Books and Articles in the Field of the Prevention and Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes (Summer 2015)
Compiled by Raymond Ridderhof exclusively from materials available in the Peace Palace Library, The Hague
1. Books
Bachmann, J., Bell, C., and Holmqvist, C. (eds.), War, Police and Assemblages of Intervention (2015). ISBN 9780415732574, xxvi, 231 pp.
Bühring, F., Demokratische Friedenskonsolidierung: Zur Erfassung ‘des’ Demokratieprinzips im Recht der Vereinten Nationen am Beispiel der UN-Praxis im Kambodscha und Osttimor (2015). ISBN 9783161533693, xix, 372 pp.
Desouches, C., du Bois de Gaudusson, J., Frémont, J., and Maïla, J. (eds.), De Dakar à Dakar: 25 ans d’engagement de la Francophonie au service des droits de l’Homme, de la démocratie et de la Paix; repères (2015). ISBN 9782802748786, 505 pp.
Golan, G., Israeli Peacemaking Since 1967: Factors Behind the Breakthroughs and Failures (2015). ISBN 9781138784345, x, 235 pp.
Golden, J., and Lamm, C. (eds.), International Financial Disputes: Arbitration and Mediation (2015). ISBN 9780199687862, xlvii, 530 pp.
Herren, M. (ed.), Networking the International System: Global Histories of International Organizations (2014). ISBN 9783319042114, VI, 205 pp.
Hilpold, P. (ed.), The Responsibility to Protect (R2P): A New Paradigm of International Law? (2015). ISBN 9789004229990, XIV, 438 pp.
Hume, J., Fraser, T. G., and Murray, L., Peacemaking in the Twenty-First Century (2014). ISBN 9780719096891, x, 214 pp.
Masala, C., Stetter, S., and Karbowski, M. (eds.), Mit Sicherheit unsicher?: Debatten zu Krieg und Frieden in den internationalen Beziehungen (2015). ISBN 9783848709700, 383 pp.
Milanović, M., and Wood, M. (eds.), The Law and Politics of the Kosovo Advisory Opinion (2015). ISBN 9780198717515, xv, 366 pp.
Ohlin, J. D., Govern, K., and Finkelstein, C. (eds.), Cyberwar: Law and Ethics for Virtual Conflicts (2015). ISBN 9780198717508, xxxii, 274 pp.
Weller, M. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law (2015). ISBN 9780199673049, lxxxix, 1280 pp.
Whalan, J., How Peace Operations Work: Power, Legitimacy, and Effectiveness (2014). ISBN 9780199672189, xviii, 254 pp.
2. Chapters in edited volumes and journal articles
Aljazy, I. M., and Aljaghoub, M. M., ‘Libya and Syria: The Responsibility to Protect and the Politics of Power’, (2015) 17 Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law 196–210
Allin, D., Pifer, S., Kulesa, L., Bahr, E., Troitskiy, M., and Kroenig, M., ‘NATO and Russia: Forum’, (2015) 57 Survival: Global Politics and Strategy 119–44
Arrighi, J. M., ‘The Prohibition of the Use of Force and Non-Intervention: Ambition and Practice in the OAS Region’, in Weller, M. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law (2015), 507–32
Aspremont, J. d’, ‘The Collective Security System and the Enforcement of International Law’, in Weller, M. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law (2015), 129–56
Aust, H. P., ‘The UN Human Rights Due Diligence Policy: An Effective Mechanism against Complicity of Peacekeeping Forces?’, (2015) 20 Journal of Conflict and Security Law 61–73
Bannelier-Christakis, K., ‘Cyber Diligence: A Low-Intensity Due Diligence Principle for Low-Intensity Cyber Operations?’, (2015) 14 Baltic Yearbook of International Law 23–39
Blokker, N., ‘Outsourcing the Use of Force: Towards More Security Council Control of Authorized Operations?’, in Weller, M. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law (2015), 202–26
Cannizzaro, E., ‘Responsibility to Protect and the Competence of the UN Organs’, in Hilpold, P. (ed.), The Responsibility to Protect (R2P): A New Paradigm of International Law? (2015), 207–18
Churchill, R., ‘Dispute Settlement in the Law of the Sea: Survey for 2013’, (2015) 30 International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 1–53
