Bakker, Christine and Francioni, Francesco (eds), The EU, the US and Global Climate Governance [Ashgate Publishing, Farnham and Burlington, VT, 2015, 273pp, 978-1-4724-2652-9, £75 (h/bk)]
Barak, Aharon, Human Dignity: The Constitutional Value and the Constitutional Right [Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015, 360pp, 978-1-107-46206-9, £27.99 (p/bk)]
Becker Lorca, Arnulf, Mestizo International Law: A Global Intellectual History 1842–1933 [Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015, 397pp, 978-0-521-76338-7, £80 (h/bk)]
Charlesworth, Hilary and Larking, Emma (eds), Human Rights and the Universal Periodic Review: Rituals and Ritualism [Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015, 297pp, 978-1-107-08630-2, £65 (h/bk)]
Chinkin, Christine and Baetens, Freya, Sovereignty, Statehood and State Responsibility: Essays in Honour of James Crawford [Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015, 479pp, 978-1-107-04425-8, £75 (h/bk)]
De Beco, Gauthier and Murray, Rachel, A Commentary on the Paris Principles on National Human Rights Institutions [Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015, 202pp, 978-1-107-03573-72, £60 (h/bk)]
Donlan, Seán Patrick and Heckendorn Urscheler, Lukas (eds), Concepts of Law: Comparative, Jurisprudential, and Social Science Perspectives [Ashgate Publishing, Farnham and Burlington, VT, 2015, 257pp, 978-1-4094-5526-4, £70 (h/bk)]
Farran, Sue, örücü, Esin and Donlan, Seán Patrick (eds), A Study of Mixed Legal Systems: Endangered, Entrenched or Blended [Ashgate Publishing, Farnham and Burlington, VT, 2015, 247pp, 978-1-472-44177-5, £70 (h/bk)]
Flogaitis, Spyridon, The Evolution of Law and the State in Europe: Seven Lessons [Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2015, 105pp, 978-1-849-46644-8, £30 (h/bk)]
Harvey, Caroline, Summers, James and White, Nigel (eds), Contemporary Challenges to the Laws of War: Essays In Honour of Professor Peter Rowe [Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015, 383pp, 978-1-107-06355-6, £75 (h/bk)]
Ichim, Octavian, Just Satisfaction under the European Convention on Human Rights [Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015, 376pp, 978-1-107-07236-7, £75 (h/bk)]
Lamichhane, Kamal, Disability, Education and Employment in Developing Countries: From Charity to Investment [Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015, 271pp, 978-1-107-06406-5, price not given (h/bk)]
Li, Yuwen, The Judicial System and Reform in Post-Mao China: Stumbling towards Justice [Ashgate Publishing, Farnham and Burlington, VT, 2015, 283pp, 978-1-4724-3605-4, £75 (h/bk)]
Li, Yuwen (ed), Administrative Litigation Systems in Greater China and Europe [Ashgate Publishing, Farnham and Burlington, VT, 2015, 265pp, 978-1-4724-3608-5, £70 (h/bk)]
Mac Aodha, Máirtin (ed), Legal Lexicography: A Comparative Perspective [Ashgate Publishing, Farnham and Burlington, VT, 2015, 339pp, 978-1-4094-5411-0, £75 (h/bk)]
Nollkaemper, André and Plakokefalos, Ilias, Principles of Shared Responsibility in International Law: An Appraisal of the State of the Art [Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015, 370pp, 978-1-107-07851-2, £75 (h/bk)]
Oberleitner, Gerd, Human Rights in Armed Conflict: Law, Practice and Policy [Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015, 412pp, 978-1-107-08754-5, £109.99 (h/bk)]
Pert, Alison, Australia as a Good International Citizen [The Federation Press, Annandale, Australia, 2015, 288pp, 978-1-862-87987-4, AUS$125 (h/bk)]
Qureshi, Asif, Interpreting WTO Agreements: Problems and Perspectives [Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015, 452pp, 978-1-107-04329-9, £80 (h/bk)]
Rose-Ackerman, Susan, Egidy, Stefanie and Fowkes, JamesDue Process of Lawmaking: The United States, South Africa, Germany, and the European Union [Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015, 296pp, 978-1-107-04367-1, £65 (h/bk)]
Totani, Yuma, Justice in Asia and the Pacific Region, 1945–1952: Allied War Crimes Prosecutions [Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015, 274pp, 978-1-107-45808-6, £21.99 (p/bk)]
Van Boom, Willem, Garde, Amandine and Akseli, Orkun (eds), The European Unfair Commercial Practices Directive [Ashgate Publishing, Farnham and Burlington, VT, 2015, 271pp, 978-1-4724-2340-5, £70 (h/bk)]
Wellens, Karel, Negotiations in the Case Law of the International Court of Justice: A Functional Analysis [Ashgate Publishing, Farnham and Burlington, VT, 2015, 350pp, 978-1-4094-1045-4, £90 (h/bk)]
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