Adolescence is a developmental period characterized by profound change across multiple domains, including emotional experience. Studies reveal that the frequency of negative emotional states increases during adolescence (Bailen, Green, & Thompson, Reference Bailen, Green and Thompson2019; Frost, Hoyt, Chung, & Adam, Reference Frost, Hoyt, Chung and Adam2015; Griffith, Clark, Haraden, Young, & Hankin, Reference Griffith, Clark, Haraden, Young and Hankin2021; Larson, Moneta, Richards, & Wilson, Reference Larson, Moneta, Richards and Wilson2002). Relatedly, studies of personality trait development have also shown that neuroticism (i.e. negative emotionality) increases during adolescence, in particular for girls (Borghuis et al., Reference Borghuis, Denissen, Oberski, Sijtsma, Meeus, Branje and Bleidorn2017; Soto, Reference Soto2016; Soto, John, Gosling, & Potter, Reference Soto, John, Gosling and Potter2011). Given longitudinal research indicating that neuroticism is a robust risk factor for the development of depression and anxiety disorders (Vinograd et al., Reference Vinograd, Williams, Sun, Bobova, Wolitzky-Taylor, Vrshek-Schallhorn and Craske2020; Zinbarg et al., Reference Zinbarg, Mineka, Bobova, Craske, Vrshek-Schallhorn, Griffith and Anand2016), increases in this trait during adolescence may help account for the developmental surge in emotional disorders during this same time period (in particular among girls) (Avenevoli, Swendsen, He, Burstein, & Merikangas, Reference Avenevoli, Swendsen, He, Burstein and Merikangas2015). Accordingly, there is an acute need to develop data-driven approaches to reliably predict and ultimately interrupt states of markedly elevated negative emotions as they occur in the daily lives of teens. In addition to the immediate benefits of alleviating acute states of affective distress, reducing the frequency and duration of episodes of high negative affect (HNA) may serve to reduce the risk of future onset of emotional disorders.
Relevant in this context, approximately 84% of American adolescents own a smartphone (Rideout & Robb, Reference Rideout and Robb2019), which has the ability to continuously and unobtrusively track variables predictive of shifts in affect, including activity levels, location, phone/screen use and proxies of social interaction, while doing so in real-time in the daily lives of teens. A key benefit of data acquired from these ‘passive’ built-in smartphone sensors is that no user input is required. When adolescents are immersed in a negative emotional state, they may be less likely to report on their experiences via conventional (and more burdensome) self-report measures.
The extent to which built-in smartphone sensors can reliably predict states of elevated negative affect (e.g. high sadness, anxiety, or anger) in adolescents is an open question. As adolescents transition into a negative emotional state, they may display distinct behavioral and interpersonal changes that can be detected via smartphone sensors, including decreased activity levels (measured via actigraphy), increased time spent at home (GPS and actigraphy), sleep disturbance (phone use patterns and actigraphy) and interpersonal avoidance (decreased initiation and response to calls and texts). Prior research indicates that smartphone sensors can predict states of elevated negative affect, and depressive and anxiety symptoms (e.g. Cao et al., Reference Cao, Truong, Banu, Shah, Sabharwal and Moukaddam2020; Jacobson & Chung, Reference Jacobson and Chung2020; Sequeira et al., Reference Sequeira, Perrotta, LaGrassa, Merikangas, Kreindler, Kundur and Strauss2020; Shah et al., Reference Shah, Grennan, Zafar-Khan, Alim, Dey, Ramanathan and Mishra2021). However, the bulk of this research has been conducted in adults rather than adolescents.
