1 Introduction
Ontology matching is a task of generating a set of correspondences (i.e., an alignment) between the entities of different ontologies. This is the basis for a range of other tasks and applications, such as ontology evolution, query rewriting, and ontology integration. While the field has fully developed in the last decades, most works are still dedicated to generating simple correspondences between single ontology entities (e.g.,
$Author \equiv Writer$
), mostly involving equivalence relations. However, with more and more ontologies being used for representing knowledge in many domains and being shared on the Linked Open Data (LOD) cloud, simple correspondences are not fully enough for covering the different kinds of heterogeneities (lexical, semantic, conceptual) in the ontologies to be linked. More expressiveness is achieved by complex correspondences (e.g.,
$IRIT\_Member \equiv Researcher \sqcap \exists belongsToLab.\{IRIT\}$
), which can better express the relationships between entities of different ontologies.
Earlier works have introduced the need for complex alignments (Visser et al., Reference Visser, Jones, Bench-Capon and Shave1997; Maedche et al., Reference Maedche, Motik, Silva and Volz2002), and different approaches for generating complex ontology alignments have been proposed in the literature afterward. These approaches rely on diverse methods, such as correspondence patterns (Ritze et al., Reference Ritze, Meilicke, Šváb Zamazal and Stuckenschmidt2009, Reference Ritze, Völker, Meilicke and Šváb Zamazal2010; Faria et al., Reference Faria, Pesquita, Balasubramani, Tervo, Carrio, Garrilha, Couto and Cruz2018), knowledge-rules (Jiang et al., Reference Jiang, Lowd, Kafle and Dou2016), statistical methods (Parundekar et al., Reference Parundekar, Knoblock and Ambite2010, Reference Parundekar, Knoblock and Ambite2012; Walshe et al., Reference Walshe, Brennan and O’Sullivan2016), competency questions for alignment (Thiéblin et al., 2018), or genetic programming (Nunes et al., Reference Nunes, Mera, Casanova, Breitman and Leme2011), and path-finding algorithms (Qin et al., Reference Qin, Dou and LePendu2007). In other fields, such as relational databases, different approaches have been proposed so far (Dhamankar et al., Reference Dhamankar, Lee, Doan, Halevy and Domingos2004; He et al., Reference He, Chang and Han2004), including evaluation of alignments between hybrid structures such as ontologies and database schemes (Pinkel et al., Reference Pinkel, Binnig, Jiménez-Ruiz, Kharlamov, May, Nikolov, Sasa Bastinos, Skjœveland, Solimando, Taheriyan, Heupel and Horrocks2017). The reader can refer to Thieblin et al. (to appear) for a survey on complex matching in general. Here, we focus on ontology matching.
While most work on complex ontology matching has been dedicated to the development of complex matching approaches, there is still a lack of benchmarks on which the complex approaches can be systematically evaluated. On the one hand, most existing proposals have been manually evaluated (Ritze et al., Reference Ritze, Meilicke, Šváb Zamazal and Stuckenschmidt2009), usually in terms of precision, or on approach-tailored datasets (e.g., one kind of correspondence only Walshe et al., Reference Walshe, Brennan and O’Sullivan2016) on which recall is calculated. On the other hand, most efforts on systematic evaluation are still dedicated to matching approaches dealing with simple alignments. Although a large spectrum of matching cases has been proposed in the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Campaigns (OAEI)Footnote 1, for example, involving synthetically generated or real-world datasets with large or domain-specific ontologies, these datasets are mostly limited to alignments with simple correspondences.
Recently, the first OAEI complex track was proposed (Thiéblin et al., 2018a), opening new perspectives for the evaluation in the field. This track contained four datasets about different domains: Conference, Hydrography, GeoLink, and Taxon. In particular, the complex Conference dataset results from a consensus between three raters manually generating the complex correspondences, with a special focus on the task of query rewriting. This consensual dataset extends the one presented in Thiéblin et al., (Reference Thiéblin, Haemmerlé, Hernandez and Trojahn2018b), where two (nonconsensual) alignment sets for two task purposes (ontology merging and query rewriting) were proposed.
While most attention in the matching evaluation field is given to the description of datasets and the process of evaluating matching systems, the process of manual construction of reference alignments is rarely documented. However, this is a hard and time-consuming task that ideally should require multiple raters and the ability to reconcile the differences in the interpretation of ontology entities and their relations, between (usually) ill-defined natural language definitions. As stated in Tordai et al., (Reference Tordai, van Ossenbruggen, Schreiber and Wielinga2011), the manual creation of alignments is by no means an easy task and the ontology alignment community should be careful in the construction and use of reference alignments. The complexity of the problem becomes worse when dealing with complex correspondences.
The aim of this paper is to present the process of constructing the consensual complex Conference dataset and describe the design choices and methodology followed for constructing it. We explore the issues the experts were faced with during the process and discuss the lessons learned and perspectives in the field. The contributions of this paper can be summarized as follows:
• we extend the methodology from Thiéblin et al., (Reference Thiéblin, Haemmerlé, Hernandez and Trojahn2018b) for constructing complex alignments, with a focus on the query-rewriting task. These guidelines can be adapted to the nature of the task or application.
• we present the consensual complex correspondence dataset that results from the adoption of the proposed methodology by three domain experts with the same level of expertise on the domain of conference organization. While gathering annotators in the field is difficult, we argue that three annotators are reasonable for this task.
• we provide an evaluation of state-of-the-art matching systems on the consensual dataset, extending the evaluation that has been reported in the first OAEI complex track (Algergawy et al., Reference Algergawy, Cheatham, Faria, Ferrara, Fundulaki, Harrow, Hertling, Jiménez-Ruiz, Karam, Khiat, Lambrix, Liand, Montanelli, Paulheim, Pesquita, Saveta, Schmidt, Shvaiko, Splendiani, Thiéblin, Trojahn, Vataščinová, Zamazal and Zhou2018) by including additional complex matchers. We discuss their strengths and weaknesses.
