Editorial / Éditorial
Mark Rosenberg 1
Rencontre entre mémoire et contrôle chez des jeunes et des aînés : la naissance d'une plainte ?
Estelle Guerdoux, Sophie Martin, Déborah Dressaire, Stéphane Adam et Denis Brouillet 5
Evaluation of a Care Pathway in the Initiation of Calcium and Vitamin D Treatment of Patients after Hip Fracture
Richard G. Crilly, Mark Speechley, Tom J. Overend, Rob Mackenzie, Sylvia Simon, and Shirra Cremer 21
Les activités de groupe des centres de jour pour personnes âgées correspondent-elles aux besoins des différents profils de participants ?
Jacinthe Savard, Paule Lebel, Nicole Leduc, François Béland et Howard Bergman 27
Use of Health Services for Psychological Distress Symptoms among Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Michel Préville, Helen-Maria Vasiliadis, Richard Boyer, Maria Goldfarb, Karine Demers, Joëlle Brassard, Sarah-Gabrielle Béland, and Scientific Committee of the ESA Study 51
What Is Retirement? A Review and Assessment of Alternative Concepts and Measures
Frank T. Denton and Byron G. Spencer 63
Nurse Practitioner and Physician Collaboration in Long-Term Care Homes: Survey Results
Faith Donald, E. Ann Mohide, Alba DiCenso, Kevin Brazil, Michael Stephenson, and Noori Akhtar-Danesh 77
Reviewers List / List des arbitres 2008 89
Volume 28 No. 1 March / mars 2009 volume 28 no 1
Contents / Sommaire
Editorial / Éditorial
Mark Rosenberg 93
Developing a National Consensus on the Accessibility Needs of Older Adults with Concurrent and Chronic, Mental and Physical Health Issues: A Preliminary Framework Informing Collaborative Mental Health Care Planning
Salinda Horgan, Ken LeClair, Martha Donnelly, Geri Hinton, Penny MacCourt, and Sarah Krieger-Frost 97
Community-Based Home Support Agencies: Comparing the Quality of Care of Cooperative and Non-profit Organizations
Catherine Leviten-Reid and Ann Hoyt 107
Développement d'un programme d'éducation au loisir adapté comme moyen de soutien à l'implication d'aidants d'un proche atteint de démence
Hélène Carbonneau, Chantal D. Caron et Johanne Desrosiers 121
Gender Role, Life Satisfaction, and Wellness: Androgyny in a Southwestern Ontario Sample
Reagan Gale-Ross, Anne Baird, and Shelagh Towson 135
Personality and Psychological Health in Persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment
Francis Clément, Sylvie Belleville, Sara Bélanger, and Véronique Chassé 147
Fear of Falling among Elderly Patients with Dizziness and Syncope in a Tilt Setting
Javier Perez-Jara, Alfredo Enguix, Jose Miguel Fernandez-Quintas, Beatriz Gómez-Salvador, Rosa Baz, Paloma Olmos, Alberto Rodríguez, Arturo Vilches, and Carlos Reyes-Ortiz 157
The Differential Influence of Culture Change Models on Long-Term Care Staff Empowerment and Provision of Individualized Care
Sienna Caspar, Norm O'Rourke, and Gloria M. Gutman 165
Exploring Women's Attitudes and Intentions to Seek Care from Nurse Practitioners across Different Age Groups
Louise Wasylkiw, Odette N. Gould, and Dusty Johnstone 177
Canadian Institutes of Health Research–Institute of Aging: Profiles/Instituts canadiens de recherche en santé du Canada–Institut du vieillissement : Profils
Bridging Policy and Research on Aging in Canada: Recognizing an Anniversary, Realizing an Opportunity
Anne Martin-Matthews, Robyn Tamblyn, Janice Keefe, and Margaret Gillis 185
Associer les politiques et les recherches au sujet du vieillissement au Canada : reconnaître un anniversaire, constater une possibilité
Anne Martin-Matthews, Robyn Tamblyn, Janice Keefe et Margaret Gillis 195
Book Reviews/Comptes rendus
Herbert C. Northcott and Donna M. Wilson. Dying and Death in Canada. (2nd Ed.) Peterborough, ON: Broadview Press, 2008
Reviewed by Paul Morgan Baker 205
Prem P. Gogia and Nirek Rastogi. Clinical Alzheimer Rehabilitation. New York, NY: Springer, 2009
Reviewed by Sandra P. Hirst 206
Volume 28 No. 2 June / juin 2009 volume 28 no 2
Contents / Sommaire
Editorial / Éditorial
Anne Martin-Matthews and Linda Mealing 209
The Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA)
Parminder S. Raina, Christina Wolfson, Susan A. Kirkland, Lauren E. Griffith, Mark Oremus, Christopher Patterson, Holly Tuokko, Margaret Penning, Cynthia M. Balion, David Hogan, Andrew Wister, Hélène Payette, Harry Shannon, and Kevin Brazil 221
Exploring the Acceptability and Feasibility of Conducting a Large Longitudinal Population-Based Study in Canada
Susan A. Kirkland, Parminder S. Raina, Christina Wolfson, Geoff Strople, Olga Kits, Steven Dukeshire, Camille L. Angus, Karen Szala-Meneok, Jennifer Uniat, Homa Keshavarz, Linda Furlini, and Amélie Pelletier 231