The present study addressed several gaps in the existing literature. First, we recruited a sample of adolescents enriched for heightened experiences of negative emotional states (i.e. adolescents with elevated depressive symptoms). Second, there is likely substantial heterogeneity between adolescents in their behavioral patterns that signal the onset of negative emotional states. For example, teens experiencing heightened anxiety may exhibit decreased v. increased activity levels, or increased v. decreased interaction with one's smartphone. Thus, the likely idiosyncratic behavioral patterns associated with states of HNA highlight the need for a person-specific (idiographic) modeling approach. At the same time, certain predictive relationships may be shared across individuals or subgroups of adolescents. Accordingly, we used a novel statistical approach (Ren, Patil, Dominici, Parmigiani, & Trippa, Reference Ren, Patil, Dominici, Parmigiani and Trippa2021) which integrates person-specific models (i.e. developing a unique model for each individual) with a data-driven search for the optimal weighting across all subject-specific models (i.e. ‘borrowing’ information from prediction models for other individuals in the sample). This statistical approach allowed us to estimate the combination of subject-specific models that optimizes predictive performance and to answer the following question: Does a predictive model that is exclusively trained on one's own data outperform a weighted model which incorporates information from other individuals' models? Third, recent advances in machine learning (ML) provide statistical approaches well-suited to model complex smartphone-acquired passive data and their association with negative affect. For example, several decision-tree-based algorithms (e.g. random forest) and multiple kernel learning algorithms (e.g. support vector machines) can (1) handle large numbers of predictors (whether continuous or categorical), (2) have robust performance in the presence of multicollinearity, (3) handle non-linear associations and complex interactions and, critically, can (4) be tuned to prevent overfitting (i.e. tend to generalize well to new samples; Boehmke & Greenwell, Reference Boehmke and Greenwell2019; Squeglia et al., Reference Squeglia, Ball, Jacobus, Brumback, McKenna, Nguyen-Louie and Tapert2016). In the present study, an ML ensembling method was implemented, which assigns weights to a set of preselected ML approaches to develop a consolidated predictive algorithm which optimizes cross-validated predictive performance. A key benefit of this approach is that it can achieve improved prediction performance by combining a range of ML approaches which rely on very different algorithms to generate predictions (e.g. variants of conventional regression such as elastic net v. tree-ensemble approaches such as a random forest). Given the substantial differences across algorithms (e.g. in the selection and weighting of variables, in testing nonlinear relations and higher-order interactions), it is likely that they would capture different aspects of the relationship between the outcome of interest and predictors. Thus, a combination of these diverse models tends to be more flexible than any of the individual models and has the potential to attain better prediction performance. Here, we tested whether the consolidated approach weighting these different algorithms outperforms each of the individual ML approaches, as well as conventional statistical approaches (i.e. linear mixed model). We hypothesized that an ensemble ML approach would outperform common modeling approaches in predicting states of elevated negative affect. In addition, we expected that the former ensemble ML approach (i.e. searching for the optimal combination of subject-specific models) would outperform a fully idiographic ML model (i.e. person-specific models that do not borrow any information from other individuals' models). Finally, we expected our final model would predict states of elevated negative emotions with acceptable accuracy (area under the curve (AUC) ⩾ 0.70).
Adolescents ages 13–18 were recruited from the greater Boston area. Given that the sample in this study was derived from a larger ongoing trial focused on adolescents with anhedonia, participants in this study had high (Anhedonic, AH; n = 13) or low (Typically Developing, TD; n = 9) levels of anhedonia. The following exclusion criteria were applicable to both groups: history of head trauma with loss of consciousness > 2 min, history of seizure disorder, serious or unstable medical illness, or current use of cocaine, stimulant, or dopaminergic drugs. The AH group were required to have elevated anhedonia according to the Snaith Hamilton Pleasure Scale (SHAPS) (total score ⩾ 3, as assessed by the original binary [0–1] scoring (Snaith et al., Reference Snaith, Hamilton, Morley, Humayan, Hargreaves and Trigwell1995)) and the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children Present and Lifetime Version (K-SADS-PL) (Kaufman et al., Reference Kaufman, Birmaher, Axelson, Perepletchikova, Brent and Ryan2013) clinical interview (anhedonia item score > 1). TD participants were required to have a SHAPS score = 0 (i.e. no anhedonia). See online Supplement for additional information on exclusion criteria.