• we provide lessons learned from this time consuming and complex task, opening the room for further developments in the field.
More precisely, this paper extends the work from Thiéblin et al., (Reference Thiéblin, Haemmerlé, Hernandez and Trojahn2018b) by (i) reporting the process of construction of complex alignments by different annotators (only 1 annotator has been working on the previous datasets); (ii) focusing on alignments suitable for a query-rewriting task; (iii) extending the evaluation with new matchers (AMLC), and (iv) extending the discussion on the lessons learned. We argue here that a single annotator provides only a single, nonabsolute view and interpretation on the problem and several annotators are required instead. This is even more important when dealing with complex correspondences where the search space is higher. The improvement here is that the resulting alignment results from a consensual process, improving its quality.
The paper is organized as follows. After giving the background on ontology matching (Section 2) and discussing related work (Section 3), we describe the overall methodology to create the consensual alignments (Section 4). The consensus dataset is described (Section 5.2) and the evaluation of complex approaches presented (Section 6). We discuss the issues the experts faced and the mediation among annotators (Section 7) and then conclude with a discussion on the perspectives in the field (Section 8).
2 Background
Ontology matching (Euzenat & Shvaiko, Reference Euzenat and Shvaiko2013) is the process of generating an alignment A between two ontologies: a source ontology
and a target ontology
. A is directional, denoted
$A_{o_1 \to o_2}$
$A_{o_1 \to o_2}$
is a set of correspondences. Each correspondence is a triple
$\langle e_{o_1},e_{o_2},r\rangle$
are the members of the correspondence: they can be single ontology entities (classes, object properties, data properties, instances) of, respectively,
or constructions of these entities using constructors or transformation functions. r is a relation, for example, equivalence (
), subsumption (
), or disjointedness (
) between
The ontologies used in the following examples are illustrated in Figure 1. In this paper, the complex correspondences are described using the
syntax, and the ontologies are graphically represented using the diagrammatic logic formalism defined in Stapleton et al., (Reference Stapleton, Howse, Bonnington and Burton2014).
Figure 1 Fragment of two heterogeneous ontologies from the conference domain (from Thiéblin et al., Reference Thiéblin, Haemmerlé, Hernandez and Trojahn2018b)
We consider two types of correspondences, depending on the type of their members:
• if the correspondence is simple, both
$e_{o_1}$ and
$e_{o_2}$ are atomic entities: one single entity is matched with another single entity, for example,
$o_1$ :Person
$o_2$ :Human is a simple correspondence.
• if the correspondence is complex, at least one of
$e_{o_1}$ or
$e_{o_2}$ involves a constructor or a transformation function. For example,
$o_1$ :authorOf
$o_2$ :writtenBy
$ ^{-}$ is a complex correspondence with the inverseOf constructor.
$o_1$ :AcceptedPaper
$o_2$ :acceptedBy.
$\top$ is a complex correspondence with the existential constructor.
$o_2$ :name is the concatenation of the
$o_1$ :firstname and
$o_1$ :lastname is a complex correspondence with a transformation functionFootnote 2.
A complex alignment contains at least one complex correspondence. We will refer to approaches that generate simple alignments as simple matchers and to approaches that generate complex alignments as complex matchers.
3 Related work
This section discusses the main related work on complex ontology alignment evaluation and generation of reference alignments. Although some approaches rely on instances to discover alignments at the schema level as well as adopt different kinds of reference (alignments or queries), the focus here is on ontology matching rather than on entity matching.
3.1 Complex ontology alignment evaluation
Alignments generated by (simple) matchers have been evaluated in different ways (Do et al., Reference Do, Melnik and Rahm2002). One classical way consists of comparing generated alignments to reference ones (gold standard). However, constructing such references is a time-consuming task that requires experts in the domain. In the absence of such resources or when dealing with large datasets, alternatives include manual labeling on sample alignments (Van Hage et al., Reference Van Hage, Isaac and Aleksovski2007), computing the minimal set of correspondences (which can be used for computing all the other ones) for reducing the effort on manual validation (Maltese et al., Reference Maltese, Giunchiglia and Autayeu2010), or measuring the quality of alignments in terms of coherence measurements (Meilicke & Stuckenschmidt, Reference Meilicke and Stuckenschmidt2008) or conservativity principle violation (Solimando et al., Reference Solimando, Jimenez-Ruiz and Guerrini2017). Alternatively, an alignment can be assessed regarding its suitability for a specific task or application (Isaac et al., Reference Isaac, Matthezing, van der Meij, Schlobach, Wang and Zinn2008; Hollink et al., Reference Hollink, Van Assem, Wang, Isaac and Schreiber2008; Solimando et al., Reference Solimando, Jiménez-Ruiz and Pinkel2014). Other approaches consider the generation of natural language questions to support end-users in the validation task (Abacha & Zweigenbaum, Reference Abacha and Zweigenbaum2014) or validating correspondences on graph-based algorithms in a semi-automatic way (Serpeloni et al., Reference Serpeloni, Moraes and Bonacin2011). While those approaches have been primarily applied to simple alignments, complex alignment evaluation has been addressed to a lesser extent. To the best of our knowledge, there is no current approach fully automating the evaluation of complex alignments.
