Biller, Peter and Sackville, L. J. (eds), Inquisition and knowledge, 1200–1700. (Heresy and Inquisition in the Middle Ages, 10.) Pp. xii + 347 incl. 25 ills. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press/York Medieval Press, 2022. £70. 978 1 914049 03 3
Gustafson, David M., Gospel witness through the ages. A history of evangelism. Pp. x + 461 incl. 19 ills. Grand Rapids, Mi: William B. Eerdmans, 2022. £32.99 (paper). 978 0 8028 7728 4
Louth, Andrew (ed.), The Oxford dictionary of the Christian Church. 4th edn. (Previously published by Oxford University Press, 1957, 1974, 1997 [3rd version revised 2005]). 2 vols. I: A–J; II: K–Z. Pp. lx + 1058, xviii + 1059–2143. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2022. £195. 978 0 19 886789; 978 0 19 886790 6
Martin, John Jeffries, A beautiful ending. The apocalyptic imagination and the making of the modern world. Pp. viii + 323 incl. 28 ills. London–New Haven, Ct: Yale University Press, 2022. $35. 978 0 300 24732 9
Ancient world
Durst, Michael (ed.) (trans. Rocher, André), Lettre sur les synods. Hilaire de Poitiers. (Sources Chrétiennes, 621.) Pp. 493. Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2021. €45 (paper). 978 2 204 14536 7; 0750 1978
Guérard, Marie-Gabrielle, Nil d'Ancyre. Commentaire sur le Cantique des cantiques, Tome II. (Sources Chrétiennes, 623.) Pp. 248. Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2022. €22 (paper). 978 2 204 14538 1; 0750 1978
Knecht, Johannes Jacobus, Verus filius dei incarnates. The Christologies of Paulinus II of Aquileia, Benedict of Aniane, and Agobard of Lyon in the context of the Felician controversy. (Archa Verbi, Subsidia, 20.) Pp. xiv + 199. Münster: Aschendorff, 2022. €36. 978 3 402 10325 8
Laing, Kenneth, Irenaeus, the Scriptures, and the apostolic writings. Re-evaluating the status of the New Testament writings at the end of the second century. (Library of New Testament Studies, 659.) Pp. x + 213 incl. 1 fig. London–New York: T&T Clark, 2022. £85. 978 0 5677 0193 0
Martin, Annick and Morales, Xavier (eds), Tome aux Antiochiens. Lettres à Rufinien, à Jovien et aux Africains. Athanase D'Alexandrie. (Sources Chrétiennes, 622.) Pp. 301 incl. 3 tables. Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2021. €27 (paper). 978 2 204 14537 4; 0750 1978
Nicklas, Tobias, Spittler, Janet E. and Bremmer, Jan N. (eds), The Apostles Peter, Paul, John, Thomas and Philip with their companions in late antiquity. (Studies in Early Christian Apocrypha, 17.) Pp. xiv + 340 incl. 7 colour and black-and-white ills and 2 tables. Leuven: Peeters, 2021. €74 (paper). 978 90 429 4553 1
Scheck, Thomas P. (intro. and trans.), Pelagius. Commentaries on the thirteen Epistles of Paul with the Libellus fidei. (Ancient Christian Writers, 76.) Pp. viii + 451. New York–Mahwah, NJ: Newman Press, 2022. $49.95. 978 0 8091 0659 2
Verheyden, Joseph, Roskam, Geert and Van Riel, Gerd, From protology to eschatology. (Studies and Texts in Antiquity and Christianity, 130.) Pp. viii + 263. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2022. €79 (paper). 978 3 16 161009 7
Medieval Europe and Byzantium
d'Avray, D. L., Papal jurisprudence, 385–1234. Social origins and medieval reception of canon law. Pp. xii + 320. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press, 2022. £75. 978 1 108 47300 2
De Córdova, Álvaro Fernández, El Roble y la Corona. El ascenso de Julio II y la monarquía hispánica (1471–1504). (Colección Historia.) Pp. 651 incl. 8 figs. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2021. €38 (paper). 978 84 338 6938 8
Forrest, Ian and Whittick, Christopher (eds), The visitation of Hereford diocese in 1397. Pp. xliv + 271. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press/Canterbury and York Society, 2021. £35. 978 0 907239 84 0
Murchison, Krista A., Manuals for penitents in medieval England. From Ancrene Wisse to the Parson's Tale. Pp. xiv + 175. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2021. £60. 978 1 84384 608 6
Orme, Nicholas, Going to church in medieval England. Pp. xii + 483 incl. 59 colour and black-and-white ills. New Haven–London: Yale University Press, 2021. £20. 978 0 300 25650 5
