ed, Banaras: urban forms and cultural histories. London: Routledge 2012. pp 251.
71. BOYD WHYTE I & FRISBY D, Metropolis Berlin: 1880–1940. Berkeley: University of California Press 2012. pp 659.
72. KENT S, Brentwood: historic town. Derby: JMD Media 2012. e-book.
73. VARI A, Re-territorializing the ‘guilty city’: nationalist and right-wing attempts to nationalize Budapest during the interwar period. JCH 47 4 (2012) 709–33.
74. CUNLIFFE BW, Calleva in context. JRA 90 1 (2012) 14–22.
75. JOHNES M, Cardiff: the making and development of the capital city of Wales. CBH 26 4 (2012) 509–28.
76. KRIST G, City of scoundrels: the twelve days of disaster that gave birth to modern Chicago. New York: Broadway Books 2012. pp 384.
77. SAMPSON RJ & WILSON WJ, Great American city: Chicago and the enduring neighborhood effect. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2012. pp 552.
78. LEONARD MDLEONARD M & ABELN MS, Clayton, Missouri: an urban story. Missouri: Reed Press 2012. pp 117.
79. HERLIHY R, Tales from Victorian Cork, 1837–1859. Cork: Red Abbey 2012. pp vii + 255.
80. CURTIS DR, Florence and its hinterlands in the late Middle Ages: contrasting fortunes in the Tuscan countryside, 1300–1500. JMH 38 4 (2012) 472–99.
81. DORVIDAL J, Fremantle, 1942: une base alliée majeure en Australie occidentale. GMCC 246 2 (2012) 97–105.
82. GROCOTT C & STOCKEY G, Gibraltar: a modern history. Cardiff: University of Wales Press 2012. pp 171.
83. WITTS C, Gloucester: a history and celebration. Salisbury: The Francis Frith Collection 2012. pp 128.
84. ZAUN-GOSHEN H, Beyond the wall – chapters on urban Jerusalem. Jerusalem: Alon Books 2012. pp 382.
85. GUENTZEL RP, The demigod's city. A short history of Kassel. Biegenstr: Tectum Verlag 2012. pp 178.
86. TSENT AY, The retirement of Kyoto as imperial capital. CtH 17 2 (2012) 201–27.
87. BOTHWELL JS, Making the Lancastrian capital at Leicester: the battle of Boroughbridge, civic diplomacy and seigneurial building projects in fourteenth-century England. JMH 38 3 (2012) 335–57.
88. BELCHEM J, Liverpool 800: character, culture and history. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2012. pp 416.
89. BRODIE A, Liverpool and the origins of the seaside resort. GGJ 20 1 (2012) 63–76.
90. BUCHOLZ RO & WARD J, London: a social and cultural history, 1550–1750. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012. pp xvi + 413.
91. CAMPBELL C, Target London: under attack from the V-weapons during WWII. London: Little, Brown 2012. pp xxviii + 516, il.
92. REES J & GERMAN L, A people's history of London. London: Verso 2012. pp 310.
93. WHITE J, London in the eighteenth century: a great and monstrous thing. London: Bodley Head 2012. pp xxi + 682, il.
94. DAMICO S, Spanish Milan: a city within the empire, 1535–1706. New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2012. pp 264.
95. PRITCHARD TW, Mold town and country: an historical account. Wrexham: Bridge Books 2012. pp 263.
96. FRANKS-BUCKLEY T, New Brighton – a Victorian seaside resort. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 2012. pp 380.
97. GOODRUM P, Norwich in the 1950s: ten years that changed a city. Stroud: Amberley Publishing 2012. pp 96.
98. MEERES F, Norwich: a history and celebration. Salisbury: The Francis Frith Collection 2012. pp 128.
99. ARTHUR P, Hierapolis of Phrygia: the drawn-out demise of an Anatolian city. In CHRISTIE N & AUGENTI A eds, Vrbes Extinctae. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 275–306.
100. MULCAHY M, ‘That fatall spott’: the rise and fall – and rise and fall again – of Port Royal, Jamaica. In SHAMMAS C ed, Investing in the early modern built environment: Europeans, Asians, settlers and indigenous societies. Leiden: Brill 2012. 191–218.
101. POMEROY S ed, Dickensian Portsmouth. Portsmouth: WEA Portsmouth Local History Group 2012. pp 40.
102. BRODIE A, Scarborough in the 1730s – spa, sea and sex. JTH 4 2 (2012) 125–53.
103. FULFORD M, Calleva Atrebatum (Silchester, Hampshire, UK): an early medieval extinction. In CHRISTIE N & AUGENTI A eds, Vrbes Extinctae. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 331–52.
104. HINGLEY R, ‘A place that a lover of antiquity will visit with great delight’: from Caer Segonte to Calleva Atrebatum. JRA 90 1 (2012) 23–39.
105. McINTYRE SL, Springfield's urban histories: essays on the Queen City of the Missouri Ozarks. Springfield: Moon City Press 2012. pp 352.
106. SWAFFHAM HISTORY GROUP, The book of Swaffham: the story of a Norfolk market town. Wellington, Somerset: Halsgrove 2012. pp 160.
107. CHILD M, Swindon old town through time. Stroud: Amberley Publishing 2012. pp 96.
108. KUN J & MONTEZEMOLO F eds, Tijuana dreaming: life and art at the global border. Durham, NC: Duke University Press 2012. pp 424.
Portraits of towns – literary, photographic and graphic
This section is arranged alphabetically by the name of the town
109. LOCKWOOD A, Arthur Lockwood: urban and industrial watercolours of Birmingham and the Black Country. Bristol: Sansom and Co. 2012. pp 208.
110. MCKENNA C, The city of Chester in Gruffudd ap Maredudd's ‘Awdl I'r grog o gaer’. In FULTON H ed, Urban culture in medieval Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press 2012. 205–22.
111. OBRIEN G & OKANE F eds, Portraits of the city: Dublin and the wider world. Dublin: Four Courts 2012. pp 320.
112. BARBER P, WORMS L, CLINE R & SAUNDERS AL, London: a history in maps. London: London Topographical Society in association with the British Library 2012. pp 400, il.
113. MARSHALL NR, City of gold and mud: painting Victorian London. New Haven: Yale University Press 2012. pp vii + 312.
114. NORCIA MA, ‘Come buy, come buy’: Christina Rossetti's ‘goblin market’ and the cries of London. JVC 17 1 (2012) 24–45.
115. O'BYRNE A, George Scharf's London scenes. LJ 37 3 (2012) 215–33.
116. TAMBLING J ed, Dickens and the city. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. pp 586.
117. TAYLOR A, London's burning: pulp fiction, the politics of terrorism and the destruction of the capital in British popular culture, 1840–2005. London: Continuum 2012. pp 257.
118. WILSON A, EVISON P & BURROUGH S, Wild about Putney: the town by the Thames. London: Unity Print and Publishing Ltd 2012. pp 172, il.
119. WILSON A, WHICHELOW C & BURROUGH S, Wild about Wimbledon: where the town meets the country. Stroud: Unity Print and Publishing Ltd 2012. pp 172.
120. CARVILLE J, With his ‘mind-guided camera’: J M Synge, J J Clarke and the visual politics of Edwardian street photography. In CLIFF B & GRENE N eds, Synge and Edwardian Ireland. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012. 186–207.
Literary portrayals and personal reminiscences
121. ANDERSON N, Forgotten memories from a forgotten blitz: Sheffield under Nazi attack – by the people who were there. Sheffield: ACM Retro 2012. pp 92.
122. BARFOOT J, Memoirs of a little blighter, 1934–1946. Leicester: Colin Huston 2012. pp 56.
123. BOULTON JT & McLOUGHLIN TO eds, News from abroad: letters written by British travellers on the grand tour, 1728–71. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press 2012. pp 320.
124. BRIDGHAM EA, Spaces of the sacred and profane: Dickens, Trollope, and the Victorian cathedral town. London: Routledge 2012. pp ix + 192.
125. BROOKE S, ‘Slumming’ in swinging London? Class, gender and the post-war city in Nell Dunns ‘Up the Junction’ (1963). CulSH 9 3 (2012) 429–49.
126. CLARK T, Wokingham: a town through the eyes of Terry Clark. 2012. pp 40.
127. DUCHATEAU B, Urban Scotland in Hugh MacDiarmid's Glasgow poems. EE 15 1 (2012) 39–58.
128. FIELDING J & ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY, The diary of Robert Woodford, 1637–1641. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012. pp ix + 425.
129. GLEED P, ‘I lovde thee best’: London as male beloved in Isabella Whitney's ‘The manner of her wyll’. LJ 37 1 (2012) 1–12.
130. HABER GM, Cockney girl. Derby: Derby Books 2012. pp iii + 208, il.
131. HERBERT SW, The Avenue: a Newcastle backstreet boyhood. Stroud: History Press 2012. pp 256.
132. HIGGINS K, Liverpool to Kirkby Fields: a glimpse at life in a 1950–60s overspill town. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 2012. pp 316.
133. HOLLANDER K, Several ways to die in Mexico City: an autobiography of death in Mexico City. Port Townsend: Feral House 2012. pp 300.
134. JAEGER CS, Urbs ohne urbanitas: die Londoner stadtbeschreibung von William Fitzstephan, eine adelsutopie. FS 45 1 (2012) 309–27.
135. JOHNSTON D, Towns in medieval Welsh poetry. In FULTON H ed, Urban culture in medieval Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press 2012. 95–116.
136. LAMS VJ, RF Delderfield's novels as cultural history: a reader's companion. New York: Peter Lang 2012. pp 313.
137. LITTLE JI, ‘Like a fragment of the old world’: the historical regression of Quebec City in travel narratives and tourist guidebooks, 1776–1913. UHR 40 2 (2012) 15–28.
138. MARZIOLL S, Ralph Ellison's exceptional diaspora: the view from Rome. AtlSt 9 4 (2012) 447–66.
139. PLEIJ H, VAN GEMERT L & MATHIJSEN M, The literary image of the city: from the Middle Ages until the end of the nineteenth century. In LUCASSEN L & WILLEMS W eds, Living in the city: urban institutions in the Low Countries, 1200–2010. New York: Routledge 2012. 103–28.
140. PRITCHARD J, Social topography in ‘The Dunciad, Variorum’. HLQ 75 4 (2012) 527–60.
141. SIMPSON II TR, Ghetto images in twentieth-century American literature: writing apartheid. New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2012. pp 316.
142. TEBBUTT M, Imagined families and vanished communities: memories of a working-class life in Northampton. HWJ 73 1 (2012) 144–69.
143. TINDALL G, Dickens’ London: further twists. HT 62 12 (2012) 6–7.
144. WESTERN J, Cosmopolitan Europe: a Strasbourg self-portrait. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. pp 296.
145. WOLFREYS J, Dickens's London: perception, subjectivity and phenomenal urban multiplicity. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2012. pp xx + 251.
Graphic and photographic portrayals
146. BALFOUR M, Mapping realities: representing war through affective place making. NTQ 28 1 (2012) 30–40.
147. BORDEN I, Drive: journeys through film, cities, and landscape. London: Reaktion Books 2012. pp 256.
148. COLLOMS M & WEIDING D, Camden Town & Kentish Town then & now. Stroud: History Press Ltd 2012. pp 96.
149. CONNELL K, Photographing Handsworth: photography, meaning and identity in a British inner city. POP 46 2 (2012) 128–53.
150. ELLIS M, River and labour in Samuel Scott's Thames views in the mid-eighteenth century. LJ 37 3 (2012) 152–73.
151. FRAHM L, Metropolis in transformation: cinematic topologies of urban space. In BRANTZ D & DISKO S eds, Thick space: approaches to metropolitanism. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag 2012. 257–78.
152. GRANT E, John Tallis's ‘London street views’. LJ 37 3 (2012) 234–51.
153. KELLY A, Taking the blitz to America. HT 62 6 (2012) 21–7.
154. KIRBY D, Gloucester then and now. Stroud: History Press 2012. pp 96.
155. KUNG I, The invisible city. Rome: Contrasto 2012. pp 112.
156. MEE J, Mutual intercourse and licentious discussion in ‘The microcosm of London’. LJ 37 3 (2012) 196–214.
157. NOSTALGIA SQUARE, Memories of Newcastle Upon Tyne: 1930–1970. Newcastle: True North Books Ltd 2012. pp 80, il.
158. ROYDEN M, Liverpool then and now. London: Batsford Ltd 2012. pp 144.
159. STRUB W, Mondo rocco: mapping gay Los Angeles sexual geography in the late-1960s films of Pat Rocco. RHR 113 1 (2012) 13–34.
160. SULLIVAN K, Harry Clarke's modernist gaze. EI 47 3&4 (2012) 7–36.
161. TUCKER J, Eye on the street: photography in urban public spaces. RHR 114 1 (2012) 7–18.
162. WHITWORTH D, Lost buildings of Nottingham. Stroud: History Press 2012. pp 128.
163. WILDMAN C, A city speaks: the projection of civic identity in Manchester. TCBH 23 1 (2012) 80–99.
II Population
General features of urban populations
164. CHOPRA P, Free to move, forced to flee: the formation and dissolution of suburbs in colonial Bombay, 1750–1918. UH 39 1 (2012) 83–107.
165. GRIFFITHS RA, Who were the townsfolk of medieval Wales? In FULTON H ed, Urban culture in medieval Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press 2012. 9–18.
166. HAUTANIEMI LEONARD S, BEEMER JK & ANDERTON DL, Immigration, wealth and the ‘mortality plateau’ in emergent industrial cities of nineteenth-century Massachusetts. ContC 27 3 (2012) 433–59.
167. KABISCH N, HAASE D & HAASE A, Urban population development in Europe, 1991–2008: the examples of Poland and the UK. IJURR 36 6 (2012) 1326–48.
168. KOWALESKI M, The demography of maritime communities in late medieval England. In BAILEY M & RIGBY SH eds, Town and countryside in the age of the Black Death: essays in honour of John Hatcher. Turnhout: Brepols 2012. 87–118.
169. SOWELL D, Population growth in late-nineteenth-century Bogotá: insights on a demographic dilemma. JUH 38 4 (2012) 720–30.
Natality and mortality
170. ANDREWS J, Death and the dead-house in Victorian asylums: necroscopy versus mourning at the Royal Edinburgh Asylum, c. 1832–1901. HPsy 23 1 (2012) 6–26.
171. AVELINE-DUBACH N, Invisible population: the place of the dead in east-Asian megacities. Lanham: Lexington Books 2012. pp 250.
172. CONNOR D & HINDE A, Mortality in town and countryside in early modern England. LPS 89 1 (2012) 54–67.
173. EAST YORKSHIRE FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY, Marfleet Jewish cemetery, Hull: monumental inscriptions. Hull: East Yorkshire Family History Society 2012. pp ix + 46.
174. JORGENSON A, RICE J & CLARK B, Assessing the temporal and regional differences in the relationships between infant and child mortality and urban slum prevalence in less developed countries, 1990–2005. US 49 16 (2012) 3495–512.
175. LOCKLEY T, ‘Like a clap of thunder in a clear sky’: differential mortality during Savannah's yellow fever epidemic of 1854. SH 37 2 (2012) 166–86.