The evaluation of most existing complex approaches has been done by manually calculating the precision of the alignments generated by the systems (Ritze et al., Reference Ritze, Meilicke, Šváb Zamazal and Stuckenschmidt2009, Reference Ritze, Völker, Meilicke and Šváb Zamazal2010; Parundekar et al., Reference Parundekar, Knoblock and Ambite2012; Walshe et al., Reference Walshe, Brennan and O’Sullivan2016). With respect to the few complex alignment sets, most of them have been created to evaluate specific complex matching approaches, aiming at calculating recall. The approach of Parundekar et al., (Reference Parundekar, Knoblock and Ambite2012) estimated recall based on the recurring pattern between DBpedia and Geonames:
geonames:countryCode.{theCountryCode} where theCountryInstance is a country instance of DBpedia such as dbpedia:Spain and theCountryCode is a country code such as “ES”. They estimated the number of occurrences of this pattern between these ontologies and calculated the recall based on this estimation. In Qin et al., (Reference Qin, Dou and LePendu2007), a set of reference correspondences between two ontologies have been manually created, involving nine correspondences from which only two could not be expressed with simple ones. In Walshe et al., (Reference Walshe, Brennan and O’Sullivan2016), the authors proposed an algorithm to create an evaluation dataset that is composed of a synthetic ontology containing 50 classes with known Class-by-attribute-value correspondence pattern with DBpedia and 50 classes with no known correspondences with DBpedia. Both ontologies are populated with the same instances. More recently, a “compound” alignment set has been proposed between biology ontologies in Oliveira and Pesquita (Reference Oliveira and Pesquita2018). These alignments involve entities from more than two ontologies. For example,
:C is a compound correspondence. These correspondences can be considered complex since one member contains a constructor, but they are out of the scope of our study. The closest approach to ours is from Jiang et al., (Reference Jiang, Lowd, Kafle and Dou2016), who extended the Conference dataset with complex alignments to evaluate their knowledge-rule-based alignment approach. However, the methodology used for the construction of the dataset is not specified, and the dataset is not available online.
Approaches using complex correspondences for a given purpose (query rewriting, for example), also propose alignment sets created for their needs, even though they have not been used for matcher evaluation. For instance, the authors of Makris et al., (Reference Makris, Bikakis, Gioldasis and Christodoulakis2012) present a set of complex correspondences used for query rewritingFootnote 3. However, they are not in a reusable format and only concern a pair of ontologies. In Thiéblin et al., (Reference Thiéblin, Amarger, Hernandez, Roussey and Trojahn2017), complex correspondences between agronomic ontologies were manually created for query rewriting on the LOD cloud.
In the context of systematic evaluations, four datasets have been recently proposed in the first OAEI complex track (Thiéblin et al., 2018a). These datasets cover different domains (conference, hydrology, geoscience, and agronomy) and evaluation strategies. The Conference dataset refers to the consensus dataset described in Section 5.2. Precision and recall measures are manually calculated over the complex equivalence correspondences. The Hydrography dataset is composed of four source ontologies and a target ontology, and the evaluation is based on three subtasks: given an entity from the source ontology, identify all related entities in the source, and target ontologies; given an entity in the source ontology and the set of related entities, identify the logical relation that holds between them; identify the full complex correspondences. The GeoLink dataset, as with the Conference dataset, was developed in consultation with domain experts from several geoscience research institutions. Evaluation was conducted as for the Hydrography dataset. Finally, the Taxon dataset aims at evaluating alignments involving plant taxonomy. The evaluation is twofold: first, the precision of the output alignment is manually assessed; then, a set of source queries are rewritten using the output alignment. Each rewritten target query is then manually classified as correct or incorrect. A source query is considered successfully rewritten if at least one of the target queries is equivalent to it (i.e., it is able to retrieve the same set of instances). The proportion of source queries successfully rewritten is then calculated. The evaluation over this dataset was open to all matching systems (simple or complex), but some queries cannot be rewritten without complex correspondences.
Finally, in the domain of schema matching (database or XML schema), dedicated complex alignment datasets have been constructed to evaluate the approaches dealing with these schemata. In general, these datasets contain mostly transformation functions. For instance, the Illinois semantic integration archive (Doan, Reference Doan2005) is a dataset of complex correspondences on value transformations (e.g., string concatenation) in the inventory and real estate domain. This dataset only contains correspondences between schemata with transformation functions. For the purpose of evaluating matching hybrid structures, the RODI Benchmark (Pinkel et al., Reference Pinkel, Binnig, Jiménez-Ruiz, Kharlamov, May, Nikolov, Sasa Bastinos, Skjœveland, Solimando, Taheriyan, Heupel and Horrocks2017) proposes an evaluation over a given scenario involving R2RML correspondences between a database schema and an ontology. The benchmark relies on ontologies from the OAEI Conference dataset, Geodata ontology, and the Oil and Gas ontology. The schemata are either derived from the ontologies themselves or curated on the Web. RODI deals with R2RML alignment and uses reference SPARQL and SQL queries to assess the quality of the alignment. Recently, an approach for automatic generation of R2RML mappings has been evaluated on this benchmark (Mathur et al., Reference Mathur, O’Sullivan and Brennan2018).
3.2 Consensual reference alignments
The creation of reference alignments is crucial in ontology matching evaluation. While different datasets have been constructed from manual analysis, involving a different number of experts and resulting in different levels of agreement, the focus has mostly been on describing the resulting dataset rather than on the details of the manual process. Guidelines for constructing reference alignments are in fact scarce in the field, though there are more general discussions on the qualities of a good benchmark in other research fields (Sim et al., Reference Sim, Easterbrook and Holt2003; Dekhtyar and Hayes, Reference Dekhtyar and Hayes2006).
Different strategies have been followed, including starting the alignment generation from scratch, relying on a set of initial alignments for gathering additional ones, and creating a reference from validating and selecting a set of correspondences from automatically generated correspondences from a number of matching systems. In the first category, the creation of the first reference alignment of the Conference dataset dates back to 2008, when the track organizers created a reference alignment for all possible pairs of five of the conference ontologies. The reference alignments were based on the majority opinion of three evaluators and were discussed during a consensus workshop. This dataset has evolved over the years (as described in Zamazal & Svátek, Reference Zamazal and Svátek2017), with the feedback from the OAEI participants and has been revised in Cheatham and Hitzler (Reference Cheatham and Hitzler2014). They reexamined the dataset with a focus on the degree of agreement between the reference alignments and the opinion of experts. A general method for crowdsourcing the development of more benchmarks of this type using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk has been also introduced and shown to be scalable and to agree well with expert opinion.
