When asked to generate random sequences of digits, people usually perform poorly (i.e., non-random; Wagenaar, 1972). A paradigm to measure deviations from randomness is the Random Number Generation (RNG; e.g., Ginsburg & Karpiuk, 1994) task. In this task, participants are asked to produce sequences of digits (e.g., 1–10) in a random fashion. Successful RNG performance requires various higher order processes, including retaining task-related instructions (e.g., set size, task instructions) in memory, integrating information, and holding it “on-line” in working memory (central executive involvement; Baddeley, 1986), avoiding interference, monitoring output, and switching or modifying production strategy in accordance with the “on-line” concept of randomness (executive functioning; Baddeley et al., 1998; Jahanshahi et al., 2006). There is convincing evidence that people's difficulties with RNG are neither attributable to a misconception of randomness nor to short-term memory problems (Baddeley, 1998; Wagenaar, 1970).
Several versions of RNG have been used (e.g., Brugger, 1997). They differ in set size (0–9, 1–20, etc.; e.g., Towse, 1998), pacing technique (paced or unpaced; e.g., Joppich et al., 2004), response pace (500 msec, 1 sec, etc.; e.g., Daniels et al., 2003), response modality (oral, written, etc.; e.g., Schneider et al., 2004), and instructions used (implicit, explicit, biased; see for a review Brugger, 1997). Despite these differences, there is broad consensus that RNG requires the allocation of central executive resources (e.g., Baddeley, 1986).
Several RNG parameters have been proposed to quantify deviations from randomness (e.g., Ginsburg & Karpiuk, 1994; 1995; Towse & Neil, 1998). One influential set of RNG parameters is described by Ginsburg and Karpiuk (1994). It consists of the following 9 parameters: Coupon (Cn), Gap (Gp), Poker (Pk), Runs (Rn), Repetitions (Rp), Series (Sr), Variance of digits (VD), Digram repetition (DR), and Cluster ratio (Cr). Table 1 gives definitions of these 9 parameters. In their study, Ginsburg and Karpiuk (1994) had 32 undergraduates (3 men), ranging in age from 19 to 50 years (M = 30), produce a sequence of 100 digits consisting of the digits 0 to 9, whereas avoiding any system. RNG was paced by a metronome at 40 responses/min. Next, the authors performed a factor analysis (Principal Component Analysis, Varimax rotation) on the described RNG indices. This yielded three factors: seriation (loadings Rn = .84, DR = .79, and Sr = .77), cycling (loadings Gp = .86, VD = .81, Cn = .66, and Pk = .50), and repetition (loadings Rp = .91, Pk = .78, and Cn = .53). The three factors are interpreted as reflecting inhibition of stereotyped cognitive schemas, successful monitoring of previous output, and output inhibition, respectively (Williams et al., 2002).
Although RNG has been widely used as a research tool in healthy and clinical populations (Artiges et al., 2000; Brown et al., 1998; Brugger et al., 1996; Joppich et al., 2004), psychometric data (e.g., factor structure, test-retest reliability, construct validity) about this tool are scarce. With this in mind, we conducted four studies to investigate the psychometric properties of the RNG task, focusing on factor structure of the indices proposed by Ginsburg and Karpiuk (1994) (study 1), test-retest reliability and practice effects (study 2), construct validity (study 3), and criterion-related validity (study 4) in a mixed sample of healthy participants and clinical patients.
Study 1: Factor Structure
The three-factor solution proposed by Ginsburg and Karpiuk (1994) was based on a small sample (n = 32). Because their three-factor solution is generally in accordance with the taxonomy of response biases in human behavior (Rabinowitz, 1970), we wanted to examine whether we could replicate the Ginsburg and Karpiuk (1994) solution, now using a more appropriate sample size for conducting factor analysis.