176. MICHAEL P & HIRST D, Recording the many faces of death at the Denbigh Asylum, 1848–1938. HPsy 23 1 (2012) 40–51.
177. PHILO C, Troubled proximities: asylums and cemeteries in nineteenth-century England. HPsy 23 1 (2012) 91–103.
178. PRYCE JW, Changing patterns of infant death over the last 100 years: autopsy experience from a specialist children's hospital. JRSM 105 3 (2012) 123–30.
179. SCHWARTZ JH, HOUGHTON FD, BONDIOLI L & MACCHIARELLI R, Bones, teeth, and estimating age of perinates: Carthaginian infant sacrifice revisited. A 86 333 (2012) 738–45.
180. SMITH RM, Measuring adult mortality in an age of plague: England, 1349–1540. In BAILEY M & RIGBY SH eds, Town and countryside in the age of the Black Death: essays in honour of John Hatcher. Turnhout: Brepols 2012. 43–85.
181. ARNOLD M, Disease, class and social change: tuberculosis in Folkestone and Sandgate, 1880–1930. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2012. pp xiv + 310.
182. BOULTON J & BLACK J, ‘Those that die by reason of their madness’: dying insane in London, 1629–1830. HPsy 23 1 (2012) 27–39.
183. BURNETT K, Race, disease, and public violence: smallpox and the (un)making of Calgary's Chinatown, 1892. SHMed 25 2 (2012) 362–79.
184. COHN SK, Pandemics: waves of disease, waves of hate from the Plague of Athens to AIDS. HR 85 230 (2012) 535–55.
185. FINGER S, The contagious city: the politics of public health in early Philadelphia. Ithaca: Cornell University Press 2012. pp xiv + 226.
186. GRANSOW B & DAMING Z, Migrants and health in urban China. Berlin: Lit Verlag 2012. pp 192.
187. HATCHER J, Fiction as history: the Black Death and beyond. H 97 325 (2012) 3–23.
188. JENNER MSR, Plague on a page: Lord have mercy upon us in early modern London. SC 27 3 (2012) 255–86.
189. JOHNSON R, Mantsemei, interpreters, and the successful eradication of plague: the 1908 plague epidemic in colonial Accra. In JOHNSON R & KHALID A eds, Public health in the British empire. London: Routledge 2012. 135–53.
190. KASS AM, Boston's historic smallpox epidemic. MassHR 14 1 (2012) 1–51.
191. McIVOR A, Germs at work: establishing tuberculosis as an occupational disease in Britain, c. 1900–1951. SHMed 25 4 (2012) 812–29.
192. MARSHALL G, Et non venit . . . The Black Death in Chesham, from the manorial rolls. RB 52 1 (2012) 169–77.
193. MONNAIS L, Colonised and neurasthenic: from the appropriation of a word to the reality of a malaise de civilisation in urban French Vietnam. H & H 14 1 (2012) 121–42.
194. STOW K & BRADLEY M, Rome, pollution and propriety: dirt, disease and hygiene in the eternal city from antiquity to modernity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012. pp 340.
195. ADERINTO S, Dangerous aphrodisiac, restless sexuality: venereal disease, biomedicine, and protectionism in colonial Lagos, Nigeria. JCCH 13 3 (2012) online.
196. CULLEN L, Patient case records in medical and family history: examining the records of the Royal Free Hospital. FCH 15 1 (2012) 3–14.
197. DOYLE BM, The economics, culture, and politics of hospital contributory schemes: the case of inter-war Leeds. LHR 77 3 (2012) 289–315.
198. FOWLER L & POWERS N, Doctors, dissection and resurrection men: excavations in the nineteenth-century burial ground of the London Hospital, 2006. London: Museum of London Archaeology 2012. pp xviii + 229.
199. GELTNER G, Public health and the pre-modern city: a research agenda. HC 10 3 (2012) 231–45.
200. HAYES N, Our hospitals? Voluntary provision, community and civic consciousness in Nottingham before the NHS. MidH 37 1 (2012) 84–105.
201. HULL A, Glasgows ‘sick society’?: James Halliday, psychosocial medicine and medical holism in Britain c. 1920–48. HHS 25 5 (2012) 73–90.
202. HYSON S & LESTER A, ‘British India on trial’: Brighton military hospitals and the politics of empire in World War I. JHG 38 1 (2012) 18–34.
203. JACKSON WJ, ‘The collector will call’: controlling philanthropy through the annual reports of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. AccHR 22 1 (2012) 47–72.
204. KALUSA WT, Medical training, African auxiliaries, and social healing in colonial Mwinilunga, Northern Rhodesia (Zambia), 1945–1964. In JOHNSON R & KHALID A eds, Public health in the British empire. London: Routledge 2012. 154–70.
205. KNEWSTUBB E, ‘Believes the devil has changed him’: religion and patient identity in Ashburn Hall, Dunedin, 1882–1910. H & H 14 1 (2012) 56–76.
206. LANG S, The control of birth: pupil midwives in nineteenth-century Madras. In JOHNSON R & KHALID A eds, Public health in the British empire: intermediaries, subordinates, and the practice of public health, 1850–1960. London: Routledge 2012. 32–50.
207. LEVENE A, REINARZ J & WILLIAMS AN, Child patients, hospitals and the home in eighteenth-century England. FCH 15 1 (2012) 15–33.
208. MA S, Power, accidents, and institutional changes: the case of a Chinese hospital in Hong Kong. ContC 27 1 (2012) 151–74.
209. MAUCK A, ‘By merit raised to that bad eminence’: Christopher Merrett, artisanal knowledge, and professional reform in Restoration London. MH 56 1 (2012) 26–47.
210. NASIEROWSKI T & BRITMANN J, Freemasonry and psychiatry in Poland. HPsy 23 3 (2012) 329–41.
211. REINARZ J, Learning to use their senses: visitors to voluntary hospitals in eighteenth-century England. JECS 35 4 (2012) 505–20.
212. RIORDAN S, In search of a broadminded saint: the Westmoreland Lock Hospital in the twentieth century. IESH 39 1 (2012) 73–93.
213. ROFFEY S, Medieval leper hospitals in England: an archaeological perspective. MedArch 56 1 (2012) 203–33.
214. STARK JF, Bacteriology in the service of sanitation: the factory environment and the regulation of industrial anthrax in late-Victorian Britain. SHMed 25 2 (2012) 343–61.
215. TAYLOR SJ, ‘All his ways are those of an idiot’: the admission, treatment of and social reaction to two ‘idiot’ children of the Northampton pauper lunatic asylum, 1877–1883. FCH 15 1 (2012) 34–43.
Migration to, from and between towns
216. BOONE M, The desired stranger: attraction and expulsion in the medieval city. In LUCASSEN L & WILLEMS W eds, Living in the city: urban institutions in the Low Countries, 1200–2010. New York: Routledge 2012. 32–45.
217. BURCHARDT J, Historicizing counterurbanization: in-migration and the reconstruction of rural space in Berkshire (UK), 1901–51. JHG 38 2 (2012) 155–66.
218. CANEPARI E, Who is not welcome? Reception and rejection of migrants in early modern Italian cities. In DE MUNCK B & WINTER A eds, Gated communities? Regulating migration in early modern cities. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 101–16.
219. COY JP, Magistrates, beggars, and labourers: migration and regulation in sixteenth-century Ulm. In DE MUNCK B & WINTER A eds, Gated communities? Regulating migration in early modern cities. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 157–74.
220. DE MEESTER J, Migrant workers and illicit labour: regulating the immigration of building workers in sixteenth-century Antwerp. In DE MUNCK B & WINTER A eds, Gated communities? Regulating migration in early modern cities. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 25–44.
221. DE MUNCK B & WINTER A, Regulating migration in early modern cities. In DE MUNCK B & WINTER A eds, Gated communities? Regulating migration in early modern cities. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 1–23.
222. ECKARDT H, Foreigners and locals in Calleva. JRA 90 1 (2012) 246–56.
223. HICKMAN MJ, Past migrations, contemporary representations and complex multicultures in London. In GLYNN I & KLEIST JO eds, History, memory and migration: perceptions of the past and the politics of incorporation. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2012. 138–53.
224. HITCHCOCK T, Rough lives: autobiography and migration in eighteenth-century England. In DE MUNCK B & WINTER A eds, Gated communities? Regulating migration in early modern cities. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 197–216.
225. HOLLETT D, Exodus: the story of the Atlantic ferry and the great migration to North America. Glasgow: Brown, Son & Ferguson 2012. pp xvi + 287.
226. JUNOT Y, Heresy, war, vagrancy and labour needs: dealing with temporary migrants in the textile towns of Flanders, Artois and Hainaut in the wake of the Dutch revolt (1566–1609). In DE MUNCK B & WINTER A eds, Gated communities?. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 61–80.
227. KALE A, Immigration policy in eighteenth-century Trieste. In DE MUNCK B & WINTER A eds, Gated communities? Regulating migration in early modern cities. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 117–34.
228. LUCASSEN L, Cities, states and migration control in western Europe: comparing then and now. In DE MUNCK B & WINTER A eds, Gated communities? Regulating migration in early modern cities. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 217–40.
229. LUCASSEN L & WILLEMS W, Cities, institutions and migration in the Low Countries. In LUCASSEN L & WILLEMS W eds, Living in the city: urban institutions in the Low Countries, 1200–2010. New York: Routledge 2012. 1–15.
230. MACPHERSON DAJ, Migration and the female Orange Order: Irish Protestant identity, diaspora and empire in Scotland, 1909–40. JICH 40 4 (2012) 619–42.
231. MILLER T, China's urban billion: the story behind the biggest migration in human history. London: Zed Books 2012. pp 200.
232. PALMER D, Minding histories: exploring early experiences of migration, settlement and wellbeing through life histories of migrants residing in the London borough of Bexley. FCH 15 1 (2012) 44–60.
233. SHERIDAN L, More than one story to tell: exploring twentieth-century migration to Northampton, England, in memoir and oral narratives. IR 44 1 (2012) 89–103.
234. SZUCHMAN MD, Mobility and integration in urban Argentina: Cordoba in the liberal era. Austin: University of Texas Press 2012. pp 252.
235. WINTER A, Regulating urban migration and relief entitlements in eighteenth-century Britain. In DE MUNCK B & WINTER A eds, Gated communities? Regulating migration in early modern cities. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 175–96.
Family and household structure
236. RAMEY JB, ‘I dream of them almost every night’: working-class fathers and orphanages in Pittsburgh, 1878–1929. JFH 37 1 (2012) 36–54.
III Physical structure
Research methods, aids and materials
237. CHRISTIE N, Vrbes extinctae: archaeologies of and approaches to abandoned classical cities. In CHRISTIE N & AUGENTI A eds, Vrbes Extinctae. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 1–44.
238. PETERSON R & ROBINSON D, Excavations and the afterlife of a professional football stadium, Peel Park, Accrington, Lancashire: towards an archaeology of football. WA 44 2 (2012) 263–79.
239. SEARS G, GAFFNEY V, GAFFNEY C, CUTTLER R, GOODCHILD H & KANE S, Deciphering lost urban landscapes at Cyrene. In CHRISTIE N & AUGENTI A eds, Vrbes Extinctae. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 177–206.
Physical and structural characteristics of towns
240. APELIAN C, Modern mosque lamps: electricity in the historic monuments and tourist attractions of French colonial Fez, Morocco (1925–1950). H & T 28 2 (2012) 177–207.
241. CHATTOPADHYAY S, Introduction: the historical legacy of suburbs in South Asia. UH 39 1 (2012) 51–5.
242. DEATHE R, Early to middle Anglo-Saxon settlement, a lost medieval church rediscovered and an early post-medieval cemetery in Wilton. WANHM 105 1 (2012) 117–44.
243. HODGSON N, The contribution of commercial archaeology to the study of Roman Warwickshire, 1990–2004: further evidence for medieval Northfield. TBWAS 115 1 (2012) 17–30.
244. McMILLAN AA, The city of Edinburgh: landscape and building stone. BOEC 9 1 (2012).
245. OSBORNE M, Defending London: the military landscape from prehistory to the present. Stroud: History Press 2012. pp 256.
246. ROSE-REDWOOD R, ‘A regular state of beautiful confusion’: governing by numbers and the contradictions of calculable space in New York City. UH 39 4 (2012) 624–38.
247. SHAMMAS C, The early modern built environment globally: the state of the field. In SHAMMAS C ed, Investing in the early modern built environment: Europeans, Asians, settlers and indigenous societies. Leiden: Brill 2012. 1–34.
248. SUGGETT R, The townscape, 1400–1600. In FULTON H ed, Urban culture in medieval Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press 2012. 51–94.
249. VERMEULEN F, BURGERS G, KEAY SJ & CORSI C, Urban landscape survey in Italy and the Mediterranean. Oxford: Oxbow Books 2012. pp 288.
250. WOODBURN B, From the Bala Hissar to the Arg: how royal fortress palaces shaped Kabul, 1830–1930. CtH 17 2 (2012) 171–88.
Physical and structural characteristics of areas within towns
251. ATKINSON D, The Leamington Scow: the excavation of historic structures and canal vessel at Leamington Wharf, Union Canal, Edinburgh. PMA 46 2 (2012) 229–51.
252. MAW P, WYKE TJ & KIDD AJ, Canals, rivers, and the industrial city: Manchester's industrial waterfront, 1790–1850. EcHR 65 4 (2012) 1495–523.
253. MOHAREB N & KRONENBURG R, Spatial analysis of urban edges in Arab historic walled cities: Alexandria as a case study. PlP 27 3 (2012) 439–52.
254. PRATT K, The Gyeongbok Palace, Seoul, as a barometer of Korea's political fortunes in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. CtH 17 2 (2012) 149–70.
255. ROWE PR, Churchill's silent sentinels: an archaeological spatial evaluation of Britain's Second World War coastal defences at Weymouth, Dorset, c. 1940. In SAUNDERS NJ ed, Beyond the dead horizon: studies in modern conflict archaeology. Oxford: Oxbow Books 2012. 188–202.
256. SMITH K & YELLOWLEY T, The great walls of Newcastle: exploring the city's ancient defences. Newcastle upon Tyne: Tyne Bridge 2012. pp 96.
257. UNDERWOOD D, Writing on the wall: late third-century urban defences in south Languedoc. Cambridge: Proquest 2012. pp 158.
258. WEEKES J, Additional evidence of Roman (and later) occupation adjacent to the Marlowe Arcade, Canterbury: excavations at Rose Lane, 2002–4. AC 132 1 (2012) 235–8.
Land ownership
259. LEECH RH & GREGORY RA, Cockermouth, Cumbria: archaeological investigation of three burgage plots in main street. Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society 2012. pp x + 80.
260. STEVENS MF, Anglo-Welsh towns of the early fourteenth century: a survey of urban origins, property-holding and ethnicity. In FULTON H ed, Urban culture in medieval Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press 2012. 137–62.
261. USHER R, Protestant Dublin, 1660–1760: architecture and iconography. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2012. pp xii + 245.
262. ALLEN J, Stained glass and the culture of the spectacle, 1780–1862. VCB 13 1 (2012) 1–23.
263. ALLEN JRL, The masonry defences at Silchester: evidence for multiple work-gangs and working-lengths?. JRA 90 1 (2012) 41–8.