With the aim of studying the way different raters evaluate correspondences, in Tordai et al., (Reference Tordai, van Ossenbruggen, Schreiber and Wielinga2011), experiments in manual evaluation have been carried out using a set of correspondences generated by different matchers between vocabularies of different types. Five raters evaluated alignments and talked through their decisions using the think aloud method. Their analysis showed which variables can be controlled to affect the level of agreement, including the correspondence relations, the evaluation guidelines, and the background of the raters. That work refers as well to the different levels of agreements between annotators reported in the literature. While a perfect agreement between raters is reported in the very large crosslingual resources (VLCR) dataset in Euzenat et al., (Reference Euzenat, Ferrara, Hollink, Isaac, Joslyn, Malaisé, Meilicke, Nikolov, Pane, Sabou, Scharffe, Shvaiko, Spiliopoulos, Stuckenschmidt, Sváb-Zamazal, Svátek, dos Santos, Vouros and Wang2009), Halpin et al., (Reference Halpin, Hayes, McCusker, McGuinness, Thompson, Patel-Schneider, Pan, Hitzler, Mika, Zhang, Pan, Horrocks and Glimm2010) reported a quite different observation when establishing owl:sameAs relationships in the LOD. These aspects have also been discussed in Stevens et al., (Reference Stevens, Lord, Malone and Matentzoglu2018) for the task of manually integrating top-level and domain ontologies.
Close to ours, Zhou et al., (Reference Zhou, Cheatham, Krisnadhi and Hitzler2018) proposed a dataset where all correspondences were established as a collaborative effort between the data repository providers, the domain experts, and the ontology engineers involved in the modeling and deployment process of the GeoLink project. These correspondences include expressive (m:n) correspondences. However, the methodology followed to create this alignment has not been documented in their paper. The methodology we followed in this paper is detailed in the next section.
4 Methodology
This section describes the overall methodology we followed to create the consensual complex alignment dataset. As stated before, we adapted the methodology proposed in Thiéblin et al., (Reference Thiéblin, Haemmerlé, Hernandez and Trojahn2018b). The methodology focuses on finding as many complex correspondences as possible with an equivalence relation according to the task purpose of the alignment. This methodology targets task-oriented creation of alignments, in particular, ontology merging and query rewriting.
Here, our choice was to focus on creating alignments for query rewriting. This design choice is motivated by the fact that query rewriting is a common task requiring alignments that does not restrict complex alignments to
expressiveness, as is the case for alignments applied to ontology merging. That task requires the resulting ontology to be coherent; in other words, reasoning on the merged ontology must be decidable. Therefore, the alignment should follow the
expressiveness and should not bring any incoherence. For query rewriting, the expressiveness of the correspondences is not limited. Transformation functions can be used as well as “complex roles” (which are limited in
). Therefore, the coherence of an alignment intended for query rewriting can generally not be verified because a reasoning task is not decidable given its expressiveness.
Having the target task, the second step was to agree on the methodology to follow. For that, all three experts discussed the methodology and agreed on how to proceed for constructing complex correspondences targeting the task of query rewriting. Unclear points of the methodology and different interpretations of some steps have been discussed.
The overall methodology is articulated in the following steps:
1. Agree on the simple equivalence correspondences between
$o_1$ and
$o_2$ to rely on.
2. Individually create the complex correspondences based on the simple correspondences so that the complex correspondences fit the purpose of the alignment and express the correspondences in first-order logic (FOL).
3. Collaboratively validate the set of found complex correspondences.
In the following, we detail the main steps of the methodology.
4.1 Step 1: agree on equivalence correspondences
We argue that complex correspondences come as a complement to simple correspondences. The first step of the methodology was to decide the set of simple input alignments to use as a basis for anchoring the discovery of complex correspondences. Here, the available simple reference alignment (ra1) from the Conference dataset has been used. There are also other variants of ra1 in the Conference track, but since their differences are relatively small and all are derived from the (always open) ra1, this one was used as input for starting discussion toward agreeing on equivalence correspondences. The three annotators analyzed the simple alignments and some conflicts leading to incoherence were identified and discussed. Furthermore, missing correspondences were added to the original set in order to better guide the discovery of the complex correspondences. The output of this step was a consensual set of simple equivalent correspondences. This results in:
• 5 equivalence correspondences removed (e.g., cmt:ConferenceMember
$\equiv$ ekaw:Conference_Participant)
• 4 equivalence correspondences added (e.g., cmt:ProgramCommitteeMember
$\equiv$ ekaw:PC_Member)
• 7 modifications in the correspondence relation, changing equivalences to subsumptions) (e.g. conference:Information_for_participants
$\sqsupseteq$ ekaw:Programme_Brochure, instead of an equivalence)
4.2 Step 2: individually create complex correspondences
From the simple consensus alignment established in the previous step, an agreement between the annotators was reached with respect to the following points:
• Find correspondences in both directions (1:n) and (m:1). By focusing on (1:n) and (m:1) correspondences, the size of the matching space (all possible correspondences) is reduced. The correspondences found by the annotators will then be easier to compare, as only their relation and target member will differ.
• Focus on equivalence correspondences because equivalence can be considered as the most informative relation.
• If no equivalences are found (simple or complex), subsumptions are then considered. For subsumption correspondences, precision was favored over recall. We chose to focus on more accurate correspondences rather than covering ones. For example, when matching conference:Conference_contribution with the cmt ontology, the correspondence conference:Conference_contribution
$\sqsupseteq$ cmt:Paper will be preferred over conference:Conference_contribution
$\sqsubseteq$ cmt:Document.
Having this in mind, each annotator manually generated a set of complex correspondences, following the steps, with
the source ontology, and
the target one.
