1. Introduction
We repeatedly toss a fair coin. After each toss we can take the proportion of heads up to now as our reward, or continue. This is known as the Chow–Robbins game, first presented in 1965 [Reference Chow and Robbins1]. As a stopping problem this can be formulated as

where S is a random walk. In the classical version S has symmetric Bernoulli increments but it is possible to take different random walks as well. Chow and Robbins showed that an optimal stopping time exists in the Bernoulli case, and later [Reference Dvoretzky3] proved this for general centered independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) increments with finite variance. But it was (and to some extent still is) difficult to see how that solution looks. Asymptotic results were given in [Reference Shepp9], which showed that the boundary of the continuation set
$\partial C$
can be written as a function
$b \colon \mathbb{R}^{+}\to \mathbb{R}$
$\lim_{t\to\infty}\frac{b(t)}{\alpha \sqrt{t}\,} = 1$
. Here,
is the boundary of the analogous stopping problem for a standard Brownian motion W (see Lemma 1),

In 2007, [Reference Leung Lai, Yao and Aitsahlia6] gave a second-order approximation for the limit of b,
$\lim_{t\to\infty}\!\big(\alpha \sqrt{t}-b(t) \big)= \frac{1}{2}$
. Somes approximation for values of b were also calculated by using the value function (2) [Reference Leung Lai and Yao5], without constructing it as an upper bound; also given were some calculations for a random walk with standard normal increments.
A more rigorous computer analysis was given in [Reference Häggström and Wästlund4]. Using backward induction from a time horizon
, lower and upper bounds for
were calculated. For points reachable from (0, 0), it was calculated whether they belong to the stopping or to the continuation set for all but seven points (n, x) with
$n\leq 1000$
In this paper we give much sharper upper and lower bounds for
. Using backward induction with these bounds, we are able to calculate all stopping and continuation points
$(n,x)\in \mathbb{N}\times \mathbb{Z}$
$n\leq 10^{5}$
. We show that all seven points (n, x) with
$n\leq 1000$
that were left open in [Reference Häggström and Wästlund4] belong to the stopping set. In Section 2 we construct an upper bound for the value function (1) for random walks with sub-Gaussian increments. The main observation is that the value function (2) is an upper bound for
. This is carried out in Section 2.1 on the Chow–Robbins game. In Section 2.2 we discuss how this kind of upper bound can be constructed for more general gain functions g and
$V^{S}(t,x) = \sup_{\tau }\mathbb{E} \left [ g(t+\tau,x + S_\tau)\right]$
. In Section 3 we construct a lower bound for
in the Bernoulli case for a given time horizon T. We show that there exist
such that
$K \int_{0}^{\infty}\exp\!\Big[ax-\frac{c}{2}a^2T\Big] \mathop{}\!\mathrm{d} a\leq V^{S}(T,x)$
for all
$x\leq b(T)$
. We then show that the relative error of the bounds is of order
. In Section 5 we give computational results for the Chow–Robbins game in the Bernoulli case and give a detailed description of our methods. We calculate all integer-valued points in the stopping and continuation sets for
$n\leq 10^{5}$
, and give some examples of how
and b(t) look for continuous t close to zero.
1.1. Notation
We introduce some notation that we will use. V denotes a value function,
$D = \{V=g\} = \{(t,x)\mid V(t,x) = g(t,x)\}$
the corresponding stopping set, and
$C = \{V>g\}$
the continuation set. With (t, x) we denote real variables, with n positive integers. With a superscript we denote which driving process is used, e.g.
$C^{S} = \big\{V^{S} = g\big\}$
$C^{W} = \big\{V^{W} = g\big\}$
, etc.
denote upper and lower bounds respectively.
2. An upper bound for the value function
We construct an upper bound for the value function
of the
problem, where S can be any random walk with sub-Gaussian increments. The classical Chow–Robbins game is a special case of these stopping problems.
Definition 1. (Sub-Gaussian random variable) Let
. A real, centered random variable
is called
or sub-Gaussian with parameter
$\mathbb{E}[\mathrm{e}^{a\xi}] \leq \exp\Big[\frac{\sigma^2 a^2}{2}\Big]$
for all
$a\in \mathbb{R}$
Some examples of sub-Gaussian random variables are:
X with
$P(X_i =-1) = P(X_i =1) = \frac{1}{2} $ is 1-sub-Gaussian.
The normal distribution
$\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2)$ is
$\sigma^2$ -sub-Gaussian.
The uniform distribution on
$[-a,a]$ is
$a^2$ -sub-Gaussian.
Any random variable Y with values in a compact interval [a, b] is
$\frac{1}{4}(b-a)^2$ -sub-Gaussian.
In the following we show that the value function
of the continuous-time problem (2) is an upper bound for the value function
whenever S is a random walk with 1-sub-Gaussian increments. We first state the solution of (2).