A group of 306 (98 men) undergraduate psychology students participated in this study in return for course credits. Age ranged from 17–54, with a mean age of 19.90 (SD = 4.37). None of the participants had a history of alcoholism, head injury, psychiatric illness, or a neurological condition. The study was approved by the standing ethical committee of the Faculty of Psychology, Maastricht University. Note that the data described in this manuscript were obtained in compliance with the regulations of our institution, and human research was completed in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration (
Materials and Procedure
Participants were tested individually. Upon arrival in the laboratory, they signed an informed consent form and were administered the RNG task. The RNG task was taken from Towse (1998), with the exception of response pace, which was set at one digit per sec (indicated by a metronome adjusted to 60 bpm). This was done to increase comparability with other factor analytic studies (e.g., Miyake et al., 2000) and studies relying on similar samples (e.g., Brugger et al., 1995). More specifically, participants were asked to generate a random sequence of digits (set size: 1–10), for a period of 100 sec. The concept of randomness was explained using the instruction of Baddeley (1966), which draws an analogy of picking digits out of a hat, reading them loud, putting them back and then picking the next digits from the hat (see also Towse, 1998). Our instruction emphasized that a random sequence would not contain a preponderance of repetitions or adjacent number values.1
One could speculate that these instructions may influence the RNG outcome measures of repetition avoidance or serial responding. However, several studies (Peters et al., 2006; Towse, 1998) have found that healthy participants who have received these instructions commit qualitatively and quantitatively similar errors as those without such warning (e.g., Giesbrecht et al., 2004; Ginsburg & Karpiuk, 1994).
Data Analysis
The 9 RNG indices (Ginsburg & Karpiuk, 1994), including cluster ration (CR), were calculated (cf. supra). These 9 indices were subjected to Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with an orthogonal (varimax) as well as an oblique rotation (direct oblimin), because we did not know whether the extracted factors would correlate with each other (oblique) or not (orthogonal).
Our selection of factors was based on both a scree plot of eigen values and Kaiser's criterion (Kaiser, 1960) with the cut-off point set at 1. Furthermore, only factor loadings greater than .4 were considered (Stevens, 1992). Of course, theoretical meaningfulness of the resulting factor structure was also taken into account.
The PCA yielded three factors with eigen values greater than 1 (see Table 1). After rotation, both orthogonal and oblique rotations yielded a similar factor structure. For this reason, the results from the simpler orthogonal (varimax) rotation are presented here.2
When looking at the underlying correlations between the extracted factors in the direct oblimin PCA, no significant correlations were apparent (all r's < .15). This shows that the three extracted factors are independent, thereby supporting the use of Varimax PCA.
Together with those of Ginsburg and Karpiuk (1994), our findings imply that the 9 RNG indices can be grouped into three clusters. The fact that these three factors represent orthogonal dimensions suggests that they tap different aspects of executive functioning. Repetition consists of the rehearsal of the same digit in succession, with excessive repetition being related to general deficits in suppression of previous responses (i.e., output inhibition; Bradshaw & Mattingley, 1995). Seriation can best be understood as an inability to suppress stereotypical schemas (e.g., Williams et al., 2002), like counting forward, backward, by two's and so forth. This bias can be interpreted as the consequence of interference by overlearned tendencies to arrange numbers according to their natural order. Cycling occurs when individuals attempt to systematically use every possible alternative before repeating any digit, which means that they successfully monitor previous output (e.g., Williams et al., 2002).
Study 2: Test-retest Stability
To investigate temporal stability of the RNG indices, the task was administered twice to a subsample of healthy controls and patients diagnosed with schizophrenia with an interval of two weeks. We hypothesized that the RNG scale would show satisfactory stability.