1. For each entity
$e_1$ of
$o_1$ not in a simple equivalence correspondence, find a semantically equivalent construction from
$o_2$ entities.
• If no equivalence can be found, look for the closest entity or construction from
$o_2$ subsumed by
$e_1$ .
2. Repeat the previous step for each entity of
$o_2$ (constructions from
$o_1$ entities).
All the correspondences have then been expressed in FOL. This choice is motivated by the fact it is a common representation language which has a good balance of expressiveness and readability.
4.3 Step 3: collaboratively validate the complex correspondences
In the third step of the process, the sets of correspondences generated by the three annotators have been merged together. Then, each annotator analyzed the merged set of correspondences, in an open evaluation process (i.e., knowing the name of the annotator of each correspondence), provided her/his comments and feedback on each correspondence and classified them into agree or disagree categories. Annotators provided a justification in disagree cases. A fourth annotator also participated in this analysis. Figure 2 presents a fragment of the online shared spreadsheet used to create and comment the correspondences.
Figure 2 Interface for correspondence annotation. Agree/disagree and a comment to argument if necessary
Once each annotator analyzed the whole set of correspondences, the decisions were discussed and the differences in interpretations were reconciled. This was an iterative process until full agreement (or disagreement) was reached for each correspondence. We ended up with a set of agreed correspondences, as further detailed in Section 5.2.
As expected, some correspondences were written differently by different annotators, for example, conference:Conference_part
ekaw:partOf.ekaw:Conference was also written as conference:Conference_part
ekaw:hasPart-.ekaw:Conference. These two correspondences are semantically equivalent as ekaw:hasPart
ekaw:partOf-. In the final consensus, we chose the expression with the smallest number of constructors. When different constructions were found equivalent by the annotators but were not explicitly semantically equivalent with respect to the ontology axioms, the target constructions were put together in a disjunction (union). For example, ekaw:Accepted_Paper
cmt:hasDecision.cmt:Acceptance and ekaw:Accepted_Paper
were both agreed on by the annotators but nothing in cmt states that
. Therefore, the following correspondence was chosen in the consensus alignment: ekaw:Accepted_Paper
). More details are provided in the next section.
5 Consensus complex alignment set
Before describing the resulting consensus alignment set, we introduce the Conference dataset from which our dataset has been built.
5.1 Conference dataset
The Conference datasetFootnote 4 was proposed in Šváb et al., (Reference Šváb, Svátek, Berka, Rak and Tomášek2005). This dataset has been used to evaluate nearly all ontology matching systems developed since then (Cheatham & Hitzler, Reference Cheatham and Hitzler2014), and it is quite a challenging dataset in the field (Zamazal & Svátek, Reference Zamazal and Svátek2017). This dataset is composed of 16 ontologies on the conference organization domain and simple reference alignments between 7 of these ontologies. These ontologies were developed individually. We chose three ontologies among the ones in the reference simple alignment for their different number of classes (Table 1: cmt, conference (Sofsem), and ekaw. Here, we consider the set of simple reference alignments that results from the modifications made in the first step of the methodology.
Table 1 Number of entities by type of each ontology
5.2 Consensual complex dataset
As stated above, the methodology was applied by three experts in the domain to all six pairs involving the three ontologies. During the creation of the complex correspondences, some annotators did not exactly follow the methodology. The correspondences that they created were all annotated by the others annotators even if not compliant with the methodology. This was, in particular, related to the lack of direction in our current methodology regarding creation of (m:n) correspondences. This resulted in three alignments:
All Alignment containing all of the correspondences created by the annotators.
Methodo Alignment containing all of the correspondences created by the annotators and compliant with the methodology.
Logic methodo Alignment containing the correspondences with logic expressions as members created by the annotators and compliant with the methodology (all correspondences from Methodo except the value transformation function correspondences).
The observed agreements for the three datasets are shown in Table 2. Note that this agreement has been calculated over the consensus dataset. Overall, we observe a higher agreement, with a slight lower agreement for the Methodo and Logic methodo involving the pairs cmt-ekaw.
Table 2 Observed agreement between raters, for each pair of ontologies, for each version of the alignment (All, Methodo, Logic methodo)
The patterns were used a posteriori for analyzing the alignments, not as a basis for the correspondence creation. An extensive list of the patterns can be found in Scharffe, (Reference Scharffe2009). The meaning of the abbreviations used in the following tables is CAT:
$A \equiv \exists b.C$
, CAE:
$A \equiv \exists b.\top$
$A \equiv \exists b^{-}.\top$
$A \equiv \exists b^{-}.C$
, n: negation, dom: domain restriction, range: range restriction, dom/range: domain and range restriction, transfo: transformation function on data properties, c: class, rel: object property, prop: data property, chain: a chain of properties (object properties and/or data properties), inv: inverse of an object property, composite or compo: different patterns in the same correspondence. The domain restriction and range restriction patterns are correspondence patterns from Scharffe (Reference Scharffe2009) and not OWL axiom primitives.
Table 3 presents examples of correspondences from the alignment sets and their type.
Table 3 Example of correspondences and their type (correspondence pattern)
Table 4 shows the number of agreed correspondences per type in the All and Methodo agreed alignments. Overall, the All alignments contain correspondences with more patterns than the Methodo ones. There are more simple subsumptions in the All alignments than in the Methodo ones as most of them were filtered.