$\Phi_t(x) = \Phi\big(x/\sqrt{t}\big)$
denotes the cummulative distribution function of a centered normal distribution with variance
$\sigma^2 = t$
is the corresponding density function, and
$\alpha \approx 0.839\,923\,675\,692\,373$
is the unique solution to
$\alpha \varphi(\alpha) = \big(1-\alpha^2\big)\Phi(\alpha)$
Lemma 1. The stopping problem (2) is solved by
$\tau_{\ast} = \inf\{s\mid x+W_s\geq \alpha\sqrt{s+t}\}$
with value function

is differentiable (smooth fit), and
$h(t,x)\geq g(t,x) = \frac{x}{t}$
for all
$x\in \mathbb{R}$
This result was proved independently in [Reference Shepp9, Reference Walker10].
We now prove that
is an upper bound for
. We know from general theory that
is the smallest superharmonic function dominating the gain function g (see, e.g., [Reference Peskir and Shiryaev8]). If we find a superharmonic function dominating g we have an upper bound for
Lemma 2. Let
be i.i.d. 1-sub-Gaussian random variables, and
$S_n = \sum_{i=1}^{n}X_i$
. The function
$h \colon \mathbb{R}^{+}\times \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}^{+}$
such that
$(t,x)\mapsto \big(1-\alpha^{2}\big)\int_{0}^{\infty} \exp\big[ax - \frac{1}{2}a^2t\big]\! \mathop{}\!\mathrm{d} a$
is S-superharmonic.
Proof.We first show the claim for fixed
$a\in \mathbb{R}$
$f(t,x) = \mathrm{e}^{ax - \frac{1}{2}a^2t}$
. We need to show that
$\mathbb{E} [f(t+1,x+X_1)]\leq f(t,x)$
for all
$x\in \mathbb{R}$
, and calculate

The last inequality (3) is just the defining property of a 1-sub-Gaussian random variable. By integration over a and multiplication by
, the result follows.
Theorem 1. (An upper bound for
) Let W be a standard Brownian motion, S a random walk with 1-sub-Gaussian increments, and

$V^{W}(t,x)\geq V^{S}(t,x)$
for all
$x\in \mathbb{R}$
$h(t,x)=\big(1-\alpha^{2}\big)\int_0^{\infty}\exp\Big[ax - \frac{a^{2}}{2}t\Big]\mathop{}\!\mathrm{d} a$
as in Lemma 1. We know that
$h\geq g$
(Lemma 1), h is S-superharmonic (Lemma 2), and
$V^{W} = h \textbf{1}_{C^{W}} + g \textbf{1}_{D^{W}}$
is the smallest superharmonic function dominating g, therefore
$V^{S}\leq h$
. We know from Lemma 1 that
$V^{W}\big(t,\alpha\sqrt{t}\big) = h\big(t,\alpha\sqrt{t}\big) = g\big(t,\alpha\sqrt{t}\big)$
, and therefore
$g\big(t,\alpha\sqrt{t}\big)\geq V^{S}\big(t,\alpha\sqrt{t}\big) \leq h\big(t,\alpha\sqrt{t}\big) = g\big(t,\alpha\sqrt{t}\big)$
. Hence,
$V^{S}\big(t,\alpha\sqrt{t}\big) = g\big(t,\alpha\sqrt{t}\big)$
$\big(t,\alpha\sqrt{t}\big)\in D^{S}$
. The boundary
$\partial C^{S}$
is the graph of a function, therefore
$(t,x)\in D^{S}$
for all
$x\geq \alpha\sqrt{t}$
. It follows that
$C^{S}\subset C^{W}$
and that
$V^{S}(t,x)\leq V^{W}(t,x)$
for all
$x\in \mathbb{R}$
Corollary 1. From the proof, we see that
$C^{S}\subset C^{W}$
, and
$b(t)\leq \alpha\sqrt{t}$
for all
2.1. The Chow–Robbins game
$X_1, X_2, \dots$
be i.i.d. random variables with
$P(X_i =-1) =P(X_i =1) = \frac{1}{2} $
$S_n = \sum_{i=1}^{n}X_i$
. The classical Chow–Robbins problem is given by