Participants were 59 young adults (subsample of study 1; 17 men) and 10 (8 men) of a total of 26 inpatients diagnosed with schizophrenia (see studies 3 and 4). Mean age was 19.27 years (SD = 1.54; Range = 18–26) for the young adult sample and 37.40 years (SD = 11.81; Range = 18–59) for the 10 patients. Mean educational level of the patients was 4.80 (SD = 1.03; anchors: 1 = lower education; 7 = university degree; Verhage, 1964). Patients diagnosed with schizophrenia were recruited from two psychiatric hospitals in Belgium. Diagnoses were based on DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition; American Psychiatric Association, 1994) criteria for schizophrenia and were made by a team of experienced psychiatrists who conducted structured diagnostic interviews. All patients were on fixed doses of antipsychotic medication, either typical (88%) or atypical (12%).3
Previous research has found that randomization performance in schizophrenia may improve with onset of neuroleptic medication due to an improvement of concentration, but soon declines again to off-medication baseline (e.g., Axmacher et al., 1970).
Materials and Procedure
Materials and procedures in session one (RNG1) were identical to those in study 1. During session two (two weeks later), these samples had the RNG task administered for a second time (RNG2).
Statistical Analysis
Using an α of .05, two-tailed, test-retest stability (using Pearson and Spearman correlations) and practice effects (paired samples t-tests and signed rank test) were explored using the three RNG factors established in study 1.4
Here, we describe the standardized factor scores for the test-retest stability and construct validity of the RNG. Results for separate RNG indices can be obtained from the first author.
Test-retest stability and practice effect data are summarized in Table 2. In the subsample of healthy controls, we found the highest test-retest correlation for the seriation factor. In the schizophrenic subsample (n = 10), the highest test-retest correlation (Spearman's ρ) was found for the RNG factor cycling. In the healthy as well as the schizophrenic sample, no practice effects were found for the three factor scores.
In healthy controls, RNG factors seem to possess at best modest test-retest stability. Meanwhile, with repeated administration, healthy controls did not show significant practice effects for the three factors. For the schizophrenic sample, highest test-retest stability was found for the cycling factor, with no practice effects on the three factors. Test-retest correlations of the RNG scales in healthy controls and our clinical sample failed to reach the minimum of .80 required for a clinical psychometric instrument (Anastasi & Urbina, 1997; see also De Zubicaray et al., 1998; Jelicic et al., 2001).
Study 3: Construct Validity
In this study, we investigated whether the RNG factors seriation, repetition, and cycling are related to specific neurocognitive tasks that are known to tap the constructs of inhibition of stereotypical schemas, output inhibition, and monitoring of previous output. Firstly, based on previous research (Brugger et al., 1995), we hypothesized that a failure to inhibit stereotypical schemas (i.e., heightened seriation) would positively correlate with interference susceptibility measured by the Stroop task (Stroop, 1935). Secondly, because keeping and updating information “on-line” is important for accurate monitoring of previous output and output inhibition, we expected a relationship between the central executive “online” component of working memory (backward digit span; Gerton et al., 2004), and the repetition and cycling factors. Finally, we hypothesized that the RNG factors would relate to more unitary executive function tasks in a clinical sample of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia (see for example Miyake et al., 2000).
A typical finding in RNG studies is that when processing demands increase (e.g., faster response pace), deviations from randomness also become more marked (e.g., Jahanshahi et al., 2006; Wagenaar, 1970). We sought to explore whether individual differences in processing speed would show a similar linear relationship with deviations from randomness. Furthermore, it has been argued that RNG is not purely driven by a limitation in non-executive working memory span (e.g., Baddeley, 1966; Wagenaar, 1970). We wanted to directly test this by relating the RNG factors to individual differences in non-executive working memory (forward digit span).
This study involved a schizophrenic subsample (n = 26; 21 men) and a young adult subsample (see study 2; n = 59). Mean age for the schizophrenic subsample was 36.35 years (SD = 12.83; Range = 18–71). Mean educational level of the schizophrenic subsample was 4.54 (SD = 1.39). Duration of illness (in years) was 6.52 (SD = 7.21).