264. AURELI PV, HILBERSEIMER L & ANDERSON R, Metropolisarchitecture and selected essays. New York: GSAPP Books 2012. pp 200.
265. BARTER M & HARTWELL C, The architecture and architects of the Lancashire Independent College, Manchester. JRULM 89 1 (2012) 83–103.
266. CONNELLY A, ‘A pool of Bethesda’: Manchester's first Wesleyan methodist central hall. JRULM 89 1 (2012) 105–25.
267. COOKSON JE, The row over the ‘screen wall’ of General Register House in 1849. BOEC 9 1 (2012) 101–32.
268. CUMMINS D, Exclusive oratories and magnificent pagodas: the Anglican proprietary chapels of eighteenth-century Bath. HR 85 228 (2012) 254–64.
269. CUNIFFE S & WYKE TJ, Memorializing its hero: liberal Manchester's statue of Oliver Cromwell. JRULM 89 1 (2012) 179–206.
270. CURTIS MEAD C, Making modern Paris: Victor Baltard's central markets and the urban practice of architecture. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2012. pp 324.
271. DAVIDSON M & BINNS R, Out and about in Glasgow: Glasgow's George Square statues ‘through the looking glass’. TH 113 1 (2012) 28–31.
272. DOBRASZCZYK P, Victorian market halls, ornamental iron and civic intent. ArchH 55 1 (2012) 173–98.
273. EMMONS P, The play of plans: Le Corbusier's serious game of dominoes. In EMMONS P, LOMHOLT J & HENDRIX J eds, The cultural role of architecture: contemporary and historical perspectives. London: Routledge 2012. 132–40.
274. EVANS DF, Castle and town in medieval Wales. In FULTON H ed, Urban culture in medieval Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press 2012. 183–204.
275. FREEMAN S, An Englishwoman's home is her castle: Lady Pomfret's house at 18 Arlington Street. GGJ 20 1 (2012) 87–102.
276. FUNG P, From Venus to Victoria: a history of Fortfield Terrace and Sidmouth 1790–1901. Sidmouth: Fortfield 2012. pp iv + 134.
277. GONZÁLEZ-LONGO C, James Smith and Rome. AH 23 1 (2012) 75–96.
278. HAWKES D, Architecture and climate: an environmental history of British architecture, 1600–2000. London: Routledge 2012. pp x + 261, il.
279. HODGSON J, ‘Carven stone and blazoned pane’: the design and construction of the John Rylands Library. JRULM 89 1 (2012) 19–81.
280. HUDSON R, Temple of power. HT 62 12 (2012) 26–7.
281. JOLLEY V, An unsuspected skyline rival: Lee House, Great Bridgewater Street, Manchester (1928–31). JRULM 89 1 (2012) 161–77.
282. LANGDON A & FEDERATION OF OLD CORNWALL SOCIETIES, Wade-Bridge: notes on the history of the fifteenth-century bridge. Cornwall: Federation of Old Cornwall Societies 2012. pp xiv + 214.
283. LARKHAM PJ & NASR JL, Decision-making under duress: the treatment of churches in the City of London during and after World War II. UH 39 2 (2012) 285–309.
284. LEWIS MJ, William Birch and the culture of architecture in Philadelphia. SHGDL 32 1 (2012) 35–49.
285. LOFTUS S, Count Loftonzo. GGJ 20 1 (2012) 119–36.
286. McCABE B, Department of Industry and Commerce, Kildare Street. HIre 20 6 (2012) 35.
287. MATTHEWS P, London's statues and monuments. Oxford: Shire 2012. pp 248.
288. MORRIS D, ‘Here, by experiment’: Edgar Wood in Middleton. JRULM 89 1 (2012) 127–60.
289. MORRIS E & ROBERTS E, Public sculpture of Cheshire and Merseyside. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press 2012. pp xxxiv + 308.
290. NATHANIELS E, James and Decimus Burton's Regency new town, 1827–37. GGJ 20 1 (2012) 151–70.
291. PEERS A & SALMON F, Birmingham town hall. Farnham: Lund Humphries 2012. pp 248.
292. PENROSE S, London 1948: the sites and after-lives of the austerity Olympics. WA 44 2 (2012) 306–25.
293. PETTI PINHEIRO E, New urban forms: the crescents of Bath and Le Corbusier's plan for Rio de Janeiro. PlP 27 1 (2012) 121–9.
294. RAJAGOPALAN M & DESAI M eds, Colonial frames, nationalist histories: imperial legacies, architecture and modernity. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. pp 332.
295. SAK S & BASA I, The role of the train station in the image formation of the early republican Ankara. JUH 38 4 (2012) 777–802.
296. SCHULDENFREI R ed, Atomic dwelling: anxiety, domesticity, and postwar architecture. London: Routledge 2012. pp 320.
297. WALKER C, Rebuilding the city of kings: architecture and civility in late-colonial Lima. In SHAMMAS C ed, Investing in the early modern built environment: Europeans, Asians, settlers and indigenous societies. Leiden: Brill 2012. 219–36.
298. ABABSA MDUPRET B & DENIS E eds, Popular housing and urban land tenure in the Middle East: case studies from Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press 2012. pp 352.
299. ABOY R, A cultural urban transformation: apartment building construction and domestic space for the upper classes in 1930s Buenos Aires. PlP 27 1 (2012) 25–49.
300. BAER WC, The house-building sector of London's economy, 1550–1650. UH 39 3 (2012) 409–30.
301. BAILEY K, The development of building estates in Battersea 1780–1914. Wandsworth: Wandsworth Historical Society 2012. pp 79.
302. BARTON SE, The city's wealth and the city's limits: progressive housing policy in Berkeley, California, 1976–2011. JPH 11 2 (2012) 160–78.
303. BOOTH P & HUXLEY M, 1909 and all that: reflections on the Housing, Town Planning, Etc. Act 1909. PlP 27 2 (2012) 267–83.
304. BROAD J, Permanence and impermanence in housing provision for the eighteenth-century rural poor in England. In SHAMMAS C ed, Investing in the early modern built environment: Europeans, Asians, settlers and indigenous societies. Leiden: Brill 2012. 95–118.
305. CHELCEA L, The ‘housing question’ and the state-socialist answer: city, class and state remaking in 1950s Bucharest. IJURR 36 2 (2012) 281–96.
306. CLARKE R, Housing in a nineteenth-century north Lincolnshire market town: a study of Barton-on-Humber. Barton upon Humber: Fathom Press 2012. pp 111.
307. DI MARTINO P, ‘Rome wasn't built in a day’: lobbies, institutions and speculation in the 1880s building fever. UH 39 3 (2012) 471–89.
308. FARRIS J, Dwelling factors: western merchants in Canton. In SHAMMAS C ed, Investing in the early modern built environment: Europeans, Asians, settlers and indigenous societies. Leiden: Brill 2012. 163–89.
309. HARDING V, Houses and households in Cheapside c.1500–1550. In DAVIES M & GALLOWAY JA eds, London and beyond: essays in honour of Derek Keene. London: Institute of Historical Research 2012. 129–48.
310. HEATH A, ‘Every man his own landlord’: working-class suburban speculation and the Antebellum Republican City. JUH 38 6 (2012) 1003–20.
311. HOUSTON D, The changing geography of privately rented housing in England and Wales. US 49 4 (2012) 795–819.
312. JOB SW, Cat's Meat Square: housing and public heath in South St Pancras 1810–1910. Camden: Camden History Society 2012. pp 80.
313. KARSKENS G, Possession: building and the politics of legitimate occupancy in early New South Wales, Australia. In SHAMMAS C ed, Investing in the early modern built environment: Europeans, Asians, settlers and indigenous societies. Leiden: Brill 2012. 325–57.
314. LASNER M, High life: condo living in the suburban century. New Haven: Yale University Press 2012. pp 336.
315. LLOYD T, ‘A new Merthyr springing out of the hillside’: slum clearance in Merthyr Tydfil c. 1950–1980. Ll 11 1 (2012) 109–28.
316. MANOOCHEHRI J, The politics of social housing in Britain. Bern: Peter Lang 2012. pp 241.
317. NENADIC SS, Architect-builders in London and Edinburgh, c. 1750–1800, and the market for expertise. HJ 55 3 (2012) 597–617.
318. URBAN F, Mumbai's suburban mass housing. UH 39 1 (2012) 128–48.
Open space
319. AFFLECK D, The experimental garden of the Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society: ‘our favourite object’. BOEC 9 1 (2012) 79–100.
320. DUMPELMANN S, Layered landscapes: parks and gardens in the metropolis. In BRANTZ D & DISKO S eds, Thick space: approaches to metropolitanism. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag 2012. 213–38.
321. GREIG H, ‘All together and all distinct’: public sociability and social exclusivity in London's pleasure gardens, ca. 1740–1800. JBS 51 1 (2012) 50–75.
322. HOBBS M, ‘Farmers on notice’: the threat faced by Weimar Berlin's garden colonies in the face of the city's Neues Bauen housing programme. UH 39 2 (2012) 263–84.
323. HOYLE RW, The enclosure of Preston Moor and the creation of Moor Park in Preston. NH 49 2 (2012) 281–302.
324. KHERAJ S, Demonstration wildlife: negotiating the animal landscape of Vancouver's Stanley Park, 1888–1996. EnvH 18 4 (2012) 497–527.
325. LONGSTAFFE-GOWAN T, The London square: gardens in the midst of town. New Haven: Yale University Press 2012. pp 304.
326. RAVEN PH, HARRIS N & HAMILTON E, St Louis parks. St Louis: Reedy Press 2012. pp 176.
327. STROUD E & CRONON W, Nature next door: cities and trees in the American northeast. Washington: University of Washington Press 2012. pp 231.
328. WILSON RJ, Social reform and allotment gardening in twentieth-century York. JUH 38 4 (2012) 731–52.
IV Social structure
Research methods, aids and materials
329. AMATO R & MANUEL JT, Using radical public history tours to reframe urban crime. RHR 113 1 (2012) 212–24.
330. DADDARIO C, The texture of the everyday in John Manningham's diary (1602–1603). ELR 42 2 (2012) 203–22.
331. GUNNING H, Reminiscences of the university, town and county of Cambridge, from the year 1780. 2 vol. set. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012. pp 762.
332. TAYLOR J, Pennies from heaven and earth in Mass Observation's Blackpool. JBS 51 1 (2012) 132–54.
333. WALLIS J, Lies, damned lies and statistics? Nineteenth-century crime statistics for England and Wales as a historical source. HC 10 8 (2012) 574–83.
Social structure and characteristics of towns
334. BALDWIN PC, In the watches of the night: life in the nocturnal city, 1820–1930. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2012. pp 304.
335. BANERJEE P, Thinking equality: debates in Bengal, c. 1870–1940. In PANDEY G, Subalternity and difference: investigations from the north and the south. London: Routledge 2012. 131–48.
336. BRENNAN J, Taifa: making nation and race in urban Tanzania (new African histories). Ohio: Ohio University Press 2012. pp 264.
337. CORFIELD PJ, Business leaders and town gentry in early industrial Britain: specialist occupations and shared urbanism. UH 39 1 (2012) 20–50.
338. CRUMMY N, Characterising the small finds assemblage from Silchester's Insula IX (1997–2009). JRA 90 1 (2012) 105–26.
339. DODDS PENNOCK C, ‘A remarkably patterned life’: domestic and public in the Aztec household city. In FOXHALL L & NEHER G eds, Gender and the city before modernity. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell 2012. 38–56.
340. FLANDERS J, The Victorian city: everyday life in Dickens’ London. London: Atlantic Books 2012. pp 544.
341. MERKL PH, Small towns and villages in Bavaria: the passing of a way of life. Oxford: Berghahn Books 2012. pp 288.
342. MURILLO DV, LENTZ M & OCHOA MR eds, City Indians in Spain's American empire: urban indigenous society in colonial Mesoamerica & Andean South America, 1530–1810. Eastbourne: Sussex Academic Press 2012. pp 272.
343. NIGHTINGALE C, Segregation: a global history of divided cities. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2012. pp 528.
344. PERKISS A, Managed diversity: contested meanings of integration in post-WWII Philadelphia. JUH 38 3 (2012) 410–29.
345. REILLY JA, Ottoman Syria: social history through an urban lens. HC 10 1 (2012) 70–80.
346. REYNOLDS NY, Entangled communities: interethnic relationships among urban salesclerks and domestic workers in Egypt, 1927–61. EurRH 19 1 (2012) 113–39.
347. SIMPSON I, Cultural encounters in a colonial port: the 1806 Sydney Muharram. AHS 43 3 (2012) 381–95.
348. SMITH LB, In search of an urban identity: aspects of urban society in late medieval Wales. In FULTON H ed, Urban culture in medieval Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press 2012. 19–50.
349. SOLARI CD, Affluent neighborhood persistence and change in US cities. CitC 11 4 (2012) 370–88.
350. SONKAJARVI H, Local categories of residence redefined: the former imperial city of Strasbourg and the politics of the French crown (1681–1789). In DE MUNCK B & WINTER A eds, Gated communities? Regulating migration in early modern cities. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 81–99.
351. SPINDLER E, Between sea and city: portable communities in late medieval London and Bruges. In DAVIES M & GALLOWAY JA eds, London and beyond: essays in honour of Derek Keene. London: Institute of Historical Research 2012. 175–94.
352. STAMMERS M, Speculating gig boats, ‘shilling sickers’ and riggers: a social history of Mersey watermen. MM 98 2 (2012) 178–92.
353. TYLER K, Whiteness, class and the legacies of empire: on home ground. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2012. pp 256.
Social structure and characteristics of areas within towns
354. ASHTON R, Victorian Bloomsbury. New Haven: Yale University Press 2012. pp 380, il.
355. CLAPSON M, Working-class suburb: social change on an English council estate, 1930–2010. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2012. pp xi + 260.
356. DEENER A, Venice: a contested Bohemia in Los Angeles. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2012. pp 336.
357. DOUCET B & DUIGNAN E, Experiencing Dublin's docklands: perceptions of employment and amenity changes in the Sheriff Street community. IG 45 1 (2012) 45–65.
358. FIFE FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY, St. Andrews baxters and wrights 1548–1869. Fife: Fife Family History Society 2012. pp 78.
359. FISHER MH, Making London's ‘oriental quarter’. In PANDEY G, Subalternity and difference: investigations from the north and the south. London: Routledge 2012. 79–96.
360. FRASER N, Over the border: the other east end. Function Books 2012. pp 410, il.
361. LESGER C & VAN LEEUWEN MHD, Residential segregation from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century: evidence from the Netherlands. JIH 42 3 (2012) 333–69.
362. LOGAN C, Beyond a boundary: Washington's historic districts and their racial contents. UHR 41 1 (2012) online.
Social organization, clubs and societies
363. BENSON J, Sport, class, and place: Gerald Howard-Smith and early twentieth-century Wolverhampton. MidH 37 2 (2012) 207–21.
364. CAMERON RM, The Glasgow Islay Association: a history. Glasgow: Glasgow Islay Association 2012. pp 32.
365. McDOWELL ML, Football, migration and industrial patronage in the west of Scotland, c. 1870–1900. SpiH 32 3 (2012) 405–25.