Table 4 All and methodology (met) number of correspondences per type of correspondence
Table 5 shows the differences between the methodology-compliant consensual alignment and the query-rewriting one from Thiéblin et al., (Reference Thiéblin, Haemmerlé, Hernandez and Trojahn2018b) (following the same methodology). One can notice that for some ontology pairs, such as cmt-ekaw, few changes were made, whereas for others, such as ekaw-conference, we observe a higher number of changes. By comparing the alignments, for some cases, a change in the simple correspondences implies changes for the complex correspondences. This was the case for the conference-ekaw and conference-cmt correspondences, in which a simple equivalence correspondence (e.g., cmt:Paper
conference:Written_contribution) was found in the consensus alignment to be a subsumption (
), leading to complex correspondences with different relations from the query-rewriting alignment from Thiéblin et al., (Reference Thiéblin, Haemmerlé, Hernandez and Trojahn2018b). Overall, the simple correspondences are more easily consensual than the complex correspondences. Totally, 79% of the simple correspondences from the consensus and the query-rewriting one (Thiéblin e t al., 2018b) are identical, whereas only 55% of the complex ones are. We argue here that the 45% of the non-identical correspondences refer to an extension of the original dataset, and in that sense we can argue that it is an improvement in terms of coverage of the space of possible correspondences. The quality is rather guaranteed by the fact that it has been manually created under a consensual process.
Table 5 Differences between the methodology-compliant consensus alignment and the query-rewriting alignment from Thiéblin et al., (Reference Thiéblin, Haemmerlé, Hernandez and Trojahn2018b). It shows the number of correspondences which are identical, have been added or deleted, or whose relation (r) was changed from the query-rewriting alignment to obtain the consensus alignment
Table 6 Precision (P), Recall (R), and F-measure for four selected matchers
6 Evaluation of complex matchers
In order to perform an evaluation using the introduced consensual dataset, we selected four approaches:
• Ritze2009: the pattern-based approach presented in Ritze et al., (Reference Ritze, Meilicke, Šváb Zamazal and Stuckenschmidt2009).
• Ritze2010: the lexical-based approach presented in Ritze et al., (Reference Ritze, Völker, Meilicke and Šváb Zamazal2010).
• Jiang2016: the approach, KAOM (Knowledge Aware Ontology Matching), based on Markov logic networks as described in Jiang et al., (Reference Jiang, Lowd, Kafle and Dou2016).
• AMLC2018: the approach used within the OAEI 2018 that is a variation of the AML matcher for complex matching (Faria et al., Reference Faria, Pesquita, Balasubramani, Tervo, Carrio, Garrilha, Couto and Cruz2018).
The choice for these tools is motivated by the fact that (1) they are the publicly available systems that could be run without errors and (2) they do not rely on instances, as the dataset is not equipped with instances.
The complex correspondences output by the matchers was manually compared to the methodology-compliant consensual alignment. For this evaluation, we considered only equivalence correspondences. Further, the confidence of the correspondences was not taken into account. The input matchers used correspondences from the simple reference alignment (ra1); therefore, we only evaluate the complex correspondences.
Table 6 shows precision, recall, and F-measures per matcher and with regard to each ontology pair as well as on average. The best performance (0.42 of F-measure) was achieved by AMLC2018, which participated in OAEI 2018. Although other selected matchers only achieved F-measures around 0.10, they still managed to generate interesting true positives (TPs) as well as interesting false positives (FPs). In comparison with the task-oriented evaluation performed in Thiéblin et al., (Reference Thiéblin, Haemmerlé, Hernandez and Trojahn2018b), the matching system (KAOM) from the Jiang2016 approach found fewer TPs than in the case of the current evaluation (four against two TPs). In the case of the approaches of Ritze2009 and Ritze2010, the number of TPs remains the same (two TPs).
We inspected the generated alignments in more detail per each matcher. The matcher from Ritze2009 generated several interesting incorrect correspondences, mostly for difficult concepts, for example, cmt:Meta-Review
$\equiv \exists $
ekaw:hasReview-.ekaw:Review. The complex correspondence states that a Meta-Review is a Review which reviews of something. This definition rather fits to any review. We should note that the concept of Meta-Review is underspecified in the cmt ontology (Meta-Review is merely defined as a subclass of Review) and thus it is difficult to grasp this concept based on the ontology. Another example of a difficult concept, which the matcher from Ritze2009 tried to match, is AuthorNotReviewer from the cmt ontology. In this case, the difficulty comes from a negation present in its local name. While the attempt to match was promising, it does not properly cope with the open world assumption principle: cmt:AuthorNotReviewer
$\equiv \exists$
conference:contributes. conference:Reviewed_contribution. The matcher from Jiang2016 generated the highest number of correspondences (39, see in Table 7). Many FPs happened due to a domain or range mismatch with regard to a property definition of domain and/or range in the source ontology and definition of domain and range stated in the complex correspondence, for example, cmt:writtenBy
ekaw:writtenBy.ekaw:Paper.ekaw:Paper_Author where domain (range) of writtenBy property in cmt is defined as Review (Reviewer resp.). In many cases, the matcher from Jiang2016 did not follow the right direction of the property used for the restriction, for example, conference:Review
ekaw:hasReview.ekaw:Positive_Review where domain of hasReview is Paper in the ekaw ontology.
AMLC2018 several times found an equivalence correspondence while the methodology-compliant consensual alignment had the correspondence with the subsumption relation. We think that it is particularly difficult to properly distinguish between equivalence and subsumption in some situations, for example, cmt:Rejected_contribution
$\equiv \exists$
conference:hasDecision. conference:Rejection. Further, this matcher often generated complex correspondences where the property was used in the wrong direction, for example, conference:Presentation
ekaw:presentationOfPaper –.⊤
Table 7 Number of different types of complex correspondences (correspondence patterns). Types are explained in Section 5.2. Other types include inv(rel), union(c), and correspondences with the universal quantifier
While it is common to assign confidence scores to simple correspondences, out of four selected matchers only AMLC2018 assigned a confidence to the output. As we expect more participants in the complex track of OAEI in the future, we also anticipate that they will assign confidence scores to complex correspondences.