are 1-sub-Gaussian with variance 1. An almost surely (a.s.) finite stopping time
exists that solves (4) (see [Reference Dvoretzky3]). By Theorem 1 we get that
$V^S(t,x)\leq V^{W}(t,x) = h(x,t)\textbf{1}_{\{x \leq \alpha \sqrt{t}\}} + \frac{x}{t}\textbf{1}_{\{x > \alpha\sqrt{t}\}}$
. We will see later that this upper bound is very tight. We will construct a lower bound for
in the next section and give a rigorous computer analysis of the problem in Section 5.
Example 1. For some time it was unclear whether it is optimal to stop in (8, 2) or not. It was first shown in [Reference Medina and Zeilberger7] and later confirmed in [Reference Häggström and Wästlund4] that
$(8,2)\in D^{S}$
(in [Reference Häggström and Wästlund4] this is written as 5–3, 5 heads–3 tails). We show here how to immediately prove this with our upper bound. We choose the time horizon
, set
$V_\mathrm{u}^{S}(T,x) = V^{W}(T,x)$
, and calculate with one-step backward induction
as an upper bound for
$V^{S}_\mathrm{u}(9,3) = \frac{3}{9} = \frac{1}{3}$
$3> \alpha\sqrt{9}$
$V^{S}_\mathrm{u}(9,1) = h(9,1) \approx 0.1642$
, and we get

Hence, we have
$V^{S}(8,2)\leq g(8,2) = \frac{2}{8}$
, and it follows that (8, 2) is in the stopping set. For a detailed description of the method see Section 5.
2.2. Generalizations
In the proof of Theorem 1 we did not use the specific form of the gain function
$g(t,x) = \frac{x}{t}$
. All we needed was that:
The value function of the stopping problem
(5)is on C of the form\begin{equation} V^{W}(t,x) = \sup_{\tau }\mathbb{E} \left [ g(t+\tau,x + W_\tau)\right] \end{equation}
$V^{W}\big|_{C}(t,x) = \int_{\mathbb{R}}\exp\Big[ax - \frac{1}{2}a^2t\Big]\mathop{}\!\mathrm{d} \mu(a)$ for a measure
$\mu$ .
The function
$h(t,x) = \int_{\mathbb{R}}\exp\Big[ax - \frac{1}{2}a^2t\Big] \mathop{}\!\mathrm{d} \mu(a)$ dominates g on
$\mathbb{R}^{+}\times\mathbb{R}$ .
The boundary of the continuation set
$\partial C^{S}$ of the stopping problem
$V^{S}(t,x) = \sup_{\tau }\mathbb{E} \left [ g(t+\tau,x + S_\tau)\right]$ is the graph of a function
$b \colon \mathbb{R}^{+}\to \mathbb{R}$ . (This requirement can easily be relaxed to the symmetric case, where
$\partial C^{S} = \mathrm{Graph}(b) \cup \mathrm{Graph}(-b)$ .)
These requirements are not very restrictive, and there are many other gain functions and associated stopping problems for which this kind of upper bound can be constructed. A set of examples which fulfill these requirements and for which (5) is explicitly solvable can be found in [Reference Peskir and Shiryaev8]. Some of these are:

3. A lower bound for
In this section we want to give a lower bound for the value function of the Chow–Robbins game (4). Here, S will always be a symmetric Bernoulli random walk. The basis of our construction is the following lemma.
Lemma 3. (A lower bound for V) Let X be a random walk, g a gain function,
$V(t,x) = \sup_{\tau }\mathbb{E} [g(\tau+t,X_\tau+x)]$
, and
$h \colon \mathbb{R}^{+}\times \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$
measurable. For a given point
be a stopping time such that the stopped process
$(h(t\wedge \tau+ t_0,X_{t\wedge \tau}+ x_0))_{t\geq 0}$
is a submartingale and
$h(\tau + t_0,X_\tau + x_0)\leq g(\tau + t_0,X_\tau + x_0)$
a.s. Then
$h(t_0,x_0)\leq V(t_0,x_0)$
$h(\tau,X_\tau)\leq g(\tau,X_\tau)$
we can use the optional sampling theorem and obtain
$h(t_0,x_0) \leq \mathbb{E} [h(\tau+t_0,X_\tau+x_0)] \leq \mathbb{E} [g(\tau+t_0,X_\tau+x_0)] \leq V(t_0,x_0)$
We modify the function
$h(t,x)=\big(1-\alpha^2\big)\int_{0}^{\infty}\exp\Big[ax-\frac{a^2}{2}t\Big] \mathop{}\!\mathrm{d} a$
from Lemma 1 slightly to