Punzi, Antonio and Retucci, Fiorella (eds), Thomae Eboracensis Sapientiale, Liber III, cap. 1–20. (Unione Accademica Nazionale. Corpus Philosophorum Medii Aevi Testi e Studi xxv.) Pp. xxxviii + 318. Florence: Sismel, Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2020. €56 (paper). 978 88 8450 836 2
Somerville, Robert and Brasington, Bruce C. (eds), Prefaces to canon law books in Latin Christianity. Selected translations, 500–1317. Second edition. (Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Canon Law, 18.) Pp. xvi + 227. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2020 (first publ. 1998). $39.95 (paper). 978 0 8132 3341 3
Strouse, A. W., Form and foreskin. Medieval narratives of circumcision. Pp. x + 165. New York: Fordham University Press, 2021. $25 (paper). 978 0 8232 9475 6
Ward, Graeme, History, Scripture and authority in the Carolingian Empire. Frechulf of Lisieux. Pp. xvi + 255. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press (for The British Academy), 2022. £70. 978 0 19 726728 8
Winroth, Anders and Wei, John C. (eds), The Cambridge history of medieval canon law. Pp. xx + 617 incl. 12 figs, 2 maps and 1 table. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press, 2022. £140. 978 1 107 02504 2
Reformation and Counter-Reformation Europe
Al Kalak, Matteo, The heresy of the brothers. A heterodox community in sixteenth-century Italy. (Europa Sacra, 28.) Pp. 224 incl. 20 colour and black-and-white ills, 1 map and 3 tables. Turnhout: Brepols, 2022. €75. 978 2 503 59329 6
Beck, Andreas J., Gisbertus Voetius (1589–1676) on God, freedom, and contingency. An early modern reformed voice. (Church History and Religious Culture, 84.) Pp. xvi + 616. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2022. €189. 978 90 04 50438 7; 1572 4107
Begadon, Cormac and Kelly, James E., British and Irish religious orders in Europe, 1560–1800. Conventuals, mendicants and monastics in motion. (Catholicisms, c. 1450–c. 1800.) Pp. xii + 276 incl. 4 figs and 2 tables. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2022 (A Durham University IMEMS Press publication). £70. 978 1 914967 00 9
Chung-Kim, Esther, Economics of faith. Reforming poor relief in early modern Europe. (Studies in Historical Theology.) Pp. xiv + 255 incl. 19 ills. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. £64. 978 0 19 753773 2
Del Prete, Antonella, Schino, Anna Lisa and Totaro, Pina (eds), The philosophers and the Bible. The debate on sacred Scripture in early modern thought. (Studies in Intellectual History, 333.) Pp. xiv + 303 incl. 4 colour and black-and-white ills. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2022. €124. 978 90 04 41863 9; 0920 8607
García-Arenal, Mercedes and Sànchez-Blanco, Rafael Benítez (trans. López-Morillas, Consuelo), The inquisition trial of Jerónimo de Rojas, A Morisco of Toledo (1601–1603). (Heterodoxia Iberica, 5.) Pp. xii + 443 incl. 19 colour and black-and-white figs. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2022. €163. 978 90 04 50159 1; 2213 0594
Jackson, Christine, Courtier, scholar, and man of the sword. Lord Herbert of Cherbury and his world. Pp. xviii + 381 incl. 23 ills and 2 tables. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. £75. 978 0 19 284722 5
Kesselring, K. J. and Stretton, Tim, Marriage, separation, and divorce in England, 1500–1700. Pp. xiv + 195. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2022. £75. 978 0 19 284995 3
Macfarlane, Kirsten, Biblical scholarship in an age of controversy. The polemical world of Hugh Broughton (1549–1612). Pp. xii + 266 incl. 5 figs. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. £70. 978 0 19 289882 1
McGinn, Bernard, The crisis of mysticism. Quietism in seventeeth-century Spain, Italy, and France. (The Presence of God. A History of Western Christian Mysticism, 7.) Pp. xx + 378. New York: Crossroads Publishing Company, 2021. $74.95. 978 0 8245 0467 0
McKim, Donald K. and West, Jim (eds) (foreword Emidio Campi), Heinrich Bullinger. An introduction to his life and theology. (Companions). Pp. xxviii + 162. Eugene, Or: Cascade Books, 2022. £18 (paper). 978 1 6667 3257 3