366. MILLER J, ‘In each town I find a triple harmony’: idealizing the city and the language of community in early modern (east) central European urban historiography. UH 39 1 (2012) 3–19.
Class structure
367. COOPER T, Citizen portrait: portrait painting and the urban elite of Tudor and Jacobean England and Wales. New Haven: Yale University Press 2012. pp xi + 251.
368. HAMMER CI, Complaints of the lesser commune, oligarchic rule and baronial reform in thirteenth-century Oxford. HR 85 229 (2012) 353–71.
369. KIDAMBI P, Becoming middle class: the local history of a global story, colonial Bombay, 1890–1940. In LOPÉZ, AR & WEINSTEIN B eds, The making of the middle class: toward a transnational history. Durham, NC: Duke University Press 2012. 141–60.
370. KLEIN LE, An artisan in polite culture: Thomas Parsons, stone carver, of Bath, 1744–1813. HLQ 75 1 (2012) 27–51.
371. TITTLER R, ‘. . . and no loose people to trouble the hall’: oligarchy and the division of space in the English civic hall to 1640. HC 10 9 (2012) 622–32.
372. VAN STEENSEL A, Noblemen in an urbanised society: Zeeland and its nobility in the late Middle Ages. JMH 38 1 (2012) 76–99.
373. WONG Y, Social mobility in post-war Hong Kong. After getting ahead. New York: Nova Science Publishers 2012. pp 198.
Social life, customs and traditions
374. ENTWISTLE D, The Whit walks of Hyde: glorious spectacle, religious witness, and celebration of a custom. JRH 36 2 (2012) 204–33.
375. FORSYTH H, New year's eve in Sydney: a history of urban carnival. Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing 2012. pp 64.
376. FULTON H, Fairs, feast-days and carnival in medieval Wales: some poetic evidence. In FULTON H ed, Urban culture in medieval Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press 2012. 223–52.
377. JONES H, British cities: celebrating and commemorating the Second World War. LocH 42 1 (2012) 44–53.
378. McKEON M, What was an early modern public, and how was it made?. HC 10 9 (2012) 714–30.
379. MERCER L, Urbanism and urbanity: the Spanish bourgeois novel and contemporary customs (1845–1925). Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press 2012. pp 216.
380. OLEARY P, Claiming the streets: processions and urban culture in South Wales c. 1830–1880. Cardiff: University of Wales Press 2012. pp viii + 241.
381. RENTZ EK, Castles for St. William: the late medieval commemoration of York's local saint. V 43 2 (2012) 111–29.
382. ABRAMS N, Jute, journalism, jam and Jews: the anomalous survival of the Dundee Hebrew congregation. NSc 3 1 (2012) 86–97.
383. ARON-BELLER K, The Inquisition, professing Jews, and Christian images in seventeenth-century Modena. ChH 81 3 (2012) 575–600.
384. BRANDWOOD GK & JOHNSON D, Market Harborough parish church: St Dionysius: a brief history. Market Harborough: Gartree 2012. pp 23.
385. CAPP BS, England's culture wars: puritan reformation and its enemies in the interregnum, 1649–1660. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012. pp xiii + 274.
386. CHAMBERS P, Economic factors in church growth and decline in south and west Wales. In GOODHEW D ed, Church growth in Britain: 1980 to the present. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 221–36.
387. DUFFOUR A, Moving up and moving out? The expansion of a London-based ‘African Pentecostal’ church. In GOODHEW D ed, Church growth in Britain: 1980 to the present. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 145–60.
388. EDWARDS R, Pomp or circumspection: Glasgow's episcopalians and the uprising of 1745. SCHS 41 1 (2012) 1–30.
389. GOLDBERG PJP, From tableaux to text: the York Corpus Christi play ca. 1378–1428. V 43 2 (2012) 247–76.
390. GOODHEW D, From the margins to the mainstream: new churches in York. In GOODHEW D ed, Church growth in Britain: 1980 to the present. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 179–92.
391. GROVES Z, Urban migrants and religious networks: Malawians in colonial Salisbury, 1920 to 1970. JSAS 38 3 (2012) 491–511.
392. HARRIS A, Devout eastenders: Catholicism in the east end of London. In GOODHEW D ed, Church growth in Britain: 1980 to the present. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 41–58.
393. HUNT JM, The conclave from the outside in: rumor, speculation, and disorder in Rome during early modern papal elections. JEMH 16 4–5 (2012) 355–82.
394. ISSEL W, Church and state in the city: Catholics and politics in twentieth-century San Francisco. Philadelphia: Temple University Press 2012. pp 330.
395. KREITZER LJ, William Kiffen and his world (2 vols.). Oxford: Regent's Park College 2012.
396. LATHAM JA, From literal to spiritual soldiers of Christ: disputed episcopal elections and the advent of Christian processions in late antique Rome. ChH 81 2 (2012) 298–327.
397. MANGION CM, Faith, philanthropy and the aged poor in nineteenth-century England and Wales. EurRH 19 4 (2012) 515–30.
398. MARSH C, The diversification of English Christianity: the example of Birmingham. In GOODHEW D ed, Church growth in Britain: 1980 to the present. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 193–208.
399. MONTER W, The Catholic Salem: how the devil destroyed a saint's parish. CathHR 98 4 (2012) 679–703.
400. MOONIE I, The English Presbyterian meeting, Fisher Street, Carlisle – 1736–1809. CWAAS 12 1 (2012) 199–216.
401. PACKMAN ZM & WALL JN, Worship at Trinity Chapel, Lincoln's Inn, London, 22 May 1623. AEH 81 2 (2012) 113–210.
402. PITT SJJ, Cotton Mather and Boston's ‘seafaring tribe’. NEQ 85 2 (2012) 222–52.
403. POWELL RFP, A brief history of the former Glamorgan Street English Congregational church, Brecon, and the subsequent use of its chapel as a museum. Bry 43 1 (2012) 15–17.
404. ROXBURGH KBE, Growth amidst decline: Edinburgh's churches and Scottish culture. In GOODHEW D ed, Church growth in Britain: 1980 to the present. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 209–20.
405. SANDERS A, Charles Larom and the Townhead Street Church, Sheffield. BQ 44 6 (2012) 354–63.
406. SAWKINS JW, Ministerial stipends in the Free Church of Scotland: Edinburgh, 1843–1900. SCHS 41 1 (2012) 71–112.
407. SPICER A, ‘A survival of a distant past’. JA Martin and the Victorian revival of the French church at Canterbury. SoH 34 1 (2012) 101–39.
408. SUTHERLAND JG, Heaven and hellas: a history of Elgin Saint Giles Church. Elgin: JG Sutherland 2012. pp 64.
409. THACKER A, Patrons of Rome: the cult of Sts Peter and Paul at court and in the city in the fourth and fifth centuries. EME 20 4 (2012) 380–406.
410. THOMAS A, Liverpool's Welsh cathedral: a history of Princes Road Welsh methodist chapel. Birkenhead: Countyvise Ltd 2012. pp 110.
411. WERRONEN S, Ripon and the Scottish raids, 1318–1322. NH 49 2 (2012) 174–84.
412. WILLOUGHBY J, Inhabited sacristies in medieval England: the case of St Mary's, Warwick. AnJ 92 1 (2012) 331–45.
413. WOLFFE J & JACKSON B, Anglican resurgence: the Church of England in London. In GOODHEW D ed, Church growth in Britain: 1980 to the present. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 23–40.
414. WRIGHT C, The kindness of strangers: charitable giving in the community of the Dutch Church, Austin Friars, in the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In DAVIES M & GALLOWAY JA eds, London and beyond: essays in honour of Derek Keene. London: Institute of Historical Research 2012. 195–215.
415. COPPIETERS B, The organisation of marathons in divided cities: Brussels, Belfast, Beirut and Jerusalem. IJHS 29 11 (2012) 1553–76.
416. HIGNELL AK, Participants and providers: a micro-scale analysis of cricket in Cardiff during the nineteenth century. SpiSoc 15 2 (2012) 165–80.
417. KLAUSNER DN, Entertainment and recreation in the towns of early Wales. In FULTON H ed, Urban culture in medieval Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press 2012. 253–70.
418. PELEGGI M, The social and material life of colonial hotels: comfort zones as contact zones in British Colombo and Singapore, ca. 1870–1930. JSocH 46 1 (2012) 125–53.
Social problems and deviance
419. ARNOLD C, Underworld London, city of crime: crime and punishment in the capital city. Kansas City, Missouri: Andrews McMeel 2012. pp 352.
420. AZFAR F, Genealogy of an execution: the sodomite, the bishop, and the anomaly of 1726. JBS 51 3 (2012) 568–93.
421. BORGONOVO J, ‘Exercising a close vigilance over their daughters’: Cork women, American sailors, and Catholic vigilantes, 1917–18. IHS 149 1 (2012) 89–107.
422. BRADLEY K, Juvenile delinquency and the public sphere: exploring local and national discourse in England, c. 1940–69. SH 37 1 (2012) 19–35.
423. DAVIES J & INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF CIVIL SOCIETY, Mind-forg'd manacles: murder, Macpherson and the (metropolitan) police. London: Civitas 2012. pp xxi + 138.
424. DIMMOCK S, Social conflict in Welsh towns c. 1280–1530. In FULTON H ed, Urban culture in medieval Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press 2012. 117–36.
425. DYER G, The arrest of Caleb Williams: unnatural crime, constructive violence, and overwhelming terror in late eighteenth-century England. ECL 36 3 (2012) 31–56.
426. GAMBREL S, ‘If he was to be heard, he had to be killed’: language from the Old Bailey to the gallows. In ALLEN BM & MESSARA D eds, The captivity narrative: enduring shackles and emancipating language of subjectivity. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2012. 123–39.
427. GILFOYLE TJ, Revisting gangs in the post–World War II north American city: a forum. JUH 38 4 (2012) 803–11.
428. HANLEY B, Dublin bombs, 1972. HIre 20 6 (2012) 46–7.
429. HINDMARCH-WATSON K, Male prostitution and the London GPO: telegraph boys’ ‘immorality’ from nationalization to the Cleveland Street scandal. JBS 51 3 (2012) 594–617.
430. JAFFE R, The popular culture of illegality: crime and the politics of aesthetics in urban Jamaica. AnQ 85 1 (2012) 79–103.
431. KNOX W, The attack of the ‘half-formed persons’: the 1811–12 Tron Riot in Edinburgh revisited. SHistR 91 2 (2012) 287–310.
432. LAITE J, Common prostitutes and ordinary citizens: commercial sex in London, 1885–1960. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2012. pp ix + 299.
433. McCORMACK M, Supporting the civil power: citizen soldiers and the Gordon riots. LJ 37 1 (2012) 27–41.
434. MACRAILD DM & NEAL F, Child-stripping in the Victorian city. UH 39 3 (2012) 431–52.
435. McGREGOR JE, Drink and the city: alcohol and alcohol problems in urban UK, since the 1950s. Nottingham: University of Nottingham Press 2012. pp 282.
436. MERRICK J, Domestic violence in Paris, 1775. JFH 37 4 (2012) 417–27.
437. MILLER E, English pauper lunatics in the era of the old poor law. HPsy 23 3 (2012) 318–28.
438. SLATER SA, Street disorder in the metropolis, 1905–39. LCH 2 1 (2012) 59–91.
439. SLATER SA, Lady Astor and the ladies of the night: the Home Office, the Metropolitan Police and the politics of the Street Offences Committee, 1927–28. L & HR 30 2 (2012) 533–73.
440. SLUIS A, Projecting pornography and mapping modernity in Mexico City. JUH 38 3 (2012) 467–87.
441. TICKELL A, Scholarship terrorists: the India house hostel and the ‘student problem’ in Edwardian London. In AHMED R & MUKHERJEE S eds, South Asian resistances in Britain, 1858–1947. London: Continuum 2012. 3–18.
442. TURNER DM, Disability and crime in eighteenth-century England: physical impairment at the Old Bailey. CulSH 9 1 (2012) 47–64.
443. WARD R, Print culture, moral panic, and the administration of the law: the London crime wave of 1744. CHeS 16 1 (2012) 5–24.
Social reform and improvement
444. BORSAY A, Visitors and residents: the dynamics of charity in eighteenth-century Bath. JTH 4 2 (2012) 171–80.
445. TEEUWEN D, Collections for the poor: monetary charitable donations in Dutch towns, c. 1600–1800. ContC 27 2 (2012) 271–99.
446. VAN LEEUWEN MHD, Giving in early modern history: philanthropy in Amsterdam in the golden age. ContC 27 2 (2012) 301–43.
Minority groups
447. ABU-LUGHOD JL, Race, space, and riots in Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012. pp 360.
448. ANDERSON AB, Home in the city: urban Aboriginal housing and living conditions. Toronto: University of Toronto Press 2012. pp 448.
449. ARMFIELD FL, Eugene Kinckle Jones: the National Urban League and black social work, 1910–1940. Champaign, Il.: University of Illinois Press 2012. pp 160.
450. BANIVANUA MAR T, Belonging to country: racialising space and resistance of Queensland's transnational margins, 1880–1990. AHS 43 2 (2012) 174–90.
451. BICKFORD-SMITH V, Providing local color?: ‘cape coloreds’, ‘cockneys’, and Cape Town's identity from the late nineteenth century to the 1970s. JUH 38 1 (2012) 133–51.
452. BIEMANN AD, ‘Thus Rome shows us our true place’: reflections on the German Jewish love for Italy. In URBAN M & WIESE C eds, German-Jewish thought between religion and politics. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co. 2012. 241–62.
453. BOYD RL, The black metropolis revisited: a comparative analysis of northern and southern cities in the United States in the early twentieth century. US 49 4 (2012) 845–60.
454. BRINKMANN T, Sundays at Sinai: a Jewish congregation in Chicago. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2012. pp 382.
455. ERCOLE P, ‘Senza patria’ or without a homeland: Italian war films and immigrants in London, 1914–1918. In BILTEREYST D, MALTBY R & MEERS P eds, Cinema audiences and modernity: new perspectives on European cinema history. London: Routledge 2012. 154–65.
456. FERNANDEZ L, Brown in the windy city: Mexicans and Puerto Ricans in postwar Chicago. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2012. pp 392.
457. FLEMING P, The Welsh diaspora in early Tudor English towns. In FULTON H ed, Urban culture in medieval Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press 2012. 271–94.
458. GRINNELL L, ‘Intolerable subjects’: moralizing politics, economic austerity, and lesbian and gay activism in Mexico City, 1982–85. RHR 112 1 (2012) 89–99.
459. HOBERMAN M, ‘Under their captivity and dispersion’: the story of Boston's first Jewish business venture. EAmS 10 3 (2012) 600–29.
460. KAPLAN D, Jews in early modern Europe: the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. HC 10 2 (2012) 191–206.
461. KHOO E, Under the arch of friendship: culture, urban redevelopment and symbolic architecture in D.C. Chinatown, 1970s–1990s. Cambridge: Proquest 2012. pp 96.
462. KOHLBACHER J, REEGER U & SCHNELL P, Neighbourhood embeddedness and social coexistence: immigrants and natives in three urban settings in Vienna. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press 2012. pp 108.
463. LEE WR, Divided loyalties? In-migration, ethnicity and identity: the integration of German merchants in nineteenth-century Liverpool. BuH 54 2 (2012) 117–53.