Materials and Procedure
Apart from the RNG task, the young adult subsample was administered the forward and backward digit span task and the Stroop color-word test. In the schizophrenic subsample, the Behavioral Assessment of Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS; Wilson et al., 1998) and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST; Heaton et al., 1993) were administered. Patients diagnosed with schizophrenia were tested during standard neuropsychological screening protocols. For this reason, we did not have the opportunity to also collect the digit span and Stroop color-word test in this sample. For the healthy sample, WCST and BADS were not administered, because it is known that these instruments were designed to assess executive functions in clinical populations. Thus, these measures usually yield ceiling effects in (normal) healthy controls.
Digit Span
The forward and backward digit span tests (for a full description see Stinissen et al., 1970) were administered. Each subtest was stopped after two subsequent incorrect reproductions. The number of correct orally produced strings in each subset was used as outcome measure.
Stroop Color-word Test
The classic Stroop color-word test (Stroop, 1935) was used in which participants are asked to read aloud or name the stimuli on each card (color names of card 1, color of the patches on card 2, and color of the ink on card 3) one after the other as quickly as possible but without making errors. Correcting errors was allowed. However, given the infrequency of errors in this sample (mean error score <.50), they were discarded in further analyses. As an index of processing speed, time to read card 2 (T2) was measured. Susceptibility to interference was calculated by subtracting T2 from the time needed to name the colors of the ink of card 3 (T3).
Behavioral Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS)
This task comprises 6 subtasks (see for a Dutch version, Krabbendam & Kalff, 1998) and is used as a measure of executive functioning. In the current study, total profile scores (maximum = 24) were used, with higher scores indicating better executive functioning.
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST)
A computerized version of the WCST was administered (128 test trials; for a full description see Heaton et al., 1993). For the present analyses, the WCST parameters “categories completed” (0–6), and “number of perseverative errors” were extracted.
Table 3 shows how RNG factors relate to neurocognitive tasks. For healthy controls, a high color naming speed was associated with a heightened seriation score. Also, a modest positive correlation was found between the RNG seriation factor and the Stroop-interference measure. For the repetition factor, a modest but significant and negative correlation was found with forward digit span. All other correlations remained non-significant. In the schizophrenia sample, the RNG factor scores of seriation and cycling correlated negatively with the BADS total score.
In this study, we made an attempt to relate RNG factors to various neurocognitive tasks. Significant correlations were primarily found for the RNG seriation factor, albeit that these correlations were modest. Also, with so many correlations, there is the risk of experimenter-wise errors. On the other hand, the significant correlations that did emerge are theoretically meaningful. For example, RNG seriation correlated positively with Stroop interference, which is not surprising when one considers that RNG seriation reflects difficulties in inhibiting stereotype responses. In this respect, our findings come close to those of Brugger et al. (1995), who reported a modest correlation (r = .30) between Stroop interference and counting bias. We also found that a high response speed (as indexed by Stroop color naming) is related to heightened seriation, which is not surprising if one assumes that failure to inhibit stereotypes is a trade-off of high response speed. In the schizophrenic subsample, we found significant negative correlations between RNG factors seriation and cycling and BADS scores, which is a first indication that these RNG factors are related to a more unitary executive functioning task (see Miyake et al., 2000). The significances (i.e., p < .01) of these correlations were such that they would survive Bonferroni corrections for multiple testing.
Study 4: Criterion-related Validity
Several studies investigating RNG deficits in schizophrenia (e.g. Artiges et al., 2000; Horne et al., 1982; Rosenberg et al., 1990; Salamé et al., 1998; Shinba et al., 2000), noted that patients diagnosed with schizophrenia have an increased tendency to produce stereotyped series and repetitive responses. Using the Ginsburg and Karpiuk factors (1994), we made an attempt to replicate this pattern. More specifically, we hypothesized that patients diagnosed with schizophrenia would show more extreme scores on the RNG seriation and repetition factors compared to healthy control participants (young and mid-age).