All procedures were approved by the Mass General Brigham (MGB) IRB. All participating parents provided written informed consent and all children provided assent. Participants completed an initial assessment session with self-report measures, including assessments of anhedonia (SHAPS) (Snaith et al., Reference Snaith, Hamilton, Morley, Humayan, Hargreaves and Trigwell1995) and depressive symptom severity (Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; CES-D) (Radloff, Reference Radloff1977). The K-SADS-PL for the DSM-5 was subsequently administered (see online Supplement for additional details). Following the initial assessment, participants completed an average of 15 weeks (mean = 106.2 days; s.d. = 16.1) of ecological momentary assessment (EMA) surveys. Surveys were triggered 2–3 times a day via the Metricwire smartphone application. Throughout this study period, passive data were collected from participants' smartphones using the Beiwe application (see Passive Smartphone Measures below) (Rahimi-Eichi et al., Reference Rahimi-Eichi, Iii, Bustamante, Onnela, Baker and Buckner2021; Torous, Kiang, Lorme, & Onnela, Reference Torous, Kiang, Lorme and Onnela2016).
Ecological Momentary Assessment measures
EMA surveys assessing current affect were triggered on participant's smartphones 2–3 times per day, every other week, resulting in 1145 measurements (mean of 52 EMA surveys per participant). Similar to previous EMA studies in adolescents (Forbes et al., Reference Forbes, Hariri, Martin, Silk, Moyles, Fisher and Dahl2009, Reference Forbes, Stepp, Dahl, Ryan, Whalen, Axelson and Silk2012; Webb et al., Reference Webb, Israel, Belleau, Appleman, Forbes and Pizzagalli2021), items were derived from the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule for Children (Laurent et al., Reference Laurent, Catanzaro, Joiner, Rudolph, Potter, Lambert and Gathright1999) and surveys were triggered Thursday through Monday to sample affect on weekdays and weekends (see online Supplement for additional details on the EMA protocol). At each EMA survey, participants were asked to rate how much they were experiencing a given emotion immediately prior to receiving the EMA survey notification. Items were rated on a 5-point Likert scale from 1 (Very slightly/not at all) to 5 (Extremely). The present study was focused on the prediction of negative affect items: ‘Sad’, ‘Nervous’, and ‘Angry’.
Passive smartphone measures
The following fourteen variables were included as predictors of emotional states: (1) Phone Accelerometer Score: Hourly activity score of the phone accelerometer data, calculated from the standard deviation of the triaxial accelerometer data, root mean squared and scored as 1 when less than 70% (percentile), 2 when between 70% and 90%, and 3 when greater than 90% (Rahimi-Eichi et al., Reference Rahimi-Eichi, Iii, Bustamante, Onnela, Baker and Buckner2021). The scores are recorded for every minute and then averaged to calculate the hourly values; (2) Phone Use (MinsHr): The number of minutes the phone is used (unlocked) during each hour; (3) Phone Use (MinsDay): Number of minutes that the phone has been used (unlocked) during the day; (4) Phone Use (Hr): Number of hours during the day that the phone has been used (unlocked) at least for a minute during that hour; (5) Sleep Onset Time: Beginning of a sleep episode (hh:mm) (see online Supplement for details on the calculation of sleep episodes); (6) Wake Time: End of sleep episode (hh:mm); (7) Sleep Duration: Difference between Sleep Onset Time and Wake Time per day (min); (8) Daily Percent Home: Percentage of time the participant spends at home which could be the Home (the most visited POI of the study) if visited on that day or otherwise, the most visited POI of the day (therefore, when the individual is traveling for several days the home location is adjusted). POIs: Maximum 50 points of interest that were detected by spatial clustering of the temporally filtered GPS coordinates visited by the participant during the entire study; (9) Distance from Home: The farthest distance from Home visited by the participant during the day (km); (10) Daily Mobility Area: The radius of a circle that encompasses all visited locations during the day (km); (11) Places Visited Daily: Number of POIs other than Home that the participant has visited during the day; (12) Places Visited Hourly: The number of places that the participant has visited during each hour; (13) GPS Available: Number of hours the GPS signal is available (not missing) in 24 h; (14) Time of Day [Morning (5am-11:59am), Afternoon (noon-5:59pm) or Evening/Night 6pm-4:59am].
