2008 Election, 279
2008 Presidential Election, 193
Asian Americans, 219
Assimilation, 375
Authoritarianism, 103
Barack Obama, 25, 37, 83, 153, 173, 219
Bergsieker, Hilary B., see Fiske, Susan T., 83
Black Underclass, 37
Bobo, Lawrence D. Crime, Urban Poverty, and Social Science, 273
Bobo, Lawrence D., see Dawson, Michael C., 247
Bobo, Lawrence D., Michael C. Dawson. A Change Has Come: Race, Politics, and the Path to the Obama Presidency, 1
Bodenhausen, Galen V., see Peery, Destiny, 71
Bonastia, Christopher. White Justifications for School Closings in Prince Edward County, Virginia, 1959–1964, 309
Brown v. Board of Education, 309
Burch, Traci. Can the New Commander in Chief Sustain His All-Volunteer Standing Army?, 153
Campaigns and Elections, 153
Civic Engagement, 153
Civil Rights, 37, 309
Class, 83
Coalition, 49
Color-Blind, 25
Conflict Theory, 293
Contact Theory, 293
Crocker, Jennifer, Shayne B. Hughes. Ecosystem Perspective and Barack Obama's Campaign for the Presidency, 125
Cross-Class Politics, 49
Dawson, Michael C., see Bobo, Lawrence D., 1
Dawson, Michael C., Lawrence D. Bobo. One Year Later and the Myth of a Post-Racial Society, 247
Desegregation, 293
Desmond, Matthew, Mustafa Emirbayer. What is Racial Domination?, 335
Diversity, 293
Ecosystem, 125
Eibach, Richard P., Valerie Purdie-Vaughns. Change We Can Believe In? Barack Obama's Framing Strategies for Bridging Racial Divisions, 137
Emirbayer, Mustafa, see Desmond, Matthew, 335
Fiske, Susan T., Hilary B. Bergsieker, Ann Marie Russell, Lyle Williams. Images of Black Americans: Then, “Them,” and Now, “Obama!”, 83
Ford, Richard Thompson. Barack Is the New Black: Obama and the Promise/Threat of the Post–Civil Rights Era, 37
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr. A Conversation with Claude M. Steele: Stereotype Threat and Black Achievement, 251
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr. A Conversation with William Julius Wilson on the Election of Barack Obama, 15
Goals, 125
Gosling, Samuel D., see Jost, John T., 103
GOTV, 153
Habituation, 83
Harriet Tubman, 397
Hughes, Shayne B., see Crocker, Jennifer, 125
Hunt, Matthew O., David C. Wilson. Race/Ethnicity, Perceived Discrimination, and Beliefs about the Meaning of an Obama Presidency, 173
Hypodescent, 71
Ideology, 103
Images, 83
Inequality, 173, 335, 357
Intersectionality, 335
Jost, John T., Tessa V. West, Samuel D. Gosling. Personality and Ideology as Determinants of Candidate Preferences and “Obama Conversion” in the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election, 103
Jung, Moon-Kie. The Racial Unconscious of Assimilation Theory, 375
Junn, Jane, see Ramakrishnan, S. Karthick, 219
Kilson, Martin. Thinking About Robert Putnam's Analysis of Diversity, 293
King, Desmond S., see Smith, Rogers M., 25
Leadership, 125
Lee, Taeku, see Ramakrishnan, S. Karthick, 219
Liz, Mary, see Young, Nicholas Maurice, 397
Migration, 375
Mossakowski, Krysia, see Wilson, George, 357
Nation, 375
Networks, 397
Obama, 125, 137, 279
Occupations, 357
Omission, 83
Parker, Christopher S., Mark Q. Sawyer, Christopher Towler. A Black Man in the White House?: The Role of Racism and Patriotism in the 2008 Presidential Election, 193
Parker, Christopher S., Mark Q. Sawyer, Christopher Towler. Erratum, 431
Patriotism, 193
Peery, Destiny, Galen V. Bodenhausen. Ambiguity and Ambivalence in the Voting Booth and Beyond: A Social-Psychological Perspective on Racial Attitudes and Behavior in the Obama Era, 71
Perceived Discrimination, 173
Perceived Insecurity, 357
Personality, 103
Pettigrew, Thomas F. Post-Racism?: Putting President Obama's Victory in Perspective, 279
Political Agency, 49
Political Behavior, 103
Political Participation, 153
Postracial, 25, 37
Post-Racism, 279
Pragmatism, 49
Prejudice, 83
Presidential Vote Choice, 219
Prince Edward County, 309
Purdie-Vaughns, Valerie, see Eibach, Richard P., 137
Race, 335, 357, 375, 397
Race-Conscious Policies, 25
Race/Ethnicity, 173
Race Theory, 335
Racial Attitudes, 71, 173
Racial Categorization, 71
Racial Divisions, 37
Racial Domination, 335
Racial Equality, 137
Racial Orders, 25
Racism, 193
Ramakrishnan, S. Karthick, Janelle Wong, Taeku Lee, Jane Junn. Race-Based Considerations and the Obama Vote: Evidence from the 2008 National Asian American Survey, 219
Realignment, 49
Robert Putnam, 293
Russell, Ann Marie, see Fiske, Susan T., 83
Sawyer, Mark Q., see Parker, Christopher S., 193, 431
Segregation, 309
Self-Image, 125
Slavery, 397
Smith, Rogers M., Desmond S. King. Barack Obama and the Future of American Racial Politics, 25
Social Judgment, 137
Steele, Claude M., see Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., 251
Stereotypes, 83
Stereotyping, 71
Stewart, Paul, see Young, Nicholas Maurice, 397
Subtyping, 83
Sundararajan, Binod, see Young, Nicholas Maurice, 397
System Justification, 103
Theory, 375
Towler, Christopher, see Parker, Christopher S., 193, 431
Transracial Politics, 49
Undecided Voters, 219
Underground Railroad, 397
Virginia, 309
Voter Mobilization, 153
West, Tessa V., see Jost, John T., 103
White and Black Americans, 137
White Backlash, 309
White Working Class, 193
Williams, Lyle, see Fiske, Susan T., 83
Wilson, David C., see Hunt, Matthew O., 173
Wilson, George, Krysia Mossakowski. Fear of Job Loss: Racial/Ethnic Differences in Privileged Occupations, 357
Winant, Howard. Just Do It: Notes on Politics and Race at the Dawn of the Obama Presidency, 49
Wong, Janelle, see Ramakrishnan, S. Karthick, 219
Workplace, 357
Young, Nicholas Maurice, Binod Sundararajan, Mary Liz, Paul Stewart. Even Superheroes Need a Network: Harriet Tubman and the Rise of Insurgency in the New York State Underground Railroad, 397
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