Apart from psychopathology as possible predictor of RNG performance, there is the issue of aging. Van der Linden et al. (1998) were the first to find that elderly participants (age range 60–70) produce on random generation tasks more series but not more repetitions in comparison to young adults (age range 20–30). This is probably because of the demands that such tasks place on the central executive capacity of the elderly participants. We were interested whether a similar age-related decline in seriation factor would be found in a middle-aged group (aged 40–60) in comparison to young adults.
In this study, data of studies 1–3 were collapsed and further extended with a middle-age subsample. Thus, study 4 relied on the schizophrenic subsample (n = 26), the young adult subsample (n = 299; now with specific age range 18–25), and a middle-aged subsample (n = 40; 17 men; Mean age= 48.14; SD = 8.56; age range 40–62; hereafter mid-age). Mean educational level of the mid-age sample was 5.03 (SD = 1.05)
Materials and Procedures
Materials and procedures were identical to those used in study 1.
One-way Analyses of Variance (ANOVAs) were carried out for the separate RNG factors. Apart from the mean z-transformed factor scores, mean scores on the 9 different RNG indices are also given in Table 4 for normative purposes. The only effect was a significant effect of group status on the seriation factor.5
Separate one-way ANOVA's were also carried out with groups being the Study 2 young adult subsample (n = 59), mid-age subsample (n = 40), and the schizophrenic subsample (n = 26), using post-hoc Bonferroni corrections. These analyses yielded similar results.
The Games-Howell post-hoc procedure is designed to analyze data from unbalanced designs in which sample variances differ (e.g., Field, 2005).
Criterion-based validity of the RNG task is most promising for the seriation factor, because this factor was able to differentiate between patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and healthy controls. This accords well with previous studies showing a strong counting bias in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia (e.g., Horne et al., 1982; Rosenberg et al., 1990). However, unlike these previous studies, we found no significant difference between patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and controls for the repetition factor. This has probably to do with the low frequency of repetition biases in our samples. Also contrary to our expectation, we did not find significant RNG differences between the young adult and mid-age healthy controls. Apparently, our mid-age subsample was too young and too healthy to find subtle deficits in central executive resources with the RNG parameters.
This study replicated previous findings with the RNG task, but also added new data about the psychometric properties of the RNG task. More specifically, the present studies examined factor structure, test-retest reliability, construct validity, and criterion-related validity of the Ginsburg and Karpiuk (1994) RNG indices in samples of young adults, mid-age adults, and patients diagnosed with schizophrenia.
Our extracted factors resemble those from previous RNG factor analyses (Friedman & Miyake, 2004; Miyake et al., 2000; Towse & Neil, 1998) using Towse and Neil's RgCalc program indices. In previous studies, PCA identified three uncorrelated factors, with the first factor loading on randomness indices similar to our seriation factor (i.e., indices that are sensitive to the degree to which stereotype sequences are produced, named prepotent associates). The second factor had high loadings for indices showing clear similarities with our cycling factor (i.e., indices assessing the degree to which each number is produced at the same frequency, named “equality of response usage”). Factor three was described by Friedman and Miyake (2004) as repetition avoidance, which is similar to our repetition factor.
The test-retest correlations of the RNG scales in healthy controls and patients diagnosed with schizophrenia failed to reach the minimum of .80 required for a sound clinical tool (Anastasi & Urbina, 1997). When comparing the test-retest reliability of the RNG to more traditional, well-studied executive function tasks like the WCST (see for example Heaton et al., 1993), its stability is modest. However, no substantial practice effects were found on RNG factor scores of healthy controls and patients diagnosed with schizophrenia. Because our study was one of the first to explore test-retest stability of the RNG, future studies should further shed light on this issue, using larger samples of clinical patients and healthy participants over various periods of time (e.g., two weeks vs. six months).