464. MANVILLE M, People, race and place: American support for person- and place-based urban policy, 1973–2008. US 49 14 (2012) 3101–19.
465. MARTIN B, The Mourgues of St Paul's Church, Covent Garden, 1721 to 1801. HSGBI 29 5 (2012) 683–93.
466. MURPHY R, Polanski and Skolimowski in ‘swinging London’. JBCT 9 2 (2012) 214–29.
467. NEWMAN B, The passion of the Jews of Prague: the pogrom of 1389 and the lessons of a medieval parody. ChH 81 1 (2012) 1–26.
468. NIGGEMAN U, Craft guilds and immigration: Huguenots in German and English cities. In DE MUNCK B & WINTER A eds, Gated communities? Regulating migration in early modern cities. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 45–60.
469. PÁEZ A, RUIZ M, LÓPEZ F & LOGAN J, Measuring ethnic clustering and exposure with the Q statistic: an exploratory analysis of Irish, Germans, and Yankees in 1880 Newark. AAAG 102 1 (2012) 84–102.
470. ROSENTHAL NG, Reimagining Indian country: native American migration and identity in twentieth-century Los Angeles. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 2012. pp 252.
471. RUA MM, A grounded identidad: making new lives in Chicago's Puerto Rican neighborhoods. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012. pp 224.
472. SITES W, Radical culture in black necropolis: Sun Ra, Alton Abraham, and postwar Chicago. JUH 38 4 (2012) 687–719.
473. SKOTNES A, A New Deal for all?: race and class struggles in depression-era Baltimore. Durham: Duke University Press Books 2012. pp 392.
474. SLATER T & ANDERSON N, The reputational ghetto: territorial stigmatisation in St Paul's, Bristol. IBG 37 4 (2012) 530–46.
475. SPINDLER E, Flemings in the Peasants’ Revolt, 1381. In WHEELER H, LANTSCHNER P & SHAW RLJ eds, Contact and exchange in later medieval Europe: essays in honour of Malcolm Vale. Woodbridge: Boydell 2012. 59–78.
476. SUMMERS A, Gender, religion and an immigrant minority: Jewish women and the suffrage movement in Britain c. 1900–1920. WomHR 21 3 (2012) 399–418.
477. TAMMES P, ‘Hack, pack, sack’: occupational structure, status, and mobility of Jews in Amsterdam, 1851–1941. JIH 43 1 (2012) 1–26.
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Family life
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504. FOXHALL FORBES H, Squabbling siblings: gender and monastic life in late Anglo-Saxon Winchester. In FOXHALL L & NEHER G eds, Gender and the city before modernity. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell 2012. 163–94.
505. GREGSON S, Women and children first? The administration of Titanic relief in Southampton, 1912–59. EHR 127 524 (2012) 83–109.
506. GREY DJR, Almost unknown amongst the Jews: Jewish women and infanticide in London 1890–1918. LJ 37 2 (2012) 122–35.
507. HAMMOND CI, Architects, angels, activists and the city of Bath, 1765–1965: engaging with women's spatial interventions in buildings and landscape. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. pp xv + 277.
508. HARVEY EA, Liminal figures: the role of female employees within charities in Birmingham and Sydney, 1860–1914. MidH 37 1 (2012) 45–62.
509. HARVEY K, Ritual encounters: punch parties and masculinity in the eighteenth century. P & P 214 1 (2012) 165–203.
510. HUBBARD E, City women: money, sex, and the social order in early modern London. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012. pp 297.
511. HUGHES C, Young socialist men in 1960s Britain: subjectivity and sociability. HWJ 73 1 (2012) 170–92.
512. HUNT JE, The ‘intrusion of women painters’: Ethel Anderson, modern art and gendered modernities in interwar Sydney, Australia. WomHR 21 2 (2012) 171–88.
513. HUNT K, The local and the everyday: interwar women's politics. LocH 42 4 (2012) 266–79.
514. INGLEBY M, Bulwer-Lytton, Braddon, and the bachelorization of legal Bloomsbury. NCGS 8 2 (2012) online.
515. JENNINGS R, A room full of women: lesbian bars and social spaces in postwar Sydney. WomHR 21 5 (2012) 813–29.
516. LEHTSALU L, Changing perceptions of women's religious institutions in eighteenth-century Bologna. HJ 55 4 (2012) 939–59.
517. LOOSLEY E, Ladies who lounge: class, religion and social interaction in seventeenth-century Isfahan. In FOXHALL L & NEHER G eds, Gender and the city before modernity. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell 2012. 125–39.
518. MERLIN M, The Nanjing courtesan Ma Shouzhen (1548–1604): gender, space and painting in the late Ming pleasure quarter. In FOXHALL L & NEHER G eds, Gender and the city before modernity. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell 2012. 140–62.
519. MORTON T, Changing spaces: art, politics, and identity in the home studios of the suffrage atelier. WomHR 21 4 (2012) 623–37.
520. NEAD L, ‘Many little harmless and interesting adventures . . .’: gender and the Victorian city. In HEWITT M ed, The Victorian world. London: Routledge 2012. 291–307.
521. NEVETT LC, Towards a female topography of the ancient Greek city: case studies from late archaic and early classical Athens (c. 520–400 BCE). In FOXHALL L & NEHER G eds, Gender and the city before modernity. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell 2012. 86–106.
522. OSWALD J, The spinning house girls: Cambridge University's distinctive policing of prostitution, 1823–1894. UH 39 3 (2012) 453–70.
523. OTERO S, The ruins of Havana: representations of memory, religion, and gender. AtlSt 9 2 (2012) 143–63.
524. SELFE M, Circles, columns and screenings: mapping the institutional, discursive, physical and gendered spaces of film criticism in 1940s London. JBCT 9 4 (2012) 588–611.
525. SJOGREN AK, Women's voices in Swedish towns and cities at the turn of the twentieth century: municipal franchise, polling, eligibility and strategies for universal suffrage. WomHR 21 3 (2012) 379–98.
526. STEVENS MF, London women, the courts and the ‘golden age’: a quantitative analysis of female litigants in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. LJ 37 2 (2012) 67–88.
527. STRATIGAKOS D, Women and the modern metropolis. In BRANTZ D & DISKO S eds, Thick space: approaches to metropolitanism. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag 2012. 279–306.
528. TAYLOR C, Women's social networks and female friendship in the ancient Greek city. In FOXHALL L & NEHER G eds, Gender and the city before modernity. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell 2012. 213–30.
529. TIERNAN S, In defence of barmaids: the Gore-Booth sisters take on Winston Churchill. HIre 20 3 (2012) 34–6.
530. VANITA R, Different speakers, different loves: urban women in Rekhti poetry. In PANDEY G, Subalternity and difference: investigations from the north and the south. London: Routledge 2012. 57–75.
531. VIKSTROM L & ERICSSON T, Like father, like daughter? Intergenerational social mobility among business- and craftswomen in Sundsvall, Sweden, 1860–1893. ContC 27 3 (2012) 409–31.
532. WILLIAMSON F, Space and the city: gender identities in seventeenth-century Norwich. CulSH 9 2 (2012) 169–85.
533. YOUNGS D, The townswomen of Wales: singlewomen, work and service, c. 1300 – c. 1550. In FULTON H ed, Urban culture in medieval Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press 2012. 163–82.
534. ZACEK N, Between lady and slave white working women in the eighteenth-century Leeward Islands. In CATTERALL D & CAMPBELL J eds, Women in port: gendering communities, economies, and social networks in Atlantic port cities, 1500–1800. Leiden: Brill 2012. 127–50.
V Economic activity
Research methods, aids and materials
535. HEWITSON C, Approaches to the recording and analysis of artefactual remains in nineteenth- and twentieth-century workshops. In FORTENBERRY B and MCATACKNEY L eds, Modern materials: the proceedings of CHAT Oxford, 2009. Oxford: Archaeopress 2012. 37–51.
536. LAMBERT CL, The contribution of the cinque ports to the wars of Edward II and Edward III: new methodologies and estimates. In GORSKI R ed, Roles of the sea in medieval England. Woodbridge: Boydell 2012. 59–78.
537. ROSSI G, Florence and the great fire: new sources on English commerce in the late sixteenth century. JLeH 33 1 (2012) 93–100.
Printed documentary sources
538. STEPHENS WB, The seventeenth-century customs service surveyed: William Culliford's investigation of the western ports, 1682–84. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. pp xx + 233.
Urban economic activity
539. BARKER H & ISHIZU M, Inheritance and continuity in small family businesses during the early industrial revolution. BuH 54 2 (2012) 227–44.
540. BRADLEY H ed, The views of the hosts of alien merchants, 1440–1444. London: London Record Society 2012. pp lviii + 337.
541. BRITNELL R, The proliferation of markets revisited. In DAVIES M & GALLOWAY JA eds, London and beyond: essays in honour of Derek Keene. London: Institute of Historical Research 2012. 47–64.
542. CASSON C, Reputation and responsibility in medieval English towns: civic concerns with the regulation of trade. UH 39 3 (2012) 387–408.
543. DAVIS J, Medieval market morality: life, law and ethics in the English marketplace, 1200–1500. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012. pp xvii + 514.
544. EVANS DG, Denbighshire market town economies in the Stuart era – part 1. DHS 60 1 (2012) 19–67.
545. GRIFFITH LM, ‘Never let the facts interfere with a good story’: the origin of the Ouzel Galley Society. HIre 20 2 (2012) 24–5.
546. HAYNES DE, Small town capitalism in Western India: artisans, merchants, and the making of the informal economy, 1870–1960. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012. pp xv + 344.
547. HEMINGWAY J, Millinery and old lace: Miss Jane Clarke of Regent Street. TexH 43 2 (2012) 200–22.
548. JANKIEWICZ S, A dangerous class: the street sellers of nineteenth-century London. JSocH 46 2 (2012) 391–415.
549. JONES ET, Inside the illicit economy: reconstructing the smugglers’ trade of sixteenth-century Bristol. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. pp xvi + 249.
550. KEENE D, Medieval London and its supply hinterlands. REC 12 2 (2012) 263–81.
551. KINGSTON R, Capitalism in the streets: Paris shopkeepers, passages couverts, and the production of the early nineteenth-century city. RHR 114 1 (2012) 39–65.
552. LEE JS, The role of fairs in late medieval England. In BAILEY M & RIGBY SH eds, Town and countryside in the age of the Black Death: essays in honour of John Hatcher. Turnhout: Brepols 2012. 407–37.
553. MARTINEZ LOPEZ A & MIRAS-ARAUJO J, The city as a business: gas and business in the Spanish region of Galicia, 1850–1936. ContC 27 1 (2012) 125–50.
554. MURPHY N, Between France, England and Burgundy: Amiens under the Lancastrian dual monarchy, 1422–35. FH 26 2 (2012) 143–63.
555. RIELLO G, Boundless competition: subcontracting and the London economy in the late nineteenth century. ES 13 3 (2012) 504–37.
556. RYABCHUK A & ONYSHCHENKO N, From communism to capitalism, from production to consumption: the case of the Bilshovyk plant and shopping center in Kyiv. RHR 114 1 (2012) 29–37.
557. SELGIN GA, Those dishonest goldsmiths. FHR 19 3 (2012) 269–88.
558. TIMBY J, The language of pots: an overview of pottery supply to Silchester and its hinterland. JRA 90 1 (2012) 127–50.
559. VAN BAVEL B, DIJKMAN J, KUIJPERS E & ZUIJDUIJN J, The organisation of markets as a key factor in the rise of Holland from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century: a test case for an institutional approach. ContC 27 3 (2012) 347–78.
560. ALLEN JRL, A Rhenish Pompeiian-style mill from early Roman Silchester (Calleva Atrebatum). Brit 43 1 (2012) 260–8.
561. ALLEN JRL, Iron-smelting at Silchester (Calleva Atrebatum): a re-assessment over time. JRA 90 1 (2012) 77–104.
562. ARNOLD AJ, Dependency, debt and shipbuilding in ‘Palmer's Town’. NH 49 1 (2012) 99–118.
563. ARNOLD AJ, Sheffield to the rescue of the ‘new Liverpool’? The impact of Vickers on shipbuilding activities in Barrow-in-Furness. IJMH 24 1 (2012) 61–88.
564. BET-SHLIMON A, Group identities, oil, and the local political domain in Kirkuk: a historical perspective. JUH 38 5 (2012) 914–31.
565. CAVANAGH N, Excavations at Belmont Row, Birmingham. TBWAS 115 1 (2012) 61–78.
566. DUNCAN M & TYLER R, A nineteenth-century Scotch kiln at Couchman Road, Saltley, Birmingham. TBWAS 115 1 (2012) 79–88.
567. DURHAM A & GOORMACHTIGH M, Rutupiae and Red Hills. AC 132 1 (2012) 327–33.
568. HIGGINS DA, The earliest known clay tobacco pipe mould. PMA 46 2 (2012) 361–66.
569. HORN J, ‘A beautiful madness’: privilege, the machine question and industrial development in Normandy in 1789. P & P 217 1 (2012) 149–85.
570. LUCEY C, The scale of plasterwork production in the metropolitan centres of Britain and Ireland. In CASEY C & LUCEY C eds, Decorative plasterwork in Ireland and Europe: ornament and the early modern interior. Dublin: Four Courts 2012. 194–218.
571. RAY I, Struggling against Dundee: the Bengal jute industry during the nineteenth century. IESHR 49 1 (2012) 105–46.
572. SWINFIN ST, Chemists employed in the Manchester area, 1902–1936. AnS 69 2 (2012) 239–56.
573. THOMAS S & THOMAS D, The Gloverstone clockmakers of Chester. Chester: Inbeat Publications 2012. pp 178.
574. TORRANCE DR & SCOTTISH GENEALOGY SOCIETY, Candlemakers of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Scottish Genealogy Society 2012. pp xii + 64.
575. WARRY P, The Silchester tile industry. JRA 90 1 (2012) 49–76.
576. WILLMOTT HB, MILLER I & JACKSON C, Glass recipes and the output from a ninettenth-century glass works: examples from Percival, Vickers & Co. Ltd, Manchester. IAR 34 1 (2012) 51–64.
External trade
577. BECK RYDEN D, Sugar, spirits, and fodder: the London West India interest and the glut of 1807–15. AtlSt 9 1 (2012) 41–64.
578. BOWLY T, ‘Herring of Sligo and salmon of Bann’: Bristol's maritime trade with Ireland in the fifteenth century. In GORSKI R ed, Roles of the sea in medieval England. Woodbridge: Boydell 2012. 147–66.
579. FRIEL I, How much did the sea matter in medieval England (c. 1200–c. 1500)? In GORSKI R ed, Roles of the sea in medieval England. Woodbridge: Boydell 2012. 167–86.
580. NASH P, The maritime shipping trade of Scarborough, 1550 to 1750. NH 49 2 (2012) 202–22.
581. ROSE S, The value of the cinque ports to the crown 1200–1500. In GORSKI R ed, Roles of the sea in medieval England. Woodbridge: Boydell 2012. 41–58.
582. SINCLAIR P, EKBLOM A & WOOD M, Trade and society on the south-east African coast in the later first millennium AD: the case of Chibuene. A 86 333 (2012) 723–37.