Maddicott, John, Between scholarship and church politics. The lives of John Prideaux, 1578–1650. Pp. xxii + 430 incl. frontispiece and 7 ills. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2022. £75. 978 0 19 289610 0
Mazzonis, Querciolo, Reforms of Christian life in sixteenth-century Italy. Pp. viii + 272. London–New York: Routledge, 2022. £34.99 (paper). 978 0 367 76347 3
Mortimer, Sarah, Reformation, resistance, and reason of state (1517–1625). (History of Political Thought.) Pp. x + 301 incl. 4 maps. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. £35. 978 0 19 967488 6
New, Elizabeth A. (ed.), Records of the Jesus guild in St Paul's Cathedral, c. 1450–1550. An edition of Oxford, Bodleian MS Tanner 221, and associated material. (London Records Society Publications, LVI.) Pp. xvi + 311 incl. 6 ills. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2022. £40. 978 0 900952 62 3
Olarte, Mauricio Nieto, Exploration, religion and empire in the sixteenth-century Ibero-Atlantic World. A new perspective on the history of modern science. (Maritime Humanities, 1400–1800: Cultures at Sea.) Pp. 329 incl. 70 ills. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2022. €119. 978 94 6372 531 6
Pohlig, Matthias and Steckel, Sita (eds), Über Religion entscheiden/Choosing my religion. Religiőse Optionen und Alternativen im mittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Christentum/Religious options and alternatives in medieval and early modern Christianity. (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation, 125.) Pp. x + 303 incl. 3 ills. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2021. €94. 978 3 16 160273 3
Valente, Michaela, Johann Wier. Debating the devil and witches in early modern Europe. (Renaissance History, Art and Culture.) Pp. 263. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2022. €106. 978 94 6298 872 9
Walters, James, The National Covenant and the Solemn League and Covenant, 1660–1696. (Studies in Early Modern Cultural, Political and Social History.) Pp. viii + 213 incl. 2 ills. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2022. £75. 978 1 78327 604 2
Modern Europe
Burkhard, John J., The sense of the faith in history. Its sources, reception and theology. Pp. xiv + 442. Collegeville, Mi: Liturgical Press Academic, 2022. $59.95 (paper). 978 0 8146 6689 0
Field, Clive D., Counting religion in Britain, 1970–2020. Secularization in statistical context. Pp. xxiv + 464 incl. 2 figs and 180 tables. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2022. £110. 978 0 19 284932 8
Jacob, W. M., Religious vitality in Victorian London. Pp. xii + 348. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. £75. 978 0 19 289740 4
Jones, Andrew Michael, The revival of Evangelicalism. Mission and piety in the Victorian Church of Scotland. (Scottish Religious Cultures Historical Perspectives.) Pp. x + 226. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022. £85. 978 1 4744 9166 2
Lewis, Simon, Anti-Methodism and theological controversy in eighteenth-century England. The struggle for true religion. (Theology and Religion Monographs.) Pp. xii + 211 incl. 4 figs. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. £65. 978 0 19 285575 6
Molendijk, Arie L., Protestant theology and modernity in the nineteenth-century Netherlands. Pp. x + 220. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2022. £65. 978 0 19 289802 9
O'Donaghue, Tom and Harford, Judith (eds), Piety and privilege. Catholic secondary schooling in Ireland and the theocratic state, 1922–1967. Pp. x + 233. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. £75. 978 0 19 284316 6
Pazos, Antón M., Las reliquias de Santiago. Documentos fundamentales de la reinventio de 1879. (Anejos de cuadernos de estudios gallegos, 51.) Pp. 415 incl. 6 ills. Santiago de Compostela: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 2022. 978 84 00 10924 0
Shearn, Samuel Andrew, Pastor Tillich. The justification of the doubter. (Theology and Religion Monographs.) Pp. xiv + 245. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2022. £65. 978 0 19 285785 9