Data analytic plan
Missing data imputation
We imputed missing observations of predictors using multiple imputation by chained equations (MICE package in R) (van Buuren & Groothuis-Oudshoorn, Reference van Buuren and Groothuis-Oudshoorn2011) on the merged dataset across subjects. We excluded outcome variables (i.e. anger, sadness, and nervousness) from the imputations to avoid overfitting of the final prediction models.
Definition of high negative affect (HNA) states
The goal of this study was to predict when adolescents were in states of relatively high sadness, anxiety, or nervousness. For simplicity, we henceforth refer to these states as HNA states. We define HNA states based on deviations from the person-specific average emotion score for a given adolescent. More specifically, for each emotion, if the observed score of a participant at time t exceeds their overall average by at least 1/2 point, we define this as an HNA state of that emotion (see Table 1 and Results). Note that there is a tradeoff between the cutoff value and the proportion of HNA states. High cutoff values lead to more confident identification of HNA states but as a result, the proportion of HNA states might be too low to train any generalizable classification algorithm. On the other hand, low cutoff values provide us with more HNA states for predictive modeling, but a number of these identified states might be questionable (i.e. too low to be considered states of ‘high’ negative affect). A sensitivity analysis with an alternative definition of HNA based on subject-specific quantiles yielded similar results (see online Supplement).
Table 1. Summary statistics of high negative affect (HNA) states for each negative emotion
Personalized predictions of HNA states
HNA states were predicted using passive smartphone data (see passive measures above) from the same day. We constructed the subject-specific prediction models using two approaches. The first was a generalized linear mixed-effects regression (GLMER), which captured the heterogeneity across subjects with random effects and predicted the person-specific outcomes (HNA states) by combining the estimated fixed effects with the random effects. The second model used a recently developed ensemble learning approach (Ren et al., Reference Ren, Patil, Dominici, Parmigiani and Trippa2021) that prioritizes predictive performance at the individual level while borrowing information across individuals to supplement idiosyncratic prediction models. Specifically, this approach utilizes an ensemble of idiosyncratic prediction models $f_i^l ( x ) , \;\;i = 1, \;\ldots , \;K, \;\;l = 1, \;\ldots , \;L$, where K is the number of subjects and L is the number of different learning algorithms (e.g. logistic regression).
$f_i^l ( x ) $ is trained on data from subject i with algorithm l. The personalized ensemble model (PEM) f i(x;w i) for subject i is a linear combination of all idiosyncratic models (IM):
and the combination weights $w^i \! = \! ( {w_{{i}^{\prime}, l}^i ; \;{i}^{\prime} \!=\! 1, \;\ldots K, l = 1, \;\ldots , \;L} ) $ with the constraints that
$\mathop \sum \limits_{{i}^{\prime}, l} w_{{i}^{\prime}, l}^i = 1$ and
$w_{{i}^{\prime}, l}^i \ge 0$ for all i, i ′ ∈ {1, …, K} and l ∈ {1, …, L} are selected to minimize a cross-validated loss function:
where n i is the number of observations for subject i and $f_{i, -j}^l ( x ) $ is the IM trained on all data from subject i except for the j-th observation (or a fold containing the j-th observation) with algorithm l.
${\cal L}$ is a loss function and here we use log-loss for binary outcomes. In summary, this ensemble approach develops a unique model for each individual through a data-driven search for the optimal weighting of IMs (i.e. ‘borrowing’ information from the prediction models for other individuals in the sample in an effort to improve predictive performance). A summary of the PEM workflow is illustrated in online Supplementary Fig. S1.