Clapham, P. J., ‘Japan's Whaling Following the International Court of Justice Ruling: Brave New World – or Business as Usual?’, (2015) 51 Marine Policy 238–41
Corten, O., ‘La rébellion et le droit international: le principe de neutralité en tension’, in Recueil des cours: Tomé 374 de la collection (2015), 53–312
Crawford, J., and Nevill, P., ‘Relations between International Courts and Tribunals: The “Regime Problem”’, in Young, M. A. (ed.), Regime Interaction in International Law: Facing Fragmentation (2015), 235–60
Douhan, A. F., ‘International Organizations and Settlement of the Conflict in Ukraine’, (2015) 75 Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 195–214
Focarelli, C., ‘The Responsibility to Protect in the Global System’, in Hilpold, P. (ed.), The Responsibility to Protect (R2P): A New Paradigm of International Law? (2015), 417–38
Franck, S. D., ‘Conflating Politics and Development? Examining Investment Treaty Arbitration Outcomes’, (2014) 55 Virginia Journal of International Law 13–71
Fuchs, I., and Borowski, H., ‘The New World Order: Humanitarian Interventions from Kosovo to Libya and perhaps Syria?’, (2015) 65 Syracuse Law Review 304–43
Gaja, G., ‘Requesting the ICJ to Revoke or Modify Provisional Measures’, (2015) 14 The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 1–6
Galindo, G. R. B., ‘A paz (ainda) pela jurisdição compulsória? / Peace (Still) Through Compulsory Jurisdiction?’, (2014) 57 Revista brasileira de política internacional 83–98
Gianniou, M., ‘The European Parliament and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict’, in Stavridis, S. and Irrera, D. (eds.), The European Parliament and its International Relations (2015), 237–51
Haufler, V., ‘Orchestrating Peace? Civil War, Conflict Minerals and the United Nations Security Council’, in Abbott, K. W., Genschel, P., Snidal, D., and Zangl, B. (eds.), International Organizations as Orchestrators (2015), 214–36
Johnstone, I., ‘When the Security Council is Divided: Imprecise Authorizations, Implied Mandates, and the “Unreasonable Veto”’, in Weller, M. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law (2015), 227–50
Justenhoven, H.-G., ‘Frieden durch Recht: Zur ethischen Forderung nach einer umfassenden und obligatorischen Gerichtsbarkeit’, in Bock, V., Frühbauer, J. J., Küppers, A., and Sturm, C. (eds.), Christliche Friedensethik vor den Herausforderungen des 21 Jahrhunderts (2015), 113–29
Kadelbach, S., ‘The European Union's Responsibility to Protect’, in Hilpold, P. (ed.), The Responsibility to Protect (R2P): A New Paradigm of International Law? (2015), 237–52
Kenkel, K. M., ‘Five Generations of Peace Operations: From the “Thin Blue Line” to “Painting a Country Blue” / Cinco gerações de operações de paz: de “tênue linha azul” a “pintar um país de azul”’, (2013) 56 Revista brasileira de política internacional 122–43
Kennedy, C., and Rogers, J. I., ‘Virtuous Drones?’, (2015) 19 The International Journal of Human Rights 211–27
Klabbers, J., ‘Intervention, Armed Intervention, Armed Attack, Threat to Peace, Act of Aggression, and Threat or Use of Force: What's the Difference?’, in Weller, M. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law (2015), 488–506
Kolb, R., ‘Chronique de la jurisprudence de la Cour internationale de Justice en 2014’, (2015) 25 Revue suisse de droit international et européen 121–55
Kolb, R., ‘The Jurisprudence of the Permanent Court of International Justice Between Utilitas Publica and Utilitas Singulorum’, (2015) 14 The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 16–34
Koutroulis, V., ‘The Prohibition of the Use of Force in Arbitrations and Fact-Finding Reports’, in Weller, M. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law (2015), 605–26
Kreß, C., ‘The International Court of Justice and the “Principle of Non-Use of Force”’, in Weller, M. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law (2015), 561–604