Africa, Asia and Australasia
Abu-Mounes, Rana, Muslim-Christian relations in Damascus amid the 1860 riot. (History of Christian-Muslim Relations, 46.) Pp. xii + 256 incl. 5 colour and black-and-white figs. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2022. €104. 978 90 04 46495 7; 1570 7350
Benjamin, Alda, Assyrians in modern Iraq. Negotiating political and cultural space. Pp. xxxii + 258 incl. 14 ills. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press, 2022. £75. 978 1 108 83879 5
Denis, Philippe, The genocide against the Tutsi, and the Rwandan Churches. Between grief and denial. (Religion in Transforming Africa.) Pp. xiv + 344 incl. 1 map and 2 tables. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: James Currey, 2022. £70. 978 1 84701 290 6
Hongfan, Yang, Ite missa est. Ritual interactions around mass in Chinese society (1583–1720). (Studies in the History of Christianity in East Asia, 7.) Pp. xii + 325 incl. 10 colour and black-and-white figs and 6 tables. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2022. €100. 978 90 04 49957 7; 2542 3681
Li, Ji, Missions Étrangères de Paris (MEP) and China from the seventeenth century to the present. (Studies in the History of Christianity in East Asia, 6.) Pp. xii + 280 incl. 10 colour and black-and-white figs and 6 tables. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2022. €100. 978 90 04 47210 5; 2542 3681
Wild-Wood, Emma and Mpanga, George (ed. and trans.), The archive of a Ugandan missionary. Writings by and about Revd Apolo Kivebulaya (1890s–1950s). (Sources of African History, 20.) Pp. xl + 258 incl. 4 ills and 2 maps. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press (for The British Academy), 2022. £75. 978 0 19 726723 3
The Americas
Brown, Amanda, The fellowship church. Howard Thurman and the twentieth-century religious Left. Pp. xiv + 236 incl. 8 ills. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. £64. 978 0 19 756513 1
Dickerson-Cousin, Christina, Black Indians and freedmen. The African Methodist Episcopal Church and indigenous Americans, 1916–1916. Pp. xvi + 236 incl. 6 ills, 3 tables and 2 maps. Chicago–Urbana, Il: University of Illinois Press, 2021. $26 (paper). 978 0 252 08625 0
Feldmeth, Nathan P., Donald Fortson iii, S., Rosell, Gareth M. and Stewart, Kenneth J. (foreword Marsden, George M.), Reformed and Evangelical across four centuries. The Presbyterian story in America. Pp. xx + 364. Grand Rapids, Mi: William B. Eerdmans, 2022. £23.99 (paper). 978 0 8028 7340 8
García, Mario T., Father Luis Olivares. A biography. Faith politics and the origins of the Sanctuary Movement in Los Angeles. Pp. xi + 547 incl. frontispiece and 25 ills. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2018. $27.95 (paper). 978 1 4696 6927 4
Jackson, Robert H., The Bourbon reforms and the remaking of Spanish frontier missions. (European Expansion and Indigenous Response, 36.) Pp. xxvi + 355 incl. 48 colour figs, 13 graphs and 75 tables. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2022. €145. 978 90 04 50512 4; 1873 8974
Kehoe, Karly S., Empire and emancipation. Scottish and Irish Catholics at the Atlantic fringe, 1780–1850. (Studies in Atlantic Canada History.) Pp. xiv + 289 incl. 16 figs. Toronto–London: University of Toronto Press, 2022. $32.95 (paper). 978 1 4875 4108 8
Kissel, Stephen T., America's religious crossroads. Faith and community in the emerging Midwest. Pp. xviii + 243 incl. 12 ills and 2 maps. Chicago–Urbana, Il: University of Illinois Press, 2021. $28 (paper). 978 0 252 08627 4
Kleckley, Russell C. (in collaboration with Jürgen Gröschl), The letters of Johann Ernst Bergmann, Ebenezer, Georgia, 1786–1824. Religion, community and the new republic. (Early American History Series, 12.) Pp. xiv + 521. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2022. €149. 978 90 04 44902 2; 1877 0216
Wellman, Kathleen, Hijacking history. How the Christian Right teaches history and why it matters. Pp. xvi + 368. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. £22.99. 978 0 19 757923 7