For the GLMER approach, we used a subject-specific random intercept and for the PEM approach, we conducted 10-fold cross-validation to estimate the combination weights $\hat{w}^i$ and considered three different learning algorithms: support vector machine (SVM), GLM with elastic net penalty (ENet) and random forest (RF). We used them individually (L = 1) in three separate ensemble (PEM) models and in combination (L = 3) (i.e. a total of 4 separate ensemble models were tested). We refer to the PEMs with L = 3 as personalized double ensemble models (PDEM). See online supplement for additional details. R code for all analyses is available online (
Evaluating prediction performance
We used 10-fold cross-validation (CV) at the individual level to evaluate the subject-specific performance of the PEMs and report the average prediction accuracy derived from the 10-fold CV across all participants. We used Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (AUROC) curve as the metric of accuracy and visualize the average ROCs across subjects for different models.
Decision curve analysis
Decision curves (Perry et al., Reference Perry, Osimo, Upthegrove, Mallikarjun, Yorke, Stochl and Khandaker2021; Vickers, van Calster, & Steyerberg, Reference Vickers, van Calster and Steyerberg2019) are plotted to show how the prediction models could benefit adolescents if used to inform the timing of smartphone-delivered interventions for elevated negative emotions. Ultimately, the goal of developing prediction models for HNA states is to provide just-in-time (JIT) intervention for adolescents. Specifically, if the predicted probability of a HNA state for an individual is larger than a pre-defined threshold p*, a JIT smartphone-based intervention could be automatically triggered (e.g. via a smartphone notification or suggested exercise via a mental health app). However, since such predictions cannot be perfect, there will be false positives (FP; i.e. the model falsely predicts that an individual is currently in a HNA state, which triggers an unneeded smartphone-based intervention) and false negatives (FN; i.e. the model falsely predicts that an individual is not in a HNA state, and thus no intervention is triggered when one could be helpful) associated with a given prediction model. Individuals likely differ substantially in how much weight they personally place on avoiding FP v. FN: some put more weight on avoiding FN over FP, which suggests the individual is relatively more tolerant of receiving smartphone-triggered interventions, even if some of the interventions are unnecessary; whereas other individuals may place more weight on avoiding FP and thus interventions should only be delivered when models predict HNA states with high confidence. These differences in preference can be quantified by the threshold probability p*: p* < 0.5 corresponds to individuals who place more weight on avoiding FN over FP, while p* > 0.5 corresponds to individuals who place relatively more weight on avoiding FP. We use a decision curve to capture the utility of a prediction model when the relative impact of FN v. FP varies, as captured by p*. Consistent with prior studies (Vickers, Calster, & Steyerberg, Reference Vickers, Calster and Steyerberg2016), we define the benefit of a prediction model at a specific p* as
where #TP is the number of true positives, #FP is the number of false positives and n is the total number of events to be considered. The prediction model with the highest benefit at a particular threshold probability p* has the highest clinical value.
Depressive symptom scores ranged from none to severe (CES-D range = 1–51) with a mean of 6.3 (s.d. = 3.5) for the TD group and 40.7 (s.d. = 7.6) for the AH group. Fifty-nine percent of the sample had clinically significant levels of depressive symptoms (CES-D ⩾ 16) (Chwastiak et al., Reference Chwastiak, Ehde, Gibbons, Sullivan, Bowen and Kraft2002). Anhedonia (SHAPS) scores ranged from 14 to 48 with a mean of 17.3 (s.d. = 3.5) for the TD group and 37.0 (s.d. = 6.5) for the AH group. There are no established norms for severity ranges for the SHAPS. However, a recent meta-analysis of 168 studies (n > 16 000) revealed that a score of 25 represented the 99th percentile for healthy controls (Trøstheim et al., Reference Trøstheim, Eikemo, Meir, Hansen, Paul, Kroll and Leknes2020). Fifty-five percent of our sample had a SHAPS score > 25 (see Table 2 for demographic and clinical characteristics of the sample).
