This is a beautifully presented book that is very clearly signposted allowing the user to easily navigate through its pages. The foreword by C.L. Saltzman succinctly summarises the value of the book “How often do we look... and wonder is that an abnormality....” “The great value of this book is as an easy and quick reference....”
With the use of picture archiving systems throughout clinical practice medical images and imaging has become a more readily accessible tool to the health-care professional. Any health-care professional who uses medical images of the foot, ankle, lower leg and the knee will find this book invaluable.
Each section of the book starts with an overview of the anatomical area in the form of a comprehensive bullet pointed list set out in a logical order, covering gross anatomy and imaging anatomy. The gross anatomy section includes a list of muscles and their origins and attachments that will be of use to those using the book to study and appreciate magnetic resonance images. The imaging anatomy overview systematically lists the features identifiable on medical images, of particular value are the parameters given either by measurement or percentage representative of the limits of normal appearances. A further bullet point list follows giving imaging recommendations and imaging pitfalls. The imaging recommendations stated are based on US practice.
Clearly labelled and technically accurate radiographic images are presented at the start of each section. The accompanying text is clear and succinct. As an overview of imaging anatomy coronal, axial and sagittal T1 MR images follow. The images are presented two per page and are clearly labelled allowing the user to appreciate the relationship of the anatomical structures. The labelling does not distract nor obscure detail. The coronal and sagittal images cover from superficial anterior to posterior and medial to lateral, respectively. At the foot of each page is a brief but informative text explaining the key features of the images.
There then follow for each anatomical area subsections with specific images and text relating to specific aspects of anatomy; for example, in the knee section the following are covered in greater detail
The extensor mechanism
The menisci
Cruciate ligaments
Medial supporting structures
Lateral supporting structures
For each of the topics there are sets of MR images obtained in varying sequences along with CT images, 3D CT and CT arthrograms to show specific areas in optimal detail. Each subsection is again supported by a clear bullet point text, and clear well-labelled anatomical diagrams presented against a black background aiding clarity.
A valuable addition to aid the user of the book is a line drawing in the margin of the page indicating the position of each cross-sectional image allowing orientation. It was noted, however, that some of the line drawings accompanying the MR axial projections of the knee do not appear to match.
Three short but very useful sections included in the book entitled, angles and measurements, normal variants, and needle placement procedures will increase the utility of the book to a wide range of practitioners. Seeing the appearances of the normal variants in differing imaging modalities in one volume will be of great value to both the experienced practitioner and to the novice embarking on the study of image interpretation.
At over 400 pages the book is quite a large volume however the content of the book is available on-line as an e-book. Registration to access the on-line content is available via a license key contained in the dust jacket of the book. The e-book is easy to navigate and there is access to additional material.
One of the problems often cited by students embarking on the study of image interpretation is the difficulty in finding images of normal anatomy. This book fills a valuable niche in providing a comprehensive library of normal imaging anatomy of the lower leg across a range of imaging modalities of great value to the novice and the experienced practitioner. This book and accompanying on-line material will be an essential reference tool to anyone who uses imaging of the lower limb in their practice.