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  • Cited by 6
  • Volume 1: Basic Probability and Statistics, 2nd edition
  • Yuri Suhov, University of Cambridge, Mark Kelbert, Swansea University
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
October 2014
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Probability and statistics are as much about intuition and problem solving as they are about theorem proving. Consequently, students can find it very difficult to make a successful transition from lectures to examinations to practice because the problems involved can vary so much in nature. Since the subject is critical in so many applications from insurance to telecommunications to bioinformatics, the authors have collected more than 200 worked examples and examination questions with complete solutions to help students develop a deep understanding of the subject rather than a superficial knowledge of sophisticated theories. With amusing stories and historical asides sprinkled throughout, this enjoyable book will leave students better equipped to solve problems in practice and under exam conditions.


Review of previous edition:‘… all the ingredients that contribute to making a good lecture are in the book: well-explained theory, interesting examples, and funny jokes and amusing stories about famous probabilists and statisticians. The authors also give rhythm to the flow of the subjects, making the volume a very pleasant book to read.'

Emanuele Taufer Source: Mathematical Reviews

Review of previous edition:‘… authors claim that this book simplifies life for test-taking students by offering them a wealth of exercises along with complete solutions. Highly recommended.'

Source: Choice

Review of previous edition:‘Well put together, well written and containing a regular joke to relax the mind, this book is an excellent text for courses in probability and statistics designed for the reasonably mathematically sophisticated.'

Charles Ashbacher Source: Journal of Recreational Mathematics

Review of previous edition:‘The book is well-written, not just for the problems but also for the remarks and historical asides that the authors choose to include … I will certainly keep it on my desk next time I teach a similar course as a good resource for problems, and I would recommend it to any student wanting supplemental material.'

Darren Glass Source: MAA Reviews

‘This book gives both relevant background material and clear solutions for many instructive problems mostly taken from examination papers at Cambridge. It would be a valuable teaching aid to a student who first makes a serious attempt to solve each problem for herself/himself.'

David Williams - Professor Emeritus, University of Bath

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