Table 2. Demographics and clinical characteristics of the sample
Personalized predictions of HNA states
The mean proportion of HNA states across participants, as well as the mean difference between the observed emotion scores of HNA states and the person-specific mean emotion score are listed in Table 1. We can see that the HNA states were present in 28–32% of all EMA survey timepoints. On average, HNA states were approximately 1.06 to 1.25 points above their person-specific mean emotion score. Given that the mean within-person standard deviation (s.d.) of emotions ranged from 0.79 (anger) to 1.00 (nervousness), HNA states were, on average, approximately 1.2 to 1.4 s.d. above an individual's mean negative emotion score.
As described above, we considered four PEMs (ENet, SVM, RF and PDEM) as well as GLMER to predict HNA states for each emotion separately. The ROCs for all models and emotions are shown in Fig. 1 and the corresponding AUCs are listed in Table 3. The table also lists the accuracy of each model at their optimal cut-off values, defined as the values that minimize the Euclidean distance between (specificity, sensitivity) and (1, 1), i.e. the point on the ROC that is closest to the top left corner (Unal, Reference Unal2017). PDEM and PEM-RF have superior predictive performance in comparison to the other three models. The linear mixed model (GLMER) had the poorest performance across all models.
Fig. 1. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of different models for the prediction of high negative affect (HNA) states for each emotion.
Table 3. Prediction performance of different models when predicting HNA states for each of the three emotions
Note: GLMER, Generalized linear mixed-effects regression; PEM-ENet, Personalized ensemble model with Elastic net; PEM-SVM, PEM with support vector machine; PEM-RF, PEM with random forest; PDEM, Personalized double ensemble model. AUC, area under the curve. Accuracies (right three columns) are based on optimal cut-off values (0.3–0.4 across models).
Idiosyncratic (subject-specific) models (IMs) v. personalized ensemble models (PEM)
In Fig. 2, we plot the difference in Brier scores and AUCs between PEMs and IMs when applied to predict outcomes for each subject. We prioritize Brier scores since they capture both the calibration and discrimination aspects of a prediction model (Steyerberg et al., Reference Steyerberg, Vickers, Cook, Gerds, Gonen, Obuchowski and Kattan2010). In addition, the Brier score is more reliable than AUC when the number of observations is relatively small (Steyerberg et al., Reference Steyerberg, Vickers, Cook, Gerds, Gonen, Obuchowski and Kattan2010). The boxplot displays the distribution of the difference across all subjects. From the plots we see that, for each emotion, PEM was associated with superior Brier scores over IM for most subjects (i.e. scores above the horizontal dotted line). The most consistent improvement is observed for PEMs combining IMs trained with SVM (green boxplots). The improvement in subject-specific AUCs however is not as pronounced as the Brier scores, which is due to bias and instability of AUC estimates derived from cross-validation in small sample scenarios (Airola, Pahikkala, Waegeman, De Baets, & Salakoski, Reference Airola, Pahikkala, Waegeman, De Baets and Salakoski2009).
Fig. 2. Differences in Brier score (BS) and area under the curve (AUC) of idiosyncratic models (IM) v. personalized ensemble models (PEM). The boxplot displays the distribution of the difference across all subjects.
To see more explicitly the difference between a PEM and the corresponding IMs, we plot the combination weights for every PEM-RF in online Supplementary Fig. S5. Each row in the plot displays (with red shading) the weights assigned to each IM. Notice that if IMs yielded the best predictive performance, all weights (red) would be assigned to the squares along the diagonal dotted line (i.e. all weights assigned to the target individual's IM). However, we find that subject k's PEM-RF typically assigns non-trivial weights to other subjects' IMs. In summary, these findings combined with the results summarized in Fig. 2 suggest that personalized predictions for a given participant benefit from borrowing information from other individuals.
Decision curve analysis
In Fig. 3, we illustrate the decision curves of different prediction models, as the threshold p* varies. We can see that for anger, all PEMs will benefit individuals when their concern over FP does not outweighs FN too much (p* < 0.9). PEM-RF and PDEM have the largest benefit overall and PDEM outperform PEM-RF when p* < 0.4. For sadness, none of the prediction models will benefit individuals if their concern over FP outweighs FN (p* > 0.5). For nervousness, PEMs have positive benefit when p* < 0.75 and PEM-RF and PDEM are the best performing models with indistinguishable decision curves. The advantages of the best performing PEMs over other models are maximized when p* ≈ 0.3 (i.e. a predicted probability of 0.3 or greater is used to define the presence of a HNA state) for all three emotions.