583. TOMLINSON J, De-globalization and its significance: from the particular to the general. CBH 26 2 (2012) 213–30.
584. UNLU T, Commercial development and morphological change in Mersin from the late nineteenth century to the mid-twenties: modernization of a mercantile port of exchange in the Eastern Mediterranean. PlP 27 1 (2012) 81–102.
Food supply
585. DAVIS J, Selling food and drink in the aftermath of the Black Death. In BAILEY M & RIGBY SH eds, Town and countryside in the age of the Black Death: essays in honour of John Hatcher. Turnhout: Brepols 2012. 351–406.
586. FORREST M, Urban food production schemes in Ireland 1917–1923. SHGDL 32 4 (2012) 331–38.
587. HIPKIN S, The coastal metropolitan corn trade in later seventeenth-century England. EcHR 65 1 (2012) 220–55.
588. METCALFE RS, Meat, commerce and the city: the London food market, 1800–1855. London: Pickering & Chatto 2012. pp xi + 248.
589. MURPHY M, Feeding another city – provisioning Dublin in the later Middle Ages. In DAVIES M & GALLOWAY JA eds, London and beyond: essays in honour of Derek Keene. London: Institute of Historical Research 2012. 1–22.
590. THORNTON AC, Urban agriculture in South Africa: a study of the Eastern Cape province. Lewiston NY, Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press 2012. pp 320.
591. ASHMORE S, EDWARDS B & GILBERT D, ‘Mr Bourne's dilemma’. Consumer culture, property speculation and department store demise: the rise and fall of Bourne and Hollingsworth on London's Oxford Street. JHG 38 4 (2012) 434–46.
592. BRACHET CHAMPSAUR F, Madeleine Vionnet and Galeries Lafayette: the unlikely marriage of a Parisian couture house and a French department store, 1922–49. BuH 54 1 (2012) 48–66.
593. MURILLO B, ‘The modern shopping experience’: Kingsway department store and consumer politics in Ghana. Afr 82 3 (2012) 368–92.
594. SMITH K, Sensing design and workmanship: the haptic skills of shoppers in eighteenth-century London. JDH 25 1 (2012) 1–10.
Finance, banking and industry
595. ACCOMINOTTI O, London merchant banks, the central European panic, and the sterling crisis of 1931. JEcH 72 1 (2012) 1–43.
596. BELL S, ‘A masterpiece of knavery’? The activities of the Sword Blade Company in London's early financial markets. BuH 54 4 (2012) 623–38.
597. HILT E & VALENTINE J, Democratic dividends: stockholding, wealth, and politics in New York, 1791–1826. JEcH 72 2 (2012) 332–63.
598. LEE TA, ‘A helpless class of shareholder’: newspapers and the City of Glasgow Bank failure. AccHR 22 2 (2012) 143–59.
599. MALTBY J, ‘To bind the humbler to the more influential and wealthy classes’. Reporting by savings banks in nineteenth-century Britain. AccHR 22 3 (2012) 199–225.
600. MIDDLETON S, Private credit in eighteenth-century New York City: the Mayor's Court papers, 1681–1776. JEAH 2 2 (2012) 150–77.
601. MOLLAN S & MICHIE RC, The City of London as an international commercial and financial center since 1900. ES 13 3 (2012) 538–87.
602. NEVIN S, History repeating: Georgian Ireland's property bubble. HIre 20 1 (2012) 22–4.
603. WALCOT C, Hogarth's ‘The South Sea Scheme’ and the topography of speculative finance. OAJ 35 3 (2012) 413–32.
604. BALNAVE N & PATMORE G, Rochdale consumer co-operatives in Australia: decline and survival. BuH 54 6 (2012) 986–1003.
605. BARAHONA VL & SANCHEZ JN, Dressing the poor: the provision of clothing among the lower classes in eighteenth-century Madrid. TexH 43 1 (2012) 23–42.
606. REYNOLDS NY, A city consumed: urban commerce, the Cairo fire, and the politics of decolonization in Egypt. Stanford: Stanford University Press 2012. pp 376.
607. STABEL P, A taste for the Orient? Cosmopolitan demand for ‘exotic’ durable consumables in late medieval Bruges. In DAVIES M & GALLOWAY JA eds, London and beyond: essays in honour of Derek Keene. London: Institute of Historical Research 2012. 83–98.
608. DEINEMA M & KLOOSTERMAN R, The city and the art of earning: cultural industries in the twentieth-century Netherlands. In LUCASSEN L & WILLEMS W eds, Living in the city: urban institutions in the Low Countries, 1200–2010. New York: Routledge 2012. 168–91.
609. FRANKEMA E & WAIJENBURG M, Structural impediments to African growth? New evidence from real wages in British Africa, 1880–1965. JEcH 72 4 (2012) 895–926.
Standard of living
610. BAKER P & MERRY M, ‘The poore lost a good frend and the parish a good neighbour’: the lives of the poor and their supporters in London's eastern suburb, c. 1583–c. 1679. In DAVIES M & GALLOWAY JA eds, London and beyond: essays in honour of Derek Keene. London: Institute of Historical Research 2012. 149–74.
611. CHEN JY, Guilty of indigence: the urban poor in China, 1900–1953. Princeton: Princeton University Press 2012. pp 320.
612. DWYER RE, Contained dispersal: the deconcentration of poverty in US metropolitan areas in the 1990s. CitC 11 3 (2012) 309–31.
613. FLANDERS Y, Poverty: the world of the worst. HT 62 11 (2012) 72.
614. GARDNER J, A history of the Brighton workhouses. Brighton: James Gardner 2012. pp 460.
615. GAZELEY I & NEWELL A, The end of destitution: evidence from urban British working households 1904–37. OEP 64 1 (2012) 80–102.
616. LEVENE A, The childhood of the poor: welfare in eighteenth-century London. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2012. pp xii + 250.
617. NASIALI M, Ordering the disorderly slum: ‘standardizing’ quality of life in Marseille tenements and bidonvilles. JUH 38 6 (2012) 1021–35.
Working conditions
618. BARRETT D & CALVI N, The sugar girls: tales of hardship, love and happiness in Tate & Lyle's East End. London: Collins 2012. pp xi + 339.
619. BIDDLE R, The health of workers in the Royal Dockyard, Portsmouth. In LEGGETT D & DUNN R eds, Re-inventing the ship: science, technology and the maritime world, 1800–1918. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 93–112.
620. GOODRIDGE J, ‘Hell, Hull, and Halifax’: John Dyer visits the workhouse. L & H 21 2 (2012) 1–15.
621. MINNS C & WALLIS P, Rules and reality: quantifying the practice of apprenticeship in early modern England. EcHR 65 2 (2012) 556–79.
622. MOITRA S, ‘The management committee intend to act as ushers’: cinema operation and the south Wales miners’ institutes in the 1950s and 1960s. In BILTEREYST D ed, Cinema audiences and modernity: new perspectives on European cinema history. London: Routledge 2012. 99–114.
Labour organization
623. BRULEY S, The general strike and miners’ lockout of 1926 in south Wales: oral testimony and public representations. WHR 26 2 (2012) 271–96.
624. CROLL A, A famished coalfield or a healthy strike? Assessing evidence of hunger in the south Wales coal war of 1898. WHR 26 1 (2012) 58–80.
625. DAVIES M, Crown, city and guild in late medieval London. In DAVIES M & GALLOWAY JA eds, London and beyond: essays in honour of Derek Keene. London: Institute of Historical Research 2012. 239–60.
626. GREEN N, From factories to fine art: the origins & evolution of East London's artists’ agglomeration, 1968–98. London: Southern Universities Press 2012. pp vi + 131.
627. MERRETT D & VILLE S, Industry associations and non-competitive behaviour in Australian wool marketing: evidence from the Melbourne Woolbrokers’ Association, 1890–1939. BuH 54 4 (2012) 510–28.
628. OBRIEN M, The Liverpool transport strike of 1911: ‘overcomings’, transformations, and the ‘new mentalities’ of the Liverpool working class. HSIR 33 1 (2012) 39–60.
629. ROGERS NSH, Medieval craft and mystery: discovering the people behind Yorks mystery plays. York: York Archaeological Trust 2012. pp 80.
630. TAPLIN EL, The Liverpool general transport strike, 1911. HSIR 33 1 (2012) 25–38.
631. WALLIS P, Labor, law, and training in early modern London: apprenticeship and the City's Institutions. JBS 51 4 (2012) 791–819.
632. WHELAN E, The guilds of Dublin and immigrants in the seventeenth century: the defence of privilege in an age of change. IESH 39 1 (2012) 26.
VI Communications
Inter-urban communications
633. CLARK R, Manuscript town markings on early Scottish mail. Glasgow: Scottish Postal History Society 2012. 112.
634. JONES JE, The maritime landscape of Roman Britain: water transport on the coasts and rivers of Britannia. Oxford: Archaeopress 2012. pp iv + 213.
635. MOHL RA, The expressway teardown movement in American cities: rethinking postwar highway policy in the post-interstate era. JPH 11 1 (2012) 89–103.
Intra-urban communications
636. ADAMS I & LARSON MJ, ‘Hey Pal! Who won the marathon?’ The Illustrated London News's coverage of sport in 1908, an Olympic year. SpiH 32 2 (2012) 135–56.
637. ARNOLD D, The problem of traffic: the street-life of modernity in late-colonial India. MAsS 46 1 (2012) 119–41.
638. BEVAN R, The Welsh language in Fforestfach (Glamorgan), 1891–1901. Scelt 46 1 (2012) 165–90.
639. BINGHAM A, Reading newspapers: cultural histories of the popular press in modern Britain. HC 10 2 (2012) 140–50.
640. BIRDSALL C, Nazi soundscapes: sound, technology and urban space in Germany, 1933–1945. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press 2012. pp 272, il.
641. BUNFORD C & BUNFORD P, Liverpool ghost signs. Stroud: The History Press Ltd 2012. pp 96.
642. COWAN A, Seeing is believing: urban gossip and the balcony in early modern Venice. In FOXHALL L & NEHER G eds, Gender and the city before modernity. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell 2012. 231–48.
643. FRASCH T, Tracks in the city: technology, mobility and society in colonial Rangoon and Singapore. MAsS 46 1 (2012) 97–118.
644. HOBBS A, Five million poems, or the local press as poetry publisher, 1800–1900. VPR 45 4 (2012) 488–92.
645. LAW MJ, Speed and blood on the bypass: the new automobilities of inter-war London. UH 39 3 (2012) 490–509.
646. LAW MJ, ‘The car indispensable’: the hidden influence of the car in inter-war suburban London. JHG 38 4 (2012) 424–33.
647. LOPEZ GALVIZ C, Converging lines, dissecting circles: railways and the socialist ideal in London and Paris at the turn of the twentieth century. In DAVIES M & GALLOWAY JA eds, London and beyond: essays in honour of Derek Keene. London: Institute of Historical Research 2012. 311–30.
648. MARTIN A, Underground, overground: a passenger's history of the Tube. London: Profile Books 2012. pp xvi + 304.
649. PETERS L, Still Wrexham's longest-running newspaper – the ‘Wrexham Advertiser’. DHS 60 1 (2012) 105–16.
650. PRESTON J, Thomas Wright's Edinburgh almanac, 1733. BOEC 9 1 (2012).
651. SCHMUCKI B, The machine in the city: public appropriation of the tramway in Britain and Germany, 1870–1915. JUH 38 6 (2012) 1060–93.
652. WELLS M, A history of Kingston upon Hull's tramways. Brora: Adam Gordon 2012. pp 364.
653. WOOD JC, Press, politics and the ‘police and public’ debates in late 1920s Britain. CHeS 16 1 (2012) 75–98.
VII Politics and administration
Research methods, aids and materials
654. BAKER JH, The men of court 1440 to 1550: a prosopography of the Inns of Court and Chancery and the Courts of Law (2 vols.). London: Selden Society 2012. pp xlvii + 1809.
655. COHEN G, MATES LH & FLINN A, Capture-recapture methods and party activism in Britain. JIH 43 2 (2012) 247–74.
656. McAREAVEY N, An epistolary account of the Irish rising of 1641 by the wife of the mayor of Waterford [with text]. ELR 42 1 (2012) 90–118.
Urban politics and administration
657. BAER M, The rise and fall of radical Westminster, 1780–1890. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2012. pp xvi + 363.
658. BELLINGRADT D, Organizing public opinion in a resonating box: the Gülich rebellion in early modern Cologne, 1680–1686. UH 39 4 (2012) 553–70.
659. BOUCHER L, Old questions and ‘new biography’: Labour activism, William Murphy and racialisation in 1880s Victoria. AHS 43 1 (2012) 89–106.
660. BRENNAN JW, From ‘honest connie’ to ‘rockpile Rink’: the political rise and fall of Cornelius Rink in 1930s Regina. UHR 40 2 (2012) 29–46.
661. CONNOLLY SJ, Like an old cathedral city: Belfast welcomes Queen Victoria, August 1849. UH 39 4 (2012) 571–89.
662. DELMONT M, The nicest kids in town: American bandstand, rock ‘n’ roll, and the struggle for civil rights in 1950s Philadelphia. Berkeley: University of California Press 2012. pp 312.
663. DENNIS R, Victoria Street in theory and practice: scenes from the governmentality of nineteenth-century London. In DAVIES M & GALLOWAY JA eds, London and beyond: essays in honour of Derek Keene. London: Institute of Historical Research 2012. 279–310.
664. DOYLE BM, A crisis of urban Conservatism? Politics and organisation in Edwardian Norwich. ParlH 31 3 (2012) 296–418.
665. GUR BF, Local performance in the construction of national identity: Plaka district of Athens during the nineteenth century. JUH 38 1 (2012) 39–70.
666. HAMPTON M, British legal culture and colonial governance: the attack on corruption in Hong Kong, 1968–1974. BATW 5 2 (2012) 223–40.
667. HOLT S, The rise and fall of Tam Smith: an Edinburgh politician's brief encounter with the Dundas interest. BOEC 9 1 (9).
668. IRVINE FORTESCUE W, Edinburgh goldsmiths and radical politics, 1793–94: the case of David Downie. BOEC 9 1 (2012).
669. KAHRL A, Sunbelt by the sea: governing race and nature in a twentieth-century coastal metropolis. JUH 38 3 (2012) 488–508.
670. KARN N, Centralism and local government in medieval England: constitutional history and assembly politics, 950–1300. HC 10 10 (2012) 742–51.
671. KIDAMBI P, Nationalism and the city in colonial India: Bombay, c. 1890–1940. JUH 38 5 (2012) 950–67.
672. LATHAM M, From oligarchy to a ‘rate payer's democracy’: the evolution of the Corporation of London, 1680s–1750s. UH 39 2 (2012) 225–45.
673. LIDDY CD, Urban politics and material culture at the end of the Middle Ages: the Coventry tapestry in St Mary's Hall. UH 39 2 (2012) 203–24.
674. LUCKHURST T, ‘It is thrown against me that I have a castle’: a portrait of newspaper coverage of the Central Southwark by-election, February 1940. JStud 13 1 (2012) 107–203.
675. LUMSDEN C, Adam Black: a political dissenter (1784–1874). SCHS 41 1 (2012) 53–69.
676. MAUGER M, ‘A most exquisite dilemma’: conscience, dissent and the limits of civic authority in London's sheriffs case. LJ 37 2 (2012) 89–105.