for some
$0 < c < 1$
to match the assumptions of Lemma 3. As a stopping time we choose
$\tau_0 = \inf \big\{n\geq 0\mid x+S_n \geq \alpha \sqrt{t+n}-1\big\}$
. Unfortunately there is no c such that (6) is globally S-subharmonic, and hence we have to choose c depending on the time horizon T. This makes the following result a bit technical.
Theorem 2. (A lower bound for
) Let

Given a time horizon
, let
be the biggest solution smaller than 1 to
$\frac{1}{2}\big(h_{c}\big(T+1, \alpha\sqrt{T}-1\big)+h_{c}\big(T+1,\alpha\sqrt{T}+1\big)\big) = h_{c}\big(T,\alpha\sqrt{T}\big)$
the unique positive solution of

. Let
be the unique positive solution (in a) to
$\frac{1}{2}\left(e^{a}+e^{-a}\right)e^{-\frac{c}{2} a^2}=1$
. If

is a lower bound for
for all
$t\geq T$
$x\leq \alpha \sqrt{t}$
Remark 1. Our numerical evaluations suggest that for
$T\geq 4$
(8) is always satisfied, and for
$T\geq 200$
we always have

Figure 1. The upper bound
and the lower bound
for a fixed T. For a better illustration
is chosen very small.
Proof. We divide the proof into three parts. First, we show that the stopped process
$h_c\big(t\wedge\tau_0,x+S_{t\wedge\tau_0}\big)_{t\geq T}$
is a submartingale; second, we calculate K; and third, we show that
$h\big(\tau_0,x+S_{\tau_0}\big)\leq g\big(\tau_0,x+S_{\tau_0}\big)$
-a.s. and use Lemma 3 to prove the statement. An illustration of the setting is given in Figure 1.
First, we have to show that
$\frac{1}{2}\!\left(h_{c}(t+1,x-1)+h_{c}(t+1,x+1)\right) \geq h_{c}(t,x)$
for every
$t\geq T$
$x\leq \alpha \sqrt{t}-1$
; we will even show that it applies for all
$x\leq \alpha \sqrt{t}$
. The constant K has no influence on this inequality, so we set it to 1 for now. We have

The function
has a unique positive root
; for
we have
$\lambda(a)\geq 0$
, and for
$a\geq a_0$
$\lambda(a)\leq 0$
. Suppose, for given (t, x), we have
$f_c(t,x)\geq 0$
. Let
$\delta \geq 0$
$\varepsilon \in \mathbb{R}$
; we have

is true if
$\varepsilon a - \delta \frac{c}{2} a^2 \geq \varepsilon a_{0} - \delta \frac{c}{2} a_0^2$
$a\leq a_{0}$
$\varepsilon a - \delta \frac{c}{2} a^2 \leq \varepsilon a_{0} - \delta \frac{c}{2} a_0^2$
$a\geq a_{0}$
, which is the case if

By assumption, we have
$f_c(T,\alpha \sqrt{T})\geq 0$
. (If
$c=c_1 $
as in all our computational examples, this is clear. If
, inspection of
in (9) shows that
.) The function
$\alpha \sqrt{t}$
is concave and

so for
$t\geq T$
$x\leq \alpha\sqrt{t}$
$(t,x)=\big(T+\delta,\alpha \sqrt{T}+\varepsilon\big)$
we have

Putting this into (10) we get the condition

which is true by assumption. That concludes the first part of the proof.
Second, we want to choose K such that
$h_c\big(t,\alpha\sqrt{t}\big)=g\big(t,\alpha\sqrt{t}\big) = \frac{\alpha}{\sqrt{t}\,}$
. We first show that this is possible, and then calculate K. We have

which depends only on
. Solving
$h_c\big(t,\alpha\sqrt{t}\big) = \frac{\alpha}{\sqrt{t}\,}$
we get