Fig. 3. Decision curve analysis: Benefit of decision rules based on different prediction models for all three emotions. The solid black lines reflect the decision rule that always predicts HNA states at every timepoint and the dashed black lines corresponds to the decision rule that predicts none of the time points to be HNA.
In the present study, passive smartphone sensor-derived variables were submitted to a novel personalized ML approach to predict states of heightened negative affect in adolescents. Models predicted states of elevated anger with the highest accuracy (71%; AUC = 0.74), with relatively more modest accuracy for predicting states of high anxiety (67%; AUC = 0.71) or sadness (65%; AUC = 0.66). To the extent that these findings are replicated – and importantly, predictive performance further improved by incorporating additional smartphone-derived features potentially predictive of heightened negative affect (e.g. call/text metadata, patterns of social media usage, or peripheral measures of physiological arousal from wearables) – these predictive models could ultimately be used to trigger brief ‘just-in-time’ (JIT) interventions via smartphone notifications or mental health apps to alleviate heightened negative emotions in real-time in the daily lives of teens.
Several notable findings emerged. First, our ML model outperformed a conventional statistical approach (GLMER) in predicting each negative emotion. In contrast, there are other examples in which ML does not improve predictive performance over conventional statistical approaches, such as ordinary least squares (OLS) regression and GLMER (Christodoulou et al., Reference Christodoulou, Ma, Collins, Steyerberg, Verbakel and Van Calster2019; Webb & Cohen, Reference Webb and Cohen2021). ML approaches, such as random forest, are more likely to outperform conventional statistical approaches when a relatively large number of predictor variables are included and complex predictor-outcome associations are present in the data, including non-linear relations and higher-order interactions (Kessler & Luedtke, Reference Kessler and Luedtke2021), which may be the case with respect to the association between affective states and smartphone-derived variables such as activity level (accelerometer) and locations visited (GPS). Second, our ML approach (i.e. which involved a data-driven search of the optimal combination of subject-specific models) outperformed a fully idiographic model (i.e. person-specific models that do not borrow any information from other individuals' models) (Fig. 2). Idiographic models are becoming increasingly popular in clinical psychological science (Fisher, Medaglia, & Jeronimus, Reference Fisher, Medaglia and Jeronimus2018; Wright & Woods, Reference Wright and Woods2020), in line with the intuitive notion that every individual is different and thus requires a personalized modeling approach. Conventional (e.g. regression models) statistical approaches ignore this fact by aggregating across individuals (Fisher et al., Reference Fisher, Medaglia and Jeronimus2018). The ensemble ML approach in this study used a data-driven search to identify the combination of subject-specific models that yielded the best predictive performance. If it were the case that the models that yielded the best predictive performance were the fully idiographic models, then we would expect the ensemble approach to assign all model weights to the individual's own model (i.e. in online Supplementary Fig. S5, all weights (red shading) would be assigned to the squares along the diagonal dotted line). Instead, as seen in this figure, the data-driven search applied non-zero weights to the subject-specific models of other individuals, indicating that predictive performance was improved by ‘borrowing’ information from other individual's models. In other words, these findings suggest that there is meaningful shared signal between individuals in the predictive relationships between smartphone sensor data and negative affective states.
As seen in online Supplementary Fig. S4, averaging across all participants, activity level (‘accelerometer score’) was the top predictor for all three emotions. Given the person-specific modeling approach, individuals could have very different rankings of which variables contributed most strongly to the predictions of negative emotional states. Activity level ranked among the top three strongest predictors in 64% (outcome: anger), 79% (outcome: sadness) and 72% (outcome: nervousness) of participants. However, and in support of personalized modeling approaches, there were substantial differences across individuals in the directionality of the association between predictors and outcome.