The matchers differ not only in their performance with respect to the methodology-compliant consensual alignment but also with respect to the types of correspondences they found. Numbers of different types of correspondences are stated in Table 7. The matchers from Ritze2009 and Ritze2010 only consider the CAT type of complex correspondences (9 and 2, respectively). The AMLC2018 generated not only the CAT type of complex correspondences (16) but also the CAE type of complex correspondences (7). The most diverse types of complex correspondences were found by the matcher from Jiang2016. It further generated the dom/range type of complex correspondences (19) where restriction was applied on both domain and range and the chain type of complex correspondences (6). It also outputs four correspondences of inv(rel), one union(c) and one complex correspondence with a universal quantifier.
7 Lessons learned
In the following, the lessons learned from the effort of creating a consensus complex dataset and using it for evaluation of ontology matching systems are discussed together with future directions in the field.
7.1 Manual creation of alignments
In general, manually creating alignments is far from an easy task. This difficulty, however, increases when dealing with complex alignments, which are inherently more expressive. One of the main challenges is to fully understand the nuances between similar entities’ definitions, which can lead to different interpretations in terms of the semantics of entities and the types of relations, for example, equivalences or subsumptions. For example, the concept reviewer of a paper can either mean “a person who reviews a paper” or “a person who is assigned to a paper” which is slightly different. The propagation of these interpretations led to different interpretations of the whole set. This experience corroborates what has been stated in Tordai et al., (Reference Tordai, van Ossenbruggen, Schreiber and Wielinga2011) on the well-known vagueness of the boundary between polysemy and homonymy observed from studies in lexical semantics, where the classification of different types of polysemy is still a matter of debate among linguists. Humans rarely have problems disambiguating the meaning of words in a discourse context. However, in an ontology alignment task, this context is usually much more limited than discourse. This is even worse when dealing with poor annotations in the ontologies to be aligned, as is the case in the Conference dataset, where not all entities have rich associated annotations. Having rich terminological layers in the ontologies could help as well as having some sample instance data.
Another issue in establishing complex alignments is related to the strong need for collaboration in order to reach a consensus. Reaching a consensus is done by measuring the level of agreement between annotators and keeping the correspondences with a high level of agreement. However, as observed in several works (Halpin et al., Reference Halpin, Hayes, McCusker, McGuinness, Thompson, Patel-Schneider, Pan, Hitzler, Mika, Zhang, Pan, Horrocks and Glimm2010; Tordai et al., Reference Tordai, van Ossenbruggen, Schreiber and Wielinga2011; Stevens et al., Reference Stevens, Lord, Malone and Matentzoglu2018), the level of agreement may diverge greatly. It is helpful to keep track of correspondences that have been previously considered and rejected (and the reasons why), to avoid repeated discussions on the same issues. Likewise, if a correspondence is accepted by the annotators as valid, the reasons for this should be captured. Part of the difficulty in achieving consensus is due to the various possible usages of an ontology alignment. A correspondence that is appropriate for an alignment intended for a query federation application may not be appropriate for an application that requires logical reasoning over the merged ontology. Keeping track of different application versions of an alignment between two ontology pairs is therefore important. We note that these requirements are not unique to establishing complex reference alignments—they also apply to simple alignments, but the complexity involved in the complex case makes these issues even more pressing.
Due to the difficulties discussed above and several others, the process of generating the complex alignments was time intensive, and the nature of the work was considered somewhat tedious by the annotators. Many issues could potentially be mitigated in the future through improved tool support (though this is not only specific to the construction of complex alignments). Here, the generated alignments have been stored in spreadsheets. As reported in Meilicke et al., (Reference Meilicke, Stuckenschmidt and Šváb-Zamazal2009), even using an ad hoc web-based tool can help support construction of alignments. More advanced tools could greatly facilitate the process. In particular, the following functionality may be useful in future efforts of this kind:
1. Automated selection (and ranking) of entities in one ontology related to a selected entity in the other; this might be provided based on an existing simple reference alignment and/or the output of a simple alignment system;
2. Indication of when a newly suggested correspondence is already entailed by the existing set of correspondences and/or the ontologies themselves;
3. Dependency tracking to monitor when a correspondence depends on a particular semantic interpretation of an ontology entity and/or another correspondenceFootnote 5
4. A collaborative mode supporting voting, comments, and version tracking;
5. Ability to output a complex alignment in various popular representation formats (e.g., OWL, EDOAL, DL syntax);
6. Synthetic generation of instance data sufficient to evaluate a proposed alignment over the ontology pair from a query-rewriting perspective.
Last but not least, the process of manual alignment creation could benefit from tools supporting traceability. In that sense, the M-Gov framework described in Singh et al., (Reference Singh, Debruyne, Brennan, Meehan and O’Sullivan2017) could help in describing the metadata related to the users involved and their discussions during the generation of alignments.
7.2 Methodology
The methodology followed in this work to create the complex alignments required several refinements over the course of the project, due to different initial interpretations by the annotators involved. Key issues included the need to define the use case for the alignments under development (e.g., query rewriting versus ontology merging), the performance metric to optimize (e.g., precision rather than recall or F-measure), and the definition of “subsumption” with respect to data properties (e.g., is the meronomic relation of family name to full name considered a subsumption?). The methodology presented in Section 4 is to some degree specific to the decisions made on these issues. Future work on complex alignment generation that makes alternative choices on these matters will likely require variations on the approach presented here.
Even when future efforts to form consensus on complex alignments have similar goals to those pursued here, they might benefit from extensions to the methodology used here. In particular, the current methodology does not allow for the suggestion of (m:n) correspondences between two ontologies (i.e., correspondences in which both
involve constructors or transformation functions). Existing work on aligning real-world ontologies suggests that such correspondences, while not close to the majority, occur naturally in many cases. Guidance could also be given on whether or not to include correspondences between the ontologies that are logically or intuitively true but may “add new knowledge” (i.e., that exist in an area at the border between ontology alignment and ontology engineering/creation). Furthermore, while we have made the assumption that the task impacts an alignment’s expressiveness and therefore made the choice to target a query-rewriting application rather than, say, ontology merging, our work did not consider the specific application to which the alignment would be applied (e.g., conference paper management, conference attendees management). Taking into account the specific application purpose for an alignment may impact not only the expressiveness of the alignment but also its content.