Third, we chose
$\tau_0 = \inf \big\{n\geq 0\mid x+S_n \geq \alpha \sqrt{t+n}-1\big\}$
and need to show that
$h_c(\tau_0,S_{\tau_0})\leq g(\tau_0,S_{\tau_0})$
. It is clear that
$S_{\tau_0}\in \big[\alpha\sqrt{\tau_0}-1,\alpha\sqrt{\tau_0}\big]$
. By the construction of K in the second part, we know that
$h_c\big(t,\alpha\sqrt{t}\big)= g\big(t,\alpha\sqrt{t}\big)$
. Since
has strictly positive curvature, we know that
$h(t, \cdot)$
has exactly one more intersection with
, which we denote by
$\alpha \sqrt{t}-d(t)$
. We will see that
$d(t) \geq 1$
$t\geq T$
and hence
$h_c(t,x)\leq g(t,x)$
$x\in \big[\alpha\sqrt{t}-d(t),\alpha\sqrt{t}\big]$
. We saw in the second part that
$\sqrt{t}\cdot h_c\big(t,\beta\sqrt{t}\big)$
is constant for any
. If, for some
$h_c(T,x_0)\leq g(T,x_0)=\frac{x_0}{T}$
, we set
$\beta \,:\!=\,\frac{x_0}{\sqrt{T}\,}$
and see that, for all

$x_0\leq \alpha\sqrt{T}-1$
, then
$ \frac{x_0}{\sqrt{T}\,}\sqrt{t}\leq \alpha\sqrt{t}-1$
. If
$d(T) \geq 1 $
then we set
$x_0 \,:\!=\, \alpha \sqrt{T}-d(T)$
. We can now conclude that for
$t \geq T$
we have
$d(t) \geq 1$
, hence it is enough to show that
$d(T)\geq 1$
. For
this is true by assumption. In general
$c\leq c_2$
, and we have
$\frac{\partial }{\partial x}h_c(t,x) \leq \frac{\partial }{\partial x}h_{c_2}(t,x)$
. Since
$h_{c_2}\big(T,\alpha \sqrt{T}\big)= h_{c_2}\big(T,\alpha \sqrt{T}\big)$
we have

and the statement follows. Now
fulfill the conditions of Lemma 3. This completes the proof.
Remark 2. The only properties of S we used in the proof are that S has limited jump sizes upwards and that
$m_{S_1}(a)=\mathbb{E} \big[\mathrm{e}^{a S_1}\big]$
has only one positive intersection with
$\frac{1}{2}( \mathrm{e}^{a} + \mathrm{e}^{-a}) \mathrm{e}^{-\frac{c}{2}a^2}-1$
has only one positive root). This kind of lower bound can be constructed for any random walk with increments that fulfill these two conditions. This would of course result in different values for c.
Some values for c are given in Table 1.
Table 1. Values of c for various T.

4. Error of the bounds
We want to show that the relative error of the constructed bounds is of order
$x\geq 0$
. First, we show that
$c = c(T) \geq \frac{T-1}{T}$
for T large enough. Indeed, for
, evaluating (9) for
$c = \frac{T}{T+1}$

which can be seen to be positive for T large enough, yielding
$c_1\geq \frac{T}{T+1}\geq \frac{T-1}{T}$
. We evaluate (7) for
$c = \frac{T-1}{T}$
and get, with elementary estimates,

for T large enough, so that
$c_2 \geq \frac{T-1}{T}$
. We obtain
$c = \min \{c_1,c_2\}\geq \frac{T-1}{T}$
. We now calculate the asymptotic relative error between
$x = 0$

We use the approximation

and get, with
$c = \frac{T-1}{T}$

It is now straightforward to check that, for
$\alpha \sqrt{T} \geq x\geq 0$

This yields

for all
$\alpha \sqrt{T} \geq x\geq 0$
5. Computational results
In this section we show how to compute the continuation and stopping set for the Chow–Robbins game. In 2013, Häggström and Wästlund [Reference Häggström and Wästlund4] computed stopping and continuation points starting from (0, 0). They used another unsymmetric notation for the problem. We give their bounds transformed into our setting. They chose a, rather large, time horizon of
, and set
$V^S_\mathrm{l}(T,x)= \max\left\{\frac{x}{T},0\right\}$
as a lower bound and