Ku, C., ‘Transparency, Accountability, and Responsibility for Internationally Mandated Operations’, in Weller, M. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law (2015), 416–36
Levitt, J. I., ‘Law, Peace-Construction, and Women's Rights in Africa: Who Will Safeguard Abeena and Afia?’, in Levitt, J. I. (ed.), Black Women and International Law: Deliberate Interactions, Movements, and Actions (2015), 88–119
Li, Y., and Ng, C. M., ‘More in 2013 than Ever Before: Inter-State and Investor–State Arbitrations at the Permanent Court of Arbitration’, (2014) 26 Hague Yearbook of International Law 496–515
Llanos Villanueva, L. A., ‘Las operaciones de paz de Naciones Unidas enfocadas desde el realismo politico de las relaciones internacionales: El caso de Haiti’, (2014) 17 Anuário brasileiro de direito internacional 90–107
Lovrić-Pernak, K., ‘Aim: Peace-Sanction: War: International Arbitration and the Problem of Enforcement’, in Hippler, T. and Vec, M. (eds.), Paradoxes of Peace in Nineteenth Century Europe (2015), 62–74
Maïla, J., ‘Paix et médiation: l’expérience francophone’, in Desouches, C., du Bois de Gaudusson, J., Frémont, J., and Maïla, J. (eds.) De Dakar à Dakar: 25 ans d’engagement de la Francophonie au service des droits de l’Homme, de la démocratie et de la Paix; repères (2015), 263–73
Mauro, M. R., ‘Il ruolo dell’arbitrato internazionale quale strumento di prevenzione e sanzione della corruzione, con particolare riferimento al sistema ICSID’, in Del Vecchio, A. and Severino, P. (eds.) Il contrasto alla corruzione nel diritto interno e nel diritto internazionale (2015), 401–50
McLaughlin, R., ‘United Nations Security Council Practice in Relation to Use of Force in No-Fly Zones and Maritime Exclusion Zones’, in Weller, M. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law (2015), 251–71
Mnookin, R. H., ‘Rethinking the Tension between Peace and Justice: The International Criminal Prosecutor as Diplomat’, in Minow, M., Cora True-Frost, C., and Whiting, A. (eds.), The First Global Prosecutor: Promise and Constraints (2015), 69–96
Murray, L., ‘Peacemaking – Challenges for the New Century’, in Hume, J., Fraser, T. G., and Murray, L. (eds.), Peacemaking in the Twenty-First Century (2014), 3–29
Nollkaemper, A., ‘“Failures to Protect” in International Law’, in Weller, M. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law (2015), 437–61
Oellers-Frahm, K., ‘Responsibility to Protect: Any New Obligations for the Security Council and Its Members?’, in Hilpold, P. (ed.), The Responsibility to Protect (R2P): A New Paradigm of International Law? (2015), 184–206
Orakhelashvili, A., ‘Changing “Jus Cogens” through State Practice? The Case of the Prohibition of the Use of Force and its Exceptions’, in Weller, M. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law (2015), 157–75
Oxman, B. H., ‘Courts and Tribunals: The ICJ, ITLOS, and Arbitral Tribunals’, in Rothwell, D. R., Oude Elferink, A. G., Scott, K. N., and Stephens, T. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Law of the Sea (2015), 394–415
Pace, R., and Vella, A., ‘The European Parliament and the Cyprus Problem’, in Stavridis, S. and Irrera, D. (eds.), The European Parliament and its International Relations (2015), 252–71
Pacholska, M., ‘(Il)legality of Killing Peacekeepers: The Crime of Attacking Peacekeepers in the Jurisprudence of International Criminal Tribunals’, (2015) 13 Journal of International Criminal Justice 43–72
Paris, R., ‘Responsibility to Protect: The Debate Continues’, (2015) 22 International Peacekeeping 143–50
Parra, A. A., ‘The Convention and Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes’, (2015) Recueil des cours / Collected courses of The Hague Academy of International Law. 2014: Tome 374 de la collection 313–410
Peel, J., (Introductory Note to) ‘Whaling in the Antarctic (Australia v. Japan: New Zealand intervening) (ICJ)’, (2015) 54 International Legal Materials 1–52