677. MILLER H, Radicals, Tories or monomaniacs? The Birmingham currency reformers in the House of Commons, 1832–67. ParlH 31 3 (2012) 354–77.
678. MORGAN C, Crisis, patriotism and the growth of fascism: the British Union of Fascists in the Midlands, 1932–1934. SocH 41 1 (2012) 60–76.
679. OMALLEY K, Metropolitan resistance: Indo-Irish connections in the inter-war period. In AHMED R & MUKHERJEE S eds, South Asian resistances in Britain, 1858–1947. London: Continuum 2012. 125–39.
680. PARKINSON JR, Democracy and public space: the physical sites of democratic performance. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012. pp 272.
681. PRAK M, Urban governments and their citizens in early modern Europe. In DAVIES M & GALLOWAY JA eds, London and beyond: essays in honour of Derek Keene. London: Institute of Historical Research 2012. 261–78.
682. PRAK M, The Dutch ‘city republics’: guilds, militias and civic politics. In LUCASSEN L & WILLEMS W eds, Living in the city: urban institutions in the Low Countries, 1200–2010. New York: Routledge 2012. 46–62.
683. RAMAN B, The duplicity of paper: counterfeit, discretion, and bureaucratic authority in early colonial Madras. CSSH 54 2 (2012) 229–50.
684. ROCHE KS, Richard Corish: a biography. Dublin: Original Writing Ltd 2012. pp vii + 120, il.
685. SANDELLS J, Gwenllian Morgan – Wales’ first lady mayor. Ll 11 1 (2012) 15–32.
686. SHINNER PJ, Continuity in the age of reform: freemen and the persistence of the old order in nineteenth-century Grimsby. MidH 37 2 (2012) 163–86.
687. VRANA H, Revolutionary transubstantiation in ‘the republic of students’: death commemoration in urban Guatemala from 1977 to the present. RHR 114 1 (2012) 66–90.
688. WALLACE C, Fighting for Unionist home rule: competing identities in Dublin 1880–1929. JUH 38 5 (2012) 932–49.
Urban politics at national level
689. CONNELL JEA, Countdown to 2016: Liberty Hall ‘the centre of social anarchy in Ireland’. HIre 20 3 (2012) 66–86.
690. JORGENSEN CM, Transurban interconnectivities: an essay on the interpretation of the revolutions of 1848. EurRH 19 2 (2012) 201–27.
691. MECK S & RETZLAFF R, President Jimmy Carter's urban policy: a reconstruction and an appraisal. JPH 11 3 (2012) 242–80.
Aspects of urban administration
692. BARRIE DG, Public men, private interests: the origins, structure and practice of police courts in Scotland, c. 1800–1833. ContC 27 1 (2012) 83–123.
693. BEATTIE JM, The first English detectives: the Bow Street Runners and the policing of London, 1750–1840. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012. pp x + 272.
694. CICCHINI M, A new ‘inquisition’? Police reform, urban transparency and house numbering in eighteenth-century Geneva. UH 39 4 (2012) 614–23.
695. COHEN ES, She said, he said: situated oralities in judicial records from early modern Rome. JEMH 16 4–5 (2012) 403–30.
696. DURSTON G, Burglars and bobbies: crime and policing in Victorian London. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2012. pp vi + 314.
697. EHRENFEUCHT R, Precursors to planning: regulating the streets of Los Angeles, California, c 1880–1920. JPH 11 2 (2012) 107–23.
698. FINLAY J, The community of the college of justice: Edinburgh and the Court of Session, 1687–1808. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2012. pp viii + 295.
699. FRANKOT E, Of laws of ships and shipmen: medieval maritime law and its practice in urban northern Europe. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2012. pp 240.
700. FURNEE JH, The Hague, city of wealth: urban governance and culture in the nineteenth century. In LUCASSEN L & WILLEMS W eds, Living in the city: urban institutions in the Low Countries, 1200–2010. New York: Routledge 2012. 129–48.
701. GORSKY M, Creating the poor law legacy: institutional care for older people before the welfare state. CBH 26 4 (2012) 441–65.
702. GOSSEYE J, Leisure politics: the construction of social infrastructure and Flemish cultural identity in Belgium, 1950s to 1970s. JUH 38 2 (2012) 271–93.
703. HAMPTON M, Projecting Britishness to Hong Kong: the British Council and Hong Kong House, nineteen-fifties to nineteen-seventies. HR 85 230 (2012) 691–709.
704. HARRIS R & LEWIS R, Numbers didnt count: the streets of colonial Bombay and Calcutta. UH 39 4 (2012) 639–58.
705. HASLAM J, Urban–rural connections in Domesday Book and late Anglo-Saxon royal administration. Oxford: Archaeopress 2012. pp 144.
706. HOROWITZ MR, ‘Contrary to the liberties of this city’: Henry VII, English towns and the economics of law and order. HR 85 227 (2012) 32–56.
707. JACKSON I, The raj on Nanjing Road: Sikh policemen in treaty-port Shanghai. MAsS 46 6 (2012) 1672–1704.
708. JONES E, Nothing too good for the people: local Labour and London's interwar health centre movement. SHMed 25 1 (2012) 84–102.
709. LIGHT JS, Building virtual cities, 1895–1945. JUH 38 2 (2012) 336–71.
710. MILLIOT V, Urban police and the regulation of migration in eighteenth-century France. In DE MUNCK B & WINTER A eds, Gated communities? Regulating migration in early modern cities. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. 135–55.
711. MURPHY N, Henry VIII's French crown: his royal entry into Tournai revisited. HR 85 230 (2012) 617–31.
712. RAMSEY G, The queen and the city: royal female intervention and patronage in Hellenistic civic communities. In FOXHALL L & NEHER G eds, Gender and the city before modernity. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell 2012. 20–37.
713. ROSE-REDWOOD R & TANTNER A, Governmentality, house numbering and the spatial history of the modern city. UH 39 4 (2012) 607–13.
714. SOLL D, City, region, and in between: New York City's water supply and the insights of regional history. JUH 38 2 (2012) 294–318.
715. STEBBINGS C, Public health imperatives and taxation policy: the window tax as an early paradigm in English law. In TILEY J ed, Studies in the history of tax law, vol. V. Oxford: Hart 2012. 43–72.
716. STEVENS MF, Londoners and the court of common pleas in the fifteenth century. In DAVIES M & GALLOWAY JA eds, London and beyond: essays in honour of Derek Keene. London: Institute of Historical Research 2012. 217–38.
717. TALBOT MJ, Birmingham city police (1939–1945). Amazon Media EU 2012. pp 183.
718. TYSON B, A dynasty of sextons and town-criers at Kendal in the seventeenth century. CWAAS 12 1 (2012) 249–54.
719. VUOLTEENAHO J, Numbering the streetscape: mapping the spatial history of numerical street names in Europe. UH 39 4 (2012) 659–79.
720. WONG KC, Policing in Hong Kong. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. pp xx + 357.
VIII Shaping the urban environment
Town planning (and environmental control)
721. ABBOTT C, ‘Our cities’ and ‘The city’: incompatible classics?. PlP 27 1 (2012) 103–19.
722. AGUIRRE BE, Better disaster statistics: the Lisbon earthquake. JIH 43 1 (2012) 27–42.
723. ATKINS P ed, Animal cities: beastly urban histories. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. pp 300.
724. AYATAC H, The international diffusion of planning ideas: influence on Istanbul's urban fabric: influence on Istanbul's urban fabric. Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing 2012. pp 52.
725. BALBO M ed, The Medina: the restoration and conservation of historic Islamic cities. London: IB Tauris 2012. pp 272.
726. BOHANNON R, Public religion and the urban environment: constructing a river town. London: Continuum 2012. pp 208.
727. BRUMANN C, Tradition, democracy and the townscape of Kyoto: claiming a right to the past. London: Routledge 2012. pp 440.
728. CASSIDY L, District six / Salford 7: using material remnants to commemorate and activate memories of two destroyed districts. In JACKSON W ed, Crisis, rupture and anxiety: an interdisciplinary examination of contemporary and historical human challenges. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2012. 39–55.
729. CASTONGUAY S & EVENDEN M eds, Urban rivers: remaking rivers, cities and space in Europe and North America. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press 2012. pp 256.
730. CHANG SE, GREGORIAN M, PATHMAN K, YUMAGULOVA L & TSE W, Urban growth and long-term changes in natural hazard risk. EP 44 4 (2012) 989–1008.
731. CLAPSON M, Anglo-American crossroads: urban planning and research in Britain, 1940–2010. London: Bloomsbury Academic 2012. pp 208.
732. CROMPTON A, Manchester black and blue. JRULM 89 1 (2012) 277–91.
733. DOMHARDT KS, The garden city idea in the CIAM discourse on urbanism: a path to comprehensive planning. PlP 27 2 (2012) 173–97.
734. FLEMING S, Cycle space: architectural and urban design in the age of the bicycle. Rotterdam: NAI Publishers 2012. pp 160.
735. FLINN L, Social and spatial politics in the construction of Regent Street. JSocH 46 2 (2012) 364–90.
736. FRIOUX S, At a green crossroads: recent theses in urban environmental history in Europe and North America. UH 39 3 (2012) 529–39.
737. FULFORD MG, Urban essentials: perspectives on change in a residential insula at Silchester (early 2nd to 5th c. A.D.). JRA 90 1 (2012) 257–72.
738. GALLOWAY JA, Tempests of weather and great abundance of water: the flooding of the Barking marshes in the later Middle Ages. In DAVIES M & GALLOWAY JA eds, London and beyond: essays in honour of Derek Keene. London: Institute of Historical Research 2012. 65–82.
739. GRANT JL, HANEY J & VISSERS L, Early town planning legislation in Nova Scotia: the roles of local reformers and international experts. UHR 40 2 (2012) 3–14.
740. GROVES JM & CHOY T, Ecologies of comparison: an ethnography of endangerment in Hong Kong. AnQ 85 1 (2012) 273–7.
741. HERNANDEZ FKELLETT P & ALLEN LK eds, Rethinking the informal city: critical perspectives from Latin America. Oxford: Berghahn Books 2012. pp 264.
742. HEWITT LE, Associational culture and the shaping of urban space: civic societies in Britain before 1960. UH 39 4 (2012) 590–606.
743. HEWITT LE, The civic survey of Greater London: social mapping, planners and urban space in the early twentieth century. JHG 38 3 (2012) 247–62.
744. HINMAN M, SHEPHERD POPESCU E, ASHLEY S, OXFORD ARCHAEOLOGY EAST & ALGAO EAST, Extraordinary inundations of the sea: excavations at Market Mews, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire. Bar Hill: Oxford Archaeology East 2012. pp x +108.
745. HIRT S & ZAHM D eds, The urban wisdom of Jane Jacobs, Planning, History and Environment Series. London: Routledge 2012. pp 288.
746. HOU S, ‘Garden and forest’: a forgotten magazine and the urban roots of American environmentalism. EnH 17 4 (2012) 813–42.
747. HU R, To grow or control, that is the question: San Francisco's planning transformation in the 1980s and 1990s. JPH 11 2 (2012) 141–60.
748. JONES P, Re-thinking corruption in post-1950 urban Britain: the Poulson affair, 1972–1976. UH 39 3 (2012) 510–28.
749. KIPLING R & SCORE V, Archaeological excavation of the Dirty Brook, Upper Dean Street, Birmingham. TBWAS 115 1 (2012) 53–59.
750. LARSEN L, Re-placing imperial landscapes: colonial monuments and the transition to independence in Kenya. JHG 38 1 (2012) 45–56.
751. LEWIS RW, From the ‘phoenix of legends’ to the ‘ultimate monument’ of the times: stadia, spectators, and urban development in postwar Paris. JUH 38 2 (2012) 319–35.
752. LINEHAN CJ, History of Ironville, Ohio: urban planning goes wrong. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 2012. pp 166.
753. LOPEZ R, Building American public health: urban planning, architecture, and the quest for better health in the United States. New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2012. pp 272.
754. MAH A, Demolition for development: a critical analysis of official urban imaginaries in past and present UK cities. JHS 25 1 (2012) 151–76.
755. MULLER EK, Urban blueways: John Ormsbee Simonds and riverfront planning. JPH 11 4 (2012) 308–29.
756. MURUNGA GR, The cosmopolitan tradition and fissures in segregationist town planning in Nairobi, 1915–23. JEAS 6 3 (2012) 463–86.
757. O'CALLAGHAN A, Where bridges stand: the River Lee bridges of Cork City. Dublin: History Press Ireland 2012. pp 159.
758. O'GORMAN E, Local knowledge and the state: the 1990 floods in Cunnamulla, Queensland, Australia. EnH 17 3 (2012) 512–46.
759. PEARSON R, The impact of fire and fire insurance on eighteenth-century English town buildings and populations. In SHAMMAS C ed, Investing in the early modern built environment: Europeans, Asians, settlers and indigenous societies. Leiden: Brill 2012. 67–94.
760. PLATT HL, Planning modernism: growing the organic city in the twentieth century. In BRANTZ D & DISKO S eds, Thick space: approaches to metropolitanism. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag 2012. 165–212.
761. POLLOCK-ELLWAND N, Gordon Culham: living a ‘useful life’ through the professionalization of Canadian town planning and landscape architecture. PlP 27 4 (2012) 587–609.
762. PYNE SJBANKOFF G, LUBKEN U & SAND J eds, Flammable cities: urban conflagration and the making of the modern world. Madison: University of Wisconsin 2012. pp 368.
763. REGO RL, Importing planning ideas, mirroring progress: the hinterland and the metropolis in mid-twentieth-century Brazil. PlP 27 4 (2012) 625–34.
764. RHIND N, The Paragon & South Row: a triumph in late eighteenth-century unintentional town planning. London: The Blackheath Society 2012. pp 348.
765. RIFKIND D, ‘Everything in the state, nothing against the state’, nothing outside the state: corporativist urbanism and Rationalist architecture in fascist Italy. PlP 27 1 (2012) 51–80.
766. SCHMUCKI B, Against the ‘eviction of the pedestrian’: the Pedestrians’ Association and walking practices in urban Britain after World War II. RHR 114 1 (2012) 113–38.
767. SHAPELY P, Civic pride and redevelopment in the post-war British city. UH 39 2 (2012) 310–28.
768. SHEAIL J, British inter-war planning: the recollections of a government official. PlP 27 2 (2012) 285–96.
769. SHENTON C, The day parliament burned down. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012. pp xii + 333.
770. SLIWA M & RIACH K, Making scents of transition: smellscapes and the everyday in ‘old’ and ‘new’ urban Poland. US 49 1 (2012) 23–41.
771. SLOANE D ed, Planning Los Angeles. Los Angeles: APA Planners Press 2012. pp 224.
772. SPIEGEL NS, Constructing the city of Tel Aviv: urban space, physical culture and the natural and built environment. RethH 16 4 (2012) 497–516.
773. STAMP G, New Delhi: a new imperial capital for British India. CtH 17 2 (2012) 189–207.
774. STEIN RJB, The Silchester pump. JRA 90 1 (2012) 151–64.
775. SYLVAIN D & BERTRAND S, Les milieux fluviaux et humides en vile, du dent a la reconnaissance de paysages urbains historiques. UHR 41 1 (2012) online.