The Canadian Community Health Survey as a Potential Recruitment Vehicle for the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging
Christina Wolfson, Parminder S. Raina, Susan A. Kirkland, Amélie Pelletier, Jennifer Uniat, Linda Furlini, Camille L. Angus, Geoff Strople, Homa Keshavarz, and Karen Szala-Meneok 243
Telephone-Administered Cognitive Tests as Tools for the Identification of Eligible Study Participants for Population-Based Research in Aging
Christina Wolfson, Susan A. Kirkland, Parminder S. Raina, Jennifer Uniat, Karen Roberts, Howard Bergman, Linda Furlini, Amélie Pelletier, Geoff Strople, Camille L. Angus, Homa Keshavarz, and Karen Szala-Meneok 251
Feasibility of Biological Specimen Collection for the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Biorepository
Cynthia M. Balion, Parminder S. Raina, Christina Wolfson, Susan A. Kirkland, Judy L. Keys, Lauren E. Griffith, Amélie Pelletier, Jennifer Uniat, and Matthew J. McQueen 261
Ascertainment of Chronic Diseases in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA), Systematic Review
Parminder S. Raina, Christina Wolfson, Susan A. Kirkland, Homa Keshavarz, Lauren E. Griffith, Christopher Patterson, Jennifer Uniat, Geoff Strople, Amélie Pelletier, and Camille L. Angus 275
Accessing Health Care Utilization Databases for Health Research: A Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Feasibility Study
Parminder S. Raina, Susan A. Kirkland, Christina Wolfson, Karen Szala-Meneok, Lauren E. Griffith, Homa Keshavarz, Jennifer Uniat, Linda Furlini, Camille L. Angus, Geoff Strople, and Amélie Pelletier 287
Volume 28 No. 3 September / septembre 2009 volume 28 no 3
Contents / Sommaire
Commentary on Retirement, Identity, and Erikson's Developmental Stage Model
John W. Osborne 295
Cultural Preferences and Economic Constraints: The Living Arrangements of Elderly Canadians
Lisa Kaida, Melissa Moyser, and Stella Y. Park 303
The Consistency of Definitions of Successful Aging Provided by Older Men: The Manitoba Follow-up Study
Robert B. Tate, Brenda L. Loewen, Dennis J. Bayomi, and Barbara J. Payne 315
Internet-Based Caregiver Support for Chinese Canadians Taking Care of a Family Member with Alzheimer Disease and Related Dementia
Teresa Chiu, Elsa Marziali, Angela Colantonio, Anne Carswell, Marilyn Gruneir, Mary Tang, and Gunther Eysenbach 323
Manque du nom propre et effet de la modalité sur la capacité à reconnaître des personnes connues au cours du vieillissement normal
Roxane Langlois, Francine Fontaine, Caroline Hamel et Sven Joubert 337
Normalisation du Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) chez les Québécois francophones âgés de 65 ans et plus et résidant dans la communauté
Carol Hudon, Olivier Potvin, Marie-Christine Turcotte, Catherine D'Anjou, Micheline Dubé, Michel Préville et Joëlle Brassard 347
Older Adults' Awareness of Community Health and Support Services for Dementia Care
Jenny Ploeg, Margaret Denton, Joseph Tindale, Brian Hutchison, Kevin Brazil, Noori Akhtar-Danesh, Jean Lillie, and Jennifer Millen Plenderleith 359
L'âgisme : Adaptation franc´aise d'une mesure et test d'un modèle structural des effets de l'empathie, l'orientation à la dominance sociale et le dogmatisme sur l'âgisme
Valérian Boudjemad and Kamel Gana 371
Canadian Institutes of Health Research–Institute of Aging: Profiles/Instituts canadiens de recherche en santé du Canada–Institut du vieillissement : Profils
The Longevity Dividend: Why Invest in Basic Aging Research?
Huber R. Warner and Felipe Sierra 391
Le dividende de la longévité : Pourquoi investir dans la recherche fondamentale?
Huber R. Warner and Felipe Sierra 395
Book Reviews/Comptes rendus
M. Charpentier. Vieillir en milieu d'hébergement: le regard des résidents. Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2007
Compte rendu préparée par Mélanie Levasseur et Lucie Richard 399
Lois Snyder (Ed.). Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Ethics, the Patient, and the Physician. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 2007
Reviewed by Kristine Votova 400
Norah Keating (Ed.). Rural Ageing: A Good Place to Grow Old? Bristol, UK: The Policy Press, 2008
Reviewed by Mark Skinner 402
Robert C. Atchley. Spirituality and Aging. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins Press, 2009
Reviewed by Holly Nelson-Becker 404
Contents of Volume 28 / Contenu du volume 28 407
Index / Indexe 413