Another potential area in which the current methodology could be extended is guidance on how to specify the confidence value of a correspondence. In fact, many existing simple alignment benchmarks also do not have meaningful confidence values associated with correspondences (they are all 1.0); however, this has been shown not to accurately reflect the degree of consensus on the correspondences (Cheatham & Hitzler, Reference Cheatham and Hitzler2014). Meaningful confidence values can be useful in evaluating ontology matchers (e.g., by penalizing a system more for missing an obviously correct correspondence than a controversial one). They can also be useful for system designers to determine when their system is producing meaningful but not optimal correspondences. There are several possible semantics for confidence values, including the degree of consensus or the degree of “correctness” of a correspondence. Developing a methodology for generating meaningful and useful confidence values for complex correspondences remains an important area of future work.
7.3 Consensus dataset
The consensus complex alignments presented here have the benefit of involving real-world ontologies that are fairly expressive; however, there are also several limitations to this dataset. In particular, the ontologies involved are relatively small and they are not populated, which impacts the evaluation of complex matchers that rely on large numbers of instances. Furthermore, because the ontologies considered here all model the same particular domain, the dataset may bias the evaluation of complex matchers. It is clear that a wider variety of datasets involving complex alignments should be made available to facilitate the development and evaluation of complex ontology alignment systems. These alignments should ideally involve ontologies of various sizes that cover a range of different domains. The work here leads us to note several potential difficulties in establishing such alignments, however. In particular, many ontology pairs contain valid correspondences that are not representable in either OWL DL or EDOAL, for example, relations between object properties in one ontology and datatype properties in the other, or many types of transformations. Since heterogeneous representation hinders an interoperability between real-world ontologies, this issue needs more work to be done in order to represent and utilize alignments that contain correspondences of this type. In addition, several elements of the methodology presented here were manually intensive and will likely not scale well to large alignments. For instance, we began our process using a high-quality set of simple correspondences as a starting point. If such an alignment is unavailable for an ontology pair, this step could be quite time consuming in itself. Additionally, we are not aware of any conflict resolution system for complex alignments (Alcomo Meilicke, Reference Meilicke2011 is only for simple alignments), so for the moment, this is a manual step.
7.4 Evaluation of complex matchers
With respect to the evaluation, the metrics used here are the classical precision, recall, and F-measure. Applied to complex correspondences, they present some limits. First, the relation of the relationship (e.g., equivalence, subsumption, disjunction) is not taken into account. Second, the same correspondence can be expressed in different ways: in this evaluation, we manually compared two expressions; however, this approach is not scalable. Third, we could consider the confidence of correspondences (here we assume that all generated correspondences by matchers are 1.0). Finally, the evaluation is not task centered in the sense that the alignments generated by the approaches were not applied to query rewriting or ontology merging.
Nevertheless, the evaluation of the matchers shows that there is room for improvements in complex alignment generation. In our evaluation, we observe that good precision is often achieved at the expense of recall. The approaches (Ritze et al., Reference Ritze, Meilicke, Šváb Zamazal and Stuckenschmidt2009, Reference Ritze, Völker, Meilicke and Šváb Zamazal2010) only found correspondences in the cmt-ekaw pair. Even though they both achieved a good precision performance (0.5 and 1.0), they had a low recall (0.2). The approach of Jiang et al., (Reference Jiang, Lowd, Kafle and Dou2016) is the only one of the four approaches that considers object property restrictions, which are needed for query rewriting. However, many of the output correspondences were incorrect. The approach of Faria et al., (Reference Faria, Pesquita, Balasubramani, Tervo, Carrio, Garrilha, Couto and Cruz2018) could discover the most correct correspondences overall, but their F-measure on the conference-ekaw and cmt-conference pairs (0.26 and 0.28) are open to improvement.
8 Conclusion and perspectives
This paper has presented a consensual dataset supporting the task of evaluating complex matching approaches. This dataset has been used in the evaluation of complex matchers in OAEI 2019. While most works in the literature are focused on describing the datasets themselves, less attention has been given to the methodological aspects of the (manual) creation of (complex) reference alignments. We described the design choices and the methodology followed for constructing it. In particular, the issues the experts faced during the process have been discussed and the lessons learned and perspectives in the field have been pointed out. Generating such alignments is, in fact, a time consuming and sometimes tedious task that requires different human annotators and that has to be guided by a “consensual” methodology. However, starting from that does not guarantee uniform interpretations along the process, as we could observe in this experience.
Summing up our findings, we highlight that
• ontology interpretations and their propagation has a strong impact in the generated correspondences;
• reaching the consensus needs a strong collaboration; keeping track of the usage of the alignments and of the evaluation metric to optimize helps in their construction;
• there is a strong relation between the kind of task and the expressiveness of the correspondences;
• existing alignment representation languages do not cover all possible constructions and transformations;
• there is a lack of tools supporting the whole process; automatic evaluation is also an open issue.
In the future, the following objectives should be considered: (a) to populate the ontologies in order to be able to apply complex approaches relying on instances; (b) to propose an automatic evaluation strategy of complex alignments based on instances comparison rather than on the syntactic or semantic comparison of correspondences; (c) to extend the methodology and the dataset itself in order to cover (m:n) correspondences and to address the task of ontology merging; (d) to develop a tool able to support the managing of complex alignments (creation, evolution, visualization, versioning, collaboration, etc.); (e) to work on extending existing alignment representation languages in order to cover the whole space of representation possibilities; and (f) studying the possibility of computing minimal complex correspondences (considering logical inference) from which the other ones can be generated, helping the task of manually creating such correspondences.
The authors would like to thank Lu Zhou for his help on the creation of the correspondences. Ondřej Zamazal was supported by the CSF grant no. 18-23964S and by long-term institutional support of research activities by Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, University of Economics, Prague.