776. TOCHTERMAN B, Theorizing neoliberal urban development: a genealogy from Richard Florida to Jane Jacobs. RHR 112 1 (2012) 65–87.
777. VEAL R, Examining continuity in landscape exploitation: late Roman fuel consumption in Silchester's Insula IX. JRA 90 1 (2012) 227–45.
778. WARD SV, Soviet communism and the British planning movement: rational learning or utopian imagining?. PlP 27 4 (2012) 499–524.
779. WARNER SB & WHITTEMORE AH, American urban form: a representative history. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press 2012. pp 176.
780. WHITTEMORE A, Zoning Los Angeles: a brief history of four regimes. PlP 27 3 (2012) 393–415.
781. WHYTE W, The 1910 Royal Institute of British Architects’ Conference: a focus for international town planning?. UH 39 1 (2012) 149–65.
782. WOLFFRAM DJ, The modern city: migration, social control and planning, 1850–present. In LUCASSEN L & WILLEMS W eds, Living in the city: urban institutions in the Low Countries, 1200–2010. New York: Routledge 2012. 147–67.
783. XUE CQL, ZOU H, LI B & HUI KC, The shaping of early Hong Kong: transplantation and adaptation by the British professionals, 1841–1941. PlP 27 4 (2012) 549–68.
Utopian planning and experiments
784. ALSTON R, Class cities: classics, utopianism and urban planning in early twentieth-century Britain. JHG 38 3 (2012) 263–72.
785. CRASKE M, Matthew Cotes Wyatt's monument to George III and the Tory vision of metropolitan improvement, 1766–1835. JHG 38 4 (2012) 387–400.
786. GALLANTER E, Ciudad Jardín Lomas del Palomar: deriving ecocity design lessons from a garden city. PlP 27 2 (2012) 297–307.
787. HART E, The ambition for an all brick city: elites, builders and the growth of eighteenth-century Charleston, South Carolina. In SHAMMAS C ed, Investing in the early modern built environment: Europeans, Asians, settlers and indigenous societies. Leiden: Brill 2012. 237–64.
788. HOLLOW M, Utopian urges: visions for reconstruction in Britain, 1940–1950. PlP 27 4 (2012) 569–85.
789. JOHNSON DL, Observations on J C Loudon's ‘beau ideal’ town of 1829. JPH 11 3 (2012) 191–209.
790. KALLIPOLITI L, From shit to food: Graham Caine's eco-house in south London, 1972–1975. B & L 19 1 (2012) 87–106.
791. SALEWSKI C, Dutch new worlds: scenarios in physical planning and design in the Netherlands, 1970–2000. nai010: Rotterdam 2012. pp 352.
Housing improvement
792. FAYE B & LE FUR E, Square, plaza, piazza, place: what do we know about these targets of urban regeneration programmes?. US 49 14 (2012) 3081–99.
Urban renewal
793. BANDARIN F & VAN OERS R, The historic urban landscape: managing heritage in an urban century. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 2012. pp 262.
794. DEMIDOWICZ G, From Queen Street to Little Park, Coventry: the failure of the medieval suburb in Cheylesmore Park and its transformation into the Little Park. MidH 37 1 (2012) 106–15.
795. DIAZ M & BLOOMBERG M, Miami transformed (the city in the twenty-first century). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 2012. pp 241.
796. DIDIER S, PEYROUX E & MORANGE M, The spreading of the city improvement district model in Johannesburg and Cape Town: urban regeneration and the neoliberal agenda in South Africa. IJURR 36 5 (2012) 915–35.
797. DROUIN M, De la demolition des taudis a la sauvegarde du patrimoine bati (Montreal, 1954–1973). UHR 41 1 (2012) online.
798. FLINN C, The city of our dreams? The political and economic realities of rebuilding Britain's blitzed cities, 1945–54. TCBH 23 2 (2012) 221–45.
799. FLORIDA R, ARMSTRONG PJ & KAPP PH, SynergiCity: reinventing the postindustrial city. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press 2012. pp 360.
800. FOSTER M, From courtesy to urbanity in late medieval England. Pare 29 1 (2012) 27–46.
801. GOLD JR, A SPUR to action?: The Society for the Promotion of Urban Renewal, anti-scatter and the crisis of city reconstruction, 1957–1963. PlP 27 2 (2012) 199–223.
802. HOUBART C, Raymond Lemaire et les debuts de la renovation urbaine a Bruxelles. UHR 41 1 (2012) online.
803. HU R, Shaping a global Sydney: the city of Sydney's planning transformation in the 1980s and 1990s. PlP 27 3 (2012) 347–68.
804. LICCIARDI G & AMIRTAHMASEBI R eds, The economics of uniqueness: investing in historic city cores and cultural heritage assets for sustainable development. Washington: World Bank Publications 2012. pp 340.
805. McLACHLAN E, Herbert has lots for a buck: how 12 small prairie towns reinvented themselves for the twenty-first century. Edmonton: NeWest Press 2012. pp 176.
806. MACLEOD G & JOHNSTONE C, Stretching urban renaissance: privatizing space, civilizing place, summoning community. IJURR 36 1 (2012) 1–28.
807. ROBERTS DA & EKLUND E, Australian convict sites and heritage adaptation: the case of Newcastles Coal River heritage precinct. AHS 43 3 (2012) 363–80.
808. SLAE B, KARK R & SHOVAL N, Post-war reconstruction and conservation of the historic Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem, 1967–1975. PlP 27 3 (2012) 369–92.
809. SYKORA L & BOUZAROVSKI S, Multiple transformations: conceptualising the post-communist urban transition. US 49 1 (2012) 43–60.
810. TSUBAKI T, ‘Model for a short-lived future’? Early tribulations of the Barbican redevelopment in the City of London, 1940–1982. PlP 27 4 (2012) 525–48.
811. WILDMAN C, Urban transformation in Liverpool and Manchester, 1918–1939. HJ 55 1 (2012) 119–43.
IX Urban culture
Research methods, aids and materials
812. 813 WYNNE C, Bram Stoker and the stage: reviews, reminiscences, essays and fiction (2 vols.).London: Pickering & Chatto 2012.
Urban culture and entertainment
813. BARRELL J, Edward Pugh in modern London. LJ 37 3 (2012) 174–95.
814. BELL K, The magical imagination: magic and modernity in urban England, 1780–1914. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012. pp vii + 300.
815. BELL K, The legend of spring-heeled Jack: Victorian urban folklore and popular cultures. Woodbridge: Boydell Press 2012. pp 272.
816. BONEHILL J & DANIELS S, Projecting London: Turner and Greenwich. OAJ 35 2 (2012) 171–94.
817. BUCHANAN L, Angels in the (theatrical) house: pregnancy, rhetorical access, and the London stage. Rhet 30 3 (2012) 277–305.
818. CHASE-LEVENSON A, Annihilating time and space: eclecticism and virtual tourism at the Sydenham crystal palace. NCC 34 5 (2012) 461–75.
819. CLARKE J, The struggle for spectacle on the Paris stage, 1669–1680. SC 27 2 (2012) 212–24.
820. COLDSTREAM N, ‘Pavilion'd in splendour’: Henry V's Agincourt pageants. JBAA 165 1 (2012) 153–71.
821. CONEKIN BE, Fashioning Mod Twiggy and the moped in ‘swinging’ London. H & T 28 2 (2012) 209–15.
822. COTTINGTON D, The formation of the avant-garde in Paris and London, c. 1880–1915. ArtH 35 3 (2012) 596–621.
823. CRONE R, Violent Victorians: popular entertainment in nineteenth-century London. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2012. pp xv + 304.
824. DART G, Metropolitan art and literature, 1810–1840: Cockney adventures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012. pp xi + 297.
825. FLEMING SDI, The eighteenth-century musicians of Carlisle cathedral. CWAAS 3 12 (2012) 183–97.
826. GARCIA JA, Re-remembering the royal theater: public history, place, and urban history. Cambridge: Proquest 2012. pp 76.
827. GUICHARD C, Taste communities: the rise of the amateur in eighteenth-century Paris. ECS 45 4 (2012) 519–47.
828. HARRIS A, Art and gentrification: pursuing the urban pastoral in Hoxton, London. IBG 37 2 (2012) 226–41.
829. HULME C, John Cassidy, Manchester sculptor, and his patrons: their contribution to Manchester life and landscape. JRULM 89 1 (2012) 207–45.
830. HUNTER D, Rode the 12,000? Counting coaches, people and errors en route to the rehearsal of Handel's Music for the Royal Fireworks at Spring Gardens, Vauxhall in 1749. LJ 37 1 (2012) 13–26.
831. JACKSON R, Shakespeare in London. In MARSHALL G ed, Shakespeare in the nineteenth century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012. 148–68.
832. LIGENSA A, Urban legend: early cinema, modernization and urbanization in Germany, 1895–1914. In BILTEREYST D, MALTBY R & MEERS P eds, Cinema audiences and modernity: new perspectives on European cinema history. London: Routledge 2012. 117–29.
833. McDIARMID L, Stalking Yeats: the celebrity system of revivalist Dublin. In CLIFF B & GRENE N eds, Synge and Edwardian Ireland. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012. 34–44.
834. MARCHIORI ML, Rogatrix atque donatrix: the silver cover of the Berta Evangeliary (Vatican, S. Maria in Via Lata, MS. I 45) and the patronage of art by women in early medieval Rome. EME 20 2 (2012) 111–38.
835. MELMAN B, ‘That which we learn with the eye’: popular histories, modernity, and nationalism in nineteenth-century London and Paris. In BERGER S, LORENZ C & MELMAN B eds, Popularizing national pasts: 1800 to the present. London: Routledge 2012. 75–101.
836. NEUBURGER M, Kebabche, caviar or hot dogs? Consuming the Cold War at the Plovdiv fair 1947–72. JCH 47 1 (2012) 48–68.
837. RODMELL P ed, Music and institutions in nineteenth-century Britain. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. pp 297.
838. ROTHSTEIN B, Beer and loafing in Antwerp. ArtH 35 5 (2012) 886–907.
839. SALKELD D, Shakespeare among the courtesans: prostitution, literature, and drama, 1500–1650. Farnham: Ashgate 2012. pp xiv + 206.
840. VORACHEK L, Playing Italian: cross-cultural dress and investigative journalism at the fin de siècle. VPR 45 4 (2012) 406–35.
841. WALKOWITZ JR, Nights out: life in cosmopolitan London. New Haven: Yale University Press 2012. pp xiv + 414, il.
Forms of entertainment
842. ARRIGHI G, The circus and modernity: a commitment to ‘the newer’ and ‘the newest’. EPVC 10 2 (2012) 169–85.
843. ATTWOOD T, KELLY A & ANDREWS M, Woolwich Arsenal FC, 1893–1915: the club that changed football. Corby: Hamilton House 2012. pp ix + 234.
844. BARBER S, Cinema-going at the Southampton Odeon: exhibition data and popular taste. In HARPER S, SMITH J & ALLEN D eds, British film culture in the 1970s: the boundaries of pleasure. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2012. 275–81.
845. BOLZ D, Creating places for sport in interwar Europe. A comparison of the provision of sports venues in Italy, Germany and England. IJHS 29 14 (2012) 1998–2012.
846. FRANK S, Claiming Hollywood: boosters, the film industry, and metropolitan Los Angeles. JUH 38 1 (2012) 71–88.
847. FRAZIER A, Synge and Edwardian theatre. In CLIFF B & GRENE N eds, Synge and Edwardian Ireland. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012. 45–57.
848. GLASS E, ‘Hitler loves Musso’, and other civilian wartime sentiments: the archaeology of Second World War air-raid shelters and their graffiti. In SAUNDERS NJ ed, Beyond the dead horizon: studies in modern conflict archaeology. Oxford: Oxbow Books 2012. 130–45.
849. GLAZEBROOK C & NORTHAMPTON HERITAGE HUNTERS, Bioscopes and hippographs: cinemas in Northampton. Northampton: Northampton Heritage Hunters 2012. pp 96.
850. GOLD JR & GOLD MM, The making of Olympic cities. London: Routledge 2012. pp 1792.
851. GRANTLEY D, Thomas Dekker and the emergence of city comedy. In HOENSELAARS T ed, The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare and contemporary dramatists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012. 83–96.
852. HARRIS J, ‘A venture of love and youth and spring’: Countess Barcynska's rogues & vagabonds repertory players, 1935–36. Cer 16 4 (2012) 133–70.
853. HORNSEY B, Wakefield entertained: a history. Stamford: Fuschiaprint 2012. pp 16.
854. JENKINS GH, Proud to be a swan: the history of Swansea City AFC, 1912–2012. Talybont: Y Lolfa 2012. pp xiv + 219, il.
855. JOHNSTON M, New evidence for the social reach of ‘popular romance’: the books of household servants. V 43 2 (2012) 303–31.
856. JONES RW, The cutting of Sir Harry Granger: scandal and politics in the Drury Lane production of Elizabeth Griffith's ‘The Time’. HLQ 75 3 (2012) 393–410.
857. LATHAM S, History of the Swindon Wildcats, 1986–2012. Swindon: S & T Sales and Marketing Ltd 2012. pp 245.
858. LOWE-LAURI R, Taking the bull by the horns. HT 62 10 (2012) 6–7.
859. LYNA D, Name hunting, visual characteristics, and ‘new old masters’: tracking the taste for paintings at eighteenth-century auctions. ECS 46 1 (2012) 57–84.
860. MCEVILLA JJ, The original Salisbury court players of Richard Brome's ‘The Antipodes’. NQ 59 2 (2012) 168–71.
861. McMILLAN S, Cooke's: Britain's greatest circus dynasty. Glasgow: Smiddy Press 2012. pp 279.
862. MARSHALL G, Shakespeare in the nineteenth century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012. pp xv + 464.
863. PLAGEMAN N, Highlife Saturday night: popular music and social change in urban Ghana. Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2012. pp 336.
864. RITCHIE L, The spouter's revenge: apprentice actors and the imitation of London's theatrical celebrities. EC 53 1 (2012) 41–71.
865. SAGAR P, Dorchesters cinema history. Stamford: Fuschiaprint 2012. pp 12.
866. STREET S, Cinema, colour and the Festival of Britain, 1951. VCB 13 1 (2012) 83–99.
867. TOMLINSON D, ‘The young ladies are with great care taught’: the Wood family, dancing masters and schoolmistresses, 1716–1812. SuffIAH 42 4 (2012) 471–89.
868. WHITE H, Synge, music and Edwardian Dublin. In CLIFF B & GRENE N eds, Synge and Edwardian Ireland. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012. 84–101.
869. WIGGINS M, Drama and the transfer of power in Renaissance England. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012. pp 151.
870. WILSON CA, Fashioning the silver fork novel. London: Pickering & Chatto 2012. pp vii + 209.
Exchange of information
871. BELLINGRADT D, The early modern city as a resonating box: media, public opinion, and the urban space of the Holy Roman Empire, Cologne, and Hamburg ca. 1700. JEMH 16 3 (2012) 201–40.
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X Attitudes towards cities
Attitudes towards cities
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Views of the city in literature, graphic and dramatic art
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