as an upper bound. Then they used backward induction to calculate
$V_{i}^S(n,x) = \max \left \{ \frac{x}{n}, \mathbb{E}\big[V_i^{S}(n+1,x+X_i)\big] \right \}$
. If
$(n,x)\in D$
; if
$(n,x)\in C$
. In this way they were able to decide for all but seven points
$n\leq 1000$
whether they belong to C or D.
We use backward induction from a finite time horizon as well, but use the much sharper bounds given in Sections 2 and 3. For our upper bound this has a nice intuition. We play the Chow–Robbins game up to the time horizon T, then we change the game to the favorable
game, which slightly rises our expectation.
With a time horizon of
we are able to calculate all the stopping and continuation points
$n\leq 489\,241$
. We show that all open points in [Reference Häggström and Wästlund4] belong to D.
Table 2. Exceptions for Theorem 3.

Unlike [Reference Häggström and Wästlund4] we use the symmetric notation. Let
be i.i.d. random variables with
$P(X_i =-1) =P(X_i =1) = \frac{1}{2} $
$S_n=\sum^{n}_{i=1} X_i$
. We choose a time horizon T and use
given in Lemma 1 as an upper bound,
$V^S_\mathrm{u}(T,x)= V^{W}(T,x)$
, and
given in Theorem 2 as a lower bound,
$V^S_\mathrm{l}(T,x)= h_c(T,x)$
, for
$x\in \mathbb{Z}$
$x\leq \alpha \sqrt{T}$
. For
we now recursively calculate
$V_i^S(n,x) = \max \left \{ \frac{x}{n}, \frac{1}{2}\big(V_i^S(n+1,x+1) + V_i^S(n+1,x-1)\big) \right \}$
. If
, then
$(n,x)\in C$
. To check if
$(n,x)\in D$
we use, instead of
, the slightly stronger, but numerically easier to evaluate, condition
$(n,x)\in D$
$\frac{1}{2}\big(V_\mathrm{u}^S(n+1,x+1) + V_\mathrm{u}^S(n+1,x-1)\big)< \frac{x}{n}$
. We use
to calculate V(0, 0) and the integer thresholds
$\hat b(n) \,:\!=\, \lceil b(n) \rceil$
. For 34 values of
$n\leq 10^{6}$
the exact value
$\hat b(n)$
cannot be determined this way; the smallest such value is
$n = 489\,242$
Theorem 3. For the stopping problem (4) starting in
, the stopping boundary
$\hat b$
$n\leq 489\,241$
is given by

with the eight exceptions shown in Table 2. For the value function we have

Häggström and Wästlund used a different notation (denoted with a ′ here), with
$P\big(X^{\prime}_i =0\big)$
$=P\big(X^{\prime}_i =1\big) = \frac{1}{2}$
. Our functions and values translate to
$ V(n,x) = 2V^{\prime}\big(n,\frac{x+n}{2}\big)-1$
$b^{\prime}(n)=\left \lceil \frac{\alpha\sqrt{n}+n}{2} -\rho^{\prime}(n) \right \rceil$
$\rho^{\prime}(n) = \frac{1}{4} - \frac{1}{15.8+9\sqrt[4]{n}\,}$
, and

The value of V(0, 0) is calculated with
Remark 3. The function
$\big(7.9+4.54\sqrt[4]{n}\big)^{-1} $
is constructed from our computed data. It is an interesting question whether it is indeed possible to show that
$\alpha \sqrt{t} - b(t) = \frac{1}{2} -\mathcal{O}\big(t^{-\frac{1}{4}}\big)$
. A method to show that
$\lim_{t\to \infty} \alpha \sqrt{t} - b(t) = \frac{1}{2}$
was introduced in [Reference Leung Lai, Yao and Aitsahlia6]. This is reflected nicely in our calculations.
We also calculated
and b for non-integer values. We did this by choosing an integer D and then calculating
with the method described above; for most plots we used
. Some plots of b and
are given in Figures 2–4. The method enables us to get very detailed impressions of b and
that inspire further analytical research. In [Reference Christensen and Fischer2] the authors showed that
is not differentiable on a dense subset of
, and that
is not convex.

Figure 2. The boundaries of the continuation sets. While asymptotically similar, they behave differently close to 0.

Figure 3. The value functions
does not follow the smooth fit principle and is not everywhere smooth on C.

Figure 4. The value functions
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