The fact that predictive performance differed meaningfully across affect variables (highest for anger and lowest for sadness) suggests that some negative emotions may be relatively more strongly linked to passive smartphone features such as activity level, location and phone use patterns. In addition, these findings suggest that it may be important for future studies to examine sadness, nervousness and anger separately rather than averaging them into a single negative affect variable, as is commonly done in studies. No clear pattern emerged in terms of which variables were most predictive of each negative emotion. Thus, it is unclear why differences in predictive performance emerged between emotions. Additional research is needed to test whether our pattern of findings is replicated.
Ultimately, prediction models could be used to trigger interventions directly to an adolescent's smartphone during states of HNA. Research is needed to test which brief smartphone-delivered interventions (e.g. app-based mindfulness exercise or behavioral activation) would be beneficial for an adolescent experiencing a particular negative emotional state (high anger v. sadness v. nervousness). A decision curve analysis was conducted as an initial step to estimate under what conditions (i.e. rate of false positive (FN) v. false negatives (FN), and their relative weighting by an individual) such a predictive model could be beneficial. Decision curves revealed that the prediction models developed in this study would be most beneficial for adolescents with a relatively high tolerance for FP (i.e. the model predicts that an adolescent is in a state of HNA when they are not) relative to FN (i.e. falsely predicting that an adolescent is not in a state of HNA). In other words, our prediction models would not be beneficial for those adolescents who are relatively sensitive to FP (i.e. receiving a smartphone-delivered intervention when they are not in a state of HNA). As noted above, we did not assess participants' individual tolerance for FP relative to FN. A future study could assess these personal preferences and could individually titrate the threshold (i.e. predicted probability of being in a HNA state) which triggers a smartphone intervention. Namely, users could be given the option to adjust the threshold over time based on their personal preferences (e.g. via a dial on an app which controls the user-specific threshold needed to be reached to trigger an intervention).
There were several limitations to this study. First, predictions of affect were based on a limited set of smartphone-derived variables. Other relevant features extracted from smartphones may improve predictive performance (e.g. meta-data on calls/texts, social media use, recorded vocal tone/characteristics). Future studies could consider how these variables and others (e.g. peripheral measures of physiological arousal from wearables) could improve predictions of heightened negative affect, in particular for sadness which was associated with the poorest predictive performance. Furthermore, although this study focused on within-person predictions, the sample size was small. Finally, a denser EMA sampling strategy with participants completing more affect surveys per day would provide more granularity in assessments of affect fluctuations and a larger within-person dataset to use for modeling. These limitations notwithstanding, the present findings provide preliminary support for the use of passively collected smartphone data to predict states of affective distress in adolescents, which could ultimately be translated into timely interventions to alleviate these states and, perhaps, reduce future risk of affective disorder onset.
Supplementary material
The supplementary material for this article can be found at
Financial support
This research was supported by NIMH K23MH108752 (C. A. W.). C. A. W. was partially supported by NIMH R01MH116969, NCCIH R01AT011002, the Tommy Fuss Fund and a NARSAD Young Investigator Grant from the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation.
Conflict of interest
Over the past 3 years, Dr Pizzagalli has received consulting fees from Albright Stonebridge Group, BlackThorn Therapeutics, Boehringer Ingelheim, Compass Pathway, Concert Pharmaceuticals, Engrail Therapeutics, Neuroscience Software, Neurocrine Biosciences, Otsuka Pharmaceuticals, and Takeda Pharmaceuticals, as well as one honorarium from the Psychonomic Society (for editorial work) and Alkermes. In addition, he has received stock options from BlackThorn Therapeutics and Compass Pathways, as well as research support from National Institute of Mental Health, Dana Foundation, Brain and Behavior Research Foundation, and Millennium Pharmaceuticals. Dr Baker has received consulting fees from Verily Life Sciences, Inc., as well as consulting fees and equity from Mindstrong Health, Inc., for unrelated work.