Riesenberg, D. P., (Introductory Note to) ‘Request for Interpretation of the Judgment of 15 June 1962 in the Case Concerning the Temple of Preah Vihear (Cambodia v. Thailand) (ICJ)’, (2015) 54 International Legal Materials 53–82
Rodriguez Pineda, A. C., ‘Recourse to International Dispute Settlement Mechanisms, Including Recent International Court of Justice Decisions’, (2015) 21 ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law 385–95
Roscini, M., ‘Evidentiary Issues in International Disputes Related to State Responsibility for Cyber Operations’, in Ohlin, J. D., Govern, K., and Finkelstein, C. (eds.), Cyberwar: Law and Ethics for Virtual Conflicts (2015), 215–48
Seiffert, A., ‘Wie der Afghanistaneinsatz die Soldaten und auch die Bundeswehr prägt und verändert’, in Bock, V., Frühbauer, J. J., Küppers, A., and Sturm, C. (eds.), Christliche Friedensethik vor den Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts (2015), 177–89
Sheeran, S., ‘The Use of Force in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations’, in Weller, M. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law (2015), 347–74
Sturm, C., ‘Mehr als nur humanitäre Interventionen: Die “Responsibility to protect” als Herausforderung für die christliche Sozialethik’, in Bock, V., Frühbauer, J. J., Küppers, A., and Sturm, C. (eds.), Christliche Friedensethik vor den Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts (2015), 151–76
Tams, C. J., ‘Meta-Custom and the Court: A Study in Judicial Law-Making’, (2015) 14 The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 51–79
Thakur, R., ‘Reconfiguring the UN System of Collective Security’, in Weller, M. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law (2015), 179–201
Tino, E., ‘Settlement of Disputes by International Courts and Tribunals of Regional International Organizations’, in Virzo, R. and Ingravallo, I. (eds.), Evolutions in the Law of International Organizations (2015), 468–508
Tsagourias, N., ‘Self-Defence, Protection of Humanitarian Values, and the Doctrine of Impartiality and Neutrality in Enforcement Mandates’, in Weller, M. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law (2015), 398–415
Vanhullebusch, M., ‘The Arab League and Military Operations: Prospects and Challenges in Syria’, (2015) 22 International Peacekeeping 151–68
Verardi, G., ‘La crisi in Siria, le Conferenze di Ginevra e la dottrina della “responsability to protect”’ (2014) 8 Diritti umani e diritto internazionale 654–62
Wählisch, M., ‘Peace Settlements and the Prohibition of the Use of Force’, in Weller, M. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law (2015), 962–87
Whetham, D., ‘Drones to Protect’, (2015) 19 The International Journal of Human Rights 199–210
Willmot, H., and Mamiya, R., ‘Mandated to Protect: Security Council Practice on the Protection of Civilians’, in Weller, M. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law (2015), 375–97
Wood, M., ‘Self-Defence and Collective Security: Key Distinctions’, in Weller, M. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law (2015), 649–60
Yu, M., ‘China's Informal Participation in the Annex VII Philippines v. China Arbitral Tribunal's Proceedings’, (2015) 30 International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 54–92
Zannier, L., ‘The OSCE and Chapter VIII of the United Nations Charter – Contributing to Global Peace and Security’, (2015) 20 OSCE Yearbook 2014 97–109
Zifcak, S., ‘The Responsibility to Protect at the United Nations’, in Sampford, C., Zifcak, S., and Aydin Okur, D. (eds.), Rethinking International Law and Justice (2015), 255–79
Zou, K., ‘The South China Sea’, in Rothwell, D. R., Oude Elferink, A. G., Scott, K. N., and Stephens, T. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Law of the Sea (2015), 626–46