As hypothesized, seriation was found to be related to processing speed and interference susceptibility in healthy controls and general executive functioning in the schizophrenic sample. In this clinical group, poor executive functioning was also associated with the cycling factor. Thus, it seems that RNG indices loading on the seriation and cycling factors measure deficits in executive or “frontal” functions, possibly originating from psychopathology or neurological deficits. For the repetition factor, floor effects may explain why this factor was not associated with other neurocognitive tasks. In both the healthy and the clinical sample, correlations between most RNG factors and various neurocognitive tasks were moderate. Future studies should relate Ginsburg and Karpiuk's factors to other neurocognitive tasks to further establish construct validity of the RNG, or conduct latent variable analyses to see whether these factors relate to a more unitary executive function or represent independent executive subprocesses (e.g., Miyake et al., 2000).
Over the past years, several cognitive and structural theoretical models for explaining RNG deviations from randomness have been introduced, such as the aleatory model (Treisman & Faulkner, 1987), the network modulation model (Jahanshahi et al., 1998), the Wagenaar model (1970, 1972), and the Baddeley model (1986; Baddeley et al., 1998). A detailed description of these models is beyond the scope of this paper. However, what these models share is that they converge on the notion that RNG is attention demanding and reflects the limited capacity of central executive working memory and other executive functions (but see Treisman & Faulkner for a signal-detection based model), needed to suppress stereotyped sequences (inhibition) and to track and update recent responses (monitoring output) (see Baddeley, 1986; Baddeley et al., 1998; Jahanshahi et al., 1998). The neural substrate underlying RNG is most likely a network encompassing primarily the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (e.g., Jahanshahi et al., 1998). Thus, RNG is considered to be at the controlled end of the controlled-automatic continuum (see also Jahanshahi et al., 2006). The lack of practice-related improvement between the two RNG sessions in our second study further emphasizes the key role of controlled executive functioning (see also Jahanshahi et al., 2006). The data presented in this manuscript give some tentative evidence that at least three different subfunctions contribute to RNG and that not only externally induced response pace, but also individual differences in speed of processing affect the production of random series.
The limitations of the current studies deserve some comment. To begin with, given that our samples consisted largely of undergraduate students, most of whom were women, our samples had specific age constraints. Similarly, our studies relied on a highly specific clinical sample (i.e., patients diagnosed with schizophrenia), and so the usefulness of our data for normative purposes in clinical practice is limited. The effect of medication on randomization in clinical samples would also deserve further attention. Another limitation of psychometric studies like the present one is the multiple statistical testing, which raises the probability of experimenter-wise errors. Where possible and appropriate, we tried to reduce that probability by applying Bonferroni corrections. Also our studies can best be seen as a first step and the next steps could involve experimental manipulation (e.g., by dual tasks) of the RNG factors and their correlates that we identified. In future research, it may also be worthwhile to determine discriminant validity pertaining to constructs such as global intelligence and simple sustained attention. A final limitation of our studies is that we employed the 1 sec condition of the RNG task, which differs from the 1.5 sec condition in the Ginsburg and Karpiuk study (1994); but see Jahanshahi et al., (2006). Indeed, parametric research in which response pace times are systematically varied in different samples (i.e., healthy and clinical) might be informative.
Summing up, the RNG task appears to be a promising task to measure inhibition, updating, and monitoring functions in normal as well as clinical populations. Failures in these functions are reliably tapped by the RNG task. Although it does not (yet) possess the psychometric properties of a clinical tool, as a research tool the RNG may help us understand nonrandom response biases in healthy humans and even more prominent deviations from randomness in clinical populations.
This study was supported by grant number 452-02-006 from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (N.W.O.). The authors thank Nicole Haas, Hilde Verbeek, Renske Rigter, and Marije de Vos for help in collecting the data. The information described in this manuscript and the manuscript itself is new and original and has never been published either electronically or in print, and there is no conflict of